#reasons to cash flow the stock market
digitalguap · 1 year
7 Reasons to Create Cash Flow with the Stock Market
Seven reasons to use and create cash Flow with the stock market Have you ever thought about retiring and Not having to worry about money anymore Most people consider retirement as the Time when they no longer have to work However for some retirements may never Come due to a lack of savings or their Savings being too small due to inflation Using cash flow to retire is an Alternative that grows…
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incarnateirony · 9 months
I think the most profane thing in all of this was the smugness of the studios. They're only just now admitting to the public that this is going to impact movie and TV schedules, and started by saying "may impact" even as recent as a week or two ago, while the older CEOs that already got out and ran in the past are now going, "No, this is about to turn into catastrophic collapse of the entire industry, if this drags on till christmas these businesses will not even have the money to order anything."
Even Zaslav is shifting uncomfortably now going, well, we need a resolution, all the projections (that we convinced investors and the stock market of) are based on September back to work date. And he said that Thursday, and they failed to come to an agreement Friday.
They have, at best, one more shot at this in the next few weeks, before that "September back to work" date of Zaslav disappears into the bullshit wormhole he's been pulling it out of.
Even *if* everyone got to work *tomorrow*, it still takes months to write, develop, put things through pre-prod. And the holidays are coming full of stop gaps. Things wouldn't even start filming till like, new years break ends. And then shows want a few buffer months of filming ahead, so you'd be looking at a Spring schedule at best. And that says nothing for piled up double bookings for creatives and actors, et al, pushing things out and out and out.
Like, let me use Supernatural for example. It used to run Sept-Apr or so, then eventually moved Oct-May. When a season ended in mid May, even before any official renewal, authors were passing around next season ideas, and had initial drafts by, say, late June of where they were going to go with arenas and assigning future writing assignments over the team. Then July and August are actually, you know, writing it and pushing it through other pre-production phases, including studios sticking their dicks in to bounce it back, and the network, and whatever else. That's why there's multiple drafts--Writer, Network, Production. Then by late August and into September they're filming, and in SPN's case, it was 8 days/episode. This varies per show, 6-10, but 8 is a good average anyway. Weekends aren't included, so you can generally get about 3 episodes in a month done, give or take. And they like to have about in the bag before air, for a plethora of reasons. So a late August filming > Sept > Early Oct is like 6-7 weeks filming for five episodes.
While minor details may change on different shows, this is a general rhythm to account on, and it's a show of good averages all around.
So with this in mind, the writers haven't written SHIT because STRIKE. So this entire quarter is bumped at least into next, and then filming into next year, and so on.
And they *might not even get back to work by SEPTEMBER*. Then comes holidays and-- you see the problem here. Even some top reality shows are sort of off the table due to their hosts being part of SAG. Reality stars are even muttering about unionizing and discontent with pay, production groups not covered are falling in under IATSE who is this close to joining the rave.
And all they had to do was agree to pay fairly months ago. But they thought people would give up, that people would accept rewashed fodder instead of losing subscribers, that they could snow investors with "free cash flow" from not ordering things, even knowing they were going to reduce ordering anyway because they were in the red from over-ordering to pad content libraries in streaming. So some +100M cash flow is actually real pitiful when it should have another zero behind it. They are feeling it, and realizing, they did a fucking dumb. Penny pinching their work crew is going to tumble several media empires at this rate, but they STILL didn't come to the table properly and for real last time.
Like they Do Not Get It. The unions aren't going to stop, or bend. The unions want double payrate, and mostly should get it, or at least real damn close. But they kept offering pennies as if they had empty coffers while raking in hundreds of millions for CEOs, and those CEOs are about to lose everything from their refusal to break from their greed.
The industry was already due for a content retraction, but the least they could do is say, yeah, sure, we'll pay the people we DO hire fairly.
A lot of authors and actors are going to find themselves struggling for work after this regardless, but it's the kind of job they've already been working other jobs around. So "starving them out" was never gonna work, the suits never got that. All they want is fair returns for when they DO get work. But companies are proving they'd rather commit suicide than do that. And now, they're panicking, realizing, maybe they shouldn't? But what do now while running out of money?
WB's current plan for example involves selling off a lot of its international and sports networks, but the irony is, that's the only thing keeping them floating, but they're reaching a point of no other choice. At this rate these studios are about to have to sell ALL their linear stations, bail from classic broadcast, and put everything into streaming. Otherwise, we're watching their slow fall.
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exitrowiron · 1 year
Investing 101
A few days ago I asked what you'd like me to write about, and two people mentioned investment properties/short term rentals.
I have never owned investment property so I suppose my opinion is a bit one-sided. There are a few reasons why we haven't gone down this road:
We are meticulous about the appearance and cleanliness of our home and it would make me crazy to rent to people who don't act similarly. This may be a cynical view, but most people are slobs and cleaning up after them and buying disposable furniture and fixtures that you know are going to be trashed isn't my cup of tea.
I have always travelled frequently for work and we've relocated 4 times. My travel schedule would have saddled Beth with much of the work and we'd likely have sold the properties when we moved as we wouldn't want to be an absentee owners.
The growth of available short term rental properties (23.3% YOY) is outpacing the growth of rentals (15.8%). The pandemic-fueled money train for Airbnb's is slowing.
If the first two items don't apply to you and you aren't worried about excess short term rental inventory, then owning investment property might be appealing, especially because it can be a way for you to invest your own sweat equity. I know people who have done this quite successfully (including a few Tumblrs) and have a considerable real estate 'empire' of moderately priced apartment complexes and rental homes.
As I will discuss in a subsequent post, retirement investing is all about selecting investments which generate the greatest risk-adjusted long term cash flow. With a rental property it is imperative to DO THE MATH. Understand ALL the costs of acquiring, owning and maintaining the property as well as managing renters and then ask yourself this question... is the return on this investment greater than the 10% average return of the stock market?
Lastly, owning/renting your own investment property isn't the only way to invest in real estate. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are tax advantaged real estate investment vehicles that can whet your appetite for investment in commercial or residential real estate without all the headaches of ownership. These tend to be long-term investments with limited liquidity (the ability to sell your investment quickly), but they can be very lucrative.
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loansohio · 1 year
What Things You Shouldn't Do During a Recession?
