#rn im thinking of like a space or galaxy type picture
octopodhotrod · 1 year
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New tank looks even better today i seriously cant get over it, i love it so much
If you look careful in the second pic you can see the danios all clustered together (the balas and neons in the pics are just part of the bg) and if you look in the pyramid you can juuust see Sharko the redtail
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uummyuu · 1 year
orion fc headcanons
no one writes for orion fc i am here to change that <33, also this is severely meda biased im sorry he's so hot :((
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considering how little orion actually appears in the show they're probably the type of team to keep out of the media, OR most of the media surrounding their team is around coach black since he's quite the established astronomer + still pretty well revered in the scientific community
the boys probably prefer keeping out of the spotlight cause it's easier for them to just focus on playing and has them feeling free to take up whatever side hobbies they wish without the media sniffing up their ass
but the team definitely goes on those museum field trips whenever a new space concerned exhibit pops up, i would say the entire team is pretty interested in space/astronomy but meda himself wanted to be an astronaut one day which didn't entirely pan out so he lives his dreams vicariously through coach black's training methods
it's because of this that they respect coach black, he's taken years of study on the stars and countless galaxies they couldn't even think of. he's literally adept at launching rockets into space and living in one, who wouldn't admire that? (if only he wasn't a cheater, but they follow him anyways due to them seeing his tactics as "scientific development")
they're deadass just a team of well-built nerds who happen to like playing football. meda does decently well in press conferences but put any other member in front of the mic and they might trail off from the game to actual space facts or something... (call it the coach black influence i suppose).
meda doesn't really understand the seemingly bloodthirsty rivalry some teams have off of the pitch, like yeah he trash talks opponents sometimes (i say sometimes cause orion literally only appears like once/twice a season or never at all, who knows he could be trash talking all the time) but he limits it to ON the pitch only.
all of them are introvert leaning, they just play up the attitude for the cameras. coach black tells them to act competitive and they literally have no idea how so they just resort to shit talking.
the entire team probably has a big gap moe thing going on where during games they aren't afraid to shittalk their opponents but off the pitch they're completely friendly and polite, just average joes with a lovely little french accent peeking through at times. overall very gentle guys!
they think they're so clever by picking their player names after constellations/space related things but off the pitch they call each other by their real names cause it feels a little silly after awhile. (they don't even bother sticking to meda's name it's only adromeda to them during a match)
i swear i knew some of the other players + the goalie's names but i forgot them :((((( im being a fake fan rn
they're definitely the types for late night picnic dates where they drive to a place with no light pollution so they can stargaze. the types to guide your hands making you point at stars while you lay on their chest or something.
the collective casualwear aesthetic for the team is either comfy sweaters/cardigans or business casual polo and khakis no on between, dark academia leaning. some of them need to wear glasses too but they just wear contacts during games despite the risk. (meda in a cardigan and glasses please see my vision of him as a soft library boy...)
all of the players' individual social media accounts are private and the pictures literally only consist of a. practice days, b. pictures of the night sky, and c. if they're married/seeing someone they share pictures of the dates they go on sometimes.
they share the public orion fc natter account and that's about as public as they get. if you manage to get into one of their private accounts it's a literal orion fan's treasure trove like holy shit there's so much good behind the scenes stuff there.
the team is essentially one little fandom of space nerds where they can talk about constellations and are genuinely rather intelligent in regards to astronomy whether it's from self-interest of picked up from coach black. they construct and discuss well thought opinions on new scientific happenings together, they would literally have a discord server and have different channels for the various phenomena they discuss;
[andromeda: hey guys! i know you're discussing the revised black hole picture recently uploaded(super exciting i know!) but this is the star sign channel where d'etoile talks about horoscopes! if you could move over to #space-photography🌌 that would be great!]
yes meda is a discord mod, i do not regret this headcanon at all.
