#sbb 2021
sunshineandlyrics · 9 months
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This was at the AFHF at Crystal Palace on 30 August 2021, well before we knew the title of LT2 👀🔎
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stonerbellybabe · 7 months
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wake up babe new SBB comparison just dropped. April 2021 -> now
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An introduction to VR locomotives, part 5/7: the Sr2
The Swiss Clock. The Alpine Rose. The Guinea Pig. The Blob (affectionate). This time, we look at the Sr2 mainline electric locomotive.
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With these locomotives, we opted for an established design by a foreign locomotive builder for the first time since the 1940s. And we were not disappointed: the Swiss Clocks work like Swiss Clocks. They were designed by the Swiss locomotive builder SLM, with 119 examples built for the Swiss national operator SBB-CFF-FFS, and a further 18 for another Swiss operator BLS.
The sleek looks of Sr2 were created by the Italian industrial design company Pininfarina. We ordered 20 of these sleek ladies in 1992. As they proved extremely good, we later increased the number first to 40 and then to 46. All were delivered between 1995 and 2003. (Our Norwegian colleagues at NSB followed our example in 1994 and ordered 22 units).
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As originally specified, our ladies could reach a top speed of 230 km/h. However, as it was a little embarrassing that they were faster than our flagship high-speed Pendolino trains (which could only do 220 km/h), we later reclassified the top speed as 210 km/h. Still, their high speed allowed for Intercity trains to be upgraded to a maximum of 200 km/h running when we took delivery of new double-decker carriages starting 1998.
As our flagship units (let's admit, the Pendolinos are a bit rubbish), all Sr2's were repainted in out new green and white livery in the 2010s. Due to unavailability of spare parts, the first Sr2 (the prototype loco 3201) was retired in 2021 and used as a source of parts for its sisters.
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twopoppies · 1 year
MY TAGS - part 1
Let me start by saying that I’m not the most consistent tagger, so while some tags are chock full of information, don’t expect them all to be.
Also, while I’ve been in the fandom since 2013, I started this blog in 2016, so there are areas where I don’t have reactions in real time.
And last, there are times here and there where I avoided blogging about certain events (like babygate), so I may not have as much info as others.
Having said all of that… there’s a lot on this blog. Tumblr only allows 100 links per post, so here’s:
Part 5 (LOVE ON TOUR 2021/2022)
Part 6 (LOVE ON TOUR 2022/2023)
If you’re new here
They’re not straight
They’re closeted
Larry is real
THEY’RE STILL TOGETHER • TATTOO TIMELINE • LARRY TATTOOS • RBB AND SBB • PARALLELS • LYRIC PARALLELS • STILL THE ONE • I WILL SURVIVE • CODED CLOTHING • LARRY RECEIPTS 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 2021 / 2022 • LARRY MOMENTS 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 • LARRY OUTINGS • REAL ESTATE • WE LIVE TOGETHER DEAL WITH IT • WE KNOW TOO MUCH • HE GOT THE DAGGER • LARRY ON TOUR • 2 WEEK RULE
The Bears
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johannestevans · 11 months
New webzine, a new trans-centric erotica publication, and a bunch of new pieces from me!
Good evening!
Sign up for these updates as emails.
So simplest things first, I set up a TikTok! I'm hoping to keep uploading clips from my comedy gigs to Instagram and TikTok respectively.
I'm on the line-up at a comedy gig tomorrow night in Athlone if you're in the West of Ireland and you'd like to come along! The gig is at The Brazen Monkey, and the show is gonna start at 8:30PM.
You can get tickets online here for €10 plus the booking fee, and tickets will be €15 on the door.
There's also a new comedy night run by Black Crow Comedy here in Galway - it's an open mic intended for women and queer and nonbinary comedians, and it's at 9pm on Wednesday the 5th July in Aras na nGael.
This event is to raise money for Galway Pride, with tickets at €3, and I'm super excited about more marginalised comics having a dedicated space here in the city.
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Anyway, out this week was Issue 103 of the Shousetsu Bang*Bang!
The SBB is an online webzine centred around original queer erotic fiction, and it's been running for nearly 18 years - I was so excited to be a part of this issue with my new novella, Fallen Dust, but I absolutely recommend going through the whole of the issue and reading every story. There's over 160,000 words of queer fiction in this issue, and mine is just 14k of that!
I've also set up a new publication called Trans Erotica, which is a Medium publication centred around trans and nonbinary creators.
If you're trans or nonbinary and you write erotica or erotic fiction, absolutely check it out - the characters in the work don't have to be trans or nonbinary themselves, so long as you are!
I've written up Submission Guidelines here, and if you're new to writing on Medium and would like a guide on how to go about setting up, I've written one of those too.
Media Recs
Donut (2023, dir. Rene Gannon-O'Gara) - My friend Rene's hour-long movie, Donut, is out now! It's a great short flick, super naturalistic, meditative, and exploring the weird intimacy/extra distance of customer service late at night when not many people are around. With nonbinary characters, too!
