#rosemary and maryrose are everything to me
princesslesbian · 1 year
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Please look at them and then read shadows house I beg of you
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witchembrace · 2 months
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4aceclover · 5 days
Morehead cannons about Rum and Shirley from Shadow's house
(Spoiler warnings of course)
This is following under my Au of what if these two did pass the debut
Head Cannon #1: Shirley expels soot the same way a train expels smoke
One of my personal head cannons for Shirley (at least before I read the Manga) was specifically about the way she would expel soot.
The anime and manga state that each shadow has a soot quantity meaning they have a certain amount of soot that they would expel throughout the day, however the manga also reveals that some shadows can increase the amount of soot they expel thanks to their negative emotions. The less negative emotions you have the lower your soot quantity would be those with higher negative emotions (or higher emotional states) can make their soot quantity grows stronger to the point of making soot scalactites
And that's just naming a few
We know that Louise and Patrick have medium soot quantity, same thing goes for the Bell twins however we've also seen shadows with low soot quantities being able to pass just fine like MaryRose and Matilda (a future debut member) so what about Shirley
We also know that at least for some of the characters the way they expose it is very different from others I won't say the scene line for line from the manga / anime but I will give brief descriptions on what what the anime manga show
Kate's go straight up
John's looks like fireworks
Louise's coils / curves
Patrick's spreads all out
Barbara's appears to expel all throughout her body
And that's about it but if we applied this knowledge to Shirley then maybe her should would be expelled in that of clouds and not just any clouds, clouds that look suspiciously a lot like the puffs of smoke you see from a train kind of like the soot train (but that would imply that she would remember getting on that train to begin with) after reading the manga I think this head Canon might be true
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(I mean just look at the way she's expelling soot and you tell me that doesn't look like clouds)
Headcanon #2 Shirley is just like Mary Rose
I've had this idea in the back burner of my mind for a while so we all remember these two lovely ladies right
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(Of course we do, I never shut up about at least one of them)
Well isn't it kind of interesting that both of their Shadow Mistresses just so happened to be purple as in the color of royalty, loyalty, magic, and majestic nature
And isn't it also very interesting that Rosemary just so happens to have a mistress who remembers her time as a morph, her past
(I think we all know where I'm going with this one) what if Shirley was no different what if she also remembered her time as a morph before taking on Rum's appearance
Story-wise that would be pretty interesting wouldn't it be cuz if you think about it Mary Rose was described as gallant meaning she has a more tomboyish way of acting just like rums appearance is very tomboy-esque her wiki even states that her hair is styled in a tomboy style, plus if you think about it Mary Rose is the only female character to wear pants so wouldn't it be interesting to have Shirley end up doing the same thing
Some evidence to support this idea is the fact that the wiki states that surely act as if she knows more about the Mansion than what she lets on, which could imply why she never bothered to reach out to talk to Rum herself, maybe she remembers the past as a morph and what this house was capable of and wanted to find a way to save Rum, but could never figure out how, because we've seen that it's not just the living doll who can make contact with the Shadow the shadow themselves can reach out and talk to them if they wanted but she never did
Additionally the manga reveals that Shirley's personality is lively and mischievous and what's more mischievous than going against the shadows house in a very subtle anti-lively way
It could be possible that if these two passed the debut she could have revealed everything she knew to Rum just like Kate did to Emilico, but she doesn't do it on the same day that Kate does she actually waits before revealing it to Rum because she wanted to see if anyone else knew this truth as well finding out that Kate did really help boost her confidence in telling rum because she was scared of what repercussions but when she found out someone else and her team knows about them being humans and not living dolls it gave her the confidence she needed to tell rum the next day
Plus could you imagine her pulling a Candy and Stella approach and defying the shadows house, her pretending to act like Rum, acting all shy and timid (which is the most mischievous way of her defying the Shadow's House of all time) adding on to that imagine her pretending like she doesn't speak all that much or she selectively mute which allows her to get special permission from the starburst to have a rum where a special type of portrait that allows her to speak for her
Headcanon #3 her connection to the Star Bearers
As I alluded to in the previous headcanon I truly do think that Shirley's personality would allow her to gain special privileges from the star bearers what are the special privileges you might ask
Being allowed to let Rum wear special portrait that allows her to speak for her Shadow mistress
Being able to go to specific rooms despite not having a soot power
Checking out areas that only veiled dolls are allowed in
Letting Rum wear specific clothing even if it doesn't match Shirley's outfit
Being able to walk around the house with team 10 (Kate's team)
Why is this well the shadow house views her as a more disabled Shadow but because they passed the debut and rum can speak they allow these privileges since she hasn't started talking just yet this is all part of our plans of actively defying the shadows house by showing that living dolls are their own person
Headcanon number 4 Shirley's (Rum's) hobbies
Speaking of allowing a living doll to think for themselves and be their own person now comes my favorite out of all of them
Shirley herself doesn't care much for having a hobby after Mary Rose explained that this was an important part of a Shadow's life she didn't really care but she didn't want to Rum to be unable to do anything in the house and she knew that she didn't have a hobby she might be seen as a worthless Shadow and get disposed of so what does she do
Have rum be the one to make the important calls on their hobbies, let me explain. She likes doing anything by Rum's side kind of like how Lorelei and Lulu don't like separating from one another Shirley doesn't like doing anything without her "Darling Rum" so she always asks rum What does she want to do
(Mind you here are the options for the hobbies these kids have in both anime and manga terms)
Study in the library
Admire the plants in the conservatory
Nurture your spirit in the music room
In the dancehall Mary Rose herself will instruct you
To improve oneself is a child's top priority embrace that
And mind you this isn't taking in consideration the fact that some of these kids have personal interests like Louise's interest in Art or their powers for example Margarets Powers is sticky soot ivy which makes sense considering her hobby is that of gardening
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And notice The exchange happening here more specifically what Mary Rose says here (I'll translate it to anime terms for those of you who haven't read this)
Kate: maybe borrow the books and read them in our rooms
MR: that's perfectly fine. As per the rules there's a notebook in each room meant to catalog your time spent performing activities, if you do not make enough entries you'll be seen as a worthless Shadow with no intention of self-improvement
You can see where the problem comes from when there's a shadow who has no interest in any of this stuff and just wants to sow and draw especially since her power allows her to transform into literally anyone and anything in order to make this authentic she would have to take in a hobby in sewing something shadows house doesn't offer so how do you compromise by doing all of it
More specifically she asks Rum what hobby does she want to participate in? Each and every day they would go to practically every hobby room, sometimes even following Louise to spend time with Benjamin and grow stronger, and spending time with Louise also allows them to learn more about Art and how to draw.
