#sandscourge skarner
aurelion-solar · 1 month
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Skarner VGU - Updated Splash Art Base - Battlecast Alpha - Sandscourge - Earthrune - Cosmic Sting - Guardian of the Sands
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scarlet-moonlight · 1 month
After seeing those concept arts for Skarner's new default splash (Which ngl are a lot better then the actual one that was chosen) it really makes clear that Skarner is not just protecting the region but also acts as its judge, which is kinda funny because that means the law enforcement of this entire city (or one at least of the main enforcers) is a Bigass Kaiju Rock Scorpian God that they just keep around like their pet, and he's just..treated as an actual person too? (At least implied in those concept splashes where the humans perform a ritual on him) Like this 10ft tall Bigass Scorpian Kaiju is just casually allowed for very human activities within Ixtal like royal meetings and ceremonies and such
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Previews of my two pieces for the Devils Among Us - High Noon zine!
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hugsforvillains · 5 years
Reverend Karthus Roasts the Wild West
I wrote a VO for High Noon Karthus so now you all get to read it:
Based on this fic in addition to the High Noon canon
-Why dread the moment at which suffering ends?
-No one may reign over the dead.
-How could I have ever desired immortality?
-I wanted to help them.
-Nobody will use me again.
-How long will that skull remain beneath the rubble?
-Blessed indeed are the dead.
-New Eden rests. May I one day join it.
-There are devils long overdue for an old-fashioned smiting.
-There is nothing of greater value than a soul.
Long Move
-Can a devil’s soul find rest in death? I certainly hope so, else my work will never end.
-Never again will I deny a soul their rest...and neither will I allow anybody else to.
-I am beyond caring about who deserves what. Every soul will know the freedom of death.
-When my flesh failed me, I waited for a death that never came. I must put my eternity to use.
-Eternal life guarding a cursed skull. Thresh never mentioned it would speak. Or that its words would make so much sense...
-The demon was right, I am a monster. But I am a monster on the opposite side.
-Spawn with ally High Noon Lucian: Marshal Lucian. We have much to discuss.
-Spawn with ally High Noon Lucian: While I am grateful for delivering my misled flock into Death’s embrace, I would have greatly preferred a conversation over a conflagration.
-Spawn with enemy High Noon Lucian: Him again. Does he think this will work any better the second time?
-Spawn with ally High Noon Thresh: There must be more to you than slaughter and deceit. 
-Spawn with ally High Noon Thresh: Your dedication is impressive, if only you would apply it to a better goal.
-Spawn with Enemy High Noon Thresh: Sometimes appearances aren’t deceiving.
-Spawn with ally High Noon Urgot: Monstrosity is determined by one’s actions, not one’s form. You don’t have to become like them.
-Spawn with enemy High Noon Urgot: And I thought I made a foolish deal.
-Longhorn Alistar: Selling your services so easily? Well, one does what one must to survive, I suppose. I don’t, but...well...
-Sheriff Caitlyn: A word of advice: If you aim for the head, it will still accomplish nothing. Ask Lucian.
-Desperada Cassiopeia: Go find a less mobile corpse to loot.
-Bandito Fiddlesticks: I neither know nor care what manner of creature you are, decency dictates that you wear pants.
-High Noon Jhin: Ah, a performance artist. And yet your pieces all seem to repeat the same message.
-Kindred: Why do you keep sending me back?
-Sonoran Kog’Maw: You must be desperately hungry to try to sustain yourself on me.
-High Noon Lucian: It appears I did not fully purge your demon. How fortunate that I have a chance to rectify that.
-Cowgirl Miss Fortune: Did your bounty specify “dead or alive”? I’m not sure which I am at the moment.
-High Noon Mordekaiser: Conqueror. You’ve returned...it really was for nothing, then.
-Sandscourge Skarner: I wonder, would eating me qualify as predation or scavenging?
-High Noon Thresh: There was much of which you neglected to inform me. I will no longer uphold my end of our deal.
-Tahm Kench: *sighs* No, thank you. I don’t want any. Please go away.
-High Noon Twisted Fate: I knew of a man who liked to gamble. He ended up becoming half train.
-High Noon Urgot: Urgot? Like the fungus? What was wrong with “Jeremiah James”?
-High Noon Yasuo: Sheriff, I see you brought no shortage of bullets for your...sword....Well, whatever works.
