breziarchive · 5 years
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" reesumi for the boogaloo
oh boy!!!!! i love swearing!!!!!
this one does quite require reading chapter 18 to understand the full (terrible) scope of what’s going on, so in that regard: tw child abuse, but this fic by itself is fairly tame and vague
valentine’s day boogaloo - guidelines - ko-fi
If swearing was an Olympic sport,there would be no question as to who would win the gold.
“God fucking damn it!
“Shit, fucking tarantulas,
“Are you fucking kidding me?
“Arrrgh! FUCK!!
“Fuck this motherfucker right inthe—,”
“Reese! Jesus!” Aelitainterrupted, flinging anenergy field right at the said motherfucker that was giving Reese arun for his money. The hornet exploded without further pomp andcircumstance from his trash can mouth. Aelita ran up to him, thecoast nearly clear to the tower.
“Is Lyoko just not burning enoughenergy off for you?” she asked, “Not that I seriously mind, buthonestly,”
“Yeah dude!” Odd cartwheeled tododge the last tarantula’s lasers before firing a barrage of shotsuntil the one lucky hit that finished it, “What, d’ya kiss yourmother with that mouth?”
Reesestared, then devirtualized Odd with a quick flick of the tanto.
“Okay, seriously,”Yumi marched up, gesturing for Aelita to go in the meantime, “Asmuch as it pains me to say it, I can’t blame you, butcan you nothave such a trigger finger—withyour mouth as well?”
“What?” Reesesnapped, “It’s over, anyways!”
Aelita rolled her eyes and leftwithout another word, down to the tower as Reese and Yumi beganfighting, as usual. It was tobe assumed that at this point Jeremie had even taken off the headset,letting the two at each others throats. Thatwas the only brief reprieve he had from it, because as soon as theyall devirtualized to come back home they picked back up where theyleft off the moment they stepped out of the scanners.
“Alright!” Odd called over thenoise of their fighting once they were back in the park, “Seeyaguys later! Bubbye! Good night!”
They barely paid him any mind as therest of the group left them fighting in the woods.
Yumi let out an exasperated howlthat lingered in the trees above. Reese watched as she raked hernails through her hair then swept down to the back of her neck tolightly massage her sore muscles. Closing her eyes to the noise ofwind the trees over the city beyond.
“Hey,” she finally said, wearyand tuckered out from their shouting match, “Was...what Odd said,did it bother you?”
“That fuckwit? No.”
Yumi opened her eyes to give him asidelong glance.
“It’s just an expression.”
“Still…,” Yumi sighed, “Idon’t know. Whatever.”
Reese gave a terrible smirk, “Thanksfor the concern, sweetheart,”
“Ugh, fuck off,” shesnapped with her remaining energy, “Don’t think that I didn’tmean any of what I said just because I was trying to distract you!”
“Likewise!” Reese leaned forwardto bring his smirk closer to her, “Because since when did you takeit upon yourself to distract me instead of vice versa?”
“An hour ago, apparently,” sheadmitted sourly, “To think,I would love to just shut you up but instead I made you keeptalking—,”
“You’d love to shut me up?” Reese grinned. Yumi immediatelyshot him a death glare.
“What’s with you today?”
“Dunno. Aelita was right, I guess. So, about shutting me up—,”
“I could break your jaw if you like, Anders,” she seethed. Heonly retained his grin with a nasty laugh.
“Sure, if I don’t bite whatever you swing at me first,” Reeseopen and clapped his sharp teeth shut with an audible clack andYumi jerked away in disgust.
“Okay, you’re reaching. Good night, Anders,”
“Yo, Ishiyama,” he stopped her, “Thanks for the pick-me-up,”
Yumi scrunched her eyes shut and kneaded the bridge of her nose asshe muttered, “You better not be literal about that…,”
“Seriously, though,” Reese’s voice dropped, “It…,”
He fell totally silent. Yumi paused to let him find his words, butafter several minutes she realized it wasn’t going to happen andshe turned around to see what seemed to be a completely differentboy. Like a deer in the headlights, he stood there dumbfounded by hisown train of thought. She raised an eyebrow and put a hand on herhip.
“Did a simple thank you really cause complete and totalshutdown? Good to know.”
Reese unleashed a breath he had been holding, as if the added insulthad released him from stone. In his eyes she caught another form ofgratitude swimming in the herculean effort to simply say so,but instead of tease him more she simply signed off with a quick handsignal from the forehead and turned around to head home.
Behind her, she heard Reese regain his voice.
“God fucking damn it…,”
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lyokoorinoco · 9 years
This song just screams Yumi & Reese/Ulrich @ me
“No grave, can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her.”
