#ronja haggardsdottir
madkakerlaken · 3 months
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Yo ho, a fresh lion doodles batch! 1. ...or not only lions, because the black guy is a young melanistic leopard named Kali by ComicScribe over dA. 2. Ronja Haggardsdottir is one of my best girls on Lioden. 3. Eseti, a character of an aquitance. 4. Some random headshot. 5. Two times Damaja. 6. Busara, Dama's guuuurl, Kalani's little girl. (Ki-Re/@hawkclash) 7. Small design refresh for Henear, my OC - Sarabi's son, born at the end of Scar's tyrannical reign. 8. Tali and her yet-to-be-named son.
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