#rlfw 2017
magicsophicorn · 7 years
Dear @thegirl20
You were my recipient for the Ruby Lucas Femslash Week Exchange, but I need to apologise because due to some personal circumstances I ended up not being able to write anything for you after all. However I didn't want you to have nothing, so the incredible and wonderful @sterling-jay has written an adorable fic for you in my place, so she deserves all the love and praise for this pinch-hit. (Well, I managed to write the first little section, but that was it.) Once again I'm so sorry, when I am able to write again I will write something for you to make up for it, but in the meantime please enjoy this fluffy fic from @sterling-jay
Title: Puppy Problems Pairing: Red Queen (Regina/Ruby) Word Count: 1678 Summary: Henry's new puppy doesn't seem to like Ruby very much.
"What if he doesn't like me?"
The whispered question pulled Regina's mind from the edge of sleep and she rolled over in bed, instinctively reaching out to pull Ruby closer to her.
"Everyone likes you," she mumbled, closing her eyes and breathing in the scent of her girlfriend, already feeling sleep trying to reclaim her.
"I'm serious Regina, this could be a disaster. I mean, I'm a werewolf! There's no way he's..."
"Shhhh," Regina interrupted, pressing her lips to Ruby's to silence her with a kiss.
"Shh. It'll be fine. It might take a little time, granted, but it'll be fine. Now go to sleep."
Ruby sighed and nuzzled her face into the crook of Regina's neck, making her smile.
Honestly. Who would have guessed that the Big Bad Wolf could be such a pussycat?
"Henry, you've got to put him down at some point!"
"But mom, he's so soft!"
"Come on, buddy, let him walk around," Ruby said with a smile. She reached over to the puppy to try and pet him, frowning when it sniffed her hand and recoiled. "He keeps sniffing the air, he wants to explore."
"I guess," he sighed, hugging the pup a bit tighter before setting him on the ground. "There you go, buddy. Your new home!"
The puppy walked around, little nails clicking on the floor as he investigated the living room.
"I think he likes it," Henry smiled.
Regina and Ruby shared a smile, watching the little puppy trot around the room, nose to the ground. He bumped headfirst into a wall and started sniffing at it, quickly turning to the side and lifting his leg.
"No no no," Regina said, running to pick him up, the puppy already done by the time she got there. He gave a little wiggle of his tail and a bark, and she sighed. "Thank goodness for magic." A quick wave of her hand and the puddle was cleaned. "Henry...He's your puppy, so you need to train him out of this."
"I could put the puppy pads in the basement! Before we got him, Grandpa gave me some tips on puppy training!"
"Ruby's already claimed the basement, Henry."
"I've gotta wolf out somewhere safe," she shrugged.
"It'll be better for him to learn to go outside, anyways. The puppy pads are just until he grows out of needing to go to the bathroom every ten minutes."
"That's okay then. Ranger and I will figure it out!"
"He's peed inside the house four times, he's shredded two pairs of my shorts, and he won't stop barking," Ruby groaned, sinking into the bed beside Regina. "And! The peeing AND the barking are both directed at me and my stuff. I told you he was going to hate me."
"He doesn't hate you, he's just a baby, in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people." She rolled onto her side, and threw her arm around Ruby's waist, kissing her neck. "He'll get used to it all soon."
"He doesn't hate you," she grumbled. "Doesn't hate Henry. He only goes after the house at large, or my stuff."
"He's gone after my things! You know that shirt of mine that you like?"
"The purple one?"
"Yes, the silky one that always makes you, well," she ran a hand under Ruby's shirt. "He shredded it, when I was getting ready to do the laundry. He pulled it off the bed, and by the time I noticed, I couldn't find all the pieces to put it back together." Ruby groaned. "See? My favorite shirt, too!"
"Henry," Ruby said, walking into the backyard where Henry was playing with Ranger.
"Hey, Ruby!"
"Hey." She sat down on the grass beside him, frowning when the puppy rolled onto his feet and growled at her. "Really? I haven't even done anything."
"I don't think he likes you that much," he said, pulling the pup into his lap.
"That's what I keep telling your mom, but she says it's just because he's new." She reached her hand out for the puppy to sniff, only to get another little growl. "Doesn't like me one bit. Think he'll grow out of it?"
"Maybe? Grandpa says good puppy behavior takes a lot of time and training, but when I asked him why Ranger would only go after your stuff, he didn't know."
"Well. You're a smart kid," she said, ruffling his hair. "I'm sure you'll get him there."
"I swear, he's peed on every wall of this house at least twice," Regina muttered as she stirred the pot. "And anywhere you've been as the wolf, twice!"
"I told you he didn't like me," she said, pulling the meat from the oven. "He smells the wolf, and it freaks him out."
"We'll need to figure out something to do with him. We can't keep cleaning up all these messes all the time."
"What, you want to get rid of him? We can't, that's Henry's puppy!"
They heard the front door open and shut, Henry jogging into the house with Ranger on a leash beside him.
"We'll talk about it later."
"So," Henry said through a mouthful of food, "I don't think Ranger likes heights."
The two women shared a worried look, Regina deciding to take the lead.
"What makes you say that, Henry?"
"Well," he drew out the word, "we were playing fetch today, and the ball accidentally went into the basement...and when Ranger went to go chase it, he got right up to the door and started barking. At first it was just little barks, and then he started to sound scared. And when I tried to take him down there with me, he started to cry."
"Why was the basement door open at all," Regina asked, looking between her girlfriend and son.
"That would be my fault," Ruby said, lifting her fork up. "The full moon is coming up, and I wanted to make sure I had everything ready in there. I must've left it open when I ran upstairs to grab another blanket."
"You know you don't have to transform in there, right?" Regina looked at her softly. "We trust you."
"It's just a precaution," Ruby sighed. "I know I'm in control of the wolf, but I like knowing that you guys would be safe too, if something happened."
"Alright," Regina agreed, giving Ruby's hand a squeeze. "Are you sure it's heights that Ranger's afraid of, Henry? He seems to get up and down the stairs to your bedroom rather easily."
"Oh yeah." He thought about it, forkful of food halfway to his mouth. "I don't know then."
"Well, probably better for him to stay out of the basement anyways."