anyways a small throwaway headcanon is that d'etoile phinus (their goalie) is super into horoscopes and gives his teammates concerningly specific but also weirdly accurate readings on what might happen throughout the day, and always carries his horoscopes lucky item around. (probably has a cute boyfriend but i won't get into that)
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getreadytosmash · 3 years
well NOW i need to hear your Thoughts about skaar and hulk finding out things 👀👀
Sjsjsjjs w.well....if u say so sir 👉👈😳
Takes place within the end of my s3 ideas
A lot of gamma mutates have been appearing and fighting by now and this is during the point that Betty Ross and a collection of other people have slowly gone missing over the season as well as a bunch of mysterious gamma related attacks
Leader is hesitantly shifting onto their side but isn't quite with them??? Still off on his own and researching and overall very standoffish still since he knows whose related to it all still
Skaar's probably been suffering some odd dreams at this point and I wanna relate them to prophesies since Sakaar was quite connected to them within the comics
Probably something cheesy like uh "when green was torn away we wept. And while you fell as the sun falls from moon, she has cried and she has wept. Face your destiny, Sakaarson, and reignite what was once one." Or smth that's all I got at the top of my head rn
And yeah, Skaar wants to go and has a brief fight over it with Red who thinks it's stupid to go catering off into space just because he dreams of talking rocks
But Hulk points out the fact that they're needed on Earth right now, to figure out what's going on and how to help people, even though humans are disrupting them more and more
And Skaar can see how tired Hulk looks, how he's trying so hard and how even the mention of space settles something on him and Skaar can't make his family go through any of that again. Can't make them ensure that hopelessness of dying in a metal can in a place where most of the world would think they deserved to stay after simply trying to help. Making them all go would just be selfish.
So. I mean. Its not selfish to drag Leader on a trip to Sakaar. Is it?
And yeah this is where it gets a bit blurry cause I imagine Skaar is somehow stuck there for a few days and a lot of cut scenes between him exploring Sakaar culture and Hulk worrying so much and now trying to get to Sakaar.
Its messy for Hulk. Because a part of him fears space now but Skaar is up there. And space and fear is only something you ensure for so long until you reach something grounding and solid again. It'll be worth it if he can get to Skaar again and to help the younger hulk and keep him safe.
Hiro-Kala...I definitely think yeah he's settled as some sort of bad leader and I don't mean as in "he's a shitty person!!" But he's away from Caiera and alone so that makes a lot of his decisions panicked and bad and he can't rely on anyone for help
And now suddenly he has someone with a similar tattoo that isn't fully complete (because yes I use physical symbolism) and now Skaar is putting what he's learned from Hulk to use while searching for the source of the voice that rings out to him across a galaxy.
And I want this to be a thing where it cuts and shows how Hulk worries and becomes rough in his decisions because he only does that when it comes to family! And I want it to show examples of how Skaar has come further now, become someone who could lead and shows examples of what he's learned in comparisons from flashbacks!!
Like...one flashback of Hulk teaching Skaar an important lesson and it cuts to Hulk completely disregarding while Skaar follows it perfectly? It has a good view of how they are and the way their relationship has developed over the past year and a half.
I haven't got all of it but I definitely picture the big moment when Skaar eventually unlocks what's hidden within Sakaar and Hulk and the rest of the Smashers arrive and its absolutely some of that shit that cuts between Leader and Hiro-Kala yelling at Skaar to stop while Hulk rushes to find them before a giant blue and white light cracks between the ground and makes everything go black at a cliffhanger
Tbh I kinda want Caiera to be a villain at first? But more of uh...that scene in Moana where the goddess is angry because she got locked away by the Red King??? Yeah that. And with Cai's emergence, all of these MEMORIES about her come spilling out, a bit like Lup and TAZ
Hulk remembers. Remembers a mission where he got stuck away from the Avengers for a month and a half and how he met this woman who made the Earth move and at the time, had been the only one who matched him in strength that either wasn't his baby cousin or Ben Grimm being a good friend
Remembers the thrill and taste of revolution. The joy of being seen and accepted by someone for bother sides of himself and how Caiera would call him "Holku" with that same smile and eyes that struck his heart and make his stomach clench funny
And its easy and hard to remember the quick vows they made before the king was defeated and Hulk decided to go back. Before the King turned out to have survived and locked Caiera away after she gave birth to the most powerful twins on Sakaar
And the memory is there. The clarity is there. Skaar was his son and Hiro-Kala is his son. One got forced to fight and tortured and mind washed and forced to fight his own family in order to claw for any sense of self while the other had been left to fend for themself and they had to find their way and they hadn't done a good job and that just makes it sting more because Hiro-Kala had tried their best but it just wasn't the good type of best.