-Desperada Cassiopeia: I prefer my snakes out of striking range.
-High Noon Lucian: Looking to join your lost love?
-High Noon Mordekaiser: You’re more intact than I prefer.
-High Noon Thresh: Give me back my death!
-High Noon Twisted Fate: Are you ready to meet the house, gambler?
-High Noon Urgot: Perhaps I should be grateful so little of me was taken.
- Rest.
-Know peace.
-Flesh to dust.
-Your suffering is at an end.
- What bliss it must be to depart.
-Longhorn Alistar: If all you wanted was to live, you should have avoided me.
-Sheriff Caitlyn: Would the law classify that as self-defense?
-Child champion (Annie, Nunu&Willump, Amumu if he ever gets clear lore): There were children in New Eden as well...
-Desperada Cassiopeia:Your funeral may benefit from forgoing the coffin.
-Bandito Fiddlesticks: And take your birds with you.
-High Noon Jhin: Flesh to dust, iron to rust.
-Sonoran Kog’Maw: There are times I miss being able to eat. This is not one of them.
-High Noon Lucian: Rare is the occasion one has the opportunity to avenge oneself.
-Cowgirl Miss Fortune: It’s too late to ask who sent you in pursuit of me, but I do wonder if you’re the only one they will send.
-High Noon Mordekaiser: May you pass into obscurity.
-Sandscourge Skarner: Chitin to dust? Sure, why not. 
-High Noon Thresh: May your death bring you the same peace it does the rest of us.
-High Noon Twisted Fate: Death can be cheated, but it is for the best that you did not.
-High Noon Urgot: You traded a proper death for a mortal life...I shall amend that deal.
-Tahm Kench: I’ve had quite enough of deals and manipulations.
-High Noon Yasuo: May you rest without guilt.
Wall of Pain
-“Just passing through”? Prove it.
-There will be no anguish when you cross the final threshold.
-That is close enough.
-You wither faster than I did.
-Tell the Wolf to prepare for me!
-I grant you my blessing!
-Let Death cleanse your soul of its sorrow!
-This world is not so easily rid of me!
-You are not the first to fail!
-I told them it wouldn’t work. People have such difficulty listening.
-And here I am again, to minimal shock.
-Disappointed. Not terribly surprised.
-Very well. I will earn my rest.
-This is your one chance to flee.
-Bandito Fiddlesticks: You may not realize this, but birds have wings and thus do not need to be thrown.
-High Noon Lucian: I will purge the grin from that shadow.
-High Noon Thresh: You call yourself a “slaughter god” now? Does “delinquent who has become what he despised” have too many words?
-High Noon Mordekaiser: “Conqueror.” Such a noble title. I suppose something about you must be.
-High Noon Urgot: How innovative, a train that can rob the bandits back.
-A death-worshipping reverend walks into a bar and asks for their finest spirits.
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gaminghardware0 · 4 years
Cheap LoL skins (and Champions)! Here are this week’s sweet deals
Following the launch of LoL patch 10.15 and ahead of the giant LoL patch 10.16, there are some super sweet deals on a bunch of skins and some of the best League of Legends Champions right now. Each week, developer Riot hosts an in-game sale giving you the chance to scoop up those looks and characters you've had your eye on for a while, and this round's got some real goodies on offer. Read on to see which LoL treats you can grab with a hefty discount this week.
There are 15 skins and five Champions on sale this week (of August 3) at up to 60% off their regular price. This week's selection has got some epic entries, with discounts on some of the MOBA game's starry-eyed and space-themed skins, such as Dark Star Shaco, Star Guardian Poppy, and  Teemo's astronaut look.
There are also discounts to be had on some of League's spookier creature skins, with Jurassic Cho'Gath, Sandscourge Skarner, and Giant Enemy Crabgot in the list of cheap attire to scoop this week.
View the full site
RELATED LINKS: Best LoL Champions , League of Legends patch 10.13, LoL tier list from https://www.pcgamesn.com/league-of-legends/lol-skins-sale-champions
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aurelion-solar · 1 month
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Skarner VGU - New vs Old Splash Art Comparison
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aurelion-solar · 7 months
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Skarner VGU - Base, Earthrune, Guardian of the Sands, Cosmic Sting & Sandscourge Skarner Concept Art
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