"I still don't think you need to do this," Regina said, pressing her lips to Ruby's cheek. "I always end up missing you in our bedroom when you do."
"I miss you too. I just..."
"Need to transform and let some pressure off?"
"Something like that." She sank into Regina's arms, holding her close. "If next month is calmer, I might not feel like I need to lock down the basement with me inside, but there's been so much going on..."
"I know." Another peck, and Regina stepped back. "Go, 'commune with the wolf'. I'll see you in the morning."
"As soon as I wake up," Ruby agreed. "Kid," she called Henry over, wrapping him in a quick hug. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't watch our show without me, I'll know if you did," she winked.
"Yeah, yeah," he laughed, hugging her back. "I think I'll just teach Ranger some new tricks while you're down there."
"Can't wait to see them," she said, giving the dog a smile that came out more like a grimace. She reached out to try and pet him, only to pull away when he jumped up, mouth wide open and aimed at her hand. "Maybe teach him not to bite?"
When Ruby next awoke, it was to the sound of Regina and Henry's panicked voices.
"He was just here, Mom!"
"You know you're not supposed to leave him alone, Henry, he needs constant supervision!"
"It was just for a second!"
"Did you open any doors, could he have gotten outside?"
"No, and I put up the baby gate too, so he can't be upstairs..."
The wolf let out a deep breath, stretching her legs. Still too early for her to turn human again, but with the calm she was feeling, she could help them find the puppy.
"I left the basement door open," she heard Regina say, and her eyes went wide. She sniffed the air and sure enough, Ranger's scent was strong. She looked down, and there he was, nestled into her body. She let out a soft woof, loud enough to carry upstairs.
"Ruby?" Regina ran down the stairs, Henry close behind.
Ruby nuzzled at the pup, pushing him up, only to have him whine and curl back into her.
"Ranger!" Henry ran over to the two animals on the ground, petting at Ranger. "Thanks, Ruby." She let out a huff, licking his forehead. "Gross," he laughed."
"Have you two worked out your differences, then," Regina asked, sitting down to let Ruby's head rest on her legs.
Ruby gave her best impression of a shrug. She snuffled at the pup's fur, snorting at him, Ranger not so much as twitching when she did.
The four of them stayed curled together until morning, Ruby waking up and transforming into her human self again. Regina ran her hand over her shoulder and down to her hand, slipping her fingers between Ruby's.
"He couldn't find me," she said, her voice still husky from sleep.
"Ranger," Ruby said, looking down at the puppy. "That's why he was so freaked out all the time. Destroyed my stuff. He smelled me everywhere, couldn't see me." She let out a hum as Regina pulled herself closer. "He was scared, being in someone else's territory."
"So you've made up?"
They both let out happy sighs, falling back asleep.
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thegirl20 · 7 years
TITLE: There's a hero if you look inside your heart AUTHOR: thegirl20 FANDOM: Once Upon a Time PAIRING: Frozen Wolf (Ruby/Elsa) SUMMARY: Ruby encounters a stranger at the edge of town. RATING: PG WORD COUNT: ~3500 DISCLAIMER: Don’t own ‘em. NOTES: Written for @magicsophicorn in the @rubyweek Exchange. Prompt was Trapped Together.
Ruby ambles through the forest near the edge of town, aimless and unhurried.  The full moon is a few days away and she’s beginning to feel the pull of her wolf nature.  With it comes an excess of energy that Granny can only put up with for so long before yelling at her to ‘go running or something!’.  She sighs.  Storybrooke really isn’t big enough to let her run as much as she wants to.  She could run for days back home.  Home.  The magic bean didn’t work and so she didn’t get to go back and see if she could find... something .  She’s not even sure you can find a thing if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but she just knows that something’s not right and she doesn’t know how to fix it.
After the bean refused to grow, Regina had offered to look into some alternatives for her, but the Queen has problems enough of her own right now, what with Robin’s dead wife being back on the scene, so Ruby hasn’t bothered her about it.  
Letting out a deep sigh, Ruby looks up and finds that she’s almost at the edge of town.   The magic of Regina’s protective barrier crackles in the air.  Ruby’s pretty sure not everyone can ‘hear’ it, but as a magical being herself, she’s able to sense the supernatural better than most.  She approaches the town line, holding her hand out and stopping when she feels the magic creep like gooseflesh up her arm.  She curls her fingers into a fist, her jaw straining with the effort of resisting the temptation to keep walking.  
Sometimes, it’s all she can think about.  She could cross that line and just be Ruby again.  She could go and find a job in some little town, get an apartment, just be normal .  She’d worry about normal things like money and her weight and whether her favourites would be eliminated on The Bachelorette.  She’d have friends.  Maybe she’d meet a nice boy and settle down.  Or a nice girl.
And best of all, that version of Ruby wouldn’t wake up screaming from nightmares so real she’d swear she can taste blood in her mouth.  That Ruby would have no memory of ever being a bloodthirsty monster.  She’d be completely unaware that she’d killed and eaten her first love.  She’d have no idea of the darkness lurking inside her.
It would be so easy, she thinks, as she takes another step closer to the barrier,  its magic fizzing against her fingertips.  It’s not like she’d be missed.  Not for long, at least.  And not by many.  She tries not to think about Granny and what it might do to her to lose another person that sh-
Before she can even complete the thought, she’s thrown off her feet and lands with an ‘oof’ on her back.  She scrambles to her feet on the unsteady ground, from which something is erupting.  It...it looks like...ice?  Shards of thick ice shoot well up into the air, towering over the surrounding trees.  Ruby watches, her mouth hanging open, as shard after shard grows and joins the others, weaving an imposing wall of ice.
“What the fuck?” she whispers.  Ruby can feel magic coming from the wall, but it’s not like Regina’s.  Regina’s magic permeates the entire town and the smell and feel of it are almost a comfort to Ruby; a signal that all is well.  This new barrier is not Regina’s work.  It smells lighter, the magic dancing in the air rather than crackling.  It’s not dark magic, Ruby knows that much.   And probably not a coincidence after that huge fucking snowman that rampaged through the town.