What Really Happens to a Human Body at Titanic Depths by JP Brown - This is fucked up. But interesting.
This TikTok from hahatoys2022 - I've watched this TikTok so many times this week, it destroys me every time.
I also watched the two new Poirot movies this week, the Kenneth Branagh ones - the second one is kinda shitty, but the first one is a fun enough watch, and I'm quite excited to see the new one with Michelle Yeoh.
I rewatched The Incredibles (2004, dir. Brad Bird) for the first time since I was a kid, and its politics are majorly fucked up. Tweeted about it here.
New Works Published
New Podcast: A Stranger's Visit: The Story, Episode 4
Fantasy short. A priest of Freyr receives a strange visitation.
3.6k, rated T. MB. Originally published May 29th, 2021. A little bit of Norse godliness versus Norse priestliness. Featuring Esben. Adapted from a TweetFic. 
It should be anywhere you get your podcasts!
Libsyn / / RSS Feed / / On Spotify / / On Google / / On YouTube
Erotic Novella: Fallen Dust
14k, cis M/trans M. A young trans man fleeing an abusive home finds sanctuary at a strange temple buried in a mysterious valley.
Featuring some Eldritch tentacles and mild horror, oviposition, breeding, some DP, and just the end of the world! CW for some threats of sexual coercion and pregnancy + transphobia and threatened detransitioning.
From the Shousetsu Bang Bang / / On Medium / / On Patreon
Romance Short: Easing Into It
An exhausted psychiatrist is wooed by his new barber.
4k. M/M, rated M. A few mentions of past abuse. Adapted from a TweetFic. There is a cute dog!
On Medium / / On Patreon
Personal Essay: As a Trans Man, Why Do Doctors Always Want to Get Me Pregnant?
I'm so tired of fielding questions about my "lost" fertility
In An Injustice! on Medium / / On Patreon
Get merch on TeePublic | | Look through my Directory of Published Work | | Listen to my Podcast
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techycatartist · 1 year
Sandy’s Blasting Bronco is currently undergoing it’s annual maintenance, so here’s a modifed Spongebob quote featuring my personifications for SBB and Nickelodeon Slime Streak;
Sandy BB: “What am I supposed to do when my coaster’s down for its annual maintenance?”
Nickelodeon SS: “I dunno, what do you normally do when it’s down for annual maintenance?”
Sandy BB: “Wait for it to go back up…”
(In all seriousness, I’d imagine that this is a stressful time for SBB, because the last time their coaster went down for “annual maintenance” (Dec. 2021) it took half a year to re-open (May 2022). They fear that the same thing will happen this time around— but are fortunate to have the support of their parkmates).
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swit-purple · 1 year
Kat tiktok byk kali psl fathia latiff, psl dia lps 5thn bru blh move on.
Wehh. Aku bila benda tu kerap lalu kt fyp tiktok, aku rasa nk menangis jgk.
Sbb aku pun hadapi benda yg sama. Bila kita kehilangan seseorang yg kita syg sngt, kita rasa mcm.. dah taknak hidup. Hidup ni dah takde makna sbb impian kita dah hancur, harapan kita punah, hati kita pecah, jiwa kita jadi mati. Sakitnya sebuah kehilangan.. time aku tulis ni masih lagi mengalir air mata aku. Walaupun kejadiannya 2017 yang lalu. Tapi.. sakitnya sebuah kehilangan tak dpt digambarkan. Betapa luluhnya hati kita waktu itu..
Tahun berganti tahun.. tp diri kita masih tersekat di tahun 2017 disember sewaktu kali terakhir kita dan dia berjumpa. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 berlalu begitu sahaja.. tp jiwa kita masih tak mahu berganjak dari tahun 2017.. hati kuat ingin semuanya dimulai kembali, masih bersambung lagi ikatan yg pernah ia putuskan. Mengharap dirinya ingat dan rindu pada kita, menyesal akan keputusannya dan kembali semula kepada kita dengan kata2 pujukan..
Tapi sayang, tahun berganti tahun, satu harapan pun tak terkabulkan… kita masih menangis di situ meratapi kepergiannya yang tidak kita inginkan. Jiwa remuk, hancur kerana peninggalannya.. dan mencintai wanita lain di hadapan kita.. sakit.. 😭
Ini semua hanya tinggal kenangan. Kenangan ditinggalkan lelaki yang pernah dicintai sepenuh hati. Kejadian 5tahun takboleh move on, itu smua kini hanyalah sebuah memori yang perit. Pada 03.06.23 aku sah disatukan dengan jodoh yang tertulis di luh mahfuz, jodoh yang tuhan da persiapkan dari awal sebelum aku lahir. Jodoh ini kemungkinan yang menghalang aku dari terus dapat bercinta dengan ex. Masa tu aku rasa tak puas lagi bercinta dgn org yg aku syg, tiba2 da kena putus. Aku meroyan mcm orang gila la apa lagi.