You've heard about the recession, but what does that mean for your finances? And more importantly, how can you prepare? A recession is a period of economic difficulty when businesses, homes and jobs are all hard hit by shrinking sales and rising unemployment. There are many ways to get ready for this rough patch in your life—whether it's saving up money or learning some new skills—but one of the most important things you can do is avoid making bad decisions during good times.
🔰Stop saving.
If you're looking for a reason to stop saving during a recession, here are some of the most important ones: You'll need it when you retire. You might want to buy a house in the future (or rent out your current one). And maybe even save money for your kids' college education.
🔰Avoid planning.
Planning for a recession is important. In fact, you should plan for one.
The best way to prepare for a recession is by making sure your money is working for you and not against you. This means that every dollar you earn should be used wisely and efficiently in order to get the most out of it while also keeping your debt under control.
If there's one thing I've learned from my years in this industry, it's that there are always ways—even if they seem impossible—to make money during economic down times like these! Here are some tips on how:
🔰Stop investing.
The last thing you want to do is take a big risk on something that could easily backfire. Stop investing if:
You don't understand it.
You don't know how to sell it.
It's something you can't afford to lose (like all your money).
🔰Quit your job.
If you are lucky enough to have a job, don't quit it unless you have another lined up. Many people lose their jobs during a recession and can't find another one right away. If this is the case for you and your career path requires that degree or certification, it may be best to delay your graduate studies until the economy improves.
If there is no good reason not to take on this challenge (such as being close to retirement), then go ahead! It's always better to do something than nothing at all…but make sure that whatever path you choose has been carefully thought out so that if things don't work out as planned (and they often don't), there will be some backup plan available which keeps things from getting too far off track from where they were originally envisioned when planning began months ago
🔰Make your financial plan a daily to-do list.
As the economy worsens, it’s more important than ever to have a clear picture of your finances and how they are working for you and your family. A good way to start this process is by making sure that every day, all of your financial goals, tasks and plans are listed on paper or in an electronic format (like Google Drive). This will help keep everything organized so that when the next recession hits, there will be no confusion about who has what responsibility for saving money or paying off debt.
🔰Treat the stock market like a casino.
The stock market can be a volatile place, and it's important to remember that. If you invest in the stock market, you must be patient and willing to wait for your money grow over time. And while there are some people who have done well by investing in individual stocks (for example, Bill Gates), it's not something most people should try doing.
The best strategy for investing is diversification—that means spreading your money around many different companies from different sectors so that any bad news doesn't have an immediate impact on all of your investments at once.
🔰Ignore cash flow.
It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of starting and growing a business, but it's important to remember that cash flow is the movement of money into and out of your business.
Cash flow is a measure of how much cash you have available to make payments (and not just pay off debts). It can be positive or negative, depending on how much income exceeds expenses. If your income falls short of expenses, then you will have negative cash flow—which means more bills than money coming in.
It's always important to be financially prepared for a recession but you can help your chances by making smart decisions during the good years too.
It's always important to be financially prepared for a recession, but you can help your chances by making smart decisions during the good years too.
The good news is that even though we're in the middle of an economic recovery and not looking at any new recession anytime soon (or so we think), it's still wise to prepare yourself financially for an eventual downturn. The bad news is that no one knows when this will happen—and there's really no way of knowing how long our current economic recovery will last or where it might lead us next. As such, being prepared now means you won't have anything left over when things inevitably change again; instead of worrying about where your money goes after retirement, just focus on saving enough now so that someday there won't be any need for savings at all!
The good news is that as long as you’re planning for the future, you’re doing everything right. While it’s true that there are no guarantees in life or investing, if you make smart decisions and work hard enough, your financial future could be brighter than ever!
Article Original Source : https://medium.com/@iamvictoriaheath/what-things-you-shouldnt-do-during-a-recession-5fc82bd788d4
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billehrman · 2 years
This Week’s Update
We have defended the market for years, forecasting higher operating margins, profits, cash flow, and higher earnings yields than bond yields. The debate continues as we remain in a choppy market due to the coronavirus, shortages, and higher rates as the fed fights inflation. Even the bears see lower inflation, federal funds rate within a year, and a better market. While the averages are down 15 to 25%, we are not. We are up for the year by sticking to our disciplines. We are analysts of the global economy, including geopolitical issues and company specifics. There is a reason investors look up to Warren Buffett. He sticks to the disciplines outlined in his annual reports. He invests rather than trades. He understands if you sell a stock, capital gains taxes are paid if there is a gain, and you have to buy at least 20% lower just to be even. Compounding is a powerful tool, as is minimizing losses. We are more the turtle than hare emphasizing quality, outstanding management, and owning undervalued companies as investors recognizing corrections along the way. Still, we win in the end, sticking to our disciplines, like this year. We are up for the year versus the markets being down 15 to 25%.
Why? We buy quality selling at reasonable values to earnings, cash flow, and discounted cash flow. Yes, there are difficult periods, but you need conviction to hold the course unless, of course, fundamentals dictate otherwise. Yes, the fed raised rates, but if the valuation is off of 10-year yields, including a risk factor, the market remains favorable over a 1 to 3-year basis.
Companies are all improving profitability over that span. Even Google, a great company, is now looking to improve productivity by 20%.
Technology and better business practices are part of our belief in higher operating margins. Of course, not all companies will succeed, nor is every good company undervalued. Here’s where our strengths come in. We have proven over 50 years to lose less in bear markets but make the same or more in better times, giving us outperformance. The market has corrections, but over the last ten years, it’s earned 10% a year, which if you compound it is over a 100% return for investors.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Washington worries about everything related to China—from its expanding military might to its rapid technological gains to its deeper engagement with developing countries. U.S. officials, not to mention an army of pundits, also point with rising alarm to the Chinese central bank’s launch of the digital yuan this year as the latest sign that the United States is falling behind. In the U.S. Congress, Republican and Democratic legislators, who agree on very little else, are united on the pressing need for new legislation to ensure the U.S. dollar doesn’t fall further behind in a “digital assets space race.”
Creating a digital dollar is the right goal, but doing it to counter China is the wrong reason. The real challenge to the United States’ central role in the global financial system comes less from Beijing than from dogecoin and other homegrown, unregulated cryptocurrencies. A plan to create a digital dollar that focuses only on beating China risks overlooking the strengths that make the dollar so attractive today and the opportunities for new technologies to magnify those strengths.
