#she wouldn't say a word and she couldn't even cry in her room because Antonio was right there
Do you think Mirabel had a Quinceanera?
No because just think, she was always pushed aside and forgotten so what if?
What if her birthdays never were the big parties that her sisters and cousins got but she was so sure that her 15th would be different? 
What if she spend weeks, no months painstakingly making a dress that she was sure Abuela would approve of?
What if during every meal leading up to her birthday she waited with baited breathe hoping, praying that discussion of her birthday would be brought up?
What if each time she, or her parents tried to bring it up they were talked over?
What if she held out hope until the day of, only for the breakfast announcments to be all about Antonio’s birthday coming up in only a few short weeks, and the preperations needed to make it a grand day?
What if?
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 12*
Ayyyyy I fixed it!
For those who missed it, I wrote this chapter also on my phone because apparently I'm addicted to this story I can't focus on my real life even when I'm out.
Also sorry this is short but it was written in a Target parking lot on my phone. And also-- I just wanna put off "THE" part. 😂😬😘
Part 11
Part 13
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Rafael shook his head, still reeling from your encounter. You had no idea what the hell you were talking about, he loved Olivia. He was sure of it. But the last thing you said nagged at him. Even if you had been some kind of crazy mind reading witch, that didn’t stop him from telling Liv about his father.
He had never told her, and if he was really honest with himself, he had no intention of telling her any time soon, maybe ever.
Why didn’t he want to tell her?
Rafael decided to show you, he went straight to Liv's bridal room and knocked on the door.
"Liv it's me."
"Rafa we can't see each other before the ceremony! It's bad luck!" She called through the door.
"Well it's more bad luck if we start this marriage with secrets." He replied.
Olivia's eyes widened: was he...was he going to tell her his middle name? All on his own? She KNEW you were full of shit
"O-okay just tell me through the door." Her eyes lit up with hope.
"No, I need to be looking at you or I might lose my nerve"
That was good enough for her! She swung the door open.
Rafael stared at her in awe, she had never looked so beautiful in all the years he knew her. He knew you were full of shit, he loved her completely.
"Liv I haven't been honest with you. My middle name isn't Antonio."
"It's not…?" Her eyes began to well up. It was happening. It was really happening.
"No, it's…." He paused and gazed at her. She was beautiful, she was perfect.... But there was no...safety.
"It's Ronaldo," he lied. "I just wanted you to have the right name on the marriage license"
"God damn it Rafael are you fucking kidding me? She yelled.
"What are you talking about?" Rafael was taken aback.
"Why can't you just tell me your real middle name? Why is that so hard for you?!" She yelled again..
"I'm sorry, you know that I'm lying? You know my real middle name?"
"What.. ? Yes...maybe, I don't know," she stammered.
"How do you know my middle name?" He asked.
" I, um...did...did you finish the flask I gave you?" She asked softly.
"....Excuse me?" Rafael asked suspiciously. He turned and walked back to his room. Olivia followed behind him quickly.
"You mean this flask that you supposedly gave me for our wedding day?" He asked, holding up a silver flask with his initials on it.
"You mean this nice loving gift, a token of your love on the most important day of our lives? You're asking me if I 'finished this'?"
"I.. well…" she stuttered.
"And what exactly is this Olivia?" He turned and headed to the bathroom of the groom suite.
"No Rafael, don't!!!" Olivia chase after him frantically.
Rafael opened the flask and poured its contests into the sink. To his horror and disbelief, a dark purple liquid poured out of it; as if it was purple and blue mixed together.
"Holy shit…" Rafael muttered.
"Oh my God!" he just stared in shock as the liquid dissipated down the drain. Olivia could only stand frozen in shock and couldn't speak.
"Oh my God, that girl was right wasn't she?" He stared at her.
"What girl? Was there a girl here?" Olivia quickly turned defensive. "Rafa you shouldn't listen to random ass people--"
"Oh no, fuck that Liv!" He screamed. Throwing the flask across the bathroom.
"What the hell was that?!" He gestured to the sink, now empty of the contents of the flask. "What the hell did you do to me?!
