#she can orb a vase on top of u and drop it
phoebehalliwell · 3 years
seeing as how Paige's Whitelighter side so strongly affected how her witch power worked, how do you think her power would have presented if either Piper or Phoebe had died, and she'd gained freezing/exploding or premonitions? and, I don't know if you've ever talked about this, but what do you think the sisterly dynamics would have looked like if Prue had lived and one of the other sisters had died instead?
hi it took me So Long to find this post but here’s my thots on each potential trio dated to about a year ago but like yeah you know it’s still p accurate in regards to paige’s power itself i think telekinesis really is the best translation to a whitelighter power because you go from moving things to teleporting them i think for piper’s powers like you could go the “combustive orbing” route which is just piper’s blasting power w extra orbs added on but i don’t really know how you’d do freezing. you might have to go into the whitelighter power bank to try to find a better ability to translate? idk none really work for freezing. actually instead of um combustive orbing you could have photokinesis fuse with that and kinda give paige a flash bang power. not as useful as piper’s but definitely still workable. premonitions again i think is pretty straightforward and def doesn’t really gel with orbing but this could combine with whitelighter sensing into a more advanced form of premonition maybe
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adrrianraines · 5 years
choose me.
—chapter i. | chapter ii.
genre: romance
fandom: playchoices: The Royal Romance
pairing: LiamxMC (Riley Brooks)
character used is owned rightfully by pixelberry. all rights reserved.
– as usual, grammatical errors, spelling and etc. should be expected. tagging my girlie @bi-cookie ilysm babe ♡ this is a story, specifically a UA (universe alteration), that was born out of a crack idea. i can’t write and for what it’s worth i did try to do my best version out of that UA plot. reviews are always welcome! ♡
– lovely people who wanted to be tagged! of course, hit me up if u wanna be tagged in this mess. ✨
@miss-raleigh-carrera @sunandlemons @wolfychoices @juminssi @onomatorina
“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” ― William Jennings Bryan
“I love you. More than a thousand stars in the sky... And even more than the hundreds of galaxies far and wide.” Liam smiled as he cradled his wife’s body against his, careful of not squeezing her tightly. His hand gently rubbed her tummy, the warmth emanating from the thin piece of clothing sent tingles to his skin. A few more months and a little version of them would be running around the Duchy, bringing bubbly brightness for everyone.
“I love you too, Liam. As long as you’re willing to have me... To have us in your life.” Riley answered then tilted her head slightly up and planted a small, saccharine kiss on his lips.
“Not ever in this lifetime that I would never want you, Riley. For as long as I breathe, it’s going to be only you. No one else.” Liam answered and gently combed his wife’s hair, lulling her to a peaceful slumber.
Everything was perfect. He is married to the only woman he could ever want in his entire lifetime. They’re expecting a child and Cordonia is at a prosperous peace. All important people from his life are gathered together in one place.
Life couldn’t be more giving than it is now.
There was nothing more than he could ever wish for.
A soft series of knocks roused him from his slumber as he gently rolled to the side of the bed only to flutter his eyes open in surprise and find the space beside him empty. Disorientation took over Liam’s bearing while he blinked several times, finding himself doused with more questions than answers.
The rap on the door didn’t stop and it became frantic each second that passed. He let his eyes adjust to the dark room first before he moved to flick the bedside lamp on – and a dimmed light shied away a portion of darkness. Then he realized... he was not familiar of the place. However, somehow, somewhere in his memory, he was certain he’d already seen it. What more, his wife is nowhere to be seen and it looked like he’s not in Cordonia either. He studied the corners of the room only to find a small flaglet of the United States erected on one of the flower vases.
Liam was very sure that he was indeed with Riley. He slept with her cuddled beside him. In Cordonia. In valtoria. In their bedroom. He played with her hair. Her voice was still fresh in his mind. Her laughter. Her touch. Her smell. But the unfamiliar place held no clue of any other person aside himself.
Could he have been kidnapped? Panic rushed in his system but it quickly died down. This was almost too elaborate of a plan. How can someone transport him from one country to another in just one night?
With this information at hand, he moved towards the doorway, pulling the knob open only to reveal Drake and Maxwell outside with worry etched across their faces. Liam released the sigh he didn’t realize he was holding in since earlier.