An individual asset like dogecoin, the most famous of the cryptocurrency memes, may not itself pose a threat. But the rapidly expanding array of alternative digital assets and “stablecoins”—cryptocurrencies backed by a major currency or precious metal—is about to shake the foundations of the global financial system, with important consequences for market stability, economic growth, and U.S. foreign policy. Even if there were no Chinese alternative already rolled out, Washington should be pushing hard to develop a digital dollar that takes advantage of the dollar’s status as a global reserve currency and the technological revolution at hand.
What is a digital dollar? No, it’s not the money you already see online in your bank account, which is in fact a record of your bank’s obligations to you. Rather, a digital dollar is a cryptographic representation of the money the U.S. Federal Reserve issues today in the form of cash and bank reserves.
The dawning age of blockchain innovation allows this digital money to move as quickly and cheaply as an email but with the privacy and security of a bank transfer. In effect, a digital dollar would be a version of cash in your pocket that you could transfer directly to someone halfway around the world at virtually no cost and without involving any intermediary, such as a bank.
Critics claim cryptocurrencies solve a problem that doesn’t really exist. Money moves just fine, thank you very much. (Naturally, banks tend to say this.) There are lots of ways to transfer money on your phone. But the phone in your purse or pocket may be the best analogy to crypto innovation: There were lots of convenient ways to make calls when the first mobile devices appeared, but by now, voice calls are the least useful thing about them. Mobile telephony has reimagined whole swaths of human activity—from news delivery and ride-hailing to entertainment and company meetings.
Even though privately issued currencies have worked in narrow historical circumstances, the United States’ tumultuous free banking era in the 19th century underlined the importance of government-issued alternatives. A world with thousands of alternative methods of payment sounds good to the political libertarian and the free market zealot. But it’s hardly clear how monetary policy, payment flows, and law enforcement operate smoothly in this environment. Crypto innovation that will transform money as a unit of account, store of value, and means of payment also requires rules to maintain confidence. It’s no surprise that cryptocurrencies imploded even faster than the stock market during the recent market crash.
Sweden’s central bank—the Riksbank—has moved rapidly to issue an e-krona because its officials were alarmed by the rapid disappearance of cash as consumers embraced—and banks encouraged—the convenience of cards swipes. China’s government has lots of reasons to roll out a digital yuan, but high on the list is a payments system that was dominated by two private sector giants, creating potential systemic risks. More than 100 other countries are also working on designs for their own official alternatives.
Why does the United States need a digital dollar? One simple argument is that it’s hard to imagine the dollar remaining a reserve currency while standing aside from the next major wave of financial modernization. The list of governments already incrementally shifting their reserves into other currencies because they fear the long reach of U.S. sanctions would surely accelerate if the dollar didn’t retain its indispensable global role during the coming era of distributed finance.
The United States derives enormous benefits from the dollar’s dominant status. Economically, these include revenues from seigniorage—the Fed’s profits from issuing dollars to meet widespread global demand for U.S. currency—and reduced borrowing costs for the U.S. government. Politically, the ability to sanction criminals, terrorists, and rogue governments has obviously become an important policy tool, as the financial sanctions against Russia show.
The global financial system, too, would benefit from a digital dollar. Issuers of stablecoins argue that they can offer better service and faster innovation in payments mechanisms than any central bank. But it chills the spine to contemplate a crisis on the scale of the Lehman Brothers collapse or COVID-19 without the Fed being able to inject huge amounts of the store of value that everyone trusts. And it’s hard to imagine dollars as that store of value in a future financial world defined by blockchain technology without a modern digital dollar issued directly by the Fed.
A third argument for moving quickly is less about preserving the advantages of the current system and more about advancing the values that the United States and its allies hold dear. Ultimately, the dollar’s attractiveness, as that of any currency, reflects the strengths of its political and economic system. People choose to hold dollars, ultimately, because the United States has a durable democratic system with a credible track record of protecting individual rights and property. While far from perfect, the world’s deepest financial markets are only possible because independent courts and regulators set the market rules regardless of political winds.
A digital currency offers the prospect of amplifying those values. China’s digital yuan has triggered questions about how it may tighten political control by tracking payments. A worthy digital dollar, by contrast, would actually emphasize privacy protections (especially for small private payments), financial inclusion (especially for the poorest households), and innovation (especially for creative fintech start-ups). A new digital dollar could, for example, better protect privacy as it enforces laws against money laundering. Rather than providing unsecured sensitive personal information to a financial services provider with every new account, proof of identity could be immutably stored in the blockchain, where it could be verified securely. A digital dollar would also improve financial inclusion, not least because it wouldn’t require a bank account for making non-cash payments.
The Fed’s experts are working hard on potential designs for a digital dollar, but Chair Jerome Powell suggested last week that he is not close to making a decision. He is undoubtedly right that it’s better “to get it right than be first,” but the United States is already far from first. It would be an enormous loss if it were actually last.
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christopherfmilam1 · 2 years
What You Should Be Careful Of Concerning Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate loans are classified into two types: construction loans and permanent loans. Christopher F. Milam points out that a construction loan is used to build a building, while a permanent loan is used to buy an existing property. Both commercial real estate loans have the same advantages and disadvantages. A construction loan is often utilized for large-scale vertical building, but a permanent loan is generally used for smaller-scale lot developments. Local banks supply almost all sorts of commercial real estate financing.
When a renter applies for a commercial property, he or she is required to produce many papers proving their income and capacity to pay rent. Pay stubs and profit and loss statements are examples of financial records. Because it is a copy of the tenant's federal tax paperwork, the IRS transcript confirms the tenant's income. Because a transcript is branded as an official document, it cannot be falsified. If the prospective renter is unable to offer an official transcript, he or she may provide two pay stubs. When comparing pay stubs, be sure to check the total in both per-pay period and year-to-date terms. He or she should get a Social Security letter if these data do not show an income.
If the prospective renter has changeable wages, these papers may be requested as evidence of their capacity to pay rent. However, they are not the only financial documents requested by landlords, and they are not necessarily the most trustworthy sign of a person's capacity to pay rent. Check the pay stubs that reflect the employee's name, employer, and gross income for the past three months.