She starts to walk along the wall, towards the road, wondering how far it goes.  She trails her fingers over the cold surface as she goes, letting her nails scrape patterns on the ice, fascinated by how it seems to heal itself in her wake.  Lifting her nose into the air, she sniffs once, then twice.  The smell of the ice magic is getting stronger and Ruby picks up her pace, wondering if she’s getting closer to the source of it.  
Letting her wolf loose, her legs pump faster and before long, the road is in sight.  Her eyes catch the glint of something blue a second before her nose confirms the presence of another person.  
“Hey,” Ruby calls out as she slows herself down.  
The other person, a blonde woman wearing a beautiful blue gown turns, visibly jumping at the sight of Ruby.  Ruby stops dead in her tracks.  The woman is almost frighteningly beautiful.  Blondes aren’t usually Ruby’s ‘type’, but this woman transcends any of that.  The bluest eyes she’s ever seen pin Ruby in place for a moment before the woman turns and flees into a space in the ice.  Without thinking too much about how stupid this could be, Ruby follows her.  Inside, the wall feels like a maze made of ice.  Using her nose, Ruby weaves in and out of the shards until she catches sight of the woman.
“Hey, you!”
The woman spins, obviously not expecting Ruby to have followed her.  Her hand is stretched out in front of her, ice swirling in the palm.  Ruby stops walking and holds her own hands up.  
“Hey,” she repeats, much softer this time.  She takes in the woman’s wide, frightened eyes and defensive posture.  “It’s okay.  I’m not gonna hurt you.”
Slowly, watching Ruby the whole time, the woman lowers her hand and nods.  “Okay,” she says.  
Ruby nods to the ice.  “This is your handiwork, huh?  Impressive.”
The blonde glances around herself before returning her uncertain gaze to Ruby, as if trying to decide whether or not she’s being sincere.  “Thank you,” she ventures.
“I’m Ruby.”  She lowers one hand and holds it out towards the other woman, who regards it curiously.  After an awkward moment, Ruby withdraws the offer of a handshake and wipes her hand on her jeans, clearing her throat.  “What’s your name?”
Those huge blue eyes meet her own again.  “Elsa,” she says, softly, with the first hint of a smile that Ruby’s seen since encountering her.  
“Nice to meet you, Elsa,” Ruby says, letting her own smile show, hoping to set Elsa at ease.  “You’re new in town, huh?”  What a stupid thing to say.  Of course she’s new.  Ruby knows everyone in town.
“Yes,” Elsa says.  “I...I don’t know how I got here.”
“That’s okay,” Ruby says, taking a step closer to the young woman, but stopping when Elsa takes a step backwards.  “I can help you figure it out, if you want.  Well-” she falters, biting her lip.  How is she gonna do that? “-I mean, I have friends who can help you.  I can take you to them, if you want.”
“How can they help me?” Elsa asks, her eyes still guarded.  “Do they know where my sister is?”
A lost sister, okay, Ruby can work with that.  “What’s your sister’s name?  If she’s in Storybrooke, I’ll know her.”
Elsa holds up her left hand, some kind of pendant dangles from her first.  Ruby wrinkles her nose; it’s been in Gold’s shop.  
“This belongs to her.  I found it here.  So she’s been here.”  She gestures to the immense wall of ice in front of them.  “I wanted to make sure she didn’t leave before I found her.” Ruby nods.  “Okay, the necklace is a good start.  But her name would be a little more straightf-”
A clamour starts up behind them.  Ruby had been so intent on Elsa she hadn’t picked up on anyone else arriving, and she spins in place to find David and Emma, guns drawn, calling her name.  Ruby sighs this is not going to help with the trust thing she’s trying to build with Elsa.
She shakes her head.  “Guys, guys, it’s okay!” she tries to reassure them, but the voices and the weapons have freaked Elsa out completely and once again, Ruby finds herself on her back as ice and snow explode all around her.  Emma and David’s voices fade and soon the only thing she can hear is the creaking and groaning of the ice as it knits itself tighter around them.  
When the noise stops, she turns to find Elsa lying on the ground, motionless.  For a heartstopping moment, she thinks maybe one of the guns went off in all the chaos.  But a cough confirms that the young woman is alive.  Ruby jumps to her feet and rushes over to help her up.  Elsa reaches out to take Ruby’s offered hand, but rethinks at the last moment and draws her hand back sharply, pulling it to her chest.  Ruby can’t deny that it hurts a little to have her offer of help rejected, but she steps back a little and allows Elsa to get to her feet unaided.
“I-I’m sorry.”  
Ruby’s head snaps up; she hadn’t expected an apology.  “What for?”
Elsa gestures to Ruby’s hand.  “You just wanted to help me, I know that,” she begins, turning away.  “But I...I’m not used to...to touching people.  Or being near people, really.  Except Anna.”
Finally, a name.  Not one she knows, but with all the curses and such, names are kind of fluid in Storybrooke.  “Anna’s your sister?” Ruby asks, still keeping a respectful distance from Elsa.  “What’s she like? Maybe I know her.”
Ruby notes that she can hear voices and, if she really concentrates, she can tell that one is David and one is Emma.  But it sounds like they’re very far away.  Which means that this ice is thick .  She can’t make out their words and she knows that they would have no chance of hearing her if she were to try yelling back at them.  She’s on her own for the moment with a very powerful sorceress.
Glancing over her shoulder, Elsa smiles.  “Oh, Anna is very much ‘once seen, never forgotten’.  If you’d met her, you’d remember her.”
Ruby takes a seat on the ground.  Her werewolf blood runs hotter than most people, so she can stave off the cold for longer.  But not forever, so she needs to win Elsa over and get them out of this ice cave before it becomes an ice tomb.  
“Listen, Elsa,” she starts, suppressing a shiver.  “Why don’t you tell me your story?  How you got separated from your sister?  I’m a really good listener and I’m pretty good at finding people.”
It takes a few minutes, but a little more of the tension leaves Elsa’s features and she lets out a sigh, finally turning to face Ruby.  
“I...I don’t know how I got here,” she begins, biting her lip.  “I was trapped in a...in some kind of magical object and then the next thing I knew I appeared in a farm building.  I walked until I found your town.”  She crosses her arms over her stomach.  “I...I hoped Anna would be....that I’d find Anna.  But I found nothing except her necklace.”  Her eyes grow shiny.  “I need to find her.”