“Liam! There you are! You weren’t answering and God forbid, we thought something bad might have happened!” Maxwell’s agitation-to-relief babbling echoed throughout the hallway. Drake’s eyebrows shot up in question and motioned for them to enter before Maxwell wakes the entire floor. He stared at him for a moment, trying to read anything amiss before a slight look of worry took over.
“Liam...” Drake drawled softly with a shrug. He released a small sigh as he cocked his head to side, eyes carefully watching the other. “Mind if we barge in?”
Liam sidestepped to let the two men enter. He moved to close the door behind him, sweat visibly trickling down his face despite the room’s air-conditioning. He took a few seconds to compose himself, breathing in and out to calm his nerves. But the moment his gaze directed upwards, his vision was greeted by weirdly floating-in-the-air empty rectangle-shaped bars above the heads of Drake and Maxwell.
“What… in the world…?” He gaped, both expressions of welter and marvel moulding in his features. His finger froze midair, pointing towards the empty space just above their heads. Maxwell furrowed his brows then he looked up and followed Liam’s trail. When he didn’t find anything, he deadpanned, clearly astounded at the sudden odd attitude he was exhibiting.
“Huh? Is there something on my hair? Do I look weird? Tell me I don’t look weird...” Maxwell panicked.
“That... thing on your head –” But before he could even speak another word, the floating thing slowly faded to the background. It was as if... it just blended in out of nowhere.
“You alright?” Drake queried with extreme concern. Liam ran a hand over his face repeatedly as if he was trying to wake himself from a mad dream. He blinked several times, shot another swift glance towards the space above, then nodded for assurance when he didn’t see the thing again.
“Alright, this is really unusual.” Maxwell chimed. “You didn’t even drink that much champagne last night yeeeet you’re acting like a drunk right now.”
“I…” Liam paused, unable to determine if it was wise to bring up the weird bars he saw on top of his friends’ heads. It was transparent… and a small heart(?) symbol was placed inside. By the looks of it, he’d say it was like some sort of a measuring bar... but for what?
He paced towards the bedside table, fishing his phone from the top drawer. For a moment, he considered telling them what he saw... but debated at the last minute. It was not something he understood himself. And with Maxwell’s reaction, it’s likely he’s the only one who can see it.
How could he explain something that nobody else could see? Something that disappeared without much of a trace? It’s always best to know first what it’s about before staking any wild claims on what it might be.
He clutched his phone closely before he turned to meet the others’ gazes. Liam squared his shoulders and quipped, “My apologies for that. I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.” He cleared his throat before offering a small smile, “Have any of you seen Lady Riley by any chance?”
Drake and Maxwell exchanged a funny look upon Liam’s question. They were silent for a while, unsure how to answer him. It was as if they didn’t recognize the name. Or even the person he’s talking about.
“Riley?” Drake was the first to respond. There was not a single hint of recognition visible across his features. “What now, you’re randomly dropping names of people?”
Liam was stunned to silence. It was as if several unknown fears started to surface like tidal waves. It felt as if air had been knocked out of his chest, constricting him from properly breathing. It’s like... all the weird points finally started to add up.
An unfamiliar place that seemed familiar... No traces of Riley anywhere... Waking up alone... Drake and Maxwell...
“What on earth is this all about... Is this a practical joke? Tell me it is.” He was able to choke out the words but his voice was undoubtedly shaking. Drake staring back blankly only heightened his fears.
“What are you talking about?” Drake answered. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
They looked at him like he was uttering nonsense to them...
It was as if...they never met her at all.
“Alright, please, if you may drop the acts now. It’s early morning for you to be cracking jokes.” Liam’s voice fell to a soft hush, as if the only one he’s trying to convince was himself. He pressed on, swallowing hard, eyes pleading towards Drake.
“Huh? It’s already 6 in the evening! You slept in the entire day, that’s why we came to fetch you!” Maxwell supplied.
“Who is this Riley you’re talking about?” Drake added.
Oh dear god.
“It’s Riley… your friend. My… my wife… Riley.” A sharp pause. “Drake—she was with me last night… I… I’m fairly certain I went to sleep beside her…” He fumbled his words only to catch himself mumbling like a fool.
Drake only stared harder.