As per Christopher F. Milam, the thriving e-commerce industry continues to boost local industrial real estate demand. Retailers are seeking for innovative methods to improve the resilience of their supply chains and networks. Food firms and distributors are looking for cold-storage space in places with limited capacity. Both industries are projected to have considerable property appreciation in the coming years. Industrial space demand is estimated to exceed 1 billion square feet by 2025. Warehouse space is expected to grow by up to 15% every year in the future years.
Furthermore, the United States is seeing its longest economic growth since World War II. Many significant signs point to a healthy economy in 2020, continuing the historic bull run in commercial real estate in the United States. Demand is predicted to climb further until 2020, when the US economy is likely to continue rising steadily. This rise in demand will almost certainly stimulate demand for commercial and multifamily real estate. The cost of commercial real estate financing may vary substantially. The interest rate you will pay will be determined by many variables, including the kind of property and the amount of down payment you are prepared to make. While some lenders include their costs in the loan amount, others demand you to pay them in advance. These costs are usually expressed as "points," which represent one percent of the loan amount. You should also be aware of any commercial real estate prepayment penalties that may apply.
The cost of financing commercial real estate will also be determined by the property's size. Lenders often want to see a large NOI in order to make loan payments. This will assist to prevent future cash-flow concerns. You must be able to demonstrate your ability to make timely payments. If you have excellent credit, you will be able to get a loan that meets your demands. A company with a high debt burden is more likely to fail on its loan.
According to Christopher F. Milam, there are many reasons to consider investing in commercial real estate while interest rates remain historically low. You may lock in interest rates to improve after-debt returns. A stable stock market and strong economic stimulus will also assist. The investment infrastructure is developing, and warehouses are becoming more popular. The rise of e-commerce has boosted the need for warehouse space. Experts predict an increase in demand for warehouse space of 250 million square feet in 2021.
While commercial real estate needs a hefty initial investment, the benefits are tremendous. Commercial properties are often leased for a longer length of time than residential properties, increasing the possibility for increased revenue. As a consequence, investors might get a bigger return on their assets than they would in other sorts of investments. However, investing in commercial real estate requires a substantial initial outlay as well as a thorough grasp of the business.
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mavenpolis · 21 hours
Unlocking Value: The Significance of Share Valuation Services
Understanding Share Valuation: Share valuation is the process of determining the fair market value of shares in a company. It involves analyzing various factors such as financial performance, market conditions, industry trends, and growth prospects to arrive at an estimate of the share price. Share valuation service are typically conducted by professional valuation experts who use specialized methodologies and techniques to assess the value of shares accurately.
Key Reasons for Share Valuation: There are several key reasons why share valuation services are essential for businesses and stakeholders:
Mergers and Acquisitions: Share valuation plays a critical role in mergers and acquisitions by determining the value of shares being acquired or exchanged. Accurate share valuation ensures that both parties achieve a fair and equitable deal based on the true worth of the shares and the company's overall value.
Shareholder Disputes: Share valuation services are often sought in cases of shareholder disputes, such as disagreements over share ownership, dividends, voting rights, or buyout offers. Valuation experts can provide impartial assessments of share value to resolve disputes and ensure equitable outcomes for all parties involved.
Employee Stock Options: Many companies offer employee stock options as part of their compensation packages, allowing employees to purchase shares in the company at a predetermined price. Share valuation services help determine the fair value of these stock options, enabling companies to set appropriate exercise prices and comply with accounting and regulatory requirements.
Estate Planning: Share valuation is crucial for estate planning purposes, particularly in cases where shares constitute a significant portion of an individual's estate. Accurate share valuation ensures that assets are properly valued for tax purposes, estate distribution, and wealth transfer to beneficiaries.
Common Share Valuation Methodologies: Several methodologies are used to conduct share valuation, each offering unique insights into the value of shares:
Market Approach: The market approach compares the company's share price and financial metrics to those of similar publicly traded companies. This method relies on market data and valuation multiples to assess the fair market value of the shares.
Income Approach: The income approach evaluates the present value of future cash flows or earnings attributable to the shares. Common methods under this approach include the discounted cash flow (DCF) method and the dividend discount model (DDM).
Asset-Based Approach: The asset-based approach assesses the value of the company's assets and liabilities to determine the net asset value per share. This method is particularly useful for companies with significant tangible assets, such as real estate or equipment.
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What Is Asset-based Lending And How Does It Work?