“Is Anna your only family?” Ruby asks, gently, receiving a nod in return.  Ruby can relate to that.  Her whole life, Granny was the only family she knew.  And while Snow sometimes refers to their relationships as ‘sisters’, she knows it’s not the same.  Particularly when she used to harbour some very unsisterly feelings about Snow.  
“Our parents died when we were both quite young.  Anna...well, she’s always been there for me.  Even when I couldn’t be there for her.”
Ruby can feel the cold seeping into her skin, down to her bones and she wills herself not to shiver.  “W-where do you come from?”  The more she knows about Elsa and her sister, the more chance she has of helping to reunite them.
“Arendelle.”  Elsa gives her a crooked smile.  “I’m...uh, I’m actually the Queen of Arendelle.”
Shaking her head, Ruby lets out a barking laugh, which doesn’t appear to be the reaction Elsa expected because she’s frowning.  “You don’t believe me?”
“No, no. I believe you!” Ruby holds up her hands.  “I just...we have more Queens around these parts than we know what to do with and now we have another one.”
“You...have more than one ruler in this land?” Elsa moves a little closer, her curiosity piqued.
“In this land?  In this town ,” Ruby says, smiling.  “Though, I guess we all really just think of Regina as the Queen most of the time.”
“Regina?” Elsa whispers, her eyes growing impossibly larger.  “The Evil Queen of Misthaven?  She’s here?”
“We don’t use the E-word these days,” Ruby says, unable to contain her shivering any longer, her muscles rippling with involuntary spasms.  She wraps her arms around herself, rubbing her biceps.  “She’s just Regina.  She’s harmless.  Mostly.  At least she is after she’s had her coffee.”  In truth, Ruby and Regina have struck up something of a bizarre friendship over the last few years.  Regina denies this, of course.
“Coffee?” Elsa tilts her head to the side and Ruby’s heart does some weird flippy-floppy thing in her chest.  Shit.  Not again.
“You don’t have coffee in Arendelle?” Ruby asks.  “Well, when we get out of here, the first place we are going is the diner.  And I will introduce you to coffee.  And a burger.  Which is a thing you eat.”
Elsa’s face scrunches in confusion.  “I’ve trapped you inside a wall of ice, and you’re inviting me to dine with you?  Why would you do such a thing?”
Yeah, desperate much, Rubes?    Ruby sighs, although it comes out more shakily than she expected.  “Look, from w-what I’ve s-seen, all y-you want to do is find your s-sister, right?”  She really wishes she was wearing her cloak right now.  “M-my friends startled you and y-you reacted to prot-tect yourself.  You haven’t done anything wrong, Elsa.”
The young Queen looks down at her hands, holding them palm up.  “You’re not afraid?  Of what I am?  What I can do?”  Her voice is barely above a whisper and suddenly some of her other behaviour makes sense; her reluctance to touch, her desperation to get back to her sister.   She’s afraid of her own power.  Or other people are afraid of it.  Perhaps both.  Well, Ruby knows a thing or two about that.
Forcing herself to stand, she shakes out her cold, stiff limbs.  Elsa takes a step away from her and Ruby now recognises that look in her eyes.  She’s terrified she’s going to hurt someone.  Inhaling deeply, Ruby decides to put herself out there, in the hope that she can win Elsa’s trust.
“Elsa...I’m...I’m a w-werewolf.”  She holds herself tall and strong, keeping eye contact with the Queen.
“You’re a...what?”  Elsa’s eyes roam over her body, looking for what Ruby’s not sure.
“When the moon is full, I have the ability to transform into a wolf,” she explains.  “It started happening when I was a teenager.  Back then, I had no control over my transformations and I didn’t even know that I was changing.  My Grandmother tried to protect me by not telling me and by making me wear a magic cloak to contain my powers.” Elsa has moved a little closer while Ruby has been talking; a good sign.  “How did you discover what you could do?” she asks.
Ruby looks away.  She still finds it difficult to talk about what happened with Peter, even though she has mostly accepted that it wasn’t her fault.  That there was nothing she could have done to have prevented it because she had no knowledge of it.  “One month, during a full moon, I…w-went to meet a b-boy I liked.”  Elsa doesn’t need the whole story about Snow or thinking Peter was the wolf.  “I changed and I...k-killed him.  That’s how I found out.”
Elsa’s hand flies to cover her mouth, her eyes growing bright with tears.  But there’s no fear in her expression.  There’s only compassion and understanding and it makes Ruby feel a little warmer inside.
“I almost killed Anna when we were children,” Elsa confesses, in a rushed whisper.  “I...I didn’t mean to.  I was trying to make sure she didn’t hurt herself.  But I couldn’t control the strength of my powers and I...I almost killed her.”  She looks away.  Ruby reaches out a shaking hand to touch her arm and, although she flinches slightly, she doesn’t move away.   She turns back to meet Ruby’s gaze.  “My parents...wanted me to suppress my abilities.  I spent years locked in a room.  Terrified of what I could do.”
Ruby nods.  “After I killed Peter, I was f-frightened I would hurt s-someone else.  For a long time I didn’t t-trust myself.”  She smiles.  “But I learned to c-control it.  And, by the looks of things, s-so have y-you.”  Her teeth start to chatter.  This seems to jolt Elsa into awareness of how cold Ruby is.
“Oh, Ruby!  I’m so sorry, you must be freezing!”  She closes the distance between them and rubs Ruby’s arms with her, very cold, hands.  Ruby tries to smile her gratitude, but she’s not sure her lips are working all that well.
“I’ve b-been warmer.”  She winks.
Wrapping one arm around Ruby’s shoulders, Elsa turns to the wall and holds up a hand.  The ice starts to disappear.  Not melt .  Disappear.  Like it’s being absorbed back into Elsa’s body or something.  Ruby leans into the other woman, grateful for any fragment of warmth she can draw from her.  
Voices start to sound closer.  There are more of them now.  Emma and David are still there, but so is Regina. Granny’s there too.  And Robin Hood.  And some of the dwarves.  A small hole opens in the ice and she can see out to the road.  It widens to reveal Regina, fireball in hand, ready to strike against any danger.  She feels Elsa flinch beside her and the ice starts to close in again.