Maxwell shook his head, clearly amused at Liam’s ‘supposedly’ incoherent claims. It was as if he’d grown a third head overnight and was a spectacular view to look at. Or as if he was still drunk when he was certain he didn’t even have a single drop of alcoholic beverage on his system before going to bed.
When Maxwell took notice of how lost and desperate Liam looked, he raised his hands in defense and said, “Okay, hold on... What are you talking about? You didn’t sleep with anyone last night, Liam. And obviously there’s no ‘Riley’ here!”
“No. No, it can’t be... Whatever do you mean that there’s no Riley here?” His brows furrowed in sheer frustration. Unable to believe, refusing to believe what he was being told, he immediately opened his phone to dial Riley’s phone number in hopes to show them that he's telling the truth and to call them out from whatever prank they were trying to pull.
But before he can even click to unlock, he stopped dead on his tracks as the date glared at him through the screen.
He gaped at the device and then turned to give a look of horror at his companions. “What… I can’t believe this…”
“Okay. Stop right there. You’re acting really strange right now.” Drake walked over and gently tapped Liam’s shoulder. The gesture caused the other to break free from his trance as a wild look flashed across his orbs. For a moment, Drake looked taken aback at how ashen Liam became.
“What date is it today? Where are we?” He needed to know. He needed to hear. He needed confirmation. Liam’s voice started to shake and for the first time in his entire life, he looked hopelessly helpless and powerless. Maxwell began to worry at the sudden crumbling of Liam’s walls, as if there was a giant wrecking ball that got through and broke him down to pieces.
Drake sounded surprised before he answered, “Huh? I’m not sure why you wanna know again when you just looked at your phone... but it’s your Bachelor Party. We’re in New York City.”
Liam visibly deflated, his body wobbling before his knees gave in, causing him to slump on the floor with a thud.
The device on his hand vibrated and a reminder flashed on the screen,
‘Last Day in New York. Make it count.’
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grungeswift · 6 years
my thanksgiving 2017: a summary
- i woke up at 7:00 and watched the entire macy's thanksgiving day parade from the time it began (9:00) to the time it ended (12:00.)
-during that time i ate a whole package of cookies and numerous poptarts
-then i got dressed and i did my hair and makeup all in the time span of 30 minutes
-when we got to my aunt's house, my mom made my brother carry in like 50 deviled eggs in this huge basket and it took him 10 whole minutes to lug it up to the door
-when we got into the house, my aunt kayla immediately said "ALRIGHT THERE'S APPETIZERS IN THE KITCHEN" and all the weight watcher people bolted to the table
-my grandma then gathered 32 people in one living room so she could take our annual thanksgiving picture
-then we all got in line so we could start eating
-after my uncle zac was done eating he went and laid down on the couch in the same room everyone was eating in and scrolled on his phone
-he then fell asleep
-afterwards, my aunt wanted to take a nap as well and decided to go into the living room
-i followed her, obviously
-then, we both fell asleep on the couch in the living room
-my mom came into the living room during this time and fell asleep right next to me
-let's take note that this was her second nap of the day
-later, my grandma woke me up from a dead sleep to come outside in short sleeves and 20 degree weather to take a picture
-after, i went back inside and was drifting off to sleep again when she woke up both me, my mom, and my aunt and said she wanted another picture
-so we all followed her outside and proceeded to take a picture with just our family and not the extras
-during this, my uncle said about his 4 year old son "he just tooted on my arm"
-then we all went back inside and my mom took her third nap of the day
-i couldn't go back to bed, so i just stared blankly at the tv and listened to my uncle zac whine about signing the thanksgiving book
-"nooo you can't make me sign it"
-"why do i do this every year"
-*sigh* "'once again, here i am signing this stupid book'"
-"that's all you're getting out of me this year"
-then, my grandma wanted ANOTHER picture of "the girl fam" which was an imessage group between my aunt kayla, my aunt sarah, my aunt liz, my grandma, my cousin kak, my other aunt shertee, and my mom
-so someone had to wake my mom up AGAIN
-so she stumbles in there and they take the picture and then goes back into the living room and takes her fourth nap
-then she wakes up because we're all going to play scattergories
-during the game, the girl fam freaks out because the picture is bad
-in the bad picture, my grandma had her hand on my aunt sarah's stomach and my aunt kayla shrieked "IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE ANNOUNCING SOMETHING"
-so then this escalated into fifteen pictures where they finally got a good one when kak STOOD ON THE TABLE and took it
-then we all sat down to play scattergories
-during the game, we find out that my grandpa (we call him dooder) has gone into the garage with the kids
-and the door is open so we can see what's going on but we don't think much about it until my aunt sarah says "DOODERS RIDING A SCOOTER"
-so we all swivel around and there's nothing there for a second before my grandpa comes whooshing past on his scooter
-so now this starts the term "dooder on a scooter"
-after we finished, my aunt kayla was like "WE GOTTA GO TO TARGET YALL"
-so we all agreed that we would go black friday shopping
-except for my mom, who wandered back into the living room the minute the conversation turned to that topic
-then the rest of us follow her and there are, i kid you not, 9 people all squeezed onto one couch
-after we've sat there and listened to the guys talk about the football game i say loudly "i thought we were going shopping?? but nooo no one gets off their butts in this family"
-and my aunt gives me a weird look and says "off the buff?"