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breziarchive · 5 years
valentine’s day boogaloo - guidelines - ko-fi
He couldn’t say he was entirely surprised to see Yumi enter the gym, but he was still uncomfortable as he tried to hide a jolt with a roll of his shoulders. No bag was slung over her shoulder, her clothes were normal, her hair hung down and swayed with her subtle movements. She wasn’t here to fight, and while that gave Reese some peace of mind it tore up the rest into actual pieces.
“Hey,” she said when she was close enough to be heard without raising her voice, which was interesting considering it was a gymnasium, “You alright?”
Reese grunted.
“Aelita didn’t see you in class today,” she explained, then paused in full, staring at him, “That’s all.”
He eyed his jacket lying in a crumpled heap on the far benches. He had entered the gym about as prepared to actually use it as Yumi did, but that didn’t deter him from dragging the mats out to blow off some steam. Whether it worked or not, well, time couldn’t even answer that.
Yumi kept her gaze steady even though his kept finding different scuff marks and dust particles to stare at. Of course. Ever steadfast. He felt his stomach shrink in shame, but as for why he couldn’t tell.
Yumi wasn’t gentle like Aelita was. Well—no, that was partially a lie. She was gentle, but much differently. Blunter, more direct—no doubt a direct defiance of her parents’ relationship in an attempt to communicate as they couldn’t. He appreciated that about her, really. Honestly. To know what she was saying was what she was actually saying put him at a sort of ease around her even during the time they were at each others’ throats.
That still didn’t mean, knowing everything that he knew and with how close they had begun to grow recently, that he didn’t flinch when her hand very clearly, very slowly moved into his space. Reese shut his eyes and tried to play it off even though he knew a reaction that bad wouldn’t edge past her. Yumi’s hand hovered near his jaw, undeterred and waiting for him to settle. After counting his breaths, she placed her cool knuckles along his marred cheek.
“Hey,” she said again, “Nothing bad happened. She just worries.”
Reese opened his eyes, contemplating. Her hand remained brushed against his cheek, neither pushing nor demanding so much as it was simply there for him to feel and move into or away as he liked. He blinked, turning so that he faced her but not so that her hand fell away.
“What about you?”
She popped a wry smirk, “What about me? I’m just the messenger.”
“Oh?” Reese said, flat, “You could’ve told her where I was, since you guessed so quickly,”
“Had to make sure you were here I guess.”
“Sure thing, messenger,” he grunted, though it was soft. Yumi huffed a small laugh before letting her smirk then her hand fall.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Was I supposed to?” Reese retorted, pushing past her to pick up his jacket. Yumi turned.
“Considering you? No. But I could run it back to Aelita since that seems to be my job today,”
Reese shook his jacket out, then answered, “No.”
“Oh. Wow.” Yumi drawled sarcastically, “Reese Anders saying no, imagine that.”
Holding the jacket in his hands, he turned around.
“I don’t always say no,” he said. It wasn’t defensive, more matter-of-fact as he felt his expression soften from both his harsh exterior as well as the jagged anxiety that had plagued him all day. Taking the steps back to Yumi as casually as he could possibly manage. It probably came out small and awkward in the end, but at least he didn’t look desperate. (Or did it work the opposite way? Shit he was bad at this, and what was worse was that Yumi was starting to understand he was bad at this.) His stomach shrank again and he dimly noted that it wasn’t shame it was shrinking in.
“...No, I guess you don’t,” Yumi’s smirk came back but it was wary as it was inward and private. Reese’s fingers dug into his jacket and for once in his life he felt like a schoolkid. A pathetic, wimpy little schoolkid that couldn’t find the words to keep the conversation going so they ended up just standing there in weird silence, sure. But a schoolkid at least.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he finally snipped, “Do you worry?”
Yumi’s eyes narrowed, scrutinizing him. Plenty of times before he had set up bait like this only to smack it down with cutting and brutal dismissals that demeaned any sense of reason. Reese held his ground, hoping she didn’t see him gulp. Her lips became a thin line and she crossed her arms over her chest until he could see the lines of her tensed muscles.
Bad sign. Time to go.
Pulling his jacket over his shoulders, he pushed out a scoff (that used to be much easier to do) and turned to leave.
“I do.” Yumi answered, her voice hard and quiet but genuine.
Reese stopped.
“Sure,” he said, then immediately felt like an idiot because although he meant it genuinely the word certainly didn’t sound like it, “Okay.”
Yumi watched him go, waiting until he just reached the door to respond.