“S’ok-kay R’gina,” Ruby calls out.  “We’re f-fine.  Put the f-fire away.”
She hears a huff, but the fireball is snuffed out and Ruby turns to give Elsa an encouraging nod.  “Go ‘head.  I’ll m-make sure nobody hurts you.”
It takes a moment, but Elsa returns her nod and continues to remove the icy barrier between them and the others.  As soon as it’s large enough, David’s there, holding out his arms and scooping Ruby up in them.  Normally she might grumble about being picked up like a baby, but her legs are shaking so badly now that she can barely stand.
“She’s very cold,” Elsa is telling David.  “She needs to warm up.”  
David carries her out from inside the wall and immediately the temperature rises, causing her to shiver even harder, her body confused by the change.   Then she’s sitting on something and Regina and Granny are in front of her, arguing about something that she can barely wrap her brain around.  Over Granny’s shoulder she can see Elsa speaking to David and Emma.  Probably about the wall thing.
“She needs a warm bath and some hot cocoa.”  Granny’s answer to everything.
“A bath will heat her up too quickly,” Regina argues.  “It might kill her.”
“Werewolves are tougher than most, your majesty.  She’ll be fine.”
“I think we’ll do it my way, rather than test that theory, hmmm?”  
And then Regina’s hands are on her cheeks and...oh, oh ...the most wonderful warmth is curling from her belly up into her chest, spreading out along her limbs as if it’s travelling through her blood.  Her muscles loosen and the shivering stops.  She looks up at Regina, her brain finally starting to operate at its normal speed, and offers her a wide grin.  Regina raises an eyebrow.
“Better, Ms Lucas?” Regina enquires, removing her hands from Ruby’s face.
“Much, Madam Mayor.”  To demonstrate the truth of her words, Ruby springs to her feet, shaking out her shoulders and jumping on the spot a few times.  
Granny huffs, shaking her head.  “How the hell did you end up inside an ice wall in the first place, girl?”
“Yes, dear, there are easier ways to meet women,” Regina says, with a teasing smirk.
She scowls at both of them, playfully.  “Everything would have been fine if the Charming crew hadn’t shown up all Miami Vice with their big guns.  Elsa got scared and we ended up in the wall.  And that’s a-”
“Are you alright, Ruby?”  A sweet voice cuts into their conversation and they turn to see Elsa, examining Ruby with great concern.  
“I’m great, Elsa,” Ruby assures her, with an easy smile.  She takes a few steps towards her and reaches out to touch her arm.  “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” Elsa says, quickly.  Although her body language, and the way she’s looking around at everything that’s going on says otherwise.
“How about we all head to the diner, huh?” Ruby suggests, looking to Elsa.  “I’ll get you that burger I promised-”  She doesn’t miss Regina’s raised eyebrow.  “-and then we can see about getting you back to Anna, okay?”
The nod and smile she receives make Ruby’s chest do that stupid thing again and she sighs as they all turn to head back towards the centre of town.   She’s probably setting herself up for another heartache, but for now, she’ll let herself enjoy the butterflies that take flight as Elsa’s arm brushes against her own as they walk.  
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itsswansecrets · 7 years
Howling Wolf, Ouat, Ruby/Mulan
Title:  Howling Wolf
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Ruby/Mulan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count:  1463
Note: The was written for the Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 2017 Prompts “Mulan Rouge” and “First Encounters”
Summary: Burlesque Club AU, while Ruby tends bar a new performer takes to the stage
Ruby hadn’t had the chance to meet the new girl yet, she hadn’t even seen a picture. She imagined though that she’d be nervous. Having her debut on a Friday night was certainly a trial by fire. The crowd were usually friendly enough but they knew what they liked and they didn’t take well to performers that didn’t meet the standards they were accustomed to.
Ruby Lucas generally enjoyed her work as a bartender at the Howling Wolf club. The club was styled like a 1920’s jazz club but with a more modern edge to its décor. There were various areas for lounging and eating. The main area of the club was a large stage with circular tables of various sizes arranged in the space front of it.
Almost every table was full. The MC, David Nolan, was warming up the crowd with a few jokes and a rundown of the upcoming entertainment. A few of the regular acts got cheers when they were mentioned, the loudest was, as usual, for the headline act Regina Mills.
The bar got busier, people wanted to get their drinks before the show started. Most patrons took advantage of the table service so while Ruby did deal with some customers most of her interactions were with smartly dressed waiters and waitresses.
David introduced the first act: Belle. The crowd applauded, getting louder as Belle came onto the stage. She was wearing a magnificent yellow ballgown. The band played soft music, soaring strings and tinkling piano. Music that seemed to speak about tales as old as time.
Ruby was busy making drinks and missed most of Belle’s performance, but she had seen it many times before. Belle was the stage name of Lacey French. Her act was a very classy, very elegant strip tease. She took off her white gloves first. Then her dress to reveal beautiful blue lingerie. Ruby looked over at the stage while Belle was dancing in her underwear.
Ruby and Lacey had, for a while, had a friends-with-benefits arrangement. A few weeks ago however Lacey had started dating the owner of the club, Adam Gold. Watching Lacey dance made her hope that the relationship wouldn’t last too long. She was missing their nights of fun. Though if it lasted much longer Ruby was going to need to find a new playmate. There was only so long she could go with pleasure coming only by her own hand.
One of the waiters interrupted her reminiscing with a drinks order. A few more orders came in quick succession and by the time Ruby had a moment to look at the stage again Belle was bowing to the appreciative audience. The Howling Wolf wasn’t a full on nude strip club. The emphasis was very much on the tease part of strip tease. Belle took her leave from the stage still wearing her panties and pasties that mostly covered her breasts.
At one of the tables at the front Ruby saw Mr Gold. With Belle’s performance done he turned to his companions, no doubt the three gentlemen at his table were business associates of some kind. Mr Gold was a man with a great many business interests and, if the rumours were true, not all of them were 100% legal. Ruby definitely got the vibe the men he was with tonight were shady.
The second act, introduced again by David, was a tap dancing trio. They were good, but Ruby wasn’t a fan, tap wasn’t really her thing.
Once they’d clickity-clacked their hearts out they took their applause and left the stage.
