#reblog to give the man a proper sketch in puffy pants
old-world-bird · 6 months
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UPD: if this post gets more notes, I'll draw more puffy-pants Escher. The confession post is in the reblogs (っಠ‿ಠ)っ
Okay, so we are currently at the ball (yep, that one from the last parts of the book) and I decided to sketch some outfits for my PC and also for some NPCs I'm responsible for. It's kinda rough, but I still like it.
From left to right:
Escher Belasco, who escaped Barovia and had a nice time in Waterdeep until he met us. The gorgeous lady, who decided to adopt him and perhaps cure his broken heart My PC Marcella Ilthine, whose hobbies include trying to seduce our priest since the pre-Barovian times and also making him terrifically uncomfortable
Also, in case you want to use that sketch of Escher for whatever unholy reasons you have, here ya go
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Also, an older sketch of him I've realized I never showed you. Circa an in-game month ago, when he recently arrived at Waterdeep
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