With this huge number of companies vying for attention of their target market, it makes sense that not all these companies will be successful. Heavy competitors can result in money move points, which is certainly one of the major reasons many manufacturers aren’t capable of proceed working. When your small business falls simply shy of financial institution loan criteria—or you've seasonal or otherwise time-sensitive capital requirements that don’t align with conventional lending guidelines—you want an alternate financing solution that’s each fast and versatile. Our skilled Asset-based Lending group focuses on crafting financing solutions particularly for purchasers whose finest assets go beyond the stability sheet. She also works intently with the Community Investment Officers and the Culture Facilities Portfolio Group. Tonya received a certificates of Business Administration from Boston Business School. Beau Joined MassDevelopment in November of 2020 and serves as a Locksmith and Maintenance Specialist in Devens. Beau works aspect by aspect along with his co-workers to take care of and serve the Devens neighborhood, offering them with a cushty and exquisite place to work, reside, and play in. Sheri joined MassDevelopment in 1998 and serves because the Marketing Manager in the External Affairs Division. She is an integral part of the advertising team - using her graphic design and technical expertise to convey key communications and messaging on numerous platforms. We focus on unique asset-based lines of credit score and provide working capital by leveraging accounts receivable, stock assets, and even mental property, to companies that generate between 2M to 100M of income per year. This loan sort uses much less stringent monetary covenant monitoring and is more targeted on collateral management (accounts receivables and stock as main underlying collateral). Asset-based loans require your small business to have correct financial statements, inventory and products that have an existing market, and a good operating history. ABL is extraordinarily active funding new construction projects with exhausting money loans in Florida. When conventional financing isn't the right answer for a project, skilled traders, contractors and builders can trust us as a high onerous money lender to fund 70% of the land worth and one hundred pc of development prices. The terms and conditions of an asset-based loan depend on the sort and value of the assets provided as safety. Lenders favor highly liquid collateral, such as securities, that can readily be converted to money if the borrower defaults on the payments. Loans using physical assets are thought of riskier, so the maximum loan shall be significantly lower than the e-book value of the belongings. Interest charges charged differ extensively, depending on the applicant's credit score historical past, cash flow, and length of time doing business. Traditional financial institution loans are based predominantly on the soundness of a company’s cash move ratios, which could be difficult to take care of in unstable economic circumstances. Embracing ABF not only means tapping right into a growing monetary trend but additionally unlocking a world of possibilities for strategic investment and expansion. PayPal is a household name with hundreds of thousands of consumers utilizing their core funds offering. However, they also present shopper finance to a choose subset of consumers, an providing that is critical to their business proposition however fairly capital-intensive. The bank within the auto loan deal has a 15+ year history in auto lending, for instance. When we put money into hard property, we truly personal and control the underlying assets, which we think can supply a degree of draw back protection. asset based lending services Asset-based loans are very versatile when it comes to how the corporate spends the money. Unlike different typical loans that require lots of documentation, ABLs are straightforward to obtain with out a lot of problem for so long as the company meets the lending standards. The cost of these loans is dependent upon the value of the collateral that is used and the quantity of the loan given, as well as the general danger concerned. Business mixture agreements for SPAC acquisitions of private companies are distinctly different from both public company and personal target acquisition agreements. Cash FlowThe complete amount of cash coming into and going out of a enterprise is its cash move. We wouldn't have a board of directors that reviews your line every month or quarter and determines that you just no longer fit the lending parameters. Our advance percentages are much greater than the financial institution offers, meaning you do not have to place up as a lot collateral to obtain the same amount of money. ABL has experienced tremendous progress since 2010 and is all the time looking for sensible, proficient, and motivated individuals to assist shape the way ahead for our organization.
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whitegreen01 · 13 days
White Green - Evaluating the Performance of the Australian Stock Market
Over the past year, the performance of the Australian stock market has been less than ideal. Compared to developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and Japan, the Australian stock market has experienced relatively lower gains. This article will analyze the ups and downs of stocks in various industries of the ASX market in 2023 and explore the underlying reasons.
Looking back at 2022, concerns about a potential economic downturn in the United States intensified due to high inflation and the Federal Reserve’s continued interest rate hikes, resulting in the worst annual performance for the three major US stock indices since the 2008 financial crisis. Technology stocks were particularly affected by interest rate sensitivity, with shares of tech giants experiencing widespread declines: Meta fell by approximately 64%, Amazon by about 50%, Apple by around 26%, and Tesla by approximately 65%.
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However, in 2023, global investors’ optimism about artificial intelligence (AI) outweighed concerns about the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes, leading to high expectations for the technology sector. This AI boom directly propelled the stock prices of the seven major US technology giants (Magnificent Seven) to triple-digit cumulative gains.
Global enterprises are actively deploying AI, leading to a significant demand for both software and hardware infrastructure, which has positively impacted the stocks of Australian software and hardware technology companies related to AI. In Australia, companies engaged in data processing, cloud services, and other related businesses have performed well. For example, leading Australian data center company NextDC (NXT) and Australia’s largest IT distributor Dicker Data (DDR) have shown outstanding performance.
Furthermore, Australia is home to large enterprise software companies with technological barriers, such as XERO (XRO) and Wisetech (WTC). These companies have positive cash flows and offer essential services to enterprises. As their revenue mainly comes from subscription models, their business performance remains relatively robust.
Next, let’s talk about the crucial resource sector stocks in Australia, namely energy and materials stocks related to metal mining. Overall, energy stocks have performed moderately, somewhat influenced by the decline in energy prices in the latter half of the year. In the materials sector, lithium mining stocks have attracted attention. While lithium mining stocks had seen significant increases in the past, there has been a noticeable decline over the past 12 months, directly correlated with lithium prices.
In terms of the macro environment, there may be some changes this year, but they are not expected to be particularly significant. The economic environment in Australia is still slowing down, making it difficult for the Reserve Bank of Australia to change the high-interest-rate environment in the short term, and inflation may remain relatively high.
There is still considerable uncertainty about whether there will be interest rate cuts this year.
Given this situation, we believe there are two aspects worth paying attention to in the Australian stock market this year:
Firstly, technology stocks still have potential for the upcoming year. Particularly, technology companies related to AI may benefit from the global demand growth for AI technology. Australian software and hardware technology companies have some competitiveness in this regard, and with the continuous development of AI technology, they are expected to achieve growth.
Secondly, resource stocks, especially those in the energy and materials sectors, particularly metal mining stocks, are worth considering. Although energy stocks face some challenges, energy demand still exists and may remain relatively stable in the foreseeable future. Additionally, the performance of metal mining stocks is closely related to global metal prices, and demand for metals remains relatively high.
Of course, stock market performance is influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, global market dynamics, geopolitical risks, and more. Therefore, investors should consider various factors comprehensively and engage in appropriate risk management when investing in the stock market.
Overall, it is expected that the Australian stock market may continue to be influenced by both technology and resource stocks this year. However, predicting the future trends of the stock market is challenging, and investors should make decisions based on their investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment knowledge while exercising caution. It is advisable for investors to consult with professional financial advisors before making investment decisions in the stock market.
White Green is a highly esteemed investment analyst, renowned in the industry for his exceptional macro-strategic investments. His unique investment philosophy and outstanding investment strategies have propelled him to become a rising star and source of pride in the Australian federal market.
As an outstanding investment analyst, White Green excels in quantitative portfolio management and data analysis to guide investment decisions. He emphasizes value growth and utilizes portfolio diversification for risk hedging management. Successfully guiding teams and clients through the financial crises of 2008 and 2020, he has generated substantial returns for clients.
White Green’s investment achievements are not only attributed to his excellent investment strategies but also to his forward-thinking market insights. He deeply understands the behavior patterns of market participants and excels at capturing market trends and opportunities. His global macro strategy enables him to grasp the pulse of the global economy, providing unique insights for investment decisions.