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breziarchive · 5 years
Valentine’s Day Boogaloo Guidelines 2019
it’s okay i will do this anyways shhh shhshshhsfffusck i’m not copypasting 80% of this from last year NO
Every year around Valentine’s Day I take requests to write short drabbles! While it’s a neat deal, there are a set of rules that y’all are gonna have to put up with on top of putting up with me:
No NSFW Requests! Most drabbles will be sfw and some may skirt on mild mild NSFW but as for full blown smut, that ain’t happening, sorry folks!
I have the right to turn down a request if I’m uncomfortable or incredibly unfamiliar writing it. Don’t worry! This is what the guidelines are for–to give you an idea of what pairings/couples I’d be okay in writing! But there are some situations, if you send a prompt along with a pairing (not necessary) that I won’t write even in a sfw manner--and this year...!
Please keep the kidfics to a minimum. Please oh my god. It’s not that I feel like I suck at ‘em, and to say I don’t like them isn’t...quite...correct. They’re just extra work for me, mentally and literally. Not only do I end up nitpicking the child’s presentation as much as humanly possible, but in the end...kidfics bring up a lot of painful concepts and in most cases unwarranted bitterness, so I’d rather avoid that as much as possible this year. :v thanks for understanding. i don’t hate kids, quite the opposite, it’s just not a good concept for me to explore.
Ko-Fi donations are extremely appreciated! A ko-fi isn’t necessary to get a drabble written but My Dudes, I. Will appreciate it until the end of time.
I will be taking requests from February 13th - February 15th/morning of the 16th. The odd timing on the end of it is largely due to my sleep schedule being all kinds of fucky, so morning of the 16th (ie, 5am) just means that’s when I will be going to bed on “my” 15th. My time is PST so I mean–whatever. Again I’m pretty lenient so if I wake up to requests whenever I wake up on the 16th I’ll probably take them and just close down after that. we good.
All you have to do is send a pairing via the askbox here on Tumblr, or to a thread on my twitter. Anon won’t be turned on for tumblr. (if i goddamn remember) Prompts with a pairing aren’t necessary but if you feel like it go ahead!
One person can send multiple requests so long as they are for different pairings.
Anyways, last minute update, I’m snowed in! and I have been snowed in for a while. Ko-fi’s are super appreciated this year, thanks!
List of pairings I’m writing for:*
Majimako - yakuza/ryu ga gotoku - it’s over for me folks they’re my everything now
Ulumi - code lyoko
Reesumi - code lyoko/IWRY
Gay Aelita - code lyoko - specialty is laurlita but i’ll write gaylita for anything
Henry/Eileen - silent hill 4
Gay Scully - the x-files - specialty is scully/clarice starling from silence of the lambs
Previous pairings in the boogaloo - unlisted due to it’s been a long time holy fuck but i’ll unrust these gears if ya want me to. in the past i’ve written stuff for Anastasia (1997) (anya/dmitri and yer gonna have to get used to me spelling dmitri that way) and some miraculous ladybug (s1 only please--ladrien is my favorite of the lovesquare but i do love some bg couples...)
*Close friends may in private chat request an ~unusual~ pairing since y’all should have a good idea of fandoms/things i can and would wanna write--final discretion up to me of course.
Please do NOT send these characters as part of a potential pairing because it guarantees I will throw your request out:
william dunbar
walter sullivan
MSR (i am noromo on them very much so and very hard into gay scully)
Requests will be taken as soon as it’s February 13th and will close when I wake up February 16th, usually around 2pm/3pm PST.
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reese-anders · 7 years
Ya know, if you want a random writing prompt, a good one would involve Reese visiting Yumi in her house... ;)
chapter 7?
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(if that winky face means you’re looking for a NSFW prompt there is one in the works, but my life has been consumed with working on chapter 18. and once chapter 18′s up any hankerings for reesumi might be................very harshly squelched. due to recently finishing up all traditional illustrations for 18, i’m a bit sass on this reply because my reesumi feelers are sad and distressed right now. you’ll know what i mean when it’s up. i’m not upset--at all, you didn’t know, but i’ll have to refer this one to when the original NSFW prompt is finally fucking done 8 billion years from now/once chapter 18 is up. unless you’re looking for SFW, in which case, WHOOPS SORRY ABOUT THAT)
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breziarchive · 7 years
i can’t believe reesumi is gutsca
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breziarchive · 7 years
ulumi = yulrich reesumi = yumeese
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breziarchive · 7 years
Reesumi, hmm how about yumi talking to reese about ulrich (bit of angst and bonding moment all rolled into one) winks
ok but they’re still gonna fight
valentine’s day boogaloo - guidelines
The two of them laid flat on their backs against the beaten mat, panting as sweat dripped off their skin amidst scuffs and early forming bruises. The gymnasium ceiling lazily spun in front of their eyes. They had quite literally fought themselves into exhaustion, too tired to even lift a fist against the other. Neither of them wanted to call a stalemate, and if anything this was just a break before they could fight again.