Bear in mind that this has nothing to do with the fact that morphs are easily manipulated because of how malleable they are, this is because Shirley's just curious and has a strong urge to learn, even if it means doing something she's not interested in but if she knows that Rum is interested in it then she'll gladly learn it alongside of her (but she always gives the credit to Rum because she knows that without her she wouldn't be doing this in the first place) which is how she's able to make allies and people like Margaret and some other people like Eve from the first-aid team and Oliver and Jeremiah from the research team
At the end of the day that's who Shirley is, a curious girl who loves learning pretty much anything there is to know, and is willing to improve herself in any way shape or form… but not for the shadows house… it's for Rum's sake. She knows that her real name isn't Shirley (that's her living doll's name) which is why she was so proud of Rum for choosing her own name this made her happy because it showed her that Rum was able to make her own identity, and she wants to do the same (because the name Lily is so close to Shirley she's thinking about choosing that as her name when she's able to get Rum out of the shadows house)
Her biggest hobby is practicing her soot power, specifically eating other people's soot not only allows her to increase her quantity (going from low to high) but it allows her to transform into other shadows despite not seeing them face to face, and sometimes she can use their soot power because she has transformed into them. Which is the big reason why she took on sewing to make her transformation look more authentic, (plus she loves spoiling Rum in all different types of outfits and gifts but that's more on Rum's side of the story)
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celiaelise · 1 year
I got caught up on the Shadows House manga! (spoilers!!! don't read this if you haven't read it :p)
(well, almost. The latest chapter hasn't yet been posted on the app I have that gives me manga in English, so I haven't read 158.)
I have SO many thoughts!! First of all, it did throw me off how the anime stuck so closely to the manga except for, like, adding an ENTIRELY NEW PLOT ARC which completely disrupted the timelines of when certain things were revealed to the characters. Like, if I remember correctly, the main characters in the manga still haven't ever infiltrated Grandfather's house, Kate only used a Veiled Doll disguise when they were in the Star Bearers' tower to avoid Suzanna, and they have no information about Edward's soot powers. So that's weird. And the Edward of the manga seems much more subtle than to do something as brash as kidnap Emilico.
I guess they wanted a very dramatic ending for the first season? But it seems probably unnecessary to me. Like, I didn't hate that part of the show, but I don't think I would've liked the show less without it. Plus, it removes a lot of the mystery and raises plot hole-type of questions about who knows what and who's, like, in the house. (and also how John got back? I think he said he held onto Edward's bird, but then where was he when Edward got there???) I think it probably would've been dramatic enough to end with the fallout of the debut, and the brainwashing/human reveal.
I am now going to share a bunch of my thoughts on various parts of the story, in no particular order. Sorry about the super long post, I know probably more people would read this if it was broken up, but I didn't want to flood the tag or my own blog.
Maryrose and Rosemary omg!!! 😭🥺😭🥺😭 I love them so much! I think their story was pretty much exactly the same as the show. I did notice, I think just because it was my second time around, that Rosemary doesn't talk, like, at all in the big showdown, or afterward when she's detained, except for when she reveals herself and then hugs Shaun and Emilico. Maryrose does all the talking, and it's kind of set up as just a fight between her and Kate and John, and then, later, Edward. Which I guess makes sense, given the circumstances of their relationship, and especially how they're used to interacting with others, or maybe that's just their personalities. But it would have been sweet to see them behave more like equal partners. I guess I may be projecting Kate and Emilico onto them a bit 😅 They are still great though, of course.
ANYWAY, I have a THEORY!! Or maybe more of a wish? I think it would be really cute if Rosemary and Maryrose ran away to join the circus! 🎪 They already have a lot of parallels to Kate and Emilico, so it kinda makes sense!! Especially considering that Maryrose can't disguise her shadow form, so it will be hard for them to integrate into normal society. (like Kate...) We already know they love to perform, they can do supernatural tricks with soot powers, and "the beauty and her shadow" would be an easy gimmick, as well as an interesting inversion of their relationship at Shadows House. Hopefully they can find one with a nicer ringmaster than Emilico's, but they're also much more prepared to throw down with a grown man than she was.
It was SO satisfying to me when the Patrick and Louise pairs finally got filled in on everything!!! Frankly I did not understand why nobody told poor Patrick about the soot powers right after the debut; it's not like Kate cares about respecting authority. And then even Rum came back 💜 I love when they all get to be a happy little family together 🥰🥰
In general I appreciate how many things seem to go well in this story, especially because it's usually because the characters have decided to work together and trust each other. Even though the fate of their uprising is far from sealed, it's still already had a lot of success, like them befriending the Star Bearers and eliminating the coffee. I feel like in a lot of other stories everything would have to fall apart so much more for the main characters before they got anywhere close to their goals. Which, like, of course there's nothing wrong with that, I just prefer a bit less hopelessness in my stories. Like, the Star Bearer election was such a huge victory!! And they just got to have that! (obviously there will be fallout, but they still got it, y'know?)