David returned to center stage and spoke into his microphone while a couple of stage hands set up for the next act in the background. “Weren’t they swell?” he let the clapping die down. “Now next we have quite the treat for you. A brand new act, making her grand debut in the Howling Wolf club on this very stage. She’s entertained crowds from London to Rome to New York City and tonight she is here to entertain you. Please give a proper Howling Wolf welcome to...Ping!”
The crowd gave an enthusiastic cheer, a few gave wolf howls that were common for some of the regulars to make.
The music started: A slightly off-key piano being played as if to accompany an old silent movie. The audience quietened down a bit. The stage was set with a simple wooden bench and an art deco style lamppost.
Ruby finished mixing a cocktail and set it on the bar, Kasey, one of the waitresses, set the drink on a tray and headed over to the table that had ordered it. Ruby looked to the stage. Just as she was wondering if the new girl had gotten stage fright a figure strode out.
It was a man. He was Asian and wearing a kind of Charlie Chaplin-esque suit. The dark trousers were loose. The black shoes were polished to a shine but oversized, to the point where they were not far off being clownish. His dark jacket was fitted and buttoned over a slim frame. He wore a bowler hat, had thick eyebrows and a moustache. He had a black umbrella hooked over one elbow and a confident swagger to his steps.
Ruby frowned. It was meant to be the new girl, David had announced her. Maybe there’d been a mix up backstage, but there wasn’t a new guy and...
The penny dropped. The guy was the new girl. She watched her. Her look and her movements were decidedly masculine.
‘Ping’ jaunted to the bench, every step seemed casual but was timed with the music. Ping sat on the bench and took out a newspaper that had been tucked under it.
Ruby watched as Ping went through a really fun slapstick routine. The crowd quickly warmed to the newcomer, laughing and cheering. ‘Ping’ was utterly convincing as a man, from look to body language.
Ruby’s enjoyment was interrupted by a big drinks order.
By the time she could focus on the stage again the music had shifted. It was still jaunty, but with a little more bite to it. Ping had taken off her suit jacket and laid it neatly on the bench. She was wearing a pristine white shirt and a lilac tie.
She danced, twirling the umbrella, and soon the hat came off and she shook free dark shoulder length dark hair. Ruby realised that as she removed her masculine dress she was also changing the way she moved, becoming more graceful.
The performance went on until she was left wearing only white pasties over her nipples and a pair of black boxer shorts. Aside from a bulge in the front of her boxers she was now all female in appearance and mannerisms. She’d even peeled off the moustache and thick eyebrows, and in Ruby's opinion she was pretty cute.
She left the stage to a standing ovation, a great reaction for a first timer.
Ruby joined the applause. She was looking forward to meeting the new girl properly.
Ruby had a break about forty-five minutes after Ping’s performance. She headed though the staff corridor backstage and along to the dressing rooms.
Only Regina had her own private dressing room. Ruby knew she was scheduled to perform one of her more famous routines, The Evil Queen, so was no doubt in the process of squeezing into a dress that made a stupendous display of her cleavage.
The main dressing room was an open plan space. One wall was lined with mirrors and dressing tables. There were partitioned areas for a bit of privacy when changing but everyone was pretty comfortable with nudity. This was a burlesque show after all. Through a door at the back there was shower room with individual cubicles.
When Ruby walked into the dressing room it took her a few moments to spot the new girl.
She was talking with one of the backing dancers that would be going on stage with Regina later. She was wearing blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt that, contrasting with her stage outfit, showed her womanly curves.
Ruby hesitated.
The new girl wasn’t just cute. She was smokin' hot.
Ruby went over and introduced herself.
“I’m Mulan,” the new girl smiled and offered her hand.
Ruby shook it, their eyes met and Ruby couldn’t help thinking about the fact she needed a new friend-with-benefits.
“I loved your show,” Ruby said, their eyes still locked.
“Thanks,” Mulan didn’t look away and she still had a smile on her lips. She looked Ruby down and up. "Are you performing tonight?"
"Oh, no, I work at the bar."
Mulan looked her over again. "That’s a shame."
Their eyes locked again.
Ruby was glad the attraction seemed to be mutual.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 1 is finally here! Our first featured pairing is Mulan Rouge / Red Warrior.
As a reminder, we also have seven prompts that will be featured during the event. Please be aware that you are not limited to the these themes, as they are only meant to give inspiration. Should you choose to work with one of the following prompts, we ask that all posts and submissions be tagged accordingly. Prompt #1: First Encounters Prompt #2: True Love’s Kiss Prompt #3: Villain!Ruby Prompt #4: Wedding Planning Prompt #5: Dating App Prompt #6: Underbrooke Prompt #7: Royal Ball/Gala 
Please post all your wonderful creations (fic, art, fanmixes, anything you can think of!) using the hashtag #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags.
We will reblog everything we come across but if we happen to miss your work please do drop us a message to let us know.
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to post on the right day, we will be reblogging all works throughout the week, and for a little while afterwards as well.
If you have any questions please do send us a message.
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onthecyberseas · 7 years
A Fake Date At The Club
At the club, Belle bumps into a stranger who asks her to pretend to be her girlfriend. As the evening progresses, she wishes their relationship was real.
Written for @realityornothing for the @rubyweek Femslash Exchange!
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Our last featured pairing is Red Beauty (Ruby/Belle).
As a reminder, we also have seven prompts that will be featured during the event. Please be aware that you are not limited to the these themes, as they are only meant to give inspiration. Should you choose to work with one of the following prompts, we ask that all posts and submissions be tagged accordingly.
Prompt #1: First Encounters Prompt #2: True Love’s Kiss Prompt #3: Villain!Ruby Prompt #4: Wedding Planning Prompt #5: Dating App Prompt #6: Underbrooke Prompt #7: Royal Ball/Gala
Please post all your wonderful creations (fic, art, fanmixes, anything you can think of) using the hashtag #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags.
We will reblog everything we come across but if we happen to miss your work please do drop us a message to let us know.
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to post on the right day, we will be reblogging all works throughout the week, and for a little while afterwards as well.
If you have any questions please do send us a message.
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itsswansecrets · 7 years
Something Bad (OuaT, Ruby/Zelena)
Title:  Something Bad
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Ruby/Zelena
Rating: R
Word Count: 1226
Note: The was written for the Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 2017 Prompts “Wicked Red” and “Villain!Ruby” Title take from the Wicked song of the same name.