"Nothing!" She stuck to her denial. "It's just the color of the special liquor that I bought you. It's some kind of wine," She tried to think of a lie on the spot, but she wasn't great at it.
"Oh that is a load of shit!" Rafael scoffed while throwing up his hands. "I can't believe this...I can't believe some random ass girl knew more about me than you. She's right isn't she?"
"Rafa come on--" She started to speak, but Rafael wasn't hearing it.
"Oh no fuck that, fuck 'Rafa'. We're past Rafa, don't call me that!" Rafael screamed. "That girl was right, wasn't she? You made me forget her. I'm actually in love with her, aren't I?"
"No! You were never in love with her! That shit was fake. It was as fake as this!" She slapped her hand over her face after saying the last part inadvertently.
"Oh my God...This whole thing is fake. You manipulated my mind. You made me think that I was in love with you!" Rafael felt sick to his stomach.
"You are in love with me!" Olivia screamed. "You just needed to realize it," she added softly.
"And you wanted me to drink more so what? You could make me forget this ever happened so that I would marry you willingly? Like your little robot?" Rafael paced the room angrily.
"No I love you Rafael! That's why I did this! I did this for us!" She was crying now.
"That's BULLSHIT!" Rafael yelled.
"You didn't do this for me, you did this for you. You don't love me at all! If you really loved me, then you would want me to be happy no matter who that was with! I'm not your fucking Ken doll Liv! I'm not some guy you can just manipulate and tote around like some lap dog, doing whatever you say. That's not what love is!"
"Rafael come on, just look--- just, just drink this," she pulled out another vial from her bra. "Just drink it and you'll forget about this, and then we can be happy!"
"Are you not hearing me at all Olivia? Rafael asked her in actual disgust.
"You're still just trying to stick to your delusion? Don't come near me with that. In fact don't come near me at all. I can't. I can't even look at you right now," He started to storm out of the room but Olivia chased after him.
"Where are you going!?!"
"To get back what you stole from me!" Rafael yelled back, running out of the church.
You stood there in front of the penguins with Maria and Chloe just staring at them. It had gotten dark now. The tank was lit up, brightening the cave with its neon blue water. They looked so happy, just swimming and carefree, not a care in the world.
"Look at you guys," You sighed. "So happy, so innocent. You wouldn't lie to each other, you wouldn't manipulate each other, you just love each other unconditionally," You started to tear up.
"Oh honey…" Chloe came and put an arm around you.
"He's not coming, is he?" You looked at her with tears now dripping down your face.
She looked down at her watch; it had been about an hour since you had shown up there. That was about 20 minutes from the church. So it had been a while for Rafael to change his mind.
"I mean... I don't want to be Debbie Downer or anything but--" She have you a pity look.
"30 more minutes?" You pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
"Alright…." She looked at Maria who just shrugged sadly. Then she linked an arm in yours, laying her head on shoulder. "As long as you need."
Rafael was in an Uber, heading towards Central Park. He couldn't decide how he felt at the moment. He was enraged with Olivia for fucking with his emotions, his brain, his heart. How long has it gone on for?
Now that it had been a while since his last "dose", he was starting to realize he couldn't remember yesterday, or any of the past week, and it scared the shit out of him.
How could she do this? How could she just take memories from him like taking cookies out of a cookie jar? And with absolutely NO remorse? She was STILL trying to control him even when he was confronting her! Did she ever really love him? Were they ever really friends? It was like losing a lover and his best friend in one fell swoop.
And then there was you. Maybe you really had been Liv-- his lover and best friend. But she had taken that too, he had no memory of you whatsoever.
Even now he struggled to even remember your name. He was pretty sure you had said it in his dressing room, but all the shit he had in his system still left him all foggy. He did remember you knew his middle name, his Broadway dream.
You knew about Eduardo, how could he have told you about Eduardo? How important were you to him? How could he just forget that? He wanted that back, that safe feeling you were going on about. You were absolutely on the money about him never feeling safe once his Abuela had moved in with him and his mother. His mother's house never felt safe, even after Eduardo left.
His Mami was wonderful, but he never felt like he could ever fully be himself with her, because she wouldn't accept him. Which is why he never felt comfortable sharing himself completely, ever.
