#fuck you shitrise!
clown-cult · 2 years
Sessrins are so fucking stupid and full of themselves, they really think their ship and it’s shit family was the main attraction and draw for Yashahime when it was really InuKag & their own child who the audience was excited to see. InuKag is beloved by almost the entire fandom, and guess which were the parts that saw the highest ratings and where the animators and Shitrise actually put effort into? Cause it sure wasn’t Pedomaru and his blandass, Mary-Sue self-insert family! 🤡
But they still delude themselves into thinking that Sessrin is the most popular IY ship… lmao, sure Jan!
So here’s my perspective, just so we can say we’ve got all sorts on here.
I’m not an InuKag fan. I’m not a Sesshomaru fan. A lot of people were excited to see their favourite pairing again and a lot were excited to see a beloved character’s further adventures, and then there’s the outliers like myself who all just came together out of what? A mutual love for a series that was a big part of our child and teen years. That’s why we all were there and that’s why we gave Yashahime a chance in good faith.
You’re not “the most popular pairing in the fandom” if you single-handedly sink a whole spin-offs chance of success and manage to piss off almost everyone in the fandom, and other fandoms beyond Inuyasha. It’s just deluded to act as though SauceRib enjoys any sort of attention that isn’t hatred and mockery at all, let alone being the entire draw for a show.
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stecesworld · 2 years
Okay, I am furious, this is the the most angry I have ever been at an anime show ever. I never thought I would hate an anime show as much as I despise yashahime.
As you all know for this who have been reading my blog. I have openly stated that I love Rin. I love her, I think Rin was adorable, funny, and so full of life and potential. True she needed rescuing constantly, but she was brave, caring and truly thought about others and genuinely wished to help people. Even those considered enimes at the time. Such as Kohaku and Kagura. Everytime I saw Rin, I smiled and was excited to see what the head strong, kind hearted little bean would do. She gave me little sister vibes. When Inuyasha ended I found myself wishing there was a next generation so that I could see what became of Rin.
Now after this last episode of yashahime I looked on the tag to see the latest news about this newest episode and let me tell you. The amount of Rage screaming I had going on inside my head while I watched/read the scene with Rin and her daughters was defending. My last post Justice For Rin was the only thing I was able to say at the time because the rest of my thoughts was nothing but incoherent screaming and ranting that I couldn't put together.
Now that I am calmer I have to say.
To those who claim to love Rin, who claim to be huge Rin Stan's. Yet love Yashahime should all be ashamed of yourselves. You should all be furious, you all should be raging, pissed about how this dumpster fire of a story has Ruined her. You all should be cursing the names of sunrise and the bastards who wrote this story.
Now I am not talking about SessRin. I hate that ship but I was willing to give it a chance. Maybe it could have been something. I don't care about your preference on that ship so please don't come on this post to defend it because this is not about that.
This post is strictly about Rin. As a character, as a mother, as an everything. Not about her and Sesshomaru. Not about her and her daughters. Just, her.
How can any of you who loved that little girl from the orginal anime or read about her in the manga watch this garbage and what it did to her and think this is okay!? Was this truly what you wanted for her? Was this really the future you wished for her!? Was this honestly what you saw in your mind for her!? If your a shipper, is this how you had hopped she would be treated by the man she loved? If your not a shipper but a Rin Stan. Is this how you pictured she would be treated by all those who were meant to be her friends and family? Seriously?! How can you all who claim to love this little girl as a chara just sit there and praise this Bull Shit of a story!?
Look at what they have done to Rin!!!
Look at her!! How can anyone watch this show and smile and say. "Yep this is exactly how I wanted this to happen." How can you make excuses for the people who have tarnished, and tainted that innocent little girl!? "Oh it's historically accurate." Bullshit! You all know it's not stop claiming it is! "Oh it's the culture all women that time act like that and are subservient" Fuck you! Why are you making that excuse?! Sango doesn't act like that and she's from that time! Geninji's mother didn't act like that and she's from that time! Sesshomaru's mother doesn't act like that and she's from that time! Even Iziyoi who was the softest of all the women I just mentioned didn't act like that. True we only saw her briefly, but you were able to see that she was a kind hearted princess that when she commanded someone they listened. The only one who didn't was that ass hat who killed Toga.
What about the girls now? Setsuna, Towa and Moroha. Are you all seriously telling me that when these girls get together with thier appointed love interests that you want to see the same thing happen to them that has happen to Rin!? If that is how thier culture is meant to be then you have all Damned those three young women to that same fate! Do you all seriously see those three girls acting the same way Rin is acting right now!? Now I know some of you are going to be like. " Well of course Towa won't act like that she was raised in the modern age. She has modern ideals and morals." So what about Setsuna!? She was raise in the feudal age. What about Moroha she is a young woman of the feudal age. Do you honestly think they would act like that? No! You all would be furious!