Summary: Villain!Ruby has scored a major victory for Zelena in her quest to dominate Oz.
Warning: Character Death, violence and some mild suggestiveness
Ruby had a spring in her step as she walked through Emerald City. The sky was a gorgeous clear blue. She drew fearful glances and people, peasants mostly, cowered from her.
With good reason.
She had walked the yellow brick road and she followed it still towards the great palace. She was carrying a wicker basket, the kind a young girl might take filled with goodies on a visit to her grandmother’s house. Except usually young girls didn’t go around with a severed head in their basket. The head was displayed so the face was visible. It was a woman’s head. Her eyes were open and fixed in their lifeless stare.
Ruby smiled at the repulsed people but didn’t say anything.  The head said it all.
Ruby had on a long red cloak, a black corset that was trimmed with red lace, a short black skirt and black knee high boots. Her lips were painted scarlet and her eyes were lined with dark make-up. There were streaks of red in her loose dark brown hair. She carried no weapons. Ruby was herself a weapon.
She was nearly at the palace when she caught sight of a defiant look. The man giving it was perhaps fifty, of average height, skinny and dark haired. He didn’t seem afraid of her at all. He stood at the side of the yellow brick road, one of many who had made way for Ruby.
Ruby stopped and regarded the man. Still he did not show fear. Ruby stepped up to him and let her eyes flash for a moment from their usual warm brown to a vibrant golden yellow. But he didn’t blink. He didn’t flinch. He held her gaze. A brave one. They were a rare breed these days.
“What makes you so bold that you think you can look at me like that?” Ruby demanded.
The man gestured to the severed head Ruby carried. “She let many find their courage.”
Ruby laughed. “And their heart and their brains, blah blah, I’ve heard the story. But there’s no happy ending,” she shook the basket, jiggling the severed head. “Not if you rebel against your betters.”
“Not yet,” he replied, his voice clear and fearless.
Ruby considered ripping his heart out and eating it in front of his fellow citizens. People were staring. Those that had been walking had stopped to look on, they were wondering what price the man would pay for his courage.
Instead of inflicting pain Ruby leaned in close and sniffed him. She breathed in his scent and committed it to memory. “You smell like worthless shit,” Ruby whispered. “And now I know your stink I can find you anytime, anywhere. One night while you’re sleeping I’m going to come and eat you. If you have any children or a wife or anyone else in your home with you I’ll eat them first. You’ll die knowing they are dead and it’s all your fault. We’ll see how much fucking courage you have then.” As expected Ruby smelled the change.
The sour whiff of fear at last.
She patted his face, stepped back, gave him one last smile, all sweetness and light, then resumed her stroll down the yellow brick road.
The guards let her into the palace without challenge. Overhead a patrol of flying monkeys in formation soared out into the city. No one commented but boy did she get some looks as she walked through the corridors of power. Some were obviously glad to see the head of their enemy. Others were shocked to see such a gruesome display.
Ruby paused when she reached the throne room. There was a pair of armed and armored guards flanking the grand, elaborately carved, doors. The guards tried to remain stoic but they couldn't hide their reaction to the contents of Ruby’s basket. Ruby straightened the head so it was fully face up then nodded at the guards. They pulled open the doors and closed them again once Ruby was through them.
Zelena was sitting on the glittering gold throne. She was wearing black robes, and a pointed black hat. She was amusing herself with a prisoner. A man made of straw. He was hanging in the air, green tendrils of energy bound him around his legs, arm, neck and curled around his torso. The tendrils led to Zelena’s right hand. One of the scarecrow’s arms was on the floor.
Zelena’s lips, cherry red in contrast to her green skin, curled up into a smile. “You brought me a present darling?”
Ruby crossed the expansive throne room. It was all marble and gold and open space. In one corner was a rusted collection of metal that was vaguely in the shape of a man. “I did. The best present.”
The scarecrow let out a wail when he saw what was in the basket. Ruby knelt in front of the throne and presented her gift to Zelena.
Zelena giggled with glee. She leaned forward and snatched up the head and held it dangling by the hair. “Ding-dong the bitch is dead,” Zelena said and spat in Dorothy’s face. She stared at the face of her enemy, taking in every detail, savouring the moment. This was her victory. Her shining moment of glory. Dorothy Gale was at last dead. “She’s really dead,” Zelena held the head close. Almost close enough to kiss Dorothy’s bloodless lips.
“Dead as it gets,” Ruby said, still kneeling.
“Well,” Zelena looked up at the distraught scarecrow. “I suppose I don’t need you anymore.” Zelena closed her hand into a fist and the tendrils of energy all contracted violently. The scarecrow was shredded instantly. He burst apart in a cloud of swirling straw and tattered fabric.
Zelena tossed the head back in the basket. Ruby left the basket on the floor and stood, brushing off some stray straw.
“You killed her. You beautiful thing,” Zelena gestured for Ruby to come to her.
Ruby did, straddling Zelena’s lap. Zelena undid the tie of Ruby’s cloak. Ruby shrugged it off and it slid liquid-like to the floor, partly covering the basket.
“Tell me, tell me what it was like,” Zelena rested her green hands on Ruby’s waist.
Ruby regaled Zelena with the full tale. From hunting to fighting to finally killing Dorothy.
While Ruby spoke Zelena’s fingers steadily unfastened the front clasps of Ruby’s corset.
“So,” said Ruby once she had finished her exhilarating tale, “What happens next?”
Zelena plucked her hat off, letting her hair hang free, and dropped it on the floor. “Next we celebrate,” Zelena leaned in and kissed Ruby on the lips.
“Yes, lots of celebrating,” Ruby nodded, her hand slipping into the folds of Zelena’s robe. “But after that. What happens now Dorothy is gone?”
“We rule Oz, we do whatever the hell we like.”
Ruby grinned. It had been worth it then. Killing Dorothy had sealed her place in Zelena’s affections and elevated her to something like equal status to the Wicked Witch. Ruby kissed Zelena and soon they were engaged in enthusiastic celebration.