Suami aku pesan kat aku,
“Walaupun abg bukan cinta pertama sayang, tapi biarlah abg cinta terakhir sayang, hingga ke syurga..”
“Abang sayang sayang kerana Allah swt; sayang tanggungjawab abang”
Dan bermacam madah manis ditaburkan.. seharusnya aku bersyukur, dan merasa “sweet” dengan kata2 manis suami yang berusaha mengambil hati dan romantik. Dia sangat sayangkan aku.. tapi sejujurnya, aku tak dapat nak sayang dia dengan kasih sayang yang banyak.. semacam tidak bersyukur.. tapi aku taktahu bagaimana caranya untuk aku mencintai suami aku seperti mana aku mencintai ex aku. Itu yang aku rasa ralat sangat 😭😭😭😭😭
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melodyofherlife · 1 year
Healing Time Again
Sebenarnya saya baru "sembuh" kira-kira 1 tahun yg lalu. Right now, I have no choice other than I need to healing lagi balik😔 tp dlm keadaan dan situasi yg berbeza. Banyak betul bah saya mau cerita & share sama dia ni sebenarnya yang dulu (Mungkin sbb saya takut yang dia akan ignore saya & menjauhkan diri dari saya)... Itulah antara sebabnya, saya memilih utk tetap menderita dalam diam (walaupun sakit tapi saya tahan saja), tidak menjelaskan apa2, buat renungan & saya mau bersyukur sama Tuhan utk semua trials yg saya lalui dlm hidup. Saya memilih untuk tetap mau kasi rendah hati saya dengan mengalah demi kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan hidup orang lain (sebab saya faham ba tu sebenarnya mcmana feeling menunggu...sbb saya pun pernah tunggu orang 7 tahun tp last2 saya hidup bersendirian juga. ;). Mungkin inilah semua titik kelemahan & kekurangan yang ada dalam diri saya. Tp saya tetap mau bersyukur utk semua kelemahan & kekurangan yg ada dalam diri saya. Sebab saya tau & sedar yg saya bukanlah manusia yg perfect & biarlah saya tetap jadi diri saya sendiri. Mungkin ada orang yang boleh terima keadaan & kekurangan saya & ada juga orang yang tidak dapat terima kekurangan saya. Tapi saya tetap mau juga bersyukur samada diri saya dapat atau tidak dapat diterima oleh orang lain. Saya terfikir juga yang mungkin Tuhan mau uji saya macamana cara saya mau menghadapi segala cabaran berat dalam hidup saya. Walaupun saya menangis, saya percaya segala beban dalam hidup saya itu akan ikut tu air mata saya mengalir keluar. Tapi...tidak apa bah.... Tidak kira apa, I love being myself.
Ermm.... Saya rasa mcm saya sdh terbiasa kecewa bah ni sebenarnya😂 Saya sdh "latihan@reherseal" selama 7 tahun (2014-2021 : saya sedar yang saya "sembuh" betul2 masa Mac 2022) 7 tahun jg o saya menahan rasa sakit yang amat sangat. Hanya Tuhan saja yang tau feeling dan keadaan saya masa tu. Saya tidak tau macamanalah saya boleh tahan rasa sakit 7 tahun... Tuhan saja yang kasi kuat saya masa tu. Dipendekkan cerita, saya bersyukur sangat2 sebab akhirnya rencana Tuhan buat saya sedar & saya dapat kasi let go itu feeling yang buat saya rasa macam saya ada di "penjara". Saya bersyukur betull sama Tuhan yang akhirnya saya BEBAS daripada tu beban rasa sakit yang mendalam. Lepas saya rasa saya bebas dari tu feeling, saya tidak sudah menangis tiap2 malam ni (sebab sepanjang 7 tahun tu, saya lebih banyak menangis sbb "rasa sakit" daripada saya tertawa sbnrnya). :)
Beberapa bulan kemudian, ada saya dengar nama dia (c R) kena sebut2 di bilik guru time saya print kerja budak. Saya tertarik sama tu nama dia ba tu mula2, terus saya pigi cari la nama dia di FB. Tidak lama kemudian sa add & kena accept jg o...walaupun saya tidak kenal dia secara personal. Tapi tidak juga la saya mau kacau. Lepas tu, beberapa bulan kemudian, saya sangat tidak sangka yang Tuhan akan kasi jumpa kami dua depan2 time d kdsg. Saya mau tegur daa dia masa tu tapi saya tidak terkeluar suara. Sa terspeechless bah. Dari sana timbul tu perasaan (mungkin dari mata turun ke hati) ;) dan saya sangat x sangka yg rupanya kami ni saling Crush. :) Saya sgt tekejutttt gila2 bila dapat tau sampai saya rasa mcm saya bermimpi saja...sa x sangka pula ahh. Saya sangat happy sampai saya tdk dpt tidur ahh... terus lepas tu saya ter"demam" lagi beberapa hari sbb kejutan yg amat sangat (begini la sa ni selalu, klau kena kejutan, pandai demam😂) Bila saya buat renungan, hati saya mmg rasa happy ni & full of Joy ni. Saya tidak sangka yang hati saya akan terbuka lagi. Sa ingatkan yang hati saya tidak akan terbuka lagi. Tapi...saya tetap mau bersyukur sama Tuhan walaupun dia singgah sekejap saja dalam hidup saya. Saya juga mau terus tetap kuat, kasi rendah hati & have faith dalam segala sesuatu. Saya yakin dan percaya yang Tuhan pasti ada rencana yang indah utk saya. Saya percaya yg segala sesuatu pasti indah pada waktuNya. Bukan waktu saya tp waktu Tuhan. Saya jg mau mempersatukan apa yg saya lalui dlm hidup dengan penderitaan yang Yesus lalui di atas kayu salib supaya perasaan saya ni kan tidak berlalu dengan sia2 begitu saja (at least feeling saya ni kan bermakna dalam hidup saya) dan semoga pengorbanan perasaan yang saya alami pada saat ini jadi berkat untuk hidup orang lain. Saya juga mau mempersembahkan semua ni penderitaan yang saya alami untuk jiwa-jiwa di Api Penyucian.