So why are you okay with Rin!?
Why is Rin okay to be shat on? Why are you allowing this to happen to her when all the other women on this anime are not!? Why are you all excusing this!? Why is this okay!?
Think about it everyone please! Even if at the end of the series everyone gets a so called "Happy ending" and Rin is reunited with her daughters and her husband and is smiling and hugs them close and it's all butterflies and rainbows. Rin still won't have a true happy ending. She will still be the worthless, subservient, meaningless husk of a woman. Who's only purpose in life is to be a baby factory! Please I beg all those who say you love Rin open your eyes and see what has happened to her! Be furious, be angry, show everyone how much you love her by opening your mouth and screaming
"This is not Okay!!"
Rin deserves better! Justice For Rin! Rin's new life! Fuck you sunrise!
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la-hannya · 2 years
This is so fucking hilarious and ironic
Human Setsuna is just a change of eye color and her hair grows longer (they don't even get rid of the stripes like Towa)
But wait
There's more
They made her look like a mini Kikyo
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Look I'm not freaking playing. Pfft!
This is normal Setsuna, right?
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Her hair literally grows into Kikyo's look
Like not even the Rib's or Sessh's hair grows and "loops" at the sides like that
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And it's not even fucking that
It's the same shade of eye color too
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Ok Shitrise. We get it. Sesskik Supremacy but you already repeated that like 2 episodes ago. You are starting to look more desperate. The bait isn't working.
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chit-a-to · 2 years
tfw that moment when you realize both Inuyasha and Naraku were the only actual decent guys left in the series.
I must say, it was VERY Chad of both Inuyasha and Naraku to only be interested in either women their own age or older, an extreme power move that they didn’t somehow manage to get ruined by Sunrise and regress into a cuck lolicon like Pedomaru became. Poor Pedomaru has become such a pathetic cuck, he had to resort to grooming his ward as soon as she bled Jaken alerted she was legal. Can no longer pull actual adult women his own age since Kagura kicked the bucket, my how the mighty have fallen.
Good guys that Inuyasha and Naraku. (Miroku and Koga aren’t included in here because Miroku once hit on an 11 year old and Koga had Sunrise invent him Ayame, but even they at least didn’t make advances at a girl they fucking raised!)
damn anon........
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you're so goddamn right! I've never realized that 🤯🤯
I told y'all shitrise is too lazy to design a whole narrative for another OC that's why they gotta make do with the only left character that could be turned into a cash grab 🤣🤣 inadvertently making him a pedophile LMAO what a fucking disgusting shit they pulled.
btw im so so so so sorry for the late reply anon pls don't be mad at me ☹
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chaosandstardust · 2 years
I wonder families of kyoani animations would react if shitrise recycled without permission
This is like the fourth ask I've gotten about animation, soooo...
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I've mostly ignored it, because I'm not an animator, I don't know about these things, but I find it gross and weird bringing Kyoani up and comparing the two in response to what Sunrise is doing. Don't be gross.
Reusing animation is an extremely common thing that animators do. It saves time and money. Here's DBZ doing it. I'm pretty sure Yuri On Ice reused some of the figure skating scenes and would just change outfits and haircolour. Here's a video about a huge breakthrough in animation which is the whole reason we have children's cartoons today which was...you guessed it! Reusing animation frames! Other times, it's due to just knowing that something will work and the director playing it safe. It took ONE Google search, babe.
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Yashahime is being made on a week by week basis, extremely fast, and the animators are most likely severely underpaid and overworked. It's super gross and weird that they're being labeled "lazy".
You can critique Yashahime all you want. But to be like "wow they're so lazy" when they're a) using an extremely common tactic used in animation and b) they're probably not being given the budget or the time to make something great is gross. You can tell by the writing that it's probably the same thing with the writers too.
Like hello? We've all seen this, right? Right?
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Roast the weird wonky facial expressions. Bemoan the bad designs. Say that it's boring to see the same fight over again and it takes you out of the experience. Animators will know better than anyone that it looks bad. They probably won't care if you roast it. I know people have worked on Riverdale and not a single one cares if you hate the show. They'll make fun of it. But like...don't call them lazy.
At least don't bring it to me. Because as a person who has worked in this industry? Fuck right off.
Honestly, the next time you wonder why creators don't talk about their work with fans anymore? This is why. Crap like this. Being told we're lazy by people who don't understand anything about film & TV production.
I could tell you dozens of stories where entitled fans demand to know why things didn't go their way and then when I tried to explain it from the perspective of someone who has done this, like maybe an actor wasn't available or they couldn't budget for it or hey, maybe they just didn't want to do it that way and it's their show, they're like "NO! THEY SHOULD'VE MADE IT WORK! BECAUSE I WANTED IT THAT WAY! IT WAS IMPORTANT TO MEEEEEE!"