-and my uncle clint goes "off the bus??"
-and i just look at them like r u serious right now
-so then my uncle clint goes "ALRIGHT EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET OFF THE BUS"
-and my dad just goes off and starts cackling
-then we look up and my grandpa enters the room and sits down on the couch and my uncle clint says "DOODER GOT OFF HIS SCOOTER PEOPLE"
- and then we're all watching my baby cousin bailey who picks up this ball that's sitting on a glass vase
-except it doesn't look like a ball, it looks like a glass orb
-and then she gives us this huge, HUGE smile and just throws it to the ground
-and my mom screams at the top of her lungs and shoves my dad into my uncle zac
-then the ball bounces and my mom is like "WAIT WHAT"
-and that sets everybody off and my uncle zac just goes into this hysterical burst of laughter that makes the rest of us start
-then we all eventually get up and start helping my grandma clean
-and kak suggests "why don't the BOYS clean while the girls go shopping"
-then the guys all slither back into living room to watch MORE football at this topic change
-after we're done cleaning my aunt is like "alright everybody go go go"
-and then i ride with her and my uncle zac as we stop at her house so she can change
-then we get into the car with my grandma, my grandpa, kak and my aunt sarah to go shopping
-we shop at kohl's, target, old navy, and more stores that i don't remember the names off
-one time as we're walking from one store to the next this girl is walking on the curb and says loudly "i like to live on the edge of the world"
-so that was . . .. something
-then kak and i start whining about how we want starbucks
-and my grandma is like "the LAST THING you need is coffee!!!!"
-after we're done shopping we all get back into the car and we're driving through the woods and we're talking about how dooder likes to confront people
-and my aunt sarah was like "yeah if some people came out of these woods right now and into the street dooder wouldn't run over them, he'd get out of the car and CONFRONT them"
-and kak chimes in "'alright guys you need to move see cause i gotta get through'"
-and then my aunt kayla says "'yeah don't make me get my scooter'"
-so now we're all laughing
-and then we get home and we say goodbye as my grandpa drops each of them off at their house
-when i finally get home with my grandparents i change back into my pajamas and then collapse onto the bed
-and i go to sleep, obviously
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Oh could u do Prue/Micah? S4
okay okay okay so we're doing all hallow's eve in early s3 micah's reincarnation does Not show up at the end of the episode because we're saving him for something bigger. but we'll say that something on a later vanquish a physical item triggers something in prue she's like hey does that remind you of anything?? and piper and phoebe are like ??? no? it's just a(n) [item]? and prue's like really? nothing? and they're like idk what does it remind you of and she's like i don't know... the past? samhain, maybe? do you think it's one of our ancestor's? and piper and phoebe are like prue i don't know can we get out of here??? and she's like yeah yeah but she takes it with her and like. uses her auction house knowledge to like correctly id it back to the time they were in salem (or not maybe idk but if it is from the past she realizes that a) either it was something micah owned or b) it was the knife that killed him. if it's neither of those than it's modern and she can't figure out what about it is calling to her). the plot is kind of dropped. then, we enter s4, the battle with the source is on the horizon cole is. we'll say still on their side, successful relationship with phoebe. cole is the first one to pitch going on the offensive, which prue is first to back, then phoebe, and begrudgingly piper. leo's still not a fan but phoebe gets a premonition of something something darklighter so let's stamp that out before it begins. so they shimmer down with cole to the underworld leo doesn't go with them bc well. a) he can't sense as well down there so he won't really be able to find them if they get separated which leads to b) of they're separated the girls have no way out of hell and as a sidenote c) he's a whitelighter. so if the darklighters get him they Also have no way out of hell. so leo stays topside and cole's their ride. something something something they're closing in on where the clan lives or maybe their weapons forge and there's a darklighter just outside piper blow him up no wait and prue like Jumps in front of her and piper quickly deflects and hits the cavern wall next to them and wants to yell what the hell prue but it's too late because all hell breaks loose the darklighters were there waiting for them the seer foresaw this so they all duck for cover prue throws a couple phoebe karate chops cole energy balls piper blows up em and will occasionally freeze the cavern for a couple seconds but she still doesn't