#she sees no issue as long as it's washed 💀💀💀
givehimthemedicine · 1 month
just had a horrifying family lore conversation with my grandmother and now I need to ask: did your family have an official barf bowl for when you were too sick to get out of bed in time?
if it was a bowl/pot from the kitchen, did it return to active use in the kitchen once washed?
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annabannnananana · 1 month
jinx headcanons i rlly wanna post 💣💫🔫☁️💀⚡️⚔️
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• jinx actually likes chuck/theriam but no one can tell if she actually does or if she’s just being malicious lmao
•has bpd, adhd, c-ptsd, and sleep paralysis (poor girl)
•11-12 in the first act and like 18-19 in act 2 and 3
• has tried dating but it’s never worked and stopped trying once she turned like 16 or 17
• i think she’s scared of getting intimate with people she could hurt
• bi because i Said So
• she can't go to sleep unless there's music playing
• ‘get jinxed’ is a song in the arcane universe, and took inspiration from jinx herself, after being nearly killed trying to destroy a shimmer shipment
• doesn’t like alcohol (but silco wouldn’t let her drink anyway)
• jinx chooses not to make friends in fear of killing them, notice how spends so much time by herself
• jinx wanted ekko to survive the explosion- she could have easily pinned the bomb on him
• jinx knew who the firelight leader was but she never told silco- whether she wanted to let ekko live, or she wanted to be able to kill him herself, no one knows (personally i think the latter- notice how angry she looks at him in ep4!)
• also she used to have a crush on ekko
• had he survived, she and mylo would have bonded over feeling overlooked by vander
• jinx tries to climb as high as she possibly can and just. sits there doing whatever and hanging out sometimes. just to prove she can do it now
• jinx also leaves vi a present for every holiday. nobody knows how she’s getting the addresses but she does send her a genuine gift every time, and there’s very rarely a catch or twist to it
• hanging out in benzo's shop with ekko, is where she learned to differentiate between what's valuable and what is not and that's why vi trusted her with that
• she only ever wanted to be useful to the people she loves- act 1: “i can help them/i only wanted to help!” as jinx: doesn’t care abt the shimmer business, but she’s do anything to be helpful to silco
• powder was already suffering from mental illness and inferiority complex (the latter mostly because of mylo) before everything that happened. you can see it in the way she bases her self-worth on how useful she is to the group, and also her breakdown when vi told her to stay back. the explosion is what ultimately caused her downward spiral, but she showed symptoms of mental illness prior to it
• powder was already a cruel and deranged girl, shown by her infatuation with weaponry and building weapons to kill- like her nail bombs
• speaking of, her infatuation with explosives began as an interest in gunsmithing (mostly out of a misguided belief that a gun could have saved her parents) that never amounted to anything but a mess of split barrels and burnt hand carved grips before vi convinced her to try skipping the middle step and make straight up explosives. after those didn't work either is when mylo started to call her a jinx
• she likes explosions because the ringing in her ears drowns out the voices in her head
•her blue smoke tattoos are a cry for help to vi- she never set off the flare so her other way of setting it off was to get the tattoos •silco braids jinx's hair whenever it grows too long. it's like meditation for him and allows him to reassess the world about him as he washes, combs and weaves her ever lengthening hair and admire the perfection that is his loving, growing daughter •this is the only time jinx allows her guard down around others. it's the only time that she can close her eyes and yet not hear the voices of her demons without loud music or explosions to drown them out
• jinx/powder are not anyone different. jinx is what powder would become anyway + mental issues due to her past. she would always be the cruel, chaotic, bomb mechanic girl. of course she would be better mentally if she didnt have her traumas and had a healthy enviroment but she is who she is.
• so powder is not gone, she just grew up. "jinx" is just her way to deal with her traumas, which clearly is not working well. this dealing method was told her by silco who believes he was reborn or something, leaving his weak past behind. "jinx" is an attempt of doing that but it doesnt work because their traumas are not the same as silco thinks so.
anyways that’s all for now I’ll prob add more later but I need a nap so bye y’all cya <3
also please like & REBLOG if you enjoyed!! it would mean so much if you reblogged so more people could see my work!!