Sebenarnya, banyak betul bah mau kasi cerita dia (c R) time dia tanya saya haritu, tapi saya tidak dapat mau explain, tidak dapat mau menaip tu kata2 yang saya mau kasitau, yang terbuku di hati saya sebab tangan saya gagarannn..... saya mau cerita yang saya mau cakap daa, bukan chat, tapi saya rasa macam saya tidak dapat kasi keluar suara saya....Jadi, saya kira, saya mau kasi cerita daa di depan2 (dalam hati: manatau ada peluang terjumpa dia lain kali, masa tu lah saya mau ckp depan2 sa bilang daa) Sekali....bila nampak gambar....memang saya tiada peluang sudah mau cerita sama dia di depan2 (saya tidak sudah mau kacau hak milik orang lain)
Inilah semua yang buat saya merenung yang semua ini bukan berlaku secara kebetulan tapi memang takdir Tuhan sudah. Saya respect juga sama pilihan yang dia sudah buat dalam hidup dia dan sekarang saya hanya akan mendoakan supaya hidup dia sentiasa diberkati oleh Tuhan Yesus & sentiasa berada dalam perlindungan oleh kuasa Roh Kudus Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Semoga Berbahagia untuk selama-lamanya kio untuk kau (R). Thank you ahh sama kau...saya hargai juga kehadiran kau dlm hidup saya sebab kau pun jd satu berkat jg utk saya walaupun kita tidak dapat sama2. Thank you Tuhan sebab kasi jumpa kami dua, walaupun sekejap saja. Hati saya rasa betul2 happy dan penuh dengan sukacita bah tu sebenarnya. Ini saya mau kasitau depan2 daa tapi tidak sudah sempat kan saya mau kasitau... bagi saya la kan, secara peribadi, tiada istilah cepat atau lambat... Semua yang berlaku ini pun, memang rencana Tuhan sudah ni.....
Dalam hidup saya ini, walaupun kadang2 saya rasa macam nasib hidup saya malang betul, tapi saya mau menggunakan nasib hidup saya yang malang itu sebagai tanda kesyukuran saya, sebagai satu berkat dan sebagai tanda kekuatan saya untuk menghadapi semua cabaran dalam hidup saya. Saya mau bersyukur sama Tuhan untuk semua yang sudah pernah hadir dalam hidup saya. Semoga semuanya sentiasa diberkati oleh Tuhan Yesus sampai kedatanganNya yang kedua.
May God Bless all of us 💙
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saeramaerarasblog · 1 year
Dr Lily yang manis.
1. Keyakinan diri - perlu dtg dari diri sendiri!! Badan kite ada sel. Yakin. Kite nak cakap sbb kite nak share. Keyakinan diri perlu dibina. Tips kena cari.
2. Semangat yang berterusan- ingat balik kenapa kite belajar?
3. Semangat bangun pagi- bangun pagi tgk cermin buat tanpa miss. Amalkan doa bangun pagi. In malay pun okay. Ceria tu pilihan.
#Amik 1 ilmu, amalkan.