Big fight. Just. Big fight. Lots of pain and screaming and both of his parents going out of control before Hiro-Kala calms Caiera down and Skaar calms Hulk down. And tbh hell fucking year im picturing ur art here now where they hug and cry because it fits perfect.
Hulk and Caiera...soft moment with their children before finishing what they started properly and killing the Red king. Well. If it was proper HatAoS they would seal him into the Earth instead of Caiera but I mean. Kill.
And after that there's still a lot to be done and the others need to go back but Caiera and Hiro-Kala take over at royalty with the rest of the Warbound being part of the palace and tbh this is mostly so we can see the relationship develop more over the next season and stretch it out a little more?
Hulk and Caiera agree to pen pal while she fixes Sakaar and he fixes Earth. Maybe a bit of a shippy moment ;) and Skaar... hm. Probably stays on Sakaar for a little bit and I like how it gives him a taste of his home and ultimately would mean that he decides whether or not he wants to be Heir Skaar or Smasher Skaar
And while this happens I'm totally picturing cheesy stuff on Earth where all of the Smashers have a moment of missing Skaar and overall needing a fifth member and the fact that Hulk has growing issues about the fact that he has two sons now and he's...kinda failed them both horribly.
What a time for his daughter to make her first appearance by attacking them and kidnapping Jen eh.
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cravingwitandwisdom · 6 years
All of the space asks, my dear 😄
Damn okay, here we go.. ♡ Comet - what are you currently frustrated about? Capitalism Back hole - what are you most afraid of? That one day, when I'm old and burned out I'll ask myself the question "was it really worth it - this life, this mess" and I'll know it wasn't. Galaxy - do you have nicknames. What are they? Daniel always calls me Mary Poppin or just Mary. Here I'm known as Grace and irl some folks call me that too but my name is actually Grachella. It's hard to pronounce so most of the time people make their own version l and that's okay, too. People at my voulenteering work sometimes call me Frochella because we all give each other nicknames and I kinda love that. Star - what songs do you feel describe you? Drops of Jupiter by Train, Bored by Billie Eilish, idontwannebeyouanymore by Billie Eilish, Dust by Frank Ocean and many many more I can't think of right now.Moon - are you currently reading any books? I'm currently reading (finally reading!) Lotr. I own the books forever and it was time for an adventure. I just started reading Today I am Alice yesterday. It's a biography about Alice who has multiple personalities. It reminds me of a girl i know, the story. Its not a pretty one. Planets - if you could go anywhere, where would you go? Right now I'd go to Mexico. Daniel is there for two months now and I feel like I miss a part of myself.Mercury - describe your aesthetic. Sometimes I live in the 90s and I'm turning up 2pac. Fila's on my feet and a Casio watch on my wrist. I let strands of hair fall down the front of my face while the top is tied in a quirky little ponytail and the back hangs loose, barely reaching my shoulders. Sometimes I live in the 60s. I wear long skirts and tie bows in my hair. I listen to The Civil Wars and feel infinitely soft. The pain and the sorrow, the loss - there's purpose in the ugly parts of life. Sometimes I'm an African queen. I tie my hair in a turban and wear the colours of nature. I radiate elegance. I feel deeply connected to my roots and dance to Gyptian or Jah Cure. I talk in my mother's tongue. Sometimes I am an Victorian witch. I wear a long black dress, the crocheted choker i wear is elegance itself. I cover my body with crystals as I chant a spell or pray to Gaia. See.. I don't think I have one aesthetic because I don't think I'm just one person. Venus - whats your favourite tv show? Shameless, Rick & Morty, Westworld, The Tudors, GoT, Gossip Girl, The Handmaids Tale, Vampire diaries and The Originals. Earth - if you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be? Oh I don't know. Mars - if you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? The numbers on my bank account. Or maybe that I'd be a minimalist.. one or the other hahaha Jupiter - if you had to pick one colour to use for an entire week, what colour would yoi choose? Black for everything. Saturn - how far would you go for those you care about? 