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yoisami · 6 months
I have pcod and also basically im jobless rn and live with my parents. My doc stopped my meds and since then it's falling a lot. It was already too much now just too too much. I cry every night lol🫡
I don't eat much but honestly I don't eat packed items and so much chemical shit like the others. It hurts lol. I'm already so much insecure about my hair. I have huge forehead. Now my hairline will probably go up to my head centre💀💀 GOSHHH I THINK MY ISSUE IS HORMONE BUT YEAH
WOAH OMFG TILL UR KNEES ?? u would be in shock to know that i’ve ever only grown my hair till like my chest and then my asian mother ordered me to cut it bc she said i would get hair loss 😞
and omg nonnie.. i hope u’re ok :,( sending u virtual hugs bc it rly seems like u have it tough :(( make sure u take good care of urself tho, srsly. like stay hydrated, eat the right nutrients, get thee right amount of sleep and etc yk ??
perhaps u should see a doctor ab this tho.. like a derm or smth idk but if u are experiencing excessive hair loss then u should probably refer to a specialist who will be able to help u w ur situation 😤
i don’t rly use much for my hair tbh. idek if people are still gonna call me a girl after this but i just wash it w some shampoo and then i blow dry it 💀 like not even conditioner bc (NOT TRYNA BRAG HERE OR WTV) my hair is naturally silky so i don’t rly do much to it.. but mb i will add like an oil someday to promote hair growth/thickness but i still have to research. BUT FOR U ANON, u probably should firstly use a sulfate free shampoo bc it strips away natural oils that keeps ur hair healthy !!! and mb add a hair mask or serum to target ur issue but that’s just what people do ig.. BUT i DO NOT recommend doing all that first bc it seems like ur situation is quite serious, so it's much better for u to seek help from a professional !!!!!
AND OFC i literally am no expert in hair so take everything i said w a grain of salt bc i have no fucking clue what i do to my hair i am simply just a dumb little 17 yr old girl who writes stories ab her fictional crushes 😓😓
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jayjayghost3 · 1 year
Agent 306
The story of Agent 306 Gender: Female Pronouns(they prefer): he,his,him,she,her(sometimes) Really high IQ Agent Captain
Pad 1 Its currently 1:51 and I'm still alive due to the noises of the monster virus 😭😭…Again😨. This is 306 and I'm the only agent alive from the explosion😰.I'm trying to stay focused and not get tired due to the late nights and long days💢💢. Will report again if more things happen. Something Fishy: Agent 306 reporting something fishy🐟. As you know I survived the virus… Well almost I'm still healing but almost healthy again. It just might be me and my senses or something true. I don't know what it is but I feel no cap🤔.I just need to finish the journey to get pills. I will report shortly😬. Months later: agent 306 is still alive >:) and he found one of his partners named agent 207 😅 I hope we get along and survive. 306 don't like agent 204 and 204 is trying to get through them but they refuse so they won't hurt their feelings and we are still holding on to them. Its a New Year for agent 306 but he really wants agent 204 to leave since they found agent 904 306 has counted how many times 204 and the 904 has did you know what and its been 16 times a from the last location till now and they hate it.
Pad 2 Agent 306 isn't alone either they have a lover too and they get along well and they understand each other they are the captains 306 and 407 are now the captains of the travel. They hope it goes well on the trip. We are now in the mutant forest and 407 is clinging to me but I don't mind I'm scared too. I don't really care about 204 and 904 they can die for all I care. "Babe I'm scared 😨" 407 said I know hun but we need to get through here for food😓" 306 said. "Any wish for us 306!?" 204 and 904 yelled " hmmm how about no because y'all get on my nerves because of sex!" 306 yelled "Calm down 306😞"she kissed 306 making her blush. "F-Fine let's keep going" After hours and hours of walking through the creepy forest 🗾 we finally see light and we run to it. Not even a minute later the couple started complaining about how hungry they were. So it was my choice to find us some dry meat before we continued.