Reese’s feet hung off the edge of the mat, heels gratefully feeling the cool floor. He coughed and breathed harsh and deep, the same way she was, and if Yumi wanted to she could’ve noticed in that moment that they weren’t that different.
Yumi didn’t want to.
Their positions were askew and a safe distance away from each other. Yumi finally let her eyes close as she swallowed sticky hot saliva. Okay. Just a few minutes of vulnerability, and then either she’d get up and fight or she’d just get up and leave.
“What was he like?” Reese spoke out of nowhere, his voice gravelly from the exertion, “Your dead boyfriend.”
Searing hot rage burned in her muscles more than the lactic acid, but unfortunately Yumi couldn’t do a damn thing about it. It infuriated her by at least three times more when she realized that he had asked this question now of all times on purpose. She couldn’t do anything. She was, essentially, trapped.
“Fuck you,” she gasped, “Fffffuck you.” Saliva spat from her mouth but she didn’t care.
“That’s a little harsh for a fourteen-year-old’s relationship, don’t you think?”
“He was thirteen,” Yumi angrily corrected, “I was fourteen. And again, fuck you.”
“Well, my question still stands, since you’re clearly avoiding it.”
That stabbed her in the chest more than she was willing to admit–of course she was avoiding it, but she didn’t want it so bluntly in the open that she didn’t want to do anything with it. Which turned back on her again; it was Ulrich, her best friend, and she didn’t want anything to do with thinking about him.
“He…He was…,” Yumi hated that she had to go slow, giving Reese full opportunity to interrupt and taunt her. The fact that he wasn’t, that she was expecting him to and he wasn’t somehow made it all the more worse than if he had actually said anything, “He was…moody. Sullen. Quiet. But he had a…A big heart. He tried to do everything to make the people he cared about happy, and it tore him apart when he could only do one or the other and not both. Betrayal couldn’t be a vocabulary word for him, and every time he had to say, play soccer for his parents, instead of going to Lyoko…or vice versa…,”
Reese was quiet. She couldn’t tell if he was listening intently, just letting her fill the gym with words, or had actually fallen asleep, but she continued anyways.
“Ulrich, give away a secret…?” she quoted herself from so long ago, “No, he couldn’t. But he was sweet, and kind, when he sensed that if…someone didn’t want to talk about something, like they were hiding it…,”
I’m really glad you came, Ulrich. You really know how to cheer someone up.
“Man, sounds like a real pushover,” Reese grunted. The pang of anger was dulled from her nostalgia, but still she flashed a glare at him even though he couldn’t see it, “This guy has no flaws except he’s too good, right? Fuck that.”
“Oh, no,” Yumi continued, “Fuck that indeed. He was a stubborn ass, quick to jump to the worst possible conclusions. When William got transferred to Kadic he became jealous in the worst way–the quiet way, where everything’s fine but you know everything wasn’t if he would just talk for once instead of bottling it up–yes William was after me and yes I laid the rug out for him because I’ve been alone in a huge school before, but damn it, damn it, Ulrich, we’re still…,”
She inhaled with a shudder, coming back to the present and realizing what she had been doing. Staring wide-eyed at the ceiling for a moment, she recollected herself, furrowed her brow again, and darkened her voice.
“What the fuck do you care, anyway, why are you asking?”
Reese rolled, sitting up as the sweaty plastic of the mat stuck to him as he peeled away from it.
“Just want to know who I’m replacing.” he muttered weirdly. She raised an eyebrow. Odd hadn’t told her that he had asked these questions to him, and god forbid Aelita told her anything except the most superficial shit about Reese.
“You’re replacing a boy who meant a lot to us. To me.” She spoke slowly, with command and laces of wary hatred, “Everything about him still hurts. You’ll never be the boy he was, but we need you too bad to think about that right now.”
“I’m sure it all still hurts,” Again, Reese sounded weird. Dark, but unlike the other times he sounded dark this felt…inward. Not directed at her, and not fueled by anger, “And I know I’m not that kid–jesus christ, who the fuck do you think I am, anyways?”
Strange time to get angry. Strange that Yumi saw straight through that anger. She propped herself up on her wrists.
“Getting angry, Reese?” she put a sickly sweet twist to her voice, “He’s my dead boyfriend, not yours.”
He stood up but then paused, his back facing towards her. The fabric of his tank top was folded over itself with sweat stains. Yumi stared hard at it, as if she could put holes in his heart.