The criticism of capitalism really is, like, glaring. I feel like it's most obvious for me in the chapter where Emilico considers that she may have been less miserable if she kept drinking the coffee, but then Kate tries to help clean, and shares her table with her, and cheers her up. It's a tiny piece of the overall story, but it's such a sweet little reminder of, "this system exists to control us by breaking us down, and it will absolutely succeed if we are not there for each other. Relationships, empathizing with one another's struggles, and providing hope and help where it is needed are essential for progress." As someone who has dealt with burnout, that was really...yeah...🥺
I am so curious about where the story is going with Lou and Louise!!! Even before the recent invitation, I kept thinking, "we really don't know that much about them..." Louise's obsession with Lou's beauty is clearly unhealthy, and I assume it's inhibiting her own sense of identity. She's not the most thoughtful, and of the main team, seems to understand the least why what Shadows House is doing is wrong. I'm not even convinced she ever stopped brainwashing Lou, though I don't think she'd realize that's what she was doing. Especially because, in the manga, her powers weren't a huge discovery for her, she was just like, "oh yeah, that's something that I do". And when all the human kids are remembering their home and the selection together, Lou struggles to have an emotional reaction the way everyone else does. That reminded me of when Kate first broke Emilico's brainwashing after the debut, and she was confused at not being able to associate sadness with the memory of Rum and Shirley's loss. However, I do think Louise is firm enough in her connection to the group and their ideals that she won't be comfortable going along with unification. Even if she doesn't feel Edward is giving her a choice, she won't be like, "oh okay this is fine".
I have NO idea where they're going with Sarah and Mia. Someone in the tag pointed out that it looks like Sarah is crossing to the other wing along with Louise, and idk what to do with that!! Honestly, I have been a little confused by their characterization in general, because the first things we learn about them are the Sarah is mean and cruel, while Mia is helpful and kind, only for that to... not quite seem to be the case. Everyone seems to think Sarah is well-meaning but immature, and Mia begins to be the driving force behind Emilico's antagonization. I mean, it does seem like nobody would be aware of Sarah's abuse, and I can see that Mia's attitude toward Emilico would change once she is perceived to be a threat. But the abuse in particular seemed to sort of be swept under the rug? Like, they introduced it and then never mentioned it again, until Mia herself initiated it, which may not be odd if Sarah hadn't become a much more central character. (idk, I'm probably overthinking it!) Anyway, some people were saying they don't think Mia's going to make it, but idk...if either of them dies, it would be the closest-to-the-main-characters character to have a confirmed death yet. And if Mia, specifically, were to die, we'd have a faceless shadow, which we've never had to deal with before, because the Belles were able to share their...Belle. (speaking of whom, is Emi the only one who cares that she LOST HER TWIN SISTER??) Would Sarah be doomed to the death Rum described, or would our group have to rescue and hide her, somehow?
Speaking of all the Belles, again, I really feel like Barbara ought to apologize to them, specifically. She tried pretty hard to kill all of them, and succeeded with one out of four. Because if Belle hadn't made it, they'd have gotten rid of Isabelle and Mirabelle, right? I know Barbara has enough angst happening right now already, but, like, are we gonna talk about that??
Oh yeah, ANTHONY. What a little freak. His backstory puts him in one of the most sympathetic positions in the whole story, but after only a few short appearances, every reader is creeped out by him!! Truly an accomplishment. I mean, we can assume he was emotionally broken by the loss of Christopher, but still. Be cool, dude. One very interesting mystery surrounding him is that of Christopher's soot powers!!! I assume he has some of his soot in the vial, (a bit macabre, to think of him gathering it from a corpse) and is using it to do mind control of some sort?
(I do feel very bad for Barbara btw. Especially after she made such progress by opening up to everyone! I don't mean to gloss over that, I just don't have much to say about it.)
Okay, okay. KATE. 🎀🌹 Dearest, darlingest, mysterious girl. I was so happy when we finally learned the truth about her doll!!! Emilico meeting her (and everyone else tbh) in the village before they went to the House seemed kind of jarringly coincidental, but once I was able to suspend my disbelief in serendipity, it was really sweet!!! 😊🥰 And her having a different history then the other shadows makes her so much more interesting! (Though it does make Maryrose seem like more of an anomaly...) It's kind of funny that so many characters have a second, secreter backstory behind their secret backstory. Has anyone else considered that Kate may already actually be the equivalent to an "adult" shadow, the perfect union of a morph and a human?? I was going to say that she's the death-free version of what Gramps is trying to do, but then I remembered her mother died, so that's a lie. Possessing and killing pregnant women is actually not more ethical than whatever is currently going on.
Romance! As a lesbian who finds most "teen romance" stories grating, I kind of like what Shadows House has done so far, with the characters having various crushes and largely not acting on them, and that taking a backseat to both the main plotlines and their friendships. The crushes are more a vehicle for the characters learning about themselves than for drama. Probably eventually people will start getting together and that will change and I'll get annoyed, but 🤷🏻‍♀️. The only ones who are like "uwu we're made for each other 😚💕" are the ones who literally WERE. I like the head canon that Kate is a lesbian, and I don't really ship anything except the Roses, of course, and kinda Kate and Emilico. But that's, like...the whole story is about their love for each other, regardless of the form it takes? Not to be like, "they don't need to be gay because their friendship is just as strong", but it is. (I do think they're gay, though) I think I picture them ending up together, but, maybe, like, in a few years?? They are still learning that they are even people. (no hate if you do ship more, though. That's just me.) And I like imagining the main squad as found family besties. Like, "I used to be in love with you when we barely knew each other, then we got close, did a revolution together, and now both we and the shape of that love have changed so much, but we're all still here," type of friends.
Speaking of years, I wonder if the story's timeline will be clarified? rn it's, like, super ambiguous, and I think that might be intentional, but I wonder if we'll get answers.
Oh, okay! I think this'll be the last topic, and it's a totally superficial one. Kate's new digs!!!! ♥️ The scene where everyone came to say hi was so cute, I loved that. Do you think she'll have it redecorated to fit her color scheme more? Also, does this mean Emilico gets a nicer room, too??? And will this make it harder or easier to meet up with the others? Farther away, well, except for Patrick, now, but possibly more space and more freedom? And does Rum always patrol the tower? Cause then they'd get to see her all the time! In general I'm excited for what new things Kate will have access to as a star bearer, but that also means that if the adults find out about the coffee, she'll be blamed for sure.
All right, that's finally it! Thank you for reading, if you read all of this, I love you so much!!! Please tell me what you think about any of my theories or thoughts or whatnot. 💕
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louise x lou and also barbrose for the ship bingo?