9.229 km or 5734.635 miles Uranus - what would you say is your greatest achievement? Climbing a mountain and then sleeping on the mountain in a hammock, in the middle of the Amazon. The mountain wasn't very high but I never did anything like that before. Neptune - describe yourself in one sentence. Did you not just read i cant even describe my aesthetic in a simple way. How do you expect me to describe myself in one sentence? I am so much more than one sentence. Pluto - if you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would you meet? J.D. Salinger. Constellations - if you could have one talent, what would it be? The ability to take care of plants.. all my plants always die :/Asteroid - when you die, what do you want te be done with your body? I always wanted to give my body to science but since thats not so easy anymore i decided i want to be cremated. Or if its possible by the time i die, I'd like to be buried in a biodegradable burial pod that turns my body into a tree. Aquarius - whats a topic you enjoy learning about? Languages, science, mythology, philosophy, spirituality, witchcraft and culture are a few things popping into my mind right now. Aquila - do you prefer to read books or watch movies? I read more than i watch movies but i do enjoy a good film every once in a while. Aries - what is something you enjoy doing? Sleeping. Auriga - if you had to pick one villain from any media, who would you rather have to face and why? Delores Umbridge is a foul despicable toad-like villain i have great abhorrence for. Bootes - if you could have any animal, wild or not, fake or not, which would you want? A thestral or rather a herd. Cancer - how do you want tp be remembered? Often the wise are remembered by their tortured minds. But I'd like to be remembered as wise and free. I want people to reminisce me and think "she lived fully and without remorse, she lived the way she wanted and there wasnt any onther way for her to live" Canis Major - How many friends do you have? I find it difficult to distinct friends or friendship. On Tumblr i talk to some people, people i have been talking to for years. I have some colleagues i hang out with after work hours. Are they my friends? I hang out with friends of friends. Are they my friends, too? I cant answer this question. I dont know how many people consider me a friend. And i, myself, have a hard time figuring out what friendship exactly is. Can anyone teach me the rules? Capricornus - whats a song lyric that you can relate to? "Can you see that im getting bored, giving you every piece of me?" - by Billie Eilish Cassiopeia - whats your favourite quote? 1. "Forget what they told you about bodies and temples. Mine was all roadside attraction, tourist destination. A place mediocre men go to remember how to be good again" - by Ashe Vernon 2. "Can you understand? Someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little? For all my despair, for all my ideals, for all that - I love life. But it is hard, and I have so much - so very much to learn" - by Sylvia Plath 3. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" - by Maya AngelouCyngus - if you could go back to any time perion for a couple of days, when/ where would you want to go? The beginning of everything. Gemini - do you have any siblings? How many? 2 half sisters, 3 half brothers, 1 sister and 2 steph sisters. Leo - if you could change the way any movie was made, which movie would you change? Avatar and Death note. Libra - if you could talk to your past self, what would you tell yourself? Stop smoking weed and go do something useful with your life. Lyra - would you rather be feared or loved? I find it hard to receive love but i choose it anyway. Orion - whats your favourite type of weather? The breaking if dawn on an autumn day when the air is gloomy and the meadow misty. When the world is peaceful and leaves