Pad 3 3 years later 306 is alone again. All his friends including in his lover died in a fight with a huge mutaded monster. Luckly they were able to defeat it but lost everyone in the process. Right now 306 is walking in the dead road to the source to defeat the boss who caused all this.💀He ran out of food and now is starving. 306 is now looking like a pale corps walking on the road. His hat and jacket is gone. He is only on his uniform pants and white shirt. His curly hair isn't as curly anymore. 10 days later 306 found an open spot to place his hut. 2 weeks after finding his long lost friend 306 was walking once more still feeling the guilt of losing everyone one. All caught up in his thoughts he tripped over something and fell. After a few seconds of adjusting he looked down to see what he tripped over. In front of him he saw a coat and hat but it looked fresh washed? "Hey 6!" He heard from behind as he stood up. "I told you to stop leaving me like that!" 307 said fake pouting "Sorry 7. I'm just used to being alone ya know?" 307 put his hand on my shoulder "hey man I feel ya. Sorry for yelling at ya" I look at him "Hey no need to apologize 7. Ya know we both have anger issues" I chuckled. "6 what up with your coat it looks more new than usual." 307 said as I looked at myself " I dont know I found this on the ground……..For some reason" I said a bit concerned. 307 looked at me and shrugged "eh its prolly nun. Come on let's get going." 307 said as I nodded.
Pad 4
To be continued...
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skiplo-wave · 2 years
Well, if it makes anyone feel better that went through this I actually had an accident one time at walmart💀 Idk maybe the store brings the shits out of people. It was nearly 10 years ago. I was 15 and I had been having stomach issues. I was scheduled to see a doctor in a few weeks at the time. I didn't know I was allergic to lactose and gluten. I had lunch and I thought a little bit of sour cream would be fine. I get to the store and my tummy was turning. Sometimes if I ignored it, it would go away. I know it's not good to hold it in but I don't like public bathrooms. I am in the clothing section and I feel this strange spicy rush to my buttocks. It was like a volcano ready to explode. I had to go bad. I was panicking because every step I took it made it worse. So I had to walk slow and steady. I get halfway to the bathroom before it starts to break. It's like liquid fire. I had a long period pad on and thought I was good. I start to walk a little faster and I let out a little cough, the dam broke... Liquid fire comes rushing out and I take off running. I get into the bathroom, thankfully nobody is there. I strip down naked throwing away my jeans and underwear in the trash. People are starting to come in after I safely get in the stall. I had diarrhea for like nearly 45 minutes. It was that bad. I hear people gagging outside and talking about the smell. I was so embarrassed and also afraid that maintenance would show up. Thankfully I had my phone with me and I texted my mom. She brought me baby wipes, a box of dove soap and a pack of wash cloths to clean up. She had brought a trash can to fill up with water so I could literally take a sponge bath in the stall. She brought me a pack of new underwear and jeans lol. My mom was a hero that day. But yeah, I feel sorry for people when this happens to them because I know. And sadly they don't have the same help I did.
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limbosava · 2 years
white fox infinity 4 thoughts and spoilers //
also it’s reassuring that the sword of fuxi confirmed supernatural creatures aren’t evil 🥺
also is lie gonna feel the sword has been used? And sorry but this is so funny +1 instance where the sword of fuxi has been used by someone other than it’s master
God this was so gorgeous. I want to download this issue into my brain so I can see it anytime.
they way ami just went straight for the heart 💀 Ami I thought you wanted answers. also love that this leaves plenty of room for white fox content to continue in the future!! So excitingggg and WOOO HER TAILS FINALLY MAKE AN APPEARANCE LETS GO
+ small baby 😭😭 love this so much
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Her always wearing the shard around her neck I’m gonna cry so hard I’ll be able to power-wash someone’s driveway with my tears. And also the knife shoes so cool! And Ami and Yeji 🥺🥺 love them
The supernatural community cheering for Ami 🥺😭😭 she’s found somewhere she can belong and just urghhghhh this run was so good it’s probably going to be my favorite for a long time.
and yeah that’s what my brain can come up with to say for now
fave panels!
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kung-fu-cutbug · 2 years
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jyeeshus, Summer Jet is popular
now uh, she was created for a campaign where the characters' backstories are supposed to be kept secret, but... said campaign has been dead since the first session 💀 still, better safe than sorry, so—Pika, JD, E, if you see this don't click the read more, alright
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Summer Jet! my beautiful punk rock daughter,,,,
her backstory is actually somewhat incomplete, especially since for the most part I'm playing her post-the aforementioned campaign (which, as I said, hasn't made any progress past the first session so I have to improvise a lot) but I'll put down what I have so far
only child, lives with her parents
loves her mom Snow to pieces, which is very much reciprocated, but her relationship with her dad Canary is... a lot more strained
normally they get along just fine, but if Canary's in a bad mood or takes issue with something Summer's doing, hoo boy
the floodgates open and he becomes cold and downright verbally/emotionally abusive towards her for not basically being him in miniature (thankfully his one saving grace is that he wouldn't dare consider physically hurting her)
oh yeah, I should mention—Canary's the CEO of a big mining company and he wants Summer to inherit it after he dies, which is coming pretty close considering how old he is
she, however, does Not™️ want to deal with that shit, but for the longest time she didn't know what she did want to do...