White Green is a prominent figure in today’s investment community. His macro-strategic investment approach and outstanding investment results make him a role model for many investors. Whether professional or individual investors, they can draw valuable experience from his investment philosophy and strategies to guide their investment journey.
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drwhitegreen · 13 days
White Green - Understanding the Dynamics of the Australian Stock Market
Over the past year, the performance of the Australian stock market has been less than ideal. Compared to developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and Japan, the Australian stock market has experienced relatively lower gains. This article will analyze the ups and downs of stocks in various industries of the ASX market in 2023 and explore the underlying reasons.
Looking back at 2022, concerns about a potential economic downturn in the United States intensified due to high inflation and the Federal Reserve's continued interest rate hikes, resulting in the worst annual performance for the three major US stock indices since the 2008 financial crisis. Technology stocks were particularly affected by interest rate sensitivity, with shares of tech giants experiencing widespread declines: Meta fell by approximately 64%, Amazon by about 50%, Apple by around 26%, and Tesla by approximately 65%.
However, in 2023, global investors' optimism about artificial intelligence (AI) outweighed concerns about the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes, leading to high expectations for the technology sector. This AI boom directly propelled the stock prices of the seven major US technology giants (Magnificent Seven) to triple-digit cumulative gains.
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Global enterprises are actively deploying AI, leading to a significant demand for both software and hardware infrastructure, which has positively impacted the stocks of Australian software and hardware technology companies related to AI. In Australia, companies engaged in data processing, cloud services, and other related businesses have performed well. For example, leading Australian data center company NextDC (NXT) and Australia's largest IT distributor Dicker Data (DDR) have shown outstanding performance.
Furthermore, Australia is home to large enterprise software companies with technological barriers, such as XERO (XRO) and Wisetech (WTC). These companies have positive cash flows and offer essential services to enterprises. As their revenue mainly comes from subscription models, their business performance remains relatively robust.
Next, let's talk about the crucial resource sector stocks in Australia, namely energy and materials stocks related to metal mining. Overall, energy stocks have performed moderately, somewhat influenced by the decline in energy prices in the latter half of the year. In the materials sector, lithium mining stocks have attracted attention. While lithium mining stocks had seen significant increases in the past, there has been a noticeable decline over the past 12 months, directly correlated with lithium prices.
In terms of the macro environment, there may be some changes this year, but they are not expected to be particularly significant. The economic environment in Australia is still slowing down, making it difficult for the Reserve Bank of Australia to change the high-interest-rate environment in the short term, and inflation may remain relatively high.
There is still considerable uncertainty about whether there will be interest rate cuts this year.
Given this situation, we believe there are two aspects worth paying attention to in the Australian stock market this year:
Firstly, technology stocks still have potential for the upcoming year. Particularly, technology companies related to AI may benefit from the global demand growth for AI technology. Australian software and hardware technology companies have some competitiveness in this regard, and with the continuous development of AI technology, they are expected to achieve growth.
Secondly, resource stocks, especially those in the energy and materials sectors, particularly metal mining stocks, are worth considering. Although energy stocks face some challenges, energy demand still exists and may remain relatively stable in the foreseeable future. Additionally, the performance of metal mining stocks is closely related to global metal prices, and demand for metals remains relatively high.
Of course, stock market performance is influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, global market dynamics, geopolitical risks, and more. Therefore, investors should consider various factors comprehensively and engage in appropriate risk management when investing in the stock market.
Overall, it is expected that the Australian stock market may continue to be influenced by both technology and resource stocks this year. However, predicting the future trends of the stock market is challenging, and investors should make decisions based on their investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment knowledge while exercising caution. It is advisable for investors to consult with professional financial advisors before making investment decisions in the stock market.
White Green is a highly esteemed investment analyst, renowned in the industry for his exceptional macro-strategic investments. His unique investment philosophy and outstanding investment strategies have propelled him to become a rising star and source of pride in the Australian federal market.
As an outstanding investment analyst, White Green excels in quantitative portfolio management and data analysis to guide investment decisions. He emphasizes value growth and utilizes portfolio diversification for risk hedging management. Successfully guiding teams and clients through the financial crises of 2008 and 2020, he has generated substantial returns for clients.
White Green's investment achievements are not only attributed to his excellent investment strategies but also to his forward-thinking market insights. He deeply understands the behavior patterns of market participants and excels at capturing market trends and opportunities. His global macro strategy enables him to grasp the pulse of the global economy, providing unique insights for investment decisions.
White Green is a prominent figure in today's investment community. His macro-strategic investment approach and outstanding investment results make him a role model for many investors. Whether professional or individual investors, they can draw valuable experience from his investment philosophy and strategies to guide their investment journey.
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margerp · 20 days
Best Billing Software in Pune
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Marg ERP stands as the leading choice for Billing Software in Pune, acclaimed for its efficiency and effectiveness. Tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses in Pune, Marg ERP streamlines billing processes seamlessly. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Marg ERP enables businesses to manage their finances efficiently. Trusted by numerous businesses in Pune, Marg ERP ensures smooth operations and increased productivity. Its reputation for reliability solidifies its position as the preferred billing software solution for businesses aiming to optimize their operations and succeed in Pune's competitive market landscape.
What is Billing Software in Pune?
Billing software, also known as invoicing software, refers to digital solutions designed to automate billing processes, manage invoices, and streamline financial transactions. In Pune, businesses across various industries, including retail, hospitality, and services, rely on billing software to handle invoicing tasks efficiently and accurately.
Why Use Billing Software in Pune?
The adoption of billing software in Pune offers several compelling reasons for businesses:
Efficiency: Billing software automates repetitive tasks such as invoice generation, payment reminders, and order processing, saving time and effort for business owners and staff.
Accuracy: By digitizing billing processes and financial transactions, billing software reduces the risk of errors in invoicing, accounting, and payment reconciliation, ensuring greater accuracy and compliance.
Customer Service: Features like online invoicing, payment reminders, and home delivery management enhance customer experience, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.
Inventory Management: Integrated billing software offers features for inventory management, including re-order management, expiry management, and barcode management, helping businesses optimize stock levels and minimize wastage.
Compliance: Billing software ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including e-invoicing and e-way bills, facilitating seamless business operations and reducing the risk of penalties.
What are the Features of Billing Software in Pune?