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i actually like louilou a lot, and i wish i could find more fanfics about them! while they may not be my number one favorite pair from shadows house, they're most definetely on my top 5 🖤
i feel like they're best post chapter 65 when it seems they started working on their communication issues (lou got more comfortable voicing her boundaries so that louise can keep them in mind). i'm personally uncomfortable with how some sections of the fandom see them, lots of people act as if louise's basically a sara 2.0 who's hurting lou on purpose and completely ignore her character development
also imagining a vague future where they're in a serious relationship, i painted the polycule box because maybe lou could be also dating ricky in that scenario?
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i love them! 🖤 i may be biased because i love barbara and i want everyone to love her too, but they're just *chef's kiss* i don't think i've ever seen fanfic of them and honestly? criminal, i should press charges
while i like them in general and i'd read a fanfic of them regardless of when it's set, imo they peaked in that one panel where maryrose doesn't open the door for barbara. it was a misguided attempt to protect her, but also that's where everything went downhill. the angst, the drama, they're a tragic ship through and through
polycule square because even if barbara and maryrose became a couple, you can't tell me rosemary wouldn't still be maryrose's girlfriend
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bernkastel11 · 10 days
𝐀 𝐂𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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→ ⟦TW: Dark, NSFW, verbal abuse, Anthony is technically a warning, it's a very long story and chapter⟧
Before Anthony came, Roise had time to recollect everything that she has gotten suspicious of, she found out there are holes in it and she needed to fill the blanks
ᢰ Had Maryrose and Rosemary already broken the House's brainwashing on their own long before? ᢱ
→ ⟦𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖾 𝖯𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗈𝗆 𝗈𝗋𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗅 𝗆𝗎𝗌𝗍'𝗏𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗇𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗍 the deeds, 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗌 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗁����𝗋 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗎𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖧𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗅𝗅⟧
⟬Roise can faintly feel a hint of despair and resentment from Maryrose in this ordeal, it did feel like she was trying to fatally strike the House till her last stand. They weren't really close so why is she thinking like this?⟭
‘ Maryrose you must have been in so much pain all this time right? ’
‘ I'm sorry I couldn't help you, there wasn't much I could've done. ’
ᢰ Then this leaves another question, was Christopher and Anthony the same case? ᢱ
→ ⟦𝖱𝗈𝗂𝗌𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖽𝖾𝗌𝗉𝗂𝖼𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾, 𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗈𝗎𝗌, 𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗌 𝖾𝗑𝗂𝗌𝗍. 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖠𝗇𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗒 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗏𝖾, 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝗇𝗈 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖺𝖼𝖼𝖾𝗉𝗍 𝗂𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗐.⟧
→ ⟦𝖨𝗍'𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋, 𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗉𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖠𝗇𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗒, 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝖺𝗅𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗒 𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗄𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗒𝗋𝗈𝗌𝖾'𝗌 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋, 𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗉𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗒𝗋𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖼𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗌 𝗂𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗀𝗅𝗎𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋, 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗋𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗌.⟧
→ ⟦𝖲𝗈 𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗉𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍'𝗏𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝖿 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗄𝖾𝗇 𝗎𝗉, 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅'𝗌 𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗆𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗋𝗂𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖲𝗁𝖺𝖽𝗈𝗐'𝗌 𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗌 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖲𝗁𝖺𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖲𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝖢𝗈𝖿𝖿𝖾𝖾.⟧
⟬Roise know, Christopher....things had seem to change drastically after you're gone, especially now that your Doll is still here, he can be up to dubious acts or who-knows-what.⟭
‘ Would things change if you're still here, Christopher? ’
‘ Yes, maybe things would be different if you're still here, Christopher. There are still those who do believe you're still here, even though I know you're no longer here. ’
Now that she had enough of thinking on the Past, let's focus on the present. She knew someone would arrive here......
.......And she was right
Right now, in front of her is the missing, suspicious Anthony, the Living Doll of Christopher, who has been missing for a long time
At this moment, he's kneeling before Roise with his head low as if he's the lowly, loyal servant of Roise, a noble mistress
There was hostility from Roise when Anthony arrived but now there's only silence
Roise took a few seconds to take in the sight in front of her. Then her eyelids squeezed together and she let out a small laugh: "Haha!"
What judicious farce is this?! Anthony acting like a loyal servant? Oh that is worse than Roise sees him normally
Anthony was a bit surprised that Lady Roise laughed, even though she never once laughed near him, she was looking at him like she was about rip him to shreds just moments ago
To be true, he never heard her laugh like this. So it feels special somehow for Anthony, it's a rare thing to him to witness since she barely cracked a smile to him before
"Is there something funny about me, Lady Roise?": Anthony asked, a bit curious
"Yes, you are giving me this loyal servant act, it's outright comical": Roise replied, a small tear even fell down from her eye from how hilarious she found Anthony in this act
After a small fit of laughter, Roise immediately reverted back to her cruel, serious state
"Now then, I'll pull all the answers I can take from you, Rat. You better be prepared, I'm not so soft as to not force anyone when needed, especially you": Roise threatened him, honestly she didn't even like him being near her, much less being in her room
"Gladly I'll answer all of your questions to the fullest of my capability": Anthony complied obediently
"Oh my, how obedient you are. But Roise know you're just a deceiving man full of ulterior motives. Roise can only see not so much honesty from you. You're not Christopher~"
Roise made a cruel, honest comment at Anthony, he didn't mind it. He knows Lady Roise finds him bothersome
To be honest, Anthony had always found Lady Roise to be enticing and enthralling, it's not simply because she can read between the lines and figure things out that others can't
It's because she knows and understands his true self
Anthony wants to explore Roise more, he wants to see her for who she truly is
Roise uncrossed her legs and lifted her feet under Anthony's bowed head to push his chin up so Roise could see his face
Roise can see more clearly now, Anthony is no longer a boy, he's already a Man, he's still young but she can see the maturity on his face and he has aged after years ever since Roise was a newly unified Adult
"I can see that you're older now, Anthony": A teasing, playful smirk appears on Roise's lips, it draws Anthony's attention
Anthony was a bit shocked though, is the hateful Lady Roise being observant and notice how older he is now compared to their time in the Children's Building before?
Well it's no surprise really, Lady Roise is just that meticulous, she picks up details most can't, she did figure him out after all
It felt as if she was flirting with him though
Anthony gave her a joyous smile as he took her soft feet and pressed it against his cheek: "I'm glad you noticed, Lady Roise"
Roise can't seem to know what's behind that smile, but she can feel its deviousness, she hates that smile
Rose pulled back her feet in immediate disgust. Anthony noticed he had displeased her yet again
"Lady Roise......"