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isvicreninsesi · 1 year
Türk kızını döven ve taciz eden adama ödül gibi ceza
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ZÜRİH- Trende ayaklarını koltuğa koyduğu gerekçesiyle 15 yaşındaki Türk kızına şiddet uygulan ve taciz eden emekli bir adama sadece 1500 frank para cezası verildi. Haziran 2021’de Zürih S6 treninde meydana gelen olayda, Türk kızını taciz edip, şiddet uygulan bir adam bugün Meilen bölge mahkemesinde yargılandı. Sanık, Haziran 2021’de Zürih’teki S6 treninde seyahat eden 15 yaşındaki kız çocuğun yanına oturdu ve daha sonra kızdan ayaklarını koltuktan çekmesini istedi. Sanık Türk kızı cevap vermeyince, bacaklarından tutup koltuktan indirdi. Ayaklarıyla kızı tekmeleyip, yüzünü yumrukladı. “PİS GÖRÜNÜYORDU” Türk kızına şiddet uygulayan sanık mahkemede yaptığı savunmada, yanlış bir şey yapmadığını öne sürdü. Ayakların koltuğa koyulması SBB düzenlemelerine aykırı olduğu belirtti. Türk kızını taciz etmesinin diğer nedeni ise: "Pis görünmesi” olarak gösterdi. Aynı zamanda emekli olan sanık, gencin kendisine saldırdığını iddia etti. Bu nedenle kendisi için beraat, 15 yaşındaki Türk kızına ceza verilmesini talep etti. Davayı sonuca bağlayan hakim, daha önce başka bir trende, yine bir kadına benzer suçlarla yargılanan sanıka, sadece 1500 frank ödül gibi para cezası verdi. Read the full article
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awesomeforever · 1 year
Since August 2021, Mondaine has been offering a mechanical version in its evo watch collection, using the unmistakable design of the famous “Official Swiss Railways Clock.” We took the evo2 SBB Automatic on a quick train ride. Like any railway company, the 1902-founded Swiss Federal Railways (often referred to by the initials of its German, French and Italian names SBB, CFF, FFS), too, knew about the significance of coordinated precision timing early on, in order to build and safely operate what should eventually become the densest rail network in Europe. Today, the Swiss travel more by train than any other nation in the world, clocking up an average of 2,400 km per person every year within the country’s boarder. Switzerland is also home to the highest railway station in Europe (at 3,454 meters), the longest railway tunnel in the world (measuring 57 km long), 5,200 km of railway lines, a 21,500-km public transport network and 1,000 km of mountain railways. In other words, the Swiss indeed take punctuality quite seriously, and that’s not just because of the many watches that are being made there. In the 1940s, the fully state-owned railway company began with the introduction of synchronized station clocks. Because trains in Switzerland always leave the station on the full minute (railway timetables therefore do not list or require seconds), each clock received an electrical impulse through the telephone line from the central master clock at each full minute, resulting in the synchronized advancement of the minute hand each minute. These clocks were designed by Hans Hilfiker (1901 – 1993), a Swiss engineer and SBB employee, and produced by W. Moser-Baer in Sumiswald in the canton of Bern. Hilfiker had already designed a clock for the train station in Zurich in 1932, and worked on a prototype version with second hand as early as 1943. It would, however, take another couple of years for the red second hand, designed after the shape of the conductor’s baton used by train and station staff (thus nicknamed the rote Kelle or red signal), to become a standard feature of the very design that has now officially been in use since the 1950s. On the original clocks, the second hand is driven by a motor independent of the master clock and requires only about 58.5 seconds to complete the rotation, then the hand pauses briefly at the top of the clock. It starts a new rotation as soon as it receives the next minute impulse from the master clock. The SBB clock was not Hilfiker’s only contribution to modern living in Switzerland. He had also developed the concept of the fitted kitchen and was responsible for the standard Swiss dimensions for kitchen components. With the red second hand, however, he most likely had the biggest impact on the nation’s collective appreciation for punctuality, having created an extremely effective signalization design, and one of the most recognizable and known watch designs in the history of Swiss timekeeping (there are currently 798 train stations in Switzerland). Commuters simply have to look at the red second hand in order to know how much time is left to catch the train (or to learn the train had already left the station). Unsurprisingly, this design has also been recognized by various museums around the world and has won several awards (and was briefly used by Apple, which had used the design without permission for its mobile operating system iOS6, released in September 2012, which resulted in a patent dispute with the Swiss railways that got settled in October 2012 for a widely reported but unofficial sum of several millions). Swiss watch brand Mondaine has been licensed to make wall clocks, desk models and wristwatches based on the design since 1986. Not surprisingly, the watch immediately became one of the key products of the family-owned company. Mondaine board member André Bernheim says, “The iconic, unmistakable and minimalist design of the SBB clock at the train stations has remained unchanged since 1944.