have a hold on her powers, but phoebe while fighting one of them gets a premonition: leo, shot. and over the din she's like it's a diversion, they're gonna kill leo like we have to get to leo but they're all hella spread apart right now so in one of piper's freezes cole gets to phoebe and another the pair get to piper but prue's still to far away she redirects an arrow that nearly hits phoebe in the hed she's like there's no time go!! and they're like no!! but prue just squints at cole and cole understands and shimmers them out of there and we'll say the guy who she initially dove in front of was knocked out by like rocks from piper's blast well he's coming to and see's prue fighting for her life and like. you know just starts to stir and prue spares a glance at him and he recognizes her just like he did in puritan times and he's like ...you saved me and prue looks at him and again connection but she can't find the words to say because she has to get right back to kicking ass, we'll say an arrow flies right past her face like through her hair she ducks down again like can you get us out of here? and he just like barely sits up head cradled in one hand, he's bleeding, but he just nods and places his other on prue's shoulder and black orbs them out and now they're in like a loft in san francisco prue still in fight mode and micah still bleeding from a head wound and he just kind of collapses on the ground and prue's like !!! oh shit.
back @ the manor leo's just been shot and piper's running over like help me get him to the attic i'll swap our powers you guys get out of the house so you're not affected go get prue and leo's like ??? go get her and cole's like she's still with the darklighters and leo's like no she's topside she's in the city and they're all like how??? and piper's like who gives a shit how help me get him to the attic then give me some space so phoebe and cole wait in the outside lil backyard type thing they have maybe we get a phole scene piper swaps powers and heals leo but he's still weak and piper hear's prue's call and leo's like go i'm still too weak to heal and piper's i'm not leaving you not while they're out there and leo's like hey don't worry you're still with me right ad blows up idk a lamp and piper just kind of smiles like okay but if you're gonna blow anything else up try to hit that vase because i've always hated it
piper goes downstairs gets phoebe and cole like okay let's go get prue and she orbs them all out into this loft where prue has got this guy slumped over his table pressing a damp towel to his head but jesus that's a lot of blood and she's like leo thank g- where's leo and piper's like he's resting he was shot so i had to tap in. and prue's like you can heal? and piper's like uh huh and prue's like okay great heal him and piper moves forward and then stops because prue is that the darklighter? and prue's like yes but you don't understand and piper's like what part of healing a Darklighter don't i understand prue when they Just tried to kill my husband now you're trying to save him and prue's like come on doesn't he look familiar to you and piper's looking at him like ew bc she can hardly see past the bloodcovered face but phoebe wanders forward and cole instinctively tries to hold her back bc Evil but she just kind of shakes him off bc she knows what she's doing and cole relents and she puts a hand up to his shoulder and she's like it is him. and prue's lookin like exactly! and piper's like who??? and prue's like micah and he stirs at the sound of his own name and piper's like Who??? and prue's like don't you remember he saved our necks--literally--multiple times; he died for us and it's clicking piper's like In Puritan Times??? and cole kinda blanches bc he Might have killed that guy i can't remember and prue's like piper for the amount of times he's saved us, please, just heal him and piper's like you get that that was centuries ago right? a lot changes in a couple hundred years; he's a darklighter now and prue's like piper. please. and piper relents bc what can she say she trusts prue. and micah comes to and sees cole and stumbles back like hits the ground again and prue's like no no it's okay and he looks at her and it's like we can see his world fade around him and just focus on prue and his hand flies up to his head and finds no blood and prue's like it's okay, you're healed and micah's like so that'd be the second time you've saved my neck today? and prue's like consider it returning the favor and piper's like okay well I'm breaking up the balcony scene this time how did the darklighters know we were coming? and micah's like this woman. she visited us and said you were coming, you were leaving your whitelighter vulnerable... and they're like what woman and cole's like the seer. and micah just nods and he's like i've read about you, you know, what you've done, i was hoping i could get away to warn you before... and piper's like Why. Why would you betray your own people and micah's like because