Also, and this is nitpicky, that's not how copyright works. I'm pretty positive that Sunrise aren't stupid enough to reuse animation from another studio, especially not one that can hold their own in court. But they can do whatever the hell they want with the Inuyasha anime. If they want to reuse it, that's completely within their right.
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tuixlaa · 3 years
Yes thank you shitrise for once again stomping all over the moron sinners as they suck you. What's Ron doing in the trailer? FARTING AND PICKING FLOWERS. Wow what a great mom. There goes that "He taught her to defend herself." Naw she's just off doing what she does best, exist with no one giving a shit where the fuck she is. Gotta love how their ship is just pedo and braindead from lack of oxygen child.
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rins-hogosha · 3 years
Good job, shitrise, you fucked up
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stecesworld · 2 years
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stecesworld · 2 years
I have been reading about how aweful of a mother Rin is for keeping the memories of Setsuna all these years and causing so much pain and anguish because of it. I have seen people say that both she and Shitshomaru deserve one another because they both are terrible parents.
I have been watching the gifs of the scene were Rin confessed to doing this to setsuna and then finally returning Setsunas memories to her.
But my first thought isn't rage because of how aweful an act that was but of. HOW THE HELL CAN SHE DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!?
Rin is a human! A full blooded, nothing special about her human! She has no spiritual powers what so ever and has never been seen nor read about being able to do anything mystical what so ever. So how in the hell was she able to hold onto her daughters memories? Especially after the dream butterfly was distroyed. Then just summon a bright magical ball of light and give Setsuna memories. WTF?! Rin should have not been able to do that!
Now if it was Kagome in the tree and she kept Morohas' memories that would make sense because Kagome is the most powerful priestess of the series and would definitely have the power to do that kind of thing. Would she do it? Hell no she would never torture her daughter like that. But she would have the power to do so.
Now, if they had made it so that Treekyo had been holding Setsunas memories for Rin and Rin asked Treekyo to return them to her daughter that would make sense. Because Treekyo most definitely has the power to do such a thing. But they didn't! They said Rin herself chose to keep those memories from her daughter because they were "Too painful." An act Rin should never have been able to do. SHE'S A NORMAL HUMAN! WERE THE HELL DID THAT POWER COME FROM?!
Did she get magic powers after Stupidmaru shot 20ccs of Future killer into her womb? Is demon semen so full of power that it can give humans magical abilities? If that's so did Inuyasha's mom have powers? What about Giningie's mother? Did she get super powers? What about the human mother's of all the half breed children in Shinori's (( idk if I spelled that right)) villege, did they get power? Or is Dumbassmaru's Baby batter just that special?
We're there hell did her powers come from?! And now that she's out of the tree will she continue to use them? Or were they just one pump chumps like FuckYouMaru and will never been seen nor used ever again?
Groan, this anime give me a headache and I don't even watch it..I hate you Shitrise. You Fucked and fucked up my not only my favorite characters but my favorite anime.
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la-hannya · 3 years
Somebody shared a spanish translation of the HnY manga online so I'm going to read this shit for fun 😂 cause of the sinners calling it non-canon. Gonna read this slowly though to see completely why they hating lol. Here's my reactions to everything.
Hmm interesting he gave Sesshomaru his manga colors here 🤔
Even disguised as a human—Kirinmaru makes me sweat 😅🤤. Other than Moroha. He's the only other thing I'll accept from this. He's actually interesting.
Towa's magenta hair stripe is missing. Ok? I wonder why.
Sota got his emotions back is no longer deadpan. He loves his daughters super a lot. The fucks he gives are all back.
All the girls in Towa's school have a crush on her but at the same time fear her because of her gaze (her serious gaze and reddish eyes).
Sota and the family give a fuck about Kagome again and miss Inuyasha 10/10. SEE SUNRISE IT ISN'T SO HARD TO PUT THIS IN THE BLOODY ANIME YOU FUCKING DONKEYS
I like how this mini "Kikujūmonji" Towa's sword doesn't seem to be fake. Grandpa Higurashi gives it to Towa when she wants to use it from the shrine.
Sota also doesn't seem to force Towa to hide her powers on the contrary he's there with Mei excited with cameras ready to record Towa while she confronts the demon in disguise. What great dad. So supportive. ❤️
Omg the whole Higurashi family is here now for support. Reminds of that episode of Sota with his crush.
I spoke too soon about the mini katana/tanto it broke as well but not like cheap ass metal lol
The hair stripe is back. Towa has fully awakened her powers.
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Oh wait Setsuna gives her the real sword now.
No more blue quincy lightsaber Towa infuses the sword with her energy. SOMETHING THAT MAKES COMPLETE SENSE LIKE IN THE OG
Towa doesn't remember Moroha or Setsuna at all
Ok Setsuna and Moroha met the Tree of ages before all this.