It has been produced by us based on the original plans from that time and has been a central pillar for the Mondaine brand since 1986. The collection today offers a wide range from wall clocks to table clocks and wristwatches, with a choice of different case shapes, purist, slightly rounded, thin and even cases made of sustainable materials such as castor oil. We also offer a choice of various functions such as our patented backlight, stop2go, and different movements, allowing us to appeal to a wide audience with a consistent design.” Now, the Swiss watch brand finally brings back a version powered by a mechanical movement (the Sellita SW 200-1). Bernheim adds, “We have had mechanical watches in our Mondaine range for around 20 years [in 2012, for example, Mondaine introduced the first hand-wound mechanical railway watch (ETA 2801-2) as a limited edition of 400 pieces]. We have now developed a few additional models that we can offer at a significantly lower price, Swiss Made, with a steel case in 316L and sapphire crystal.” And he also mentions another reason for the mechanical option, “Sustainability has been a central concern for us for decades, and now that we are probably the first watch company in the world to be completely CO2-neutral, automatic movements obviously reflect perfectly both our strategy as well as the Zeitgeist, which is another reason why we are expanding our range of automatic watches.” The latest mechanical version of the watch is part of the evo2 collection, described by Mondaine to feature “subtle and respectful design enhancements in keeping with Mondaine’s vanguard reputation.” The case has indeed become more organic, with rounder curves that reach around the case folding into the transparent caseback. The case lugs have also been slightly refined and the crown modified to increase its functionality, resulting in an overall more balanced look. Mondaine offers two case sizes, the 40-mm version shown here with red (Ref. MSE.40610.LC) or black leather strap (Ref. MSE.40610.LB), and a 35-mm version with black leather strap (Ref. MSE.35610.LB). Alternatively, both case sizes can be purchased with a mesh bracelet instead (Ref. MSE.40610.SM in 40 mm, Ref. MSE.35610.SM in 35 mm). The watches are assembled in Mondaine’s factory in Solothurn, Switzerland, and every watch is tested for water resistance up to 30 meters and comes with a 2-year international warranty. From a design point of view, the dial design uses red, white and black colors, in itself already synonymous with Switzerland, and as a wristwatch with a mechanical movement, the watch also brings together the country’s watch industry and national train system, both undoubtedly a symbol of pride for most Swiss people. Not surprisingly, dial legibility is excellent. In this case, Mondaine decided to not cover the black hands, minute markers and indexes with luminous material (the company uses in some watches a concept called “Backlight Technology” using extra-strong Super-LumiNova material, which is painted on the back side of the watch hands), which will leave people traveling on a night train literally in the dark. On the other hand, Mondaine has managed to offer the watch at an extremely attractive price, making it quite a unique offer, given the significance of its design (especially since the Tissot Heritage Memphis comes exclusively with a quartz movement). The Mondaine evo2 Automatic costs about as much as two months’ unrestricted access to the Swiss railway network (in second or standard class), but will obviously be a travel companion for a much longer time. The Sellita SW200-1 certainly won’t add much of a novelty factor to a watch collection, but continues to be a reliable engine. Since the design originated as a non-mechanical concept, and the Sellita SW200-1 obviously cannot replicate the quintessential pause of the second hand at 12 o’clock, one of the central elements of the clocks is missing, but fans of mechanical watches finally have another option to wear a lot of Swissness on the wrist.
Bernheim concludes, “We have created this watch for people that value traditional watchmaking, are passionate about mechanical movements, timeless design and long-lasting, sustainable products — and at a very competitive price for a Swiss Made watch.” SPECS: Manufacturer: Mondaine Watch Ltd., Etzelstrasse 27, 8808 Pfäffikon, Switzerland Reference number: MSE.40610.LB Functions: Hours, minutes, hacking central seconds hand, date display Movement: Sellita SW200-1, automatic 28,800 vph, 26 jewels, 38-hour power reserve, diameter = 25.6 mm, height = 4.6 mm Case: 316L stainless steel case, sapphire crystal above the dial, water resistant to 30 m Strap and clasp: Black leather strap with pin buckle Dimensions: Diameter = 40 mm, height = 10 mm, length = 46 mm, weight = 60.0 g Variations: With red leather strap (Ref. MSE.40610.LC); with mesh bracelet (Ref. MSE.40610.SM) Price: $665 on strap; $720 on bracelet Tags: Affordable Watches, Luxury Watches, Swiss Watch Industry Sweet. Simple and easy to read. 44mm would be nice. Thorough detailing of this nice watch makes it quite compelling. Like it where can I gat it A purist design that was perfect from Day One. Click here to cancel reply. Name (required) Email (will not be published) (required) Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a768cdd2c8da035c9a3d90709f26c0e2" );document.getElementById("hd54caa030").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Read the article Read the article Read the article Read the article Read the article Read the article © 2022 Ebner Publishing International, Inc. © 2022 Ebner Publishing International, Inc. source
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syam1974 · 1 year