But that didn’t stop Ruby thinking about what she was going to have to do to complete her journey and become the real top dog in Oz. After all in any pack their could be only one true alpha, and Ruby was determined it would be her.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 1 is underway! Our third featured pairing is Red Kansas/Ruby Slippers (Ruby/Dorothy).
As a reminder, we also have seven prompts that will be featured during the event. Please be aware that you are not limited to the these themes, as they are only meant to give inspiration. Should you choose to work with one of the following prompts, we ask that all posts and submissions be tagged accordingly.
Prompt #1: First Encounters Prompt #2: True Love’s Kiss Prompt #3: Villain!Ruby Prompt #4: Wedding Planning Prompt #5: Dating App Prompt #6: Underbrooke Prompt #7: Royal Ball/Gala
Please post all your wonderful creations (fic, art, fanmixes, anything you can think of) using the hashtag #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags.
We will reblog everything we come across but if we happen to miss your work please do drop us a message to let us know.
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to post on the right day, we will be reblogging all works throughout the week, and for a little while afterwards as well.
If you have any questions please do send us a message.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 1 is underway! Today’s featured pairing is Red Mermaid (Ruby/Ariel).
As a reminder, we also have seven prompts that will be featured during the event. Please be aware that you are not limited to the these themes, as they are only meant to give inspiration. Should you choose to work with one of the following prompts, we ask that all posts and submissions be tagged accordingly.
Prompt #1: First Encounters Prompt #2: True Love’s Kiss Prompt #3: Villain!Ruby Prompt #4: Wedding Planning Prompt #5: Dating App Prompt #6: Underbrooke Prompt #7: Royal Ball/Gala
Please post all your wonderful creations (fic, art, fanmixes, anything you can think of) using the hashtag #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags.
We will reblog everything we come across but if we happen to miss your work please do drop us a message to let us know.
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to post on the right day, we will be reblogging all works throughout the week, and for a little while afterwards as well.
If you have any questions please do send us a message.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 1 is underway! Today is Open Ship day, which means you can create works for any Ruby Lucas femslash pairing you want. Perhaps you want to use one of the pairings which will be featured in our second femslash week in December? Or maybe there's another pairing you love that we haven't managed to include at all? Or perhaps you just want to create even more for one of the pairings featured this week? Whatever it is, go for it!
As a reminder, we also have seven prompts that will be featured during the event. Please be aware that you are not limited to the these themes, as they are only meant to give inspiration. Should you choose to work with one of the following prompts, we ask that all posts and submissions be tagged accordingly.
Prompt #1: First Encounters Prompt #2: True Love’s Kiss Prompt #3: Villain!Ruby Prompt #4: Wedding Planning Prompt #5: Dating App Prompt #6: Underbrooke Prompt #7: Royal Ball/Gala
Please post all your wonderful creations (fic, art, fanmixes, anything you can think of) using the hashtag #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags.
We will reblog everything we come across but if we happen to miss your work please do drop us a message to let us know.
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to post on the right day, we will be reblogging all works throughout the week, and for a little while afterwards as well.
If you have any questions please do send us a message.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 1 is underway! Our second featured pairing is Frozen Wolf (Ruby/Elsa).
As a reminder, we also have seven prompts that will be featured during the event. Please be aware that you are not limited to the these themes, as they are only meant to give inspiration. Should you choose to work with one of the following prompts, we ask that all posts and submissions be tagged accordingly.
Prompt #1: First Encounters Prompt #2: True Love’s Kiss Prompt #3: Villain!Ruby Prompt #4: Wedding Planning Prompt #5: Dating App Prompt #6: Underbrooke Prompt #7: Royal Ball/Gala
Please post all your wonderful creations (fic, art, fanmixes, anything you can think of) using the hashtag #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags.
We will reblog everything we come across but if we happen to miss your work please do drop us a message to let us know.
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to post on the right day, we will be reblogging all works throughout the week, and for a little while afterwards as well.
If you have any questions please do send us a message.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Ruby Lucas Femslash Week 1 is underway! Today's featured pairing is Wicked Red (Ruby/Zelena).
As a reminder, we also have seven prompts that will be featured during the event. Please be aware that you are not limited to the these themes, as they are only meant to give inspiration. Should you choose to work with one of the following prompts, we ask that all posts and submissions be tagged accordingly.
Prompt #1: First Encounters Prompt #2: True Love’s Kiss Prompt #3: Villain!Ruby Prompt #4: Wedding Planning Prompt #5: Dating App Prompt #6: Underbrooke Prompt #7: Royal Ball/Gala
Please post all your wonderful creations (fic, art, fanmixes, anything you can think of) using the hashtag #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags.
We will reblog everything we come across but if we happen to miss your work please do drop us a message to let us know.
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to post on the right day, we will be reblogging all works throughout the week, and for a little while afterwards as well.
If you have any questions please do send us a message.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Today is the reveal day for the first Ruby Lucas Femslash Exchange. Please post your exchange creations, making sure to @ tag your recipient in the post, and to use #rlfw 2017 in the first 5 tags of the post so that we can find and reblog them too.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Attention all werewolves! Here are the featured pairings for Ruby Lucas Femslash Week #2. Click here to be redirect to the event page.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Attention all werewolves! Here are the featured pairings for Ruby Lucas Femslash Week #1. Click here to be redirect to the event page.
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rubyweek-blog · 7 years
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Ready to learn about Ruby Lucas Femslash Week? We are a seven day event that highlights the many ships of Ruby Lucas. Each day features a new pairing and comes with various prompts, challenges, and more. Before the event calendar can be posted, we need your help to determine the specifics. You will be redirected to two separate polls, both equally important. Participation is highly encouraged and deeply appreciated. After all, we couldn’t have RLFW without you!
The first poll will help determine when the event will be held. There are five dates to choose from, or you can opt to recommend your own. The second poll will help determine our featured pairings. Unfortunately, not all pairings will have an entire day dedicated to themselves. Therefore, one of the seven days will be open to all shipping preferences. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the main.
Click here to vote on the dates.
Click here to vote on featured pairings.
The same prompts will be recommended each day of the event. If you would like to recommend a specific prompt or challenge, please visit the inbox. Your support is appreciated, and we cannot wait to see you at RLFW 2017. You can click here for additional information regarding the event. 
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