i can see what dark magic can do... and it can't be undone [to later be revealed tragic backstory!! micah was raised by his mother topside or maybe his father and we get a complex darklighter situation with his mom potentially even having her defect but no matter when micah was like. idk twelve or something?? there was this bully in school and we're trying to stay with charmed morality and justify this so we'll say this kid was like serial killer bad killed puppies for fun type bad and he was a bully and micah was standing up to him #feminism when they got into a fight and micah was losing like Really losing like about to be beat to death at age twelve losing when his hand started glowing red and he shoved it against the bully and next the you know that kid was fucking dead. micah had killed a guy before he had even gone through puberty. oof. anyways top ten defining moments tried existing on the dl but has also killed a couple other people and we'll keep them Bad murderers and rapists but it's still like you end up in a bar fight and then the next thing you know that guy is dead and it doesn't matter what a cunt he was it doesn't matter than you didn't mean to do it you just have a power you don't know how to control no all that matters is you're getting manslaughter at best unless you go with this man who claims to be your uncle who can teleport like you who has the same deathtouch who can teach you to control your power].
blah blah blah plot progression all that prue and micah fall in love relatively quickly because they can feel that tug in their souls (SIDE TANGENT: i've already said before i like wyatt as a reincarnation of melinda warren but what if prue was Also a reincarnation of melinda warren, ipso facto wyatt is also prue reincarnated retconning why they can't summon her spirit. 👀?) but but BUT the seer foresaw this she new micah would turn to the side of good so she planted something that blew up in a metaphorical sense so now they don't know if they can trust micah prue wants to trust him but she doesn't want to put her family in danger if he really is in league with the source phoebe is advocating for her to follow her heart and piper is Hard No against micah like even before like she really didn't want him around before this bomb dropped even more so now and prue's like okay what's your beef and piper's like he's not safe to have around prue he's a damn darklighter and prue's like you know you keep like using that against him leo doesn't even care why are you so hung up on this and piper's like leo's safety isn't the only one at risk here!! and prue's like what you have some secret whitelighter you haven't told us about?? and piper is just silent and stubborn and prue's still in fight stance until it clicks and she's like piper... and piper's like still not talking and prue's like piper,,, are you pregnant? and piper's like no you know what i shouldn't even have said anything forget you even heard anything and prue's like ???? piper this is great news why why didn't you tell us and tries to hug her and piper just ducks away and prue's like heart is breaking watching her like this because piper's like really maternal she'd be a great mom so why isn't she happy and piper just looks at prue like : ( i didn't tell you because this isn't the first time this has happened. and prue's like ??? and piper's like towards the end of s3,,, i thought i was. well, no. i was pregnant. and, um. i was scared, because of all the demon fighting and everything, but i was excited prue i was so excited to be a mom and then a couple weeks later,,, and gets all choked up and prue just pulls her into a really big hug like sweetie why didn't you tell us and piper's just crying like i don't know we already have so much with the source and with the fighting every day,, i didn't want you guys to feel like i did, you're already going through so much and prue's like honey You're Going Through So Much and just know we're always here for you forget the source and his sorry ass forget the seer nothing's more important that you okay nothing's more important and piper's just okay okay : ((((.
so anyways we vanquish the source for the midseason finale but now we have the seer the real mastermind as the s4b villain and she's got her eyes set on a great prized: a prophesied baby. in one episode prue and micah get knocked back into a past life regression where they keep slipping back further and further in time and they keep finding each other in each life but they need to get out of here and piper leo phoebe cole are on the outside trying to get them out because if they reach their first life their life where their soul was new and slip back further, there's no way to bring them back after that we're not killing prue lol but what that really does is just cements prue and micah's place together like In Every Life they had each other in one form or another they were always destined to find each other....... fin <3
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