"Just call me Roise, seeing and hearing you address me Lady makes me feel abhorrent"
"Yes, Roise"
‘ She even let me call her name without an honorific, we must be closing our distance ’
"Now then tell me, were you the accomplice of Maryrose in the recent Phantom Incident?": Roise asked seriously
"This feels like you need confirmation to the answers you have, Roise": Anthony said, Roise knew he would say that, it's obvious, this man's wittiness isn't easy, if only he has a better morale
"To answer your question, yes I was the one who helped Maryrose with those endeavors, including putting soot underneath the Hall of Glory" Anthony answered her question just as asked
"I see that explained why Maryrose was able to summon a Phantom for her last attack against the House": Roise said, making sense of what she knew of that incident and filled the blanks
"Of course, I already know that she used soot prepared from under the Hall of Glory, the big question was who was the accomplice after all": Roise said whimsically, almost jokingly as if this is all just a game to her
"Then, what's the reason you invited me here?": Anthony asked, he felt as if she has been spinning him around in circle
"Invited you? What gives you that idea? I never invited you here, that was just to see if you're still alive. I never invited you here but I suppose you saw it as a sign to come to my room after you saw my Soot Rose."
"I had a hunch you would come to my room after seeing the Rose": Roise said, she sounded jokingly but she was very true now in this moment.
"I must compliment you on how smart you are, after all since I wanted to pull you out from whatever small corner you're in" Roise praised him, but it was more like a mockery
She had anticipated everything since the beginning. The fact that Anthony came to her had already confirmed that "everything".
"Oh my did that upset you, Anthony?": Roise asked, to be fair, she doesn't care if it upsets him or that she's being offensive here, rather if he's upset, she would be delighted
And as expected, Anthony just smiled kindly at her: "How can I be upset at you, Roise? The fact that you wanted to see me is enough, you unlocked the door cause you knew I was coming, that's enough"
Roise just rolled her eyes, that smile is just another one of his masks, she just can't with this man, they understand eachother but can never find a common ground. That's what Roise hates about Anthony, he's so dislikable, he's never clear about anything
Roise started talking again: "There's another thing on my mind, Anthony"
"It's very clear you're no longer brainwashed, ever since we were Children. That is settled for me, but there's one thing I can't understand"
"What happened on the Day of Christopher's Unification? How did you survive and escape from the Chamber of Unification?"
Although Roise can analyze and investigate well, her insightful ability can go so far, so she cannot be sure how he got out of that impenetrable Chamber
Anthony looked down at the floor, he stayed quiet, he stayed quiet like that for a few minutes
Roise eventually just got bored and let out a tired sigh, no closure this time again, even from someone who was in that incident
Roise got up and walked to Anthony's place on the floor, now she stood down to his level
"You don't want to tell me that story, fine. Don't say it, I didn't expect you to tell me the truth, of everyone I'm not likely to be told what happened from you"
Roise gently cupped his cheek, only to see his smiling face at her again as he pressed his cheek against her palm: " Thank you for being considerate, Roise. But now it's not the right time to tell the truth of that Day to you"
It's a rather suspicious smile, Anthony
' Hah '
' What did I expect? Of Course, he's holding that from me! This man is full of tricks! '
" Oh Anthony....": Roise started, she began to squeeze Anthony's cheek with more strength
"You're always such a despicable man"
"You know me so well~"
Roise took off her hand from Anthony's cheek and stood up: "Stand up, I don't like you kneeling on the floor like this, it's not good for your legs"
Anthony did as he was told
Looking at this, reminds Roise of something
"Why did you kneel like that, Anthony?"
"I'm in front of the great 3rd Floor Shadow Lady Roise, I'm merely a rankless Veiled Doll, a nobody, a tool in this House. So of course I have to lower my inferior self before you, my superior lady"
Anthony answered, a courteous, compliant answer, it doesn't sound sincere, it sounds rather pretentious and snide to Roise. What fool does he think he's playing with here?
"Stop with the acts, Anthony. I'm tired of such trifling things" Roise complained, she hates such pretense, they're annoying when they're so obvious
"Oh but I was being honest, I didn't say anything wrong according to the Shadows House didn't I?"
" 'Wrong according to the Shadows House' ?!"
" Your existence is what's wrong according to the Shadows House" Roise retaliated, to her out of everyone, he's the one with no right to say what's wrong according to the Shadows House
Now that Anthony was standing in front of her, Roise noticed more clearly how taller he had gotten compared to before, he's slightly taller than her. "You've grown in height" Roise said obviously, no surprise there
"Oh you noticed that too. Well it had been a long time before we met again now" Anthony said, he's quite glad she was attentive to how he looks now compared to before
"Now that I think about it, don't you think it's rather funny how we seem to have changed in status as well?" Roise said amusedly
"After all, before you were the Doll of the Great Christopher, a Star Bearer and Roise was merely a normal shadow with no high rank, I mean I was a senior and I was a Team Leader for a time. But I was, in a way, pale in comparison to you" Roise told him, in a collected, bold and sharp manner
"I know" Anthony simply replied
Roise started to speak bitterly of her long buried frustration:
"You knew, yet you still acted casual to me? You most definitely knew of the liabilities of just talking to me.....an unaccompanied Shadow and you......an unaccompanied Doll.....in a secret obscure place.....You must have thought of the consequences it can bring if it's exposed right?"