are covered with hoarfrost. Pegasus - whats your favourite music genre? I dont think i can pick, i really cant. Perseus - whats your favourite movie genre? Drama and fantasy. Pisces - Describe someone you love without their name. Tall, dark and handsome. Self-righteous. Beautiful brown eyes. Lazy and sluggish. But such a pumpkin. Amazing smile. Incredible kisser. A cute smoll spot on their nose. Game addiction. Cant talk about feelings. Doesn't know how to apologize. Humble and soft. Sagittarius - what do you do when you don't feel well? What do you eat? I sleep alot and i barely eat or i munch on potato chips. Scorpius - if you had to pick someone to betray you, who would you pick? This woman i work with.. she's been getting on my nerves playing the victim all the time. I'd love to have a reason to go off on her. That sounds bad huh? Taurus - What makes you feel comfortable? Hoodies. Ursa Major - if you had to pick any job to have, what job would you want? Physicists or writer. Virgo - what do you value the most- artistic / creativity, musical ability, athletic ability, intellect or work ethic? 1. Artistic ability/ creativity 2. Intellect 3. Musical ability 4. Athletic ability 5. Work ethic Neutron - are you more a leader or a follower? Leader. Supernova - how do you feel about yourself? I try to love myself but its work. Supergiant - whats something you like about yourself? I love learning, knowledge. Im open to anything and I'm curious by nature. Red Giant - would you get into a debate/ argument with someone if you heard them saying something you disagree with or know to be wrong, or would yoi stay silent? I dont shy away from arguments, especially if i know im right. I can get very passionate. What is your favourite smell? What smell makes you feel most comfortable? Lavender, wood smoke, pine and sandalwood. Protostar - give a random fact about yourself. I got a new tattoo just yesterday. A picture will be up soon. Sorry, in took me a while. I dont have a computer rn so i had to do this on mobile. Thank you so much for asking me.
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kairoth · 6 years
Dragon, unicorn, gorgon, manticore, hydra, pretty in punk, short fast and loud, moving pictures, saturday, homesick t space camp, sugar we’re goin down, i’m like a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off (me & you), thnks fr th mmrs, i don’t care, 27, where did the party go, young volcanoes, earth, mercury, andromeda galaxy, pleiades, dysnomia And for obscure asks; 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 23, 24, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, and 40?
dragon: last thing that made you smile?♥ hhhh i'm talking to two people rn who make me smile!unicorn: what sets you apart from others?♥ i... have no idea? lmao. i guess technically no one has exactly the same personality so that?gorgon: least favourite color?♥ hhh that gross green/brown everyone knows the one. also any shade of pink except pastelmanticore: picnics or hikes?♥ hmmm picnics! but as long as im with someone i like then either is fine!hydra: do you collect/have a lot of anything?♥ oof i have a lot of books, funko pops, pokemon cards, and i'm tryna start a good crystal collection! pretty in punk: punk, emo, scene or goth?♥ like... which am i? i try to be soft punk but i'm really mostly a weird repressed emo lmao. as for who i'd be friends with/date... any but scene tbh but if i really like the person it's okshort fast and loud: if you had to spend the rest of your life with only three other people, who would they be? why?♥ hhhh no don't make me choose!! D: uhhhhhmmmmmmm... no i can't choose ;; i love too many peoplemoving pictures: what's your favourite art form?♥ hmm... i really like digital art! saturday: best concert you've attended?♥ hhh sadly i have not gone to many...idk if it counts, but i recently went to a judy garland tribute and i really loved that!homesick at space camp: what do you blast when you’re angry?♥ oof mainly bring me the horizon or three days gracesugar we’re goin down: would you rather have antlers or deer legs?♥ oof antlersi’m like a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off (me & you): have you had your first kiss yet?