#seriously why couldn't I get this Towa in the anime like I like her but the manga her is already more funnier than the anime her sgsgsgsgsf
misteria247 ยท 2 years
Got the Yashahime manga and I'm already like in love with Towa more than in the anime only two pages in and I get this lovely gem-
Teacher: Towa? Can you tell us what the poet was trying to say with his poem?
Towa stands up: Ah well um.....
Classroom holding its breath/fangirling over how cool she is while they wait for her answer
Towa blushing in embarrassment: I haven't the foggiest idea.
Like that moment I got that she's a slight dumbass and I love it omfg bless you Towa Higurashi.
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stecesworld ยท 2 years
Okay, I am furious, this is the the most angry I have ever been at an anime show ever. I never thought I would hate an anime show as much as I despise yashahime.
As you all know for this who have been reading my blog. I have openly stated that I love Rin. I love her, I think Rin was adorable, funny, and so full of life and potential. True she needed rescuing constantly, but she was brave, caring and truly thought about others and genuinely wished to help people. Even those considered enimes at the time. Such as Kohaku and Kagura. Everytime I saw Rin, I smiled and was excited to see what the head strong, kind hearted little bean would do. She gave me little sister vibes. When Inuyasha ended I found myself wishing there was a next generation so that I could see what became of Rin.
Now after this last episode of yashahime I looked on the tag to see the latest news about this newest episode and let me tell you. The amount of Rage screaming I had going on inside my head while I watched/read the scene with Rin and her daughters was defending. My last post Justice For Rin was the only thing I was able to say at the time because the rest of my thoughts was nothing but incoherent screaming and ranting that I couldn't put together.
Now that I am calmer I have to say.
To those who claim to love Rin, who claim to be huge Rin Stan's. Yet love Yashahime should all be ashamed of yourselves. You should all be furious, you all should be raging, pissed about how this dumpster fire of a story has Ruined her. You all should be cursing the names of sunrise and the bastards who wrote this story.
Now I am not talking about SessRin. I hate that ship but I was willing to give it a chance. Maybe it could have been something. I don't care about your preference on that ship so please don't come on this post to defend it because this is not about that.
This post is strictly about Rin. As a character, as a mother, as an everything. Not about her and Sesshomaru. Not about her and her daughters. Just, her.
How can any of you who loved that little girl from the orginal anime or read about her in the manga watch this garbage and what it did to her and think this is okay!? Was this truly what you wanted for her? Was this really the future you wished for her!? Was this honestly what you saw in your mind for her!? If your a shipper, is this how you had hopped she would be treated by the man she loved? If your not a shipper but a Rin Stan. Is this how you pictured she would be treated by all those who were meant to be her friends and family? Seriously?! How can you all who claim to love this little girl as a chara just sit there and praise this Bull Shit of a story!?
Look at what they have done to Rin!!!
Look at her!! How can anyone watch this show and smile and say. "Yep this is exactly how I wanted this to happen." How can you make excuses for the people who have tarnished, and tainted that innocent little girl!? "Oh it's historically accurate." Bullshit! You all know it's not stop claiming it is! "Oh it's the culture all women that time act like that and are subservient" Fuck you! Why are you making that excuse?! Sango doesn't act like that and she's from that time! Geninji's mother didn't act like that and she's from that time! Sesshomaru's mother doesn't act like that and she's from that time! Even Iziyoi who was the softest of all the women I just mentioned didn't act like that. True we only saw her briefly, but you were able to see that she was a kind hearted princess that when she commanded someone they listened. The only one who didn't was that ass hat who killed Toga.
What about the girls now? Setsuna, Towa and Moroha. Are you all seriously telling me that when these girls get together with thier appointed love interests that you want to see the same thing happen to them that has happen to Rin!? If that is how thier culture is meant to be then you have all Damned those three young women to that same fate! Do you all seriously see those three girls acting the same way Rin is acting right now!? Now I know some of you are going to be like. " Well of course Towa won't act like that she was raised in the modern age. She has modern ideals and morals." So what about Setsuna!? She was raise in the feudal age. What about Moroha she is a young woman of the feudal age. Do you honestly think they would act like that? No! You all would be furious!
So why are you okay with Rin!?
Why is Rin okay to be shat on? Why are you allowing this to happen to her when all the other women on this anime are not!? Why are you all excusing this!? Why is this okay!?
Think about it everyone please! Even if at the end of the series everyone gets a so called "Happy ending" and Rin is reunited with her daughters and her husband and is smiling and hugs them close and it's all butterflies and rainbows. Rin still won't have a true happy ending. She will still be the worthless, subservient, meaningless husk of a woman. Who's only purpose in life is to be a baby factory! Please I beg all those who say you love Rin open your eyes and see what has happened to her! Be furious, be angry, show everyone how much you love her by opening your mouth and screaming
"This is not Okay!!"
Rin deserves better! Justice For Rin! Rin's new life! Fuck you sunrise!
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