"You knew I could've just told Christopher or anyone else. You knew that I could've gotten the worse consequences and risked a disposal. You could've gotten free of any faults because you have a Star Bearer Shadow to back you up while there was literally nothing I can say of my own defense"
"Despite all of that you knew, you still acted the way you did": Roise said, her blood boiled, she was really angry at Anthony, she can feel knives are stabbing her heart as she said these words in bitterness
" 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕, 𝑨𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒚"
"As expected of the wise, amazing Roise, you're truly impressive to me, you rarely stand out back then, but I can tell you were a beautiful Rose amidst wildflowers. That's why I was motivated to meet you, I trusted you not to spill my secret, no, our secrets"
"Isn't this meeting right now the same as we did before? Except this time, you took the initiative to seek me out. A secret meeting, between us two": Anthony said, impressed at how she can recount and explain things so clearly that already happened long before
"You never cease to impress me, Roise. This is why you are always my best interest"
‘ Impressive? His best interest? Hah he thinks I'm trying to impress him, am I a pet to entertain you? No, it doesn't matter what you think. As expected of you, Anthony ’
Roise widened her eyes slightly:
‘ Our secret? There's not really an "our" or "we" Anthony, don't put me in the same sentence as you, I don't like it. We're different ’
Anthony, you and I, at the end of the day, we're just Caged Pets for this deceitful House, I can clearly see why you're so full of deceit, we were victims, but we're not that any longer, we've conformed and changed ourselves to this House in order to get what we want and to survive
" We've changed now, but......."
Anthony, you're a Caged Pet that won't sit still and just watch as this House does as it desires, you want to break out and to have this House for your selfish desires. I can't see you did anything like this for any other reasons
Anthony, you're a Caged Pet, fighting to break out of this Cage the Shadows House put you in, a Beast lies in wait in the Shadow
Power is truly the best Seduction, it makes men into Beasts of Evil and it can cause the most righteous ones into doing the most abhorrent of acts
" Perhaps you're changed now, but you're still the selfish Anthony I know "
Deep in Roise's disturbed mind right now, she simply has a thought of this whole ordeal with Anthony:
" How utterly Ridiculous "
Now, Roise started talking again. This time she will be honest to him about another thing in her mind
"I have always had this issue, Anthony"
"What is it, Roise?"
"I tried to see you and Christopher as the same person before, after all you were his Face. But I can't seem to do so, You're Anthony and the Shadow is Christopher"
"You couldn't see us as one and the same?"
"Yes "
“ Somehow it makes me feel euphoric that she sees me as myself and not as the physical face of Christopher ”
Anthony's earlobe turned red for a moment, which didn't go unnoticed by Roise. Roise smiles inside, the body is much more honest than words
"Anthony, I can ask you a similar question too"
"When I'm using this face.....": Roise held her face with her hand
".....Is it Rosie that you see ?": Roise asked, she's curious
Roise's face and body began to be covered in soot: "When I'm in this form, is it Roise that you see ?"
" Which of the two is Roise to you? "
Anthony didn't even hesitate to answer:
" No matter what form you have, you will always be Roise to me "
So hilarious, ridiculous...............
I hate you...............
Roise should be glad Anthony can tell she's herself no matter what form she takes, but she can't help but feel hatred against him
Roise is just that obstinate, she supposes......
Roise turned into her human face as she began to talk again, she seemed pleased with Anthony's honest, unhesitant answer
"Do you know what Roise want for you to come here, Anthony?" Roise said coyly, as she closed the distance between them, her face is merely inches away from him
"I don't know, Roise....."
Anthony somehow felt nervous? It's not like her to be shy and close like this to him, he can even feel a bit of intimacy in the air. It's also not like him to be nervous
Roise smirked as she slowly untied the robe he was wearing. The robe fell down to the floor, Roise can see the Veiled Doll's uniform he's wearing underneath now
Roise casually put her palm on the Man's chest, she could feel the lightly soft fabric on her skin, it's not actually bad to wear, of course it's not as good as the high quality silk of the Shadows but it's still of a decent feel for working
"I'm always curious as to how the Veiled Dolls' uniforms feel to the touch. I'm only responsible for the majority of the Shadows' clothing anyway, so I'm not required for the comfort of Veiled Dolls"
Roise peeked up at Anthony to see his expression, he looked composed but she could see the light blush on his earlobe
Roise smirked, that isn't enough to show her what he's truly feeling
"Your clothes seem quite disheveled, here let me fix it for you"
"Oh? If you would so kindly, thank you, Roise"
Roise slowly touched the fabric on his chest and helped him straighten out slight wrinkles on the surface, as she did so, her hand picked up a sensation, the feels of a heart beating fast
Anthony, you are still human after all. Even if you see Roise as a useful tool at your disposal and the Shadows House has corrupted you, you're born a human
And Roise knows well, that although she isn't a Human, she had learned to understand their emotions. The most sickening, ridiculous emotion a Human can have, it makes you go crazy, it breeds chaos
It's so vile that it makes even the greatest heroes fall to their knees and if discovered by someone devious, it can fatally kill you
Roise knows it better than anyone else
It is 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
Roise took off her hands and moved her palms to hold both sides of Anthony's head as she smiled knowingly and mischievously at Anthony, her eyes devled deep into his, as if she's looking right through his soul
"Back to my previous question. Do you know what I truly want from you, Anthony?"
Anthony is unsure, but it's very tempting to hear her answer: "What is it?"
Roise just smiled
"𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭"
~To be continued~
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Biweekly Media Roundup
- Interior Design Masters (TV) - Finished. While I liked the concept of this show, I felt the execution could really use some work. The challenges were just not as interesting as they could have been with a lot of just “redesign this bedroom or boutique” instead of pushing more out there themes, they kept forcing the designers to work in teams until the last 2 challenges which took away any of the fun of recognizing an individual style, and I barely ever agreed with the judges decisions and their complete disregard for the actual utility of the rooms. I guess this is probably more of a rich people thing since they’re the only ones who would bother hiring an interior designer and it’s not fair for me to judge it based on what I wanted it to be vs what it actually was, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. 
- School Of Chocolate (TV) - Oh hey crazy chocolate guy got a show. Not very far in yet but seems fun. 
- Is It Cake? (TV) - A weird laid back food competition show to watch when I want to relax, the competitors have to make cake that looks like everyday objects. It’s fun to try to guess which object is the actual cake and as is common with these food shows the competitors seem like genuinely nice people. 
- Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) - Finished season 1, I thought this was pretty good, likable cast, some pretty interesting storylines and concepts, and visually pretty to look at. I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite Star Trek related media but it’s certainly worth the watch if you like the franchise. I think my main issue was that it was a bit too referential, a lot of the central characters are new interpretations of the original series cast, and while I liked their depictions just fine there was a lot of things they just expected you to already know and or/weight that was emphasized based on who the characters will become later, which to be fair is common in prequels but is not really what I want from a stand alone. Still I watched it with my life long Star Trek fan Father and he had a great time with it so I can’t be too upset, it’s fine to indulge the fans sometimes. 