“No,” he responded after a while, clearly using carefully selected words, “But he’s my problem to deal with, isn’t he? You’re making sure of that.”
Yumi stared at him as he walked away.
The strangest encounter, and yet Yumi felt like she actually understood one thing about Reese Anders now.
He was afraid of Ulrich.
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breziarchive · 7 years
Valentine’s Day Boogaloo Guidelines 2017
Hey all! It’s that time of year again! What do I mean? You must be new here. It’s very late i have to go to bed while i’m writing this.
Every year around Valentine’s day I take requests and write short drabbles for them . That’s really all there is to what’s going on, but there are some general guidelines, listed here:
No NSFW requests, please! Works i post will be moderately sfw - some mild nsfw content, but as for explicit smutty smuts, sorry my dudes, catch me at a different time or place or something!
I have the right to turn down a request if I’m uncomfortable or incredibly unfamiliar writing it. Don’t worry! This is what the guidelines are for--to give you an idea of what pairings/couples I’d be okay in writing! But there are some situations, if you send a prompt along with a pairing (not necessary) that I won’t write even in a sfw manner. I’m pretty lenient tho so we’ll see how it goes!
I work a lot this V-Day week. Holy shit I do. And I have to sit through Fifty Shades Darker. I’m going to be a bitter Bre and I’m going to be looking forward to writing things that Certainly Aren’t Fifty Shades of Fucked Up. It won’t all be fluff (when is my writing...ever...fluff) but hey! Anyways it will take me a lot of time to get through requests this year, please be patient! I will announce when I’m no longer taking requests and am just finishing up whats in my inbox. My schedule is why I’m a little restricted on what pairings I will and won’t write for--need to have interest in what i’m doing!
Because of how much I work this year, I will be taking requests from February 9th - February 16th. That’s right, a WHOLE WEEK of sending in requests! BURY ME!
A list of pairings I am willing to write:
Ulumi  - code lyoko
Reesumi  - IWRY
Reese/Aelita/Yumi poly - kill me
Pink Lemonade/Laurlita  - code lyoko
lesbian aelita in general - code lyoko
Henry/Eileen - silent hill 4
Lovesquare (particularly Ladrien) - miraculous ladybug
Dana Scully/Clarice Starling - xfiles/silence of the lambs
All you have to do is send a pairing and I’ll write away! Prompts with a pairing aren’t necessary but if you feel like it go ahead! One person can send multiple requests for different pairings, go wild!
Please do NOT send these characters as part of a potential pairing because it guarantees I will throw your request out:
william dunbar
walter sullivan
MSR (i’m sorry i’m noromo on them so hard)
Remember, I will be taking requests until I publicly close them from February 9th - February 16th.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Have Fun!
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breziarchive · 7 years
Reesumi please :)
closes 800 tabs on ancient greek history, mythology, topography, and architecture
valentine’s day boogaloo - guidelines
He was a form of art.
Not the kind of art that a museum would proudly display up front, unless they were advertising exhibits that made people quiet with dark introspection, eyes agonizing over each gruesome detail. At best, he was a broken sculpture revered for its missing nose or arms, at worst, the destruction of Goya’s mind on canvas.
Yumi did not like looking at that sort of art, and she did not like looking at him. He was grotesque, divots and discolorations and shine where there shouldn’t be any, hard creases on his face that he was too young to have, the uneasy sharpness to muscles that should’ve been smooth and rounded, no, he was a disaster. A monster written about in the 19th century that got put into grainy black and white films to inspire nightmares. Wolf Man, Phantom of the Opera, Nosferatu–born from a time where ugliness was a form of monstrous sin.
But if art was all about looking, then it wouldn’t be art. If she closed her eyes, if she banished every thought that sight brought to her mind, if she sat in the darkness facing him and just let him…be, just let him exist…then it was something different.
Sitting with her eyes closed in front of him she exposed herself to whatever slander and abuse he could give, and because she did so he didn’t do anything. He simply stared, each breath deeper and perhaps more panicked than the last. And his hands were rough but gentle, his voice soft, unsure, and wavering. Reese trembled and hesitated and constantly asked questions. He was warm from anxiety and his fingers danced around her, scared to touch. 
Open one eye for a peek and suddenly the sight of him made it seem much more brutal than it really was. Whimpers became scowls, questions became accusing, trembling meant he was barely containing his rage not that he was frightened of her, kisses became bites. Close the open eye and everything reverted to the way he intended it, the way he really was. Close her eyes, and she saw more than she was supposed to ever see.
If she had to have him be in the dark to appreciate him–in all his art form–so be it. In the dark they were, and in the dark they’d stay.
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