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prajuritmengaji Jika kakimu terasa begitu berat untuk melangkah, walau sekedar berdiri menyambut seruan-Nya untuk shalat berjamaah engkau tak bisa, Jika lisanmu terasa begitu sulit untuk berucap, walau sekedar untuk berdoa atau berdzikir engkau tak kuasa, Jika hatimu terasa keras tak ada keinginan, walau sekedar untuk membaca selembar ayat-ayat suci-Nya engkau pun enggan. Dan jika hidupmu dalam keadaan sehat dan memiliki banyak waktu bahkan bisa membuka medsos, nongkrong, dengerin musik, tiduran dan santai-santai, namun tak juga mampu dapat melakukan amal shalih. Maka ketahuilah bahwa engkau sedang terhalang dalam kebaikan. Dan tahukah engkau apa penyebabnya terhalang dalam kebaikan ? Penyebabnya adalah DOSA. Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah rahimahullah berkata, “Jika punggung telah berat memikul dosa-dosa, maka hati akan terhalangi untuk berjalan menuju Allah serta anggota badan juga akan terhalangi untuk bangkit melaksanakan ketaatan pada-Nya.” (Bada’iut Tafsir, 3/332) Seorang laki-laki bertanya kepada al-Hasan al-Bashri, “Wahai Abu Sa’id, semalaman aku dalam keadaan sehat, lalu aku ingin melakukan shalat malam dan aku telah menyiapkan kebutuhan untuk bersuci, tapi mengapa aku tidak dapat bangun?” Al-Hasan menjawab, “Dosa-dosamu mengikatmu." (Ihya’-u ‘Uluumid Diin (I/313). Jika sebab meninggalkan dosa dapat memudahkan segala urusan, Maka sebagaimana pula sebab melakukan dosa dan maksiat bisa menyulitkan segala urusan, Karena ketakwaan adalah penerang jalan kehidupan, sedang maksiat adalah kegelapan jalan kehidupan. Allah subhanallahu wa ta’ala juga berfirman, “Dan barang siapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah niscaya Allah menjadikan baginya kemudahan dalam urusannya.” [Ath-Thalaq: 4] Karena itu hendaknya kita sebagai seorang muslim terus berusaha meninggalkan segala perbuatan dosa & maksiat jika kita ingin segala urusan kita mendapat kemudahan & pertolongan Allah. Sbb segala bentuk dosa & maksiat dpt menyulitkan urusan. Semoga hal ini menjadi renungan bagi kita semua untuk segera bertaubat, senantiasa beristighfar, hijrah meninggalkan dosa dan maksiat serta banyak berdoa memohon pertolongan Allah. Wallahu Waliyyut Taufiq ✍ Habibie Quotes, 07 Juni 2021 IG - www.instagram.co https://www.instagram.com/p/CnOgYtcvnq_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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An introduction to VR passenger carriages, part 4: double-decker Intercity carriages
So we come to our newest broad class of passenger coaches. The chunky, beautiful and utterly comfortable double-decker Intercity coaches. Whereas the Eil and single-decker IC coaches covered in previous entries were relatively small series build during a short timeframe, the double-deckers have been in production since 1998 and to date over 300 coaches have been built in different variations, making the coaches a true successor to the blue carriages.
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A full rake of double-decker IC coaches hauled by an Sr3 locomotive. My photo.
Planning for the double-decker coaches begun already in the beginning of the 1990s, while the single-decker IC coaches were still being built. A Swiss double-decker coach was loaned to Finland and displayed at Helsinki central station to get customer feedback (I actually remember my grandmother taking me to see it). Rather than directly copy the Swiss example, new coaches for our needs were designed based on the experiences gained from these. A notable difference to most central European double-decker coaches is that entrance is from the bottom floor, meaning step-free access on most stations.
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The SBB-CFF-FFS double-decker coach on display at Helsinki central station in June 1992. Photo Tapio Keränen, vaunut.org
The first batch of 42 carriages (30 regular 2nd class coaches in class Ed and 12 Eds coaches with a children's playspace and facilities for disabled passengers) were ordered in 1995 and delivered in 1998-2000 by what was then Talgo-Transtech near Kajaani in Finland. All double-decker carriages have been ordered from the same builder, which was eventually sold by Talgo, operated for some years as simply Transtech before being sold to Škoda and becoming Škoda Transtech.
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The very first Ed carriage in use in the original livery. Photo Leif Rosnell, Suomen rautatiemuseo
The first double-decker sleepers (Edm) were delivered in 2005, with the first restaurant cars (ERd) and control cab cars (Edo) following in 2014. Meanwhile, a number of Ed carriages have been rebuilt into Edb and later CEd coaches, with business class seats in additional to regular second-class seating. In 2006, the classes were rebranded, with 2nd class become Eko class and business becoming Ekstra class. Of course, all double-decker coaches were repainted in the current white and green livery starting 2010.
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An Edo control cab car at Turku station. My photo.
The initial batch of coaches were delivered with a 160 km/h service speed, but this was upgraded to 200 km/h in later series, with the first batch rebuilt to match. In 2000, we introduced new Intercity2-branded connections from Helsinki to Turku, Tampere and Jyväskylä, which were operated exclusively with double-decker coaches. The IC2 branding was discontinued in 2014, as by this point single-decker coached had been largely phased out from daytime IC trains.
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Interior of an Ed-class carriage. The colours of the upholstery differ on which construction batch each carriage belongs to. My photo.
The (to-date) last double-decker carriages were delivered in 2021. As we are currently concentrating on new locomotives (Sr3- and Dr19-classes) and the new electric multiple units for commuter services (Sm7), it's likely there will be a gap of some years before we contract new passenger coaches.