...till Snow gave her that big bangle she now wears on her arm, which prompted her to become a jeweler by hobby
she's actually pretty good at it by this point, makes her some good cash money, and Snow supports her in this endeavor wholeheartedly, but Canary's getting onto her ass about wasting her time
she's honest to god considering moving out just so she doesn't have to deal with Canary's bullshit anymore, but she doesn't know where to go
[fwoosh as the first session of the campaign she was made for begins]
oops, now she's in the Pokémon world, washing up on the beach as an amnesiac Sewaddle who only remembers her name and the fact that she was human before but nothing else
first thing she sees is something shiny in the water, which ends up being a shiny Magikarp who introduces himself as Casper
they chat for a while... a really long while, and she learns Casper is in a similar sitch—he vaguely remembers that he wasn't always a Magikarp, but nothing else
suddenly, they hear a loud shriek from a nearby cave, meet a Vulpix named Kyo & a Sinistea named Jeeves, and fight a Dynamax Scyther
the Scyther bitchslaps Summer and she nearly dies, but a Mimikyu NPC teaches Casper Bounce and he kills the Scyther with it
Summer is healed by the Mimikyu, and she & Casper learn that Kyo & Jeeves are also amnesiac former humans
the Mimikyu mentions it's in a rescue guild and takes the group of four to their base
they meet the Guildmaster Emboar Zoroark and explain their situation, and he agrees to let them into the guild and help them sort out who they are because he's always been interested in humans
...that's where the session ended, so timeskip to when she wakes back up at home as a human with all of her memories returned
Snow and Canary fucking tackle hug her as soon as they see her, explaining that she's apparently been missing for over 2 years (she was from 2019 originally and the DM said they'll probably end up in the present day post-campaign) and she tells them the story
they don't entirely believe her at first but whatever, a better explanation than nothing
...and then she finds Casper, Kyo and Jeeves again, all human once more, and is fucking euphoric
she ends up adopting Casper as her younger brother with Snow and Canary's permission and maintains good contact with Kyo and Jeeves
she also gets together with a girl named Cherry, who was actually responsible for her reuniting with Casper in particular since Cherry was doing a Unova gym challenge run and brought him from Virbank all the way to Opelucid where Summer lives
she and Casper then go to summer camp together (the same one I mentioned in Masahiro's 🖊 post) and have a blast there
and that's where she's at right now
fun facts time:
19 years old, both pre-campaign and post due to time shenanigans (explaining how she was still 19 over 2 years after her disappearance to her parents was a fun ordeal /s)
she is 6'7" with her platform boots and 6'5.5" without, and she's got a pretty decent size bust (idrk tiddy sizes but I'd estimate she's a B or a C cup) and an athletic body. buff women enjoyers, rejoice!
she's trans and a sapphic bisexual
...yes I simp for her how can you tell
her platform boots? they're also heelies! skating to places is a lot more convenient than walking. she also has a pair of platform crocs that are also heelies
[slaps roof of Summer] this bad girl can fit so many MCR references in her. seriously, let me count them
Summer: "Summertime"
her last name, Jet: Jet-star (Ravenkroft was also a potential last name but I decided against it)
tupper tag for her Pokémon form: "Look Alive, Sunshine"
tupper tag for her human form: "Whatever Gets You Through the Night" (the name of one of the comic issues for The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, according to Wikipedia) + "Until My Heart Explodes" (a line from Summertime)
her human form's design: very very heavily inspired by one of the characters from the TTLOTFK comics, Blue
the inside of her bangle has a lyric from DESTROYA engraved into it: "If what you are is just what you own, what have you become when they take from you almost everything?"
she has a penchant for violence, and while she doesn't actively start fights nor seek to kill people, she will thwack you in the jaw with a metal baseball bat if you get on her nerves
she also has a gun but she refuses to use it unless she's in an extremely dangerous area
she likes sour things!
...as in like, lemons and stuff. she wouldn't die to a single Sour Patch Kid, but she wouldn't be able to handle more than like two
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