- Prehistoric Planet (TV) - Yup.
- Dark (TV) - I’ve come so far that I’m determined to finish it at this point but like man. Can I just get a single time travel story that doesn’t involve incest and/or apocalyptically bad things happening from tiny ass changes? Like just one? There’s more than one theme you can do with time travel guys. 
- Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (Video Games) - Yup.
- Ace Attorney Series (Video Game) - Finished the original trilogy series, and despite having some issues with some of the recurring characters and odd case logic I think overall it’s a solid, enjoyable experience. I especially enjoyed the flashback Mia appearances, Edgeworth’s character development, the Mask Demasque case, Franziska, and the Mia kidnapper case. Less enthused by the Circus case, Larry, and a lot of the Nick/Mia banter though. I’m still also watching a playthrough of my fave ace attorney games, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, and starting on the Apollo Justice series, so we’ll see how everything ranks by the end. Clearly I’m fully an ace attorney fan now.
- Shadows House (Anime) - Currently the only anime I’m keeping up with, I still stand by that Shadows House is majorly underrated. I like that we are getting back to the mystery/lore aspect as well. Also loving the Rosemary/Maryrose pair, very RGU, wlw vibes, I’m into it.
Listening to: ERROR cover by Will Stetson, Good Life by Shayfer James, That Man by Caro Emerald, Not Evil by Tiffany Haddish, That Don’t Impress Me Much by Shania Twain, Say Love by James TW, Breath of Life by Florence + The Machine, Cairo by San Fermin, Prelude 12/21 by AFI, Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money, Twilight Princess OST, IDGAF by Dua Lipa
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sunnysunsins · 3 years
The symbolism of flowers in Shadows House (part 1)
So, i'm kinda into flower language and I noticed a lot of importance put on flowers in this series. I did a little bit of an analysis of all the flowers we see and their importance for scenes and characters throughout the manga.
Remember, these are all speculation and most of these are most likely just coincidences (aside from a few ones that we can confirm for certain, like oranges, white peonies and pink tulips, for example).
Thank you for your time, I have a lot to cover, so this first part is gonna be the master list of everything I found, complete with links
1. Kate and Emilyko- the Red Rose, Louise and Lou - the Yellow Gerbera
2. Patrick, Emilyko and the Narcissus
3. Tiny things part 1 (introduction and the debut arcs)
4. Shirley and Ram - the White Yarrow
5. Ricky, Lou and the blossoming romance (camellia and The Tulips)
6. Oranges - the answer to everything
7. Tiny things part 2 (manga up to 106)
8. The White Peony - love, regret, sorrow
9. Maryrose and Rosemary
10. Barbara - the Blue Rose
11. The fox and the grapes (Thomas)
12. "He loves me, he loves me not" (Margaret)
13. The Calming Rose
14. Tulips, the return and the romance
15. Tiny things part 3 (manga up to 158)
16. The Deadly Soot
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rpg-elf-girl · 3 years
Shadows House
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I have a lot of thoughts surrounding this particular show, both good & bad.
Allow me to give a quick summary for anyone who hasn't seen/read it!
Shadows House is about 'a faceless family of nobles who all live within this giant manor, the Shadows House.
When a Shadow comes of age they receive a 'Living Doll' to both serve as their face and to clean the soot they emit from their bodies.
The most important rule of the living dolls is "don't fret over trivial matters"
A task which is difficult for the ever curious doll Emiliko.
Watch this tale unfold as Emiliko & her mistress Kate navigate this ever mysterious Manor together.'
For a fan of slow burn thrillers, horror, slice of life, supernatural & mystery series' this has been an absolute blast!
It's not quite the combination of genres you'd expect from a show, but it works really well here!
In fact I was so into the anime that this is actually the first show where I broke down and read the manga!
Unfortunately there's no official English release, but at least there are some people translating the series!
As much as I'd like to go on about the manga, this post is meant to be more so about the anime so I'll (try to) leave it at that.
Though i feel obligated to warn anime onlys I'll likely refer the manga a lot in a spoiler section latter in this post I'll try to be vague but I can't guarantee anything. For anyone worried about that I'll lable it do you can read on until then.
Everything from the animation to the music was amazing & completely fit the mood of the story! I remember a couple scenes where I actually teared up because of this!
The Ending theme is an absolute banger! I've listened to that on repeat ever since I first heard it! And the Opening is also great! It's cool for it to be an instrumental, stuff like that is pretty rare! I also heard the song in the op as a motif in the music throughout the show! It really sets the right mood in each scene it's in! It's amazing for getting into each episode!
In terms of adaptation almost everything from the beginning to the end of the Debut arc was done amazingly well!
Even with the stuff they cut it still holds true to the spirit of its source.
The main important part that was cut is something that could easily be introduced latter if they decide to go for a second season, so I'm not too mad about that.
However! Everything after the debut is a bit of a different story.
There was a lot I liked about the last couple episodes but there were some parts that were immersion breaking for me.
I've been being vague up until this point l, but I'm planning on going into spoiler territory for both the anime and manga after this. So I'll make a quick spoiler free summary of my thoughts before moving onto that.
I really really loved this show but in my opinion the last 3 episodes were the weakest of them all. They went anime only for the ending. I don't mind that on it's own, but it was rushed and the writing was sloppy at times.
Now I'm not telling you to not watch the show! Most of It's really really good, and I can still see people enjoying the parts I'm talking about if they want to give the anime a try. Overall I've fallen in love with this series and I could never recommend it enough.
If what I'm saying is giving you bad vibes the manga is available and doesn't have the issues I've mentioned. You can look for a translation online, it didn't take me long to find one so don't worry too much about that.
Also! if you're an anime only who's finished the series and want to know where to pick up the Manga I'd recommend at least skiming through the beginning. I know it might not be what you're looking for but there were a bunch of small scenes that either got cut or were merged for adaptation purposes that I think are super cute & give more context to different aspects of the setting. However! Pay close attention during the "night watchers part" something important got cut .