Billing software in Pune is equipped with a range of features tailored to meet the needs of businesses in the city. Let's explore some key features commonly found in these software solutions:
ERP-to-ERP Order: Facilitates seamless communication between different ERP systems, enabling efficient order processing and inventory management.
Send Invoices on WhatsApp: Allows businesses to send invoices and receipts to customers via WhatsApp, enhancing communication and convenience.
Auto Payment Reminders on WhatsApp: Sends automated payment reminders to customers on WhatsApp, reducing the risk of late payments and improving cash flow.
Online Purchase Import: Integrates with online suppliers to import purchase orders directly into the software, streamlining procurement processes and ensuring accurate inventory management.
POS Billing Solution: Offers a point-of-sale (POS) billing solution for retail businesses, enabling fast and accurate transactions at checkout.
Cash Drawer Management: Manages cash transactions, including opening and closing cash drawers, tracking cash flow, and reconciling accounts.
Barcode Management: Simplifies product identification and tracking by scanning barcode labels, ensuring accurate pricing and inventory management.
Create Professional Invoices: Generates professional-looking invoices with customizable templates, branding options, and detailed itemization.
Re-Order Management: Automates the reordering process based on preset stock levels, ensuring that essential items are always in stock and minimizing lost sales opportunities.
Inventory Management: Tracks stock levels, sales history, and product movements in real time, providing businesses with up-to-date insights for inventory planning and management.
Expiry Management: Alerts businesses about upcoming product expirations, facilitating timely stock rotation and disposal to minimize wastage.
Discounts & Scheme Management: Allows businesses to create and manage discounts, promotions, and special schemes to attract customers and boost sales.
Home Delivery Management: Streamlines the process of managing and fulfilling home delivery orders, including order tracking, delivery scheduling, and payment processing.
Connected Banking: Integrates with banking systems for seamless payment processing, enabling businesses to accept various payment methods and reconcile transactions effortlessly.
100% E-Invoicing & E-Way Bills: Ensures compliance with e-invoicing and e-way bill regulations, facilitating electronic invoicing and document management
Marg Mart: Offers integration with Marg Mart, a popular business management platform, for enhanced functionality and data synchronization.
Marg ERP Provides the Best Billing Software in other locations
Marg ERP offers its high-quality Billing Software in multiple locations such as Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Jaipur, Bangalore, Patna, Chennai, Delhi, Odisha, and Guwahati. With an intuitive interface and strong features, Marg ERP helps businesses streamline billing effectively across these diverse regions. Trusted nationally, Marg ERP guarantees smooth operations and improved efficiency wherever it's used, whether in bustling cities or remote areas. As a reliable billing software solution, Marg ERP supports seamless business management and fosters growth in various geographical locations.
Billing software has become an indispensable tool for businesses in Pune, offering efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in billing and financial operations. By leveraging features such as online invoicing, inventory control, and connected banking, businesses can streamline processes, enhance customer service, and drive growth in Pune's competitive market. As technology continues to evolve, the adoption of billing software is poised to become increasingly essential for businesses looking to stay ahead and thrive in Pune's dynamic business environment.
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realestatesbd · 20 days
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bassemmansour · 23 days
A Guide to Distressed Private Equity Investing
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Distressed private equity is a unique form of investing in private markets. Private equity funds target distressed companies, buying their underpriced equity or debt to sell for much higher when the companies return to financial health. Private equity companies can sell these assets to other private equity companies or to the public through stock exchanges.
Distressed private equity companies operate much the same as traditional private equity companies - they raise capital from accredited investors and institutions such as pension funds. Afterward, they invest the capital in private companies, often taking board positions in these companies to steer their management. That way, their business is part fundraising, part investing, and part operations.
The difference with traditional private equity investing is the quality of assets purchased. While traditional private equity funds look for financially healthy companies with strong balance sheets and stable revenues, distressed private equity funds look for the opposite. The former invests to maintain or scale an existing growth trajectory, while the latter invests to turn around a company from financial difficulty and near insolvency.
Companies become distressed for various reasons, including poor management, poor cash flow, or issues with their core products or services. Economic and geopolitical issues tend to exacerbate these problems, causing many companies to seek insolvency. Distressed private equity investors typically start by looking for companies displaying signs of distress, such as reducing cash flows, seeking debt repayment extensions, and reporting prospective covenant breaches in their financial statements.
Once distressed debt investors identify a distressed company, they perform extensive due diligence to see if the business is valuable. This includes analyzing its financial statements, business operations, and relations with stakeholders such as suppliers and employees. If investors determine that the business has potential despite its difficulties, they will invest.
Private equity funds use several strategies to invest in distressed companies. One strategy is distressed debt trading, in which private equity funds buy the distressed company's debt that is trading at a discount. When the company gains financial health, the private equity fund sells the debt at higher prices.
In a distressed debt non-control strategy, private equity funds buy underpriced debt to influence the coming bankruptcy or restructuring process. They negotiate favorable terms so the market value of their debt rises considerably.
Another strategy is distressed debt control, in which private equity funds buy underpriced debt to convert it to equity in the company, giving it a controlling stake in the business after bankruptcy. From there, the private equity company makes operational changes, such as selling unprofitable units, reducing employees, and increasing sales and marketing. If these go well, the company may return to profitability and its shares rise in value.
Distressed private equity investors can also directly buy a company’s equity. Afterward, they restructure the company to get it out of distress, then sell their shares. In other instances, funds can deploy a mix of strategies on a company to optimize realizable value.
Advantages of distressed private equity investing include the opportunity for high returns since funds purchase assets at low prices and sell at high prices if their strategies are successful. Socio-economic benefits also accrue from saving companies and employees’ jobs.
A disadvantage of distressed debt investing is that it is high-risk and challenging. Fund managers must spend time and use diverse skills to identify worthwhile companies and attempt to turn them around.
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interest-articles · 1 month
Billionaire David Tepper Is Loading Up on These Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks -- and Nvidia Isn't One of Them
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Tepper's investment strategy reveals his confidence in the AI sector
David Tepper, the billionaire investor with a net worth of $20.6 billion, has a knack for making money. His recent moves in the stock market have caught the attention of many, particularly his focus on artificial intelligence (AI) stocks. While Tepper initiated a significant position in Nvidia in the first quarter of 2023, it's worth noting that he has been diversifying his portfolio by loading up on other AI stocks as well.