♥ hhh,,, no, i have not,thnks fr th mmrs: best memory?♥ oof. i gotta say anything to do with my old kitty, harley...i don’t care: what's your type?♥ hhh idk,, idrc but i am into ppl tougher than me lmao. 27: favourite instrument?♥ violin and guitar!where did the party go: bass lines or guitar solos?♥ oof bass lines!young volcanoes: acoustics or a cappella?♥ hmm i really love both but...acousticsearth: rivers or seas?♥ riversmercury: what's your favourite school subject?♥ mmm english (but more vocabulary and whatnot than grammar bc grammar's h a r d but i'm good with words)andromeda galaxy: what's the farthest you've traveled?♥ from fl to maryland lolpleiades: star sign?♥ technically,, leo. but i've always identifed more with scorpio (which is funny cos i was supposed to be born in october)dysnomia: favourite sound?♥ oof uhhh a cat's purr.1. what’s your favorite way to dress?♥ mmm i usually just wear my parent's old shirts for pjs (cos they're baggy which is nice) but casual wear is just jeans and a t-shirt. for formal wear, i'll just throw on anything that looks nice lmao3. what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?♥ movie is any disney movie, game is any pokemon game6. what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?♥ alt rock7. what song is your aesthetic?♥ fff any by EDEN,, 8. what color do you think goes best with your personality?♥ i like to think periwinkle 11. vague about your crush(es)♥ OOF uhh. c: you're so tall like how? it's like you grow more every time i see you again. i didn't interact much on your birthday but you still came over and gave me a hug, and that set my heart to racing. i wish i could actually talk to you more, but i'm shy. m: we don't talk as much as we used to, but every time we do i smile. i wish you loved me again, but it's ok, long as we're still friends. s: i love talking to you so much, it's crazy. i wish i could see you and hug you and be everything for you, like you are for me. but i'll settle for just talking. 23. do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets?♥ definitely soft and fluffy blankets! 24. what is your favorite thing to learn about?♥ animals, the stars, lil facts about people i love 28. do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend?♥ oof definitely. 30. what instrument do you wish you could master?♥ hh all of them, but mainly guitar and keyboard32. do you have any strange interests?♥ mmm... idk if this is strange, but i love fantasy stuff, and tarot cards and crystals and spiritual stuff. 33. do you have any strange fears? ♥ i'm afraid of pretty much everything35. when you get angry, how do you show it?♥ it depends. with my dad, i tend to explode, and yell, with anyone else i get kinda just? cold. my words are clipped and sometimes passive aggressive and i kinda give the cold shoulder lmao. 36. do you have any impulsive movements? (twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.)♥ ff yea. i move my legs/feet a lot and mess with my fingers, a lot of times i flap my hands. those are the main ones 40. do you like light blankets or heavy blankets?♥ mmm both. lighter blankets are nice when it's hot, and heavy blankets are nice when it's cold :>thank you so much for sending these!! ily!
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in-an-other-fantasy · 7 years
for @felixmarouchka​
Spotify, Sound cloud or Pandora? Youtube
Is your room messy or clean? Im trying to keep it clean but i always put anything everywhere so it gets messy easily
What color are your eyes? Blue/grey depending of the lights (and i have this brown circle around my pupil)
Do you like your name? Why? Not really, it doesnt sound good
What is your relationship status? single
My personality in 3 words depressive, creative, bad humor
My hair color actually pastel teal sort of
My car, it’s color grey volkswagen golf
Where do I shop internet my friend
My style? i would like completely vintage retro but there is not a lot of friperie now i came back to my parents. So i think its often a little grunge
Favorite social media Instagram just because its simple when i dont have anything to do
Size of my bed two places i guess ?