~~~Now for spoilers!!!!~~~
I don't want to make it sound like I'm some manga purist who hates the very thought of the slightest change from the source. I'm anime only for a lot of different shows and I've always despised it when that type of manga reader reared it's ugly head.
While I'll admit some changes did bother me I won't make a fuss about the smaller stuff.
With that said!
I hinted earlier in this post that I didn't have a big problem with Robe-same being cut. That was because without them there it does make for a more complete story if they only get one season to work with.
If there is another season they can easily be introduced latter on. Like maybe Emiliko & Shaun can meet them when the Debutant class reunion is going on before they talk on the roof (or right after that) I actually think that would be the perfect time to introduce them (other than the time they were supposed to appear, but I digress)
Louise teaming up & being friendly with Kate can be explained with some dialogue changes at the first Debutant Class Reunion. Louise can say she was just trying to show off or that she just wanted to get back at Edward and that she isn't interested in helping Kate with her problems. Things can then go on as they did in the manga.
Kates being reckless & telling everything to John can be explained by her being extremely panicked when Emiliko went missing, as long as there are some lines of dialogue adressing this it's fine. Though I do wish she tried to keep some stuff a secret but couldn't because Shaun tries to interfer because he's still brainwashed, or something along those lines. It felt a bit weird after she just told Emiliko to keep that stuff between them. Still that could be explained by how panicked she was.
There are other things, but I don't want to drag the post on too long. Most of the issues can be fixed with little changes here & there.
I never had a problem with the idea of them going in an anime only direction. I just want to have a good time with the show.
Unfortunately I can't 100% vouche for the direction the show went in. There were elements that I can't excuse, even viewing it as it's own entity instead of an adaptation.
My main complaint with it is how they handled the brainwashing of Ricky & Lou. They didn't say a word when the Debutants were talking badly about Edward & even went along with a plan to go against him. It makes absolutely no sense!
Shaun freaked out when John only suggested that he didn't have to be loyal to the house. These guys were flat out rebelling against an adult! It felt like Ricky & Lou didn't have a purpose & were just there to be there.
The whole point of the coffee is to influence shadows against doing stuff like this. It makes the coffee seem pointless and the adults seem dumb for relying on it to control the kids.
I haven't even brought up the fact that both of their brainwashings were broken by something as simple as a few kind words. It straight up contradicts the rules established by both the Anime and Manga.
This becomes very apparent when you consider all the trouble John & Kate went through to free Shaun & Emiliko.
This was my biggest complaint, but I have some other issues as well.
The next big one is how they handled Edward.
1. Why on earth would he even consider kidnapping Emiliko when he had complete control of the childrens wing? Before this point he was depicted as being a lot more crafty than this. He could easily have Kate monitored or something.
2. Why didn't he use his powers to stop them like what he did to Maryrose & Rosemary when they fought back being taken to the adults wing? He's already shown off his power at this point, why not?
3. Why did he reveal his soot powers at all!? Especially while using his face in front of the kids! The whole unification thing is one of the biggest secrets of the house for good reason! There's no way he wouldn't get in huge trouble for exposing it to children!
Here are some other related questions.
Why didn't Kate, Emiliko, & John react to Edward using soot powers? They shouldn't know about unification yet so why didn't they act shocked, or say anything about it?
Is Edward being banished even an option in the Shadows House? Wouldn't the third floor lords just dispose of him rather than risk letting him leave?
How did John even get a veiled dolls outfit? Louise had to use her powers to get Kate one & she left a long time ago.
I can't think of much else at the moment, but I think you get my point.
Please don't take this as me saying that I hate the show because of these episodes. Even if I consider them the weakest of the series I still found a lot of parts to be very enjoyable!
Like I thought it was adorable When Edward was attempting to interrogate Emiliko & she kept being her sunshine self pretending to eat & falling asleep.
Barbara getting to tell off Edward for breaking the rules was great!
I loved seeing Shaun hatch the plan to get Kate into the adults wing to save Emiliko.
Seeing John (attempt to) sneak around the adults wing had me rolling!
The ending scene of Shaun, Ricky, & Lou singing gave me the chills.
(Though I wonder how they'd handle Shaun & Emiliko being brainwashed again since they already used the scenes where they're freed)
Kate & Emilico being propelled by John back to the children's wing was absolutely amazing! I found Shaun & Ricky running over to catch them to be super sweet! (Not to mention the way that scene was animated was absolutely gorgeous!)
Getting hints to what was supposed to come after the debut was nice, at least the groundwork is there in case this gets a season 2!
To (try to) wrap this all up while there were a lot of things I loved and disliked about this show I still had a really fun time watching it!
I kinda hope there's a season two just to see if they can tidy up the mess that the last few episodes created.
Regardless of whether that happens or not I came out of this with a series I absolutely adore.
Heck I could make a whole other post about the manga. (Hopefully one that's less ranty)
Anyway! I won't take any more of your time.
I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! And I hope to see you in my next post!
(Sorry if this one was a bit of a mess!)
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flipflap-flipflap · 3 years
Ugh.  Both of my ongoing works are in a rut that I just can’t buck out of.  Like, haven’t updated since June/July bad.
Sentir Le Sapin is stalled because I can’t be fucked to wrap my head around a Cornish accent that I have for some reason gotten into my head that I need.  Like, as though making my protagonist French, a language I spoke 0% of walking into this, wasn’t enough of a challenge.  Which is another factor stalling it: as soon as I get this chapter posted, three chapters later I have a chapter that will be almost fucking entirely in French.  Because I’m a goddamn masochist apparently.  But past that point is smooth sailing, so I’ve just got to somehow get myself past those two chapters.
And By Your Side can die in a dumpster fire for all I care, because I absolutely hate everything I’ve done with it past Ch10. But it has nearly 450 hits and is still, somehow, the only Maryrose/Rosemary fic out there.  There are a lot of people with the only valid ship in the Shadows House fandom waiting on me to fill the void in their hearts.  Also, I commissioned art for it, so like...I’m obligated.
As much as I should prioritize By Your Side since it's the most neglected (and highest reader investment), I’m really inclined to prioritize Sentir le Sapin over it. Maybe I can force myself to alternate focus between the two...ugh.
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