Tree of Ages goes YEET with Mistress 3 eyes and Towa
SWIGGITY SWAG 3 eyes coming onto Towa faster than the speed of fucking light
Tsundere Setsuna to the rescueeeee
Not gonna lie I tried to hold it but this made me laugh HARD to the point of coughing ⬇️ WHEEZE
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Sota gave Moroha this military backpack to pass over there WTF 😂😂😂
Can I say again how great Sota is here? He had that shit ready for if Towa ever got a chance to go back.
And the end for ch#1
Hate to admit it but motherfucking Shiina really did better in 60+ pages than Shitrise in one season 1. I dunno whether to laugh or cry ☠️☠️☠️
Edit: forgot the link.
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la-hannya · 2 years
Shitrise is so incompetent with their writing that they couldn't even write well their own oc characters like the Kirin clan or anyone (tbh fuck zero she was an eyesore and Riku was "tolerable" at most but still creep 😒) but yeah in the first season it seemed Zero was the only real problem, pushing Kirinmaru to move (and self fulfill his own death prophecy that he could've avoided actually by ignoring her) to get revenge for her because Inutaisho didn't give her the D while this man is not giving a fuck, just wants to sleep, read and drink his respect woman juice then in s2 he suddenly wants to become a God and act like a little bitch cause he isn't getting his way till he gets dragged in defeat easily by pedomaru (something that this idiot should've done earlier but preferred to have his daughters suffer instead). Also not them making see his daughter while looking at Rib?????? Poor Kirinmaru he even got the Moroha treatment by shitrise (treated like a joke). I just feel sorry for him at this point cause I think he was actually cool.
Also WTF was Riku's death for? It seemed final. They even released a official cringe ritowa music video for them on twitter after him dying. If you can bring back him that easily why not Kikyo, Kagura, Sara, hell Bankotsu or anyone with fucking competence that died instead. Though I think them being in the afterlife was a mercy from this.
Honestly if you even decide to binge this trainwreck in the future out of curiosity. Get some alcohol and hemp, you're gonna need it to mow through it all.
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chit-a-to · 2 years
Apparently Sesshomaru and the twins are also getting a new official art but it's not in the same affectionate nature of the Inukagmor pic they sent you in the previous ask. It's just the twins in a fight pose and Sesshomaru's face big on the background. As usual no Rin, but what's new? Apart from dying and being impregnated as a child by her pedo hogosha, she's still completely irrelevant 🤣 No agency, no romance or equal relationship with Sesshomaru, no tender moments with the twins, no adult looks or attitude. Even YH official arts don't feature her, she's a child in the only merchandise she's got. RT drew her on a cover and the only time she did, she made Rin wear Kagura's kimono and her red eyeliner. Even her clothes and make up on that official cover was a copy and paste from another character who truly had a role and agency (and a heavily hinted romance with Sesshomaru that Sessrinners hate and deny but OF COURSE they see the same dynamics in Ritowa and strangely ship them... 😏). Oh and I forgot all the Kagura symbolism they keep reusing because they're lazy af and just can't come up with good original material for their trash pedophilic ships 🤡😏🤣
LMAAOOO FR???? I'm torn apart between wanting to see the art with my own eyes or not doing it to prevent them getting sullied 💀💀
But honestly though, it's kinda baffling how they gatekeep rin from getting better arts. Best they did with adult rin was.... her wearing the inner kimono (so much for being a lord's wife LOL), in the brink of her death........ okay or maybe it was one of her daughters (who are older and mature than her lmao) or her impregnator that's at the death's door. And yeah her design looks 14 yo tops (no, I don't take criticism. y'all pedo-pushers can go fuck yourself). Her plushy merchandise is literally her in that orange kimono which is her design when she's still a child in the IY series. Not even shitrise themselves bother to correct those things, they just rolled with it cause they know raisins will take wtv thrown at them, doesn't matter whether it implies pedophilic ship or not.
Them recycling arcs and plots are just cherry on top, honestly. But the fact that they used anything related to Kagura?? Damn they sure are desperate 🤣🤣 also can't deny the fact that Kagura's story and character development is well-written, so good that they gotta reuse it!
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tuixlaa · 3 years
Wait so now it's demon fathers dont raise their children?? I guess wolf demons just sprang from the fucking ground since they're established as pack animals.
Ffs their own oc Ayame debunks this with her being raised by her grandfather. Shiori only lost her father due to his death. Hell even the MAIN FUCKING VILLAIN IS AROUND FOR HIS CHILDREN. Maybe JUST MAYBE shitrise you suck at storytelling and were more concerned with having pedomaru porking a preteen before his married brother and sister in law even had sex.
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