Any siblings? one brother
Where would I live? Why? i like nordic country. Island and all are fucking pretty. I want to travel so. MY HOME IS WHERE MY CATS ARE
Fav snapchat filter? the weird and creepy ones
Fav make up too faced, nyx. Anything that has pretty packaging
How many times a week do I shower? once a day, usually
Fav tv show? idk
Shoe size? 39-40
Height? 1m66
Sandals or sneakers? sneakers
You go to the gym? Nope
Dream date? aquarium is the first thing that came to my mind
Money in my wallet? idk
Color of my sock? I dont have socks rn
How many pillows? two 
My job? barmaid and waitress
How many friends? generally 5
Fav candle scent? idk 
3 fav boys names Felix Lucien  Ewen
3 fav girls names Alcyone Alice ‘old or weird ‘ names in general
Fav actor Benedict cumberbatch
Fav actress Mia Wasikowska 
My celebrity crush? anyone who i think is pretty in the movie im watching lol
Fav movie? i have a top 10 always fluctuating
Do I read a lot? Yes
Money or brains? money, because brain is too complicated (i wish mine was not that complicated)
My nickname? chacha (i hate it) charlie
Times have been to the hospital? 2 or 3 times in the urgences, once long time. ONE MORE FOR MY BIRTH
Top 10 songs the bo of the guardians of the galaxy. All the songs are perf
Daily medication? yes
Skin type? liquid actually
Biggest fear? being closed in little spaces, lost in the middle of ocean, storm (big waves) and tornado
How many kids I want? somedays i want kid and somedays not. I have time for that
My go to hair style? square (??) haircut 
My type of house? old stone house 
My role model? i like emma watson, she’s inspiring. Some artists too
Last received compliment? idk, when i receive a compliment i deny it points by points actually
Last sent text? “je sais pas,peut etre”
How old was I when I learnt about santa? around 6 maybe, i dont remember
My dream car? chevrolet bel air 1954
Opinion on smoking? i dont care if you want a lung cancer, go on, but dont throw your smoke on people who dont smoke and dont throw your ends on the ground plz, there is trashcan for that
Do you go to college? Nope
Rural areas or suburb? suburb
Do I steal shampoo and conditioner from hotel? yes lol (plus they are cute)
Do I have freckles? no but i would like too. I have sun marks who looks like white freckles tho
Do I smile for pictures? nope, grins are my thing
How many pics on my phone? idk
Ever peed in the woods? Yes
Still watch cartoons? yes
Chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDo? neither 
Fav dipping sauce? Barbecue
What I wear to bed pajama
Ever won a spelling bee? Nope
My hobbies? Art, geeking and procrastinate with my pets
Can I draw? yes
Play an instrument? just a lil’ bit
Last concert I saw? yesterday two bands at the place where i work
Tea or coffe? None
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? i like the cakes in starbucks
Do I want to get married? yes just for the dress bcs they are so fucking pretty (and i want to be the protagonist in one thing for once hey)
My crush’s first and last initial? idk
Am I going to change!y last name whrn I get married? idk 
Color looking best on me? no idea
Do I miss anyone? Not sure ... i guess
Door open or closed when I sleep? sligtly open for the cats, OPEN IN BIG WHEN MY FUCKING DOG COME
Do I believe in ghosts? Yup !
Biggest pet peeves? eeeehhhh there is a lot 
Fav ice cream? straciatella or cookie dough
Oreos or golden oreos? standard oreos
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? chocolate
My current shirt? oooold franklin marshall tank top 
Phone background? tianshan art by old xian
Outgoing or shy? shyyyyyyyyyy 
Do I like people playing with my hair? i dont think someone played with my hair one day so i have no idea
Do I like my neighbors? yes because they are from my family (hello welcome to the countryside)
Do I wash my face? yes
Ever been high? maybe
Ever been drunk? yes
Ladt thing I ate? melon 
Fav lyrics? lyrics of all those friendly people by funeral suits
Summer or winter? Fall
Day or night? night or late night/early morning
Dark milk or white chocolate? all
Fav month? ehhhhh lets say march
Zodiac sign? sagittarius
Last person I cried in front of? My mom
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