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jasaterjemah · 1 year
TERJEMAHAN BERKUALITAS, 0821-2481-6501 Biro Penerjemah Inggris-Indonesia Kalimantan Barat Mitramas Maju Mandiri
Sertifikasi Penerjemah Inggris-Indonesia Kalimantan Barat KLIK https://wa.me/6282124816501, Terjemahan Inggris Dokumentasi Banten, Perusahaan Penerjemah Inggris Kalimantan Tengah, Penerjemah File Inggris Ke Indonesia Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Translator Inggris Di Surabaya Kalimantan Utara, Penerjemah B.Inggris Bali
Kami adalah jasa terjemahan terdepan, berpengalaman, tercepat dan terjangkau. Proses pengerjaan di tempat kami menggunakan software yang dilengkapi dengan translation memory yang pastinya akan memberikan hasil terbaik dan konsisten dalam pengolahan kata, efisien dan berkualitas tinggi dengan kelambatan waktu nol dan berujung pada penghematan waktu dan biaya. Kami siap memberikan layanan dan solusi cepat dalam proses alih bahasa setiap hari (24/7) tanpa batasan zona / waktu. Melalui analisa data dan komunikasi yang intens pada hasil, semua ini kami dedikasikan untuk membantu klien mempersiapkan kelengkapan dokumen yang diperlukan dalam mendukung pemasaran produk dan jasa di pasar domestik & global.
Apa kriteria penerjemahan yang baik? Terjemahan yang baik memiliki tiga kriteria, yakni; ketepatan, kejelasan, dan kewajaran (Larson, Mildred L.). Ketepatan berarti bahwa terjemahan harus menyampaikan pesan sesuai dengan yang dimaksud oleh penulis di dalam teks sumber aslinya. Kejelasan artinya bahwa terjemahan harus mudah dipahami oleh pembaca sasaran.
Apa itu Memori Terjemahan (TM)? Memori terjemahan adalah basis data dwibahasa yang berisi istilah, frasa, kalimat, dan paragraf yang sebelumnya diterjemahkan. Ini pada dasarnya menggabungkan semua data terjemahan Anda yang ada sehingga Anda dapat menggunakannya kembali dalam proyek mendatang dan menghindari pekerjaan (translation) berulang. Pikirkan sistem memori terjemahan sebagai kamus dwibahasa, dan Anda adalah kuratornya. Kamus meluas saat mengenali segmen baru setiap kali Anda menerjemahkan konten baru.
Berapa harga jasa penerjemah? Tarif Terjemahan Sebagai contoh, biaya penerjemah dari bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia pada tahun 2021 sebesar Rp400.000, naik menjadi Rp450.000 tahun 2022. Namun, angka di atas tidak bisa dijadikan patokan dan penerjemah lain kemungkinan bisa menerapkan biaya atau tarif yang berbeda, berikut referensinya.
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sanemyamen · 1 year
Rail Wagon Market Growing Popularity and Emerging Trends in the Industry Analysis by Key Players
Rail Wagon Market Comprehensive Study is an expert and top to bottom investigation on the momentum condition of the Global Rail Wagon industry with an attention on the Global market. The report gives key insights available status of the Global Rail Wagon producers and is an important wellspring of direction and course for organizations and people keen on the business. By and large, the report gives an inside and out understanding of 2021-2027 worldwide Rail Wagon Market covering extremely significant parameters.
Some key Players in This Report Include Kiruna Wagon AB (Sweden),Texmaco Rail & Engineering Limited (India),Hindustan Engineering & Industries Ltd. (India),CFR Marfa (Europe),PKP Cargo (Europe),SNCF International SA (France),Canadian National Railway Company (Canada),DB Schenker (Germany),SBB Cargo (Switzerland),Baltic Rail AS (Europe),Union Pacific Corporation (United States),CTL Logistics (Germany),Colas Rail SA (France),Genesee & Wyoming Inc. (United States),Rail Logistics, LC. (United States),RSI Logistics Inc. (United States),Tschudi Logistics Holding AS (Norway)
Rail wagon refers to transportation of cargo by unpowered railway vehicle. Development of rail infrastructure is the essential element for economic development of the countries. Growing research and development for modernization of techniques such as producing wagon from composite material, develop cost-effective wagon with improved lifecycle, reduce problem during exploitation, and production of the lightweight wagon with more carrying capacity are the key factors driving the rail wagon market. Market Trends: Emphasizing On Manufacturing of Corrosion Resistant Wagon of Low Weight with High Load Carrying Capacity
Market Drivers: Increasing Freight Transportation Activates Owing To Rapid Industrialization
Adverse Effect on Freight Transportation Owing To Economic Slow Down
Market Challenges: Fluctuating Raw Material Prices
Market Opportunities: Expansion of Rail Networks in Emerging Countries
The Global Rail Wagon Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Open Wagon, Box Wagon, Covered Wagon, Flat Wagon, Intermodal Wagon, Tank Wagon, Other), By Industry Vertical (Mining, Agriculture, Textile, Manufacturing, Construction, Other), By Owner Type (Private Owner, Leasing Companies) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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