comfort-and-campfires · 10 years
Inside the room of Team JRRC a lone vase stood in front of one of the bunk beds, more specifically, the one Colby and Jennu slept in. Wrapped around the neck of it was a red ribbon and a small piece of paper. Inside of it were a small mixture of flowers; orange roses, sycamore, three geranium, a single sunflower in the middle, and surrounding all those flowers were violets. On the paper was a message written in fine handwriting, 'Cupcake. Got the vase for them and some extras for you.'
Colby came to an abrupt halt as he entered the JRRC room, empty save for The Colonel. The black and white cat arched her back happily against his leg as he knelt down in front of the vase, staring curiously. He hesitantly reached out and read the note.
His face flushed red, but it faded quickly since there was no one but The Colonel to make him feel self-conscious about receiving flowers. He exhaled shakily, managing a happy smile as he looked at the flowers. He felt relieved that his Faunus teammate hadn't gotten angry at him for giving her the Violets. 
He gently brushed his hand against one of the geraniums, because it was those whose meaning touched him the most.
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pac-confessions · 10 years
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Even though I’m not really a part of the PAC community anymore and kinda under the radar, I wanna give some props to Katie, Sammie, Tia, and Yumi. They’re really talented at what they do, and whenever I needed help or anything they were always there for me to talk to without worrying incessantly about it. Some of the nicest people I think I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. ))
Submitted by mayflieswithstanding
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landsharkarsonist · 10 years
fightingspiritchloe replied to your post:((  Rwby is actually one of the few verses Tony is...
( Would he be able to smell periods tho)
(( I......honestly don't know..................... Let's go with a yes.  And he'd just be forever disgusted by the smell))
robin-and-antony-lyons replied to your post:((  Rwby is actually one of the few verses Tony is...
(( AhahahhaGOOD  The faunus with the sharp sense of smell know what's up))
melodys-x-adventure replied to your post “((  Rwby is actually one of the few verses Tony is not a promiscuous...”
(( uwu Thank, I try ))
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clovis-x-adventure · 10 years
robin-and-antony-lyons said:hahahawhatissleep*SHOT*
(( >8( ))
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the-lacie-archives · 10 years
robin-and-antony-lyons started following you
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"Another traveler through Laverre, hm? A Trainer, or perhaps just a passerby?"
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lionheartedphoenix · 10 years
He gave a satisfied little smile to himself, checking his HoloCaster and glancing once over his shoulder. Yeah, that Pokémon would do well. Perhaps it would help the girl too.  Shrugging faintly to himself, he finally looked back ahead, only to bump straight into someone.
Giving a grunt to himself, he frowned.
"Sorry, I didn't--"
He stopped, staring quietly at the other, brows furrowing for a second at the sight before him. He bit the tip of his tongue, contemplated. Opened his mouth once more before closing it.
How did he deal with Robin... Last he spoke to her she'd been ready to rip him apart, just because he had told Marius about her birthday...
"... Hi."
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frecklesandbiceps · 10 years
(( RIFP COMRADE...................... ))
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pkmntamerjackson · 10 years
He hadn't bought the ticket. Hadn't taken that flight. Jules' appearance had changed everything. Coming over. His mind had changed, once more. And he had found himself at the door to Robin's house, where he knew Izaya was.
It was just him now.
Just him. In soaked clothing, knuckles rapping on the door.
What if she wasn't home?
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Jeez, what was with Latte the other day? He was acting so weird the entire time. And when it finally sounded like he was gonna relax a little, he just up and leaves.
Robin shook her head and sighed. Well, hopefully he won’t act so weird when he comes over to help. She’ll still need to get all the supplies needed for fixing up that stable they got, as well as build the fence.
Arceus, this was gonna take a little while. But hopefully once they’re done she can get started on the farm.
Ruby eyes followed the girl for a second before a smirk slid across his face as he checked the picture. Yep, this definitely was her. Xepher had given him the right kind of information about where she had lived.
Humming to himself, he finally sauntered over to the girl, leaning in with a bright smile. "Ah, sorry. Didn't see you there.. You're heading this way too?" he commented, gesturing ahead before looking at her face.
"Oh, scheibe. Sorry. I didn't notice you were-- Sorry."
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thefrostlily-blog · 10 years
If I get 10 “voice”s, I (the mun) will record myself voice acting the character I roleplay.