This article explores Tepper's recent investments and sheds light on the reasons behind his choices.
Oracle: A New Addition to Tepper's Portfolio
Tepper's hedge fund, Appaloosa Management, made a notable move in the fourth quarter of 2023 by initiating a new position in Oracle. The stock, which was not previously part of Appaloosa's portfolio, now ranks as the 12th-largest holding. Tepper's interest in Oracle likely stems from the company's strong growth prospects, particularly in the field of generative AI.
Oracle's adjusted earnings per share saw a 16% year-over-year increase in Q4, and its cloud infrastructure continues to attract customers. With strategic partnerships with Nvidia and Microsoft, Oracle is positioning itself as a key player in the AI space.
Alibaba Group Holding: A Comeback Opportunity?
Tepper increased Appaloosa's stake in Alibaba Group Holding, a Chinese tech giant, by nearly 21% in Q4. Despite facing challenges in the Chinese market and setbacks in executing its business strategy, Alibaba remains a leader in various sectors, including e-commerce, cloud services, logistics, and digital media. Tepper likely sees potential in Alibaba's underlying business strength, which is not fully reflected in its current valuation.
While the stock may be more suitable for aggressive, long-term investors, caution is advised due to the uncertainties associated with Chinese stocks.
Amazon: A Long-Time Favorite
Amazon, another AI stock in Tepper's portfolio, has been a long-time favorite of the billionaire investor. Tepper first initiated a position in Amazon in 2019, and since then, the company's share price has more than doubled. Tepper's continued interest in Amazon is likely driven by the company's strong earnings and free-cash-flow growth.
Additionally, he recognizes the potential of Amazon Web Services in the growing field of generative AI. Amazon's expansion into new markets, such as healthcare, further adds to its appeal as an investment option.
David Tepper's recent investments in AI stocks demonstrate his confidence in the sector's potential for growth. While Nvidia remains a significant holding in his portfolio, Tepper's diversification into other AI stocks like Oracle, Alibaba Group Holding, and Amazon highlights his strategic approach to investing. These stocks offer investors an opportunity to tap into the AI revolution and potentially reap the rewards of their long-term growth.
As always, it's important for individual investors to conduct thorough research and consider their risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.
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jiayichen-tradebase · 1 month
Wall Street Hedge Funds are Missing Out On This Stock.
Hello, my name is Jiayi Chen from Tradebase, and today I will be explaining one of my top stocks; Shopify Inc (NYSE: SHOP), and why it has the potential to outperform the market in 2024 significantly.
March 24 Weekly Rankings
1. Shopify 2. ⁠Nice Ltd 3. ⁠Eld Beauty 4. ⁠Advanced Micro Devices 5. ⁠EQT Corp 6. ⁠PayPal 7. Amplify Energy Corp 8. ⁠Microsoft 9. ⁠Tesla 10. ⁠The Trade Desk
Shopify Inc (NYSE: SHOP)
Shopify is the world’s leading platform offering an e-commerce platform that helps businesses easily sell products and services. Shopify has long been admired for the simplicity and straightforwardness with which merchants can set up storefronts on its platform. In recent years, it’s invested in and improved every conceivable merchant need, from providing point-of-sale software and hardware to extending its back office software to include cross-border sales tax compliance.
So, what makes Shopify especially compelling at this moment? I believe the company is currently leveraging significant scale advantages, driven by its technological superiority over competitors and its burgeoning brand influence. As highlighted by Tom Gardener during The Motley Fool’s recommendation unveiling, founder and CEO Tobi Lütke remains fundamentally focused on enhancing the functionality of the Shopify platform.
This meticulous attention to detail is yielding tangible outcomes. For instance, Shopify’s proprietary shopping cart payment technology, Shop Pay, demonstrates notably higher conversion rates compared to rival solutions — averaging at least 15% higher in completed transactions. Even Shopify president Harley Finkelstein states: “Our data also indicates that the mere presence of Shop Pay, even if unused by the buyer, results in a 5% increase in conversion, with usage potentially boosting conversion rates by up to 50% compared to guest checkout, surpassing all other accelerated checkout options by at least 10%. These trends are reflected in our performance.”
Furthermore, notable product enhancements such as “Hydrogen,” a robust programming environment tailored for large enterprises, enable intricate customization of storefronts. Despite this, Shopify has been consistently updating its program and maintaining its community; furthermore helping customers with their needs.
The convergence of product focus, brand resilience, and high-profile clientele has propelled Shopify to achieve consistent double-digit growth. In its most recent quarter, the company witnessed a 30% surge in revenue (adjusted for the divestiture of its logistics arm).
Another key aspect of why I think high of Shopify is its brand recognition and social media dominance. For example, Shopify has been blowing up on the internet, fueled and helped by Dropshipping or E-Commerce gurus that teach the art of online sales on social media platforms. Shopify is widely acknowledged and known as the best platform to sell online; what we like is it’s natural, unfiltered, organic brand development and reviews, in which the popularity of the brand spreads through the word of mouth from a person rather than from digital advertisements.
Of particular interest to long-term investors, Shopify attained a free cash flow margin of 21% in the last quarter, indicating its ability to convert a significant portion of sales revenue into free cash flow. We anticipate further improvement in this margin as Shopify continues to expand its gross merchandise volume (GMV) and net revenue. Already, Shopify is displaying signs of emerging as a cash-generating powerhouse, with free cash flow reaching $905 million over the past 12 months.
Investors must be ready to withstand short-term fluctuations in these stocks. Presently, Shopify’s valuation stands at 77 times the forward one-year earnings, which may appear steep initially. However, this valuation becomes more reasonable when factoring in consensus analyst forecasts indicating the company’s net earnings are expected to more than double from 2024 to 2026.
The transitional phases for companies, shifting from break-even to high-profit states, often pose challenges for investors as they weigh the importance of revenue growth versus profitability in their valuation assessments. I am confident that Shopify is poised to significantly increase its worth over the next five years and beyond.
Thank you for reading my article. I am Jiayi Chen, a stock trader at Tradebase. (If the link tells you to download WhatsApp, click on the compass icon on the bottom right)
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