Seuraavana: Cohost. Nästa: Cohost. The next stop: Cohost.
Kaikille VR-aiheista paska- ym. postausta kaipaaville tiedoksi annettakoon, että sama meno jatkuu nykyään Cohostissa. Eli jos haluat elämääsi uudelleen suomalaisen raidenörtin joka esittää VR:ää, kannattaa suunnata osoitteeseen https://cohost.org/valtionrautatiet-official
Järnvägs-skitposting fortsätter i Cohost, och falsk-statsjärvägarna kan hittas fortfarande i https://cohost.org/valtionrautatiet-official
Those who wished for a continuation of this blog can rejoice, for the fake account of the Finnish national rail operator has risen again and can be found at https://cohost.org/valtionrautatiet-official
(Niin ja kun ainakin @pupucino oli ihmetellyt tämän blogin kuolleistanousemista pääsiäisenä: en ollut tajunnut, että vaikka queuen laittaa tauolla niin Tumppu kuitenkin postaa queuen kanssa samassa listassa olevat ajastetut postaukset alkuperäisen aikataulun mukaan. Nyt queue on tyhjätty ja kaikki ajastetut postaukset poistettu, eli tähän blogiin ei tule enempää sisältöä).
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Toiveuusinta kuuden vuoden takaa.
Pääsiäislomalle VR:llä kotikotiin
Vr 30 min pysähdyksissä, jatkettiin matkaa. Tampere-Nokia
Tulee uus pysähdys. Kondyktööri: “matkustajat, tämä perjantainen matka tulee kestämään hieman pidempään kuin yleensä”
suuri yleisöHUOKAUS
“mutta ihmekkös tuo, sillä tänään on pitkä perjantai” vaunu repee höhötykseen ja joku sanoo nauraen “voi ny vittu”
Millees teijän pitkäperjantai meni?
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Tämä blogi oli tässä. Mä olen miettinyt suhtautumistani tietoon siitä, että Tumppu aikoo myydä (tai on jo myynyt) käyttäjien tekemää sisältöä AI:n koulutukseen ja... mun moraali ei hyväksy sitä. Tämä ei ole eka kerta kun olen miettinyt voinko jatkaa Tumpussa koska sen omistajat tekee typeriä päätöksiä, mutta sisällön myyminen AI:lle on sen tason pahuutta että mä en voi olla sellaisella sivustolla mukana.
Se, että esitin VR:ää Tumpussa oli yksi hauskimpia juttuja mitä mä olen yli kymmenen vuoden aikana tällä sivustolla tehnyt ja on sääli että se jää kesken; mulla oli mietittynä ja queueattuna sisältöä jonka oisin mielellään näyttänyt teille. Tumpun käyttäjät – te kaikki jotka tän sivuston oikeasti teette – on ihan mahtavia tyyppejä. Mulla tulee teitä ikävä.
Mä jätän tän blogin toistaiseksi olemaan, siinä toivossa että joku Automatticilla tulee järkiinsä ja ne ilmoittaa ettei sittenkään myy Tumpun sisältöä yhtään minnekään. En kyllä oikeasti usko että niin käy.
This is the end of this blog. I've thought about the information that Tumblr is planning on selling (or has already sold) content made by its users for AI training and... I think it's immoral. This is not the first time Tumblr has done something that has made me ponder if I want to continue using this site, but this is an act of evil of such magnitude that I cannot remain active on this website.
Pretending to be the Finnish state-owned rail operator was some of the most fun I've had during my over a decade on Tumblr, and I am sad to abandon this. I had plenty of (hopefully) fun content planned and queued for you all. Tumblr users – all you people who actually make this site – are fantastic people. I will miss you.
I will leave this blog as it is for now, in the hopes that the people at Automattic come to their senses and make an announcement they won't be selling anything for AI training after all. I'm not holding my fingers.
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A Dr13-hauled train made up of blue carriages (presumably bound for Turku, as that was the only non-electrified line from Helsinki at the time) on the left and an Sm1 local train for Kirkkonummi on the right.
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Valtionrautatiet. Helsinki, Finland. (1986)
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I will! Although it may be unlikely. Running this blog was a fun Tumblr phenomenon, so although I will probably move to using a different website, I'm not sure if I want to recreate this blog there.
its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney
we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article
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it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.
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Everyone go and change your blog settings.
This blog will be on a hiatus while the person who runs it has a good think on whether or not it wishes to stay on a website that sells user data to an AI company.
its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney
we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article
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it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.
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There was that, yes! But if I remember right, that was a high-speed train that would have served only the airport. Whereas, as least in my opinion, they should build something similar to the Bergen light rail system, which offers a moderately fast connection to the airport, but also serves local needs.
What are your opinions on trains?
Wish they were real </3
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I've always wondered why Iceland doesn't have any rail-based transport. Surely at least for Reykjavik and the surroundings, a tram-train type system would be ideal (so tram-style street running within the city center, railway-style segregated tracks outside it). In a country that gets almost all of its electricity from renewable sources this should be a no-brainer.
What are your opinions on trains?
Wish they were real </3
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To be honest, I'm not sure if this was an Interrail-style ticket but only for the Nordics, or a fixed itinerary like the rengasmatkat within Finland. (I presume the former, since I would guess the itinerary would be mentioned if it was fixed). In either case, no identical ticket product exists today. The chapest interrail ticket is 212 €, but that is valid for a month with four travel days. And it's only valid for two trips within your home country (leaving and returning), whereas the old product at least gives the impression it's valid also in your home country.
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Mainosjuliste 1980-luvulta.
Travel around the Nordic Countries by train! 21 days. 2nd class 900 mk. 1st class 1 350 mk. It's fun to travel by train. VR.
Advertisement poster from the 1980s.
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Mainosjuliste 1980-luvulta.
Travel around the Nordic Countries by train! 21 days. 2nd class 900 mk. 1st class 1 350 mk. It's fun to travel by train. VR.
Advertisement poster from the 1980s.
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Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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We need to make a train plush too!
Wist je dat,
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POV olet juna ja maailmassa on valtavia kissoja.
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Reinstitute British Rail
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Posing at the entrance to a Dm4 diesel unit, or the permanently coupled three carriage rake used with the Dm4's that formed our then-flagship kiitojuna service.
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1957 I am travelling in Finland. Finnish State Railways
Source: Pinterest / fabienne jerot
Published at:  https://propadv.com/travel-poster-and-ad-collection/finland-travel-poster-and-ad-collection/
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