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comfort-and-campfires · 10 years
T e l l m e
If you snuck into my room I would:
[] Go back to sleep[] Kick you out [] Cuddle with you[] Be like “How in the world?”[] Let you sleep on the floor[] Become angry[X] PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC (because of Robin's, ahem, choice in sleep wear)[X] COLBY ESCAPED USING RUN AWAY
If you kissed me (or hugged, depending upon character/gender/etc.) I would:
[X] Kiss or hug you back[] Smile and laugh[X] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable[] Push you away[X] Be shocked[] Strike you[X] Blush face
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[] No[] Yes[] Most certainly not.[] Without hesitation.[X] WHICHEVER ANSWER DOES NOT END IN HIS DEMISE
You are:
[X] Cute[] Adorable[] Attractive[X] Beautiful[] Okay[] Ugly[] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:[] Stranger[X] Acquaintance[X] Ally[X] Friend [] Love[] Rival [] EnemyI find you to be:[] Pathetic[] Of no consequence[] Intriguing [X] Frightening [X] Unsettling [] Annoying [] Infuriating [] Pleasant company[] Comforting []  Unable to be lived without [X] Trustworthy
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comfort-and-campfires · 10 years
"How many times do I have to tell you? Don't fucking touch it!" (RWBY)
"Sorry… sorry," he murmured quietly, shrinking away from the small, angry Swoobat faunus. Somehow, (he suspected it was the wings), she always seemed much bigger than she really was, especially when she was yelling.He removed his hand from the cut across his thigh he’d gotten from a sparring match in class. He’d done well to defend from most of the attacks his opponent threw, and he effectively wore him down, but one shot managed get past his blocks, and he’d lost the match.
0 notes
comfort-and-campfires · 10 years
If we kissed?
[] Quickie.[] Tongue.[] Softly bite your lip.[x] We wouldn’t.[] Long and meaningful.[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.[] You remember last time?[] Awkward…[] Lol no.[] Cheek kissesWould I go out with you?[] Yes, definitely.[] No.[] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.[] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family.[] You’re cute, but probably not.[] Just simply not my type.[x?] If I knew you better.[] Already did.[x] I don’t know.If we took a picture together, we’d be…[] Hugging each other.[x] Just chilling.[] Holding hands.[] Kissing.[] Acting dumb.[x] Normal picture.[] You holding me from behind.You are…[] Cute/Pretty.[x] Good looking.[] Sexy.[] Attractive[] All of the above [x] IntimidatingYou + me + room = …[] Movies.[] Cuddling.[x] Hanging out.[] Kissing.[] Playing games.[] Everything.[] Wouldn’t let you in.You should…[] Hit me up.[] Be mine.[] Marry me.[] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.[x?] be studyingIf we got married, I’d…[] Divorce you.[] Make kids.[] Take your money and bounce.[] Smash every day.[] I would cheat on you.[] Be faithful.[] Kill you in your sleep [x] We wouldn’t
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comfort-and-campfires · 10 years
[11:49:28 PM] Akira (Colby/Gale/Atticus mun): Oh God, Robin would intimidate the HECK out of Shawn if they ever met
[11:49:38 PM] KrazyKaitie: SHE IS FIVE FEET TALL
[11:49:39 PM] KrazyKaitie: AND BLIND
[11:49:40 PM] KrazyKaitie: H O W
[11:49:49 PM] Akira (Colby/Gale/Atticus mun): Shawn's only five inches taller
[11:49:57 PM | Edited 11:50:00 PM] Akira (Colby/Gale/Atticus mun): and he has the spine of an ocean sponge
[11:50:02 PM] KrazyKaitie: O m g
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lionheartedphoenix · 10 years
A week. That’s how long she’s been confined to her damn bed. A whole fucking week. Stupid Frost Bite…. stupid Beanstalk… She wasn’t even sick!
Well.. not that sick.
Robin huffed and slid off of Izaya’s back, running her hand along his neck as she stepped around him, Cyrus hopping onto her shoulder. “Stay here, Iz. And don’t cause any trouble, you got that?” She rolled her eyes at the sound of the Charizard snorting and huffed. “Don’t you fucking make that noise at me.”
She paused for a moment, then reached up and gently patted his head. “… I’ll be back,” She murmured, then stepped into the library, making her way up the stairs and began lightly running her fingers along the spine of the books, allowing Cyrus to look at all of them.
She stopped and pulled one out, running her hand along the cover and nodding, then flipping it over. “Mm… decently priced, I guess… still,” She muttered, sighing. The blind woman held onto the book and began to walk over to the next bookshelf when she stopped and turned her head some.
She remembers that smell…
Michael stopped what he was doing, one hand pressed to the bird image upon the cover of the book he was hold, his eyes fixing on the girl that stood in front of him. Robin. It had been a while…
He had mostly been trying to avoid her…
Guess his luck had ran out. What was she doing in Lumiose anyway? Hadn’t Snowy told him that she was sick. Unless she was getting better… Even then.
"… Hi Spunky."
And with that he moved past her. “Bye.”
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lionheartedphoenix · 10 years
Standing Still
The male bit back a yawn, lifting a hand to hide it behind before he peered up, finally blinking. Oh. Familiar face at one oclock. Well then... The other wouldn't know, would he? Did Spunky even know his name? He couldn't recall ever giving it to her. And since then, she just always called him Latte after the drink he usually drank to stay awake.
Well then.
Lifting the cup, he took a sip and finally peered over at the other, raising an eyebrow and gesturing to the vacant chair when eyes were settled upon him.
Best get it over with quick.
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