He wanted that safe feeling so badly….he wanted his feelings back so badly. Even if they were someone he supposedly didn't know.
"Uh….hey man are you ok? The Uber driver's question made him realize he was crying. The driver was awkwardly glancing back at him.
"Ahem...yeah no I'm fine. Can we uh...can we go any faster?"
"Hey man I can't control New York traffic," he gestured towards the stand still grid of cars.
He was still 5 blocks away. He wasn't entirely sure just how in love with him you were, though you were pretty damn hysterical at the church.
Would you wait all night? Have you already left?
"You know what, I think I can walk faster than this," Rafael told the driver as he got out on the curb and began running towards the park.
"....Don't forget to rate me five stars!!!" The driver called after him.
You glanced down at your phone, it had been 45 minutes since you had asked Chloe for 30. Maria was asleep on a bench, Chloe was falling asleep on your shoulder.
He wasn't coming. Olivia had won. You had to accept it.
You put your phone down and walked up to the glass of the penguin tank. They were all sleeping, except for one. They all were wearing these adorable harnesses that had their name on them, hers read "Penny".
Penny was sitting on a rock above the water, just staring at the "shore" of their enclosure.
You wondered if there was any explanation for that-- you googled "PENNY PENGUIN CENTRAL PARK ZOO". An article immediately came up. You scanned it, reading a particular sentence.
"....Penny's mate was killed in an accident at the zoo six months ago. Penguins are notoriously monogamous, so it's likely she won't ever take another mate. She just spends her night and days looking towards the place the Zookeeper's took Leonard from the enclosure."
Your heart broke, tears came to your eyes for the millionth time that day as you pressed a hand to the glass.
"I'm right there with you Penny, I know how you feel babe…" You sniffled as if the penguin could understand you. But she still continued to stare, waiting for her love to come back.
You wiped tears away and walked away from the tank over to Chloe and Maria, shaking her awake.
"Let's go," you sniffled.
"You sure honey?" She asked you as Maria stirred awake.
"Yeah…. it's over," you sniffled again, all out of water in your body.
She let you lean on her as you walked back up the stairs to the park.
You were so downtrodden, you didn't notice you had left your phone sitting in the enclosure.
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: HELLO! This is my part for the Valentine’s Day challenge that @1dffchallenges put together. Make sure to keep an eye out for any other pieces published by other authors. Enjoy! And happy Valentine’s weekend! (:
Summary: Harry agrees to go on a blind date set up by his friends in hopes that it will help him move on from an unrequited love.
Word count: 3K
Challenge prompt and dialogue: blind date set up by friends. “I don’t want this to end...”
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There’s a first for everything. Harry’s had his fair share of them at the age of twenty-seven. First time on an aeroplane at the tender age of six for a family holiday in Rome. First kiss on his home town’s park with someone he deeply cared about. First time in a recording studio. First time going on tour. The first night spent alone in his new and barely furnished home. The first morning he laid eyes on the girl next door. The ugly heartbreak after she got married, certainly felt worse than his first one.
Life is full of firsts, Harry knows that, and he wishes to have been the first to sneak his way into Jane’s heart, all those years ago.
"You love her" it almost sounds like an accusation coming from Jeff, though the last thing he wants is to make Harry feel guilty. The musician doesn't reply, he shrugs, eyes never leaving her no matter how deep into the ocean she seems to be. "Does she know?" Harry shakes his head in denial. "Did you bring her along just so you could tell her?"
"I enjoy writing music with her, that's why she's here," his tone leaves no room for more questions, the manager knows and sighs defeated. Harry stands from his spot on the beach and heads back inside the house, alone.
Is he being that obvious?
He reviews the past few days and wonders where he slipped, nothing rings any bell. Harry completely and conveniently forgets how he doesn't nag her for having a smoke after dinner, instead he just opens the window and stands close to it, or how he's been making her a cuppa everyday at noon. But it was the time when Jane asked him to help her French plait her hair when something clicked in Jeff's brain, the way Harry beamed at such a simple request left no room for questioning. Yet he asked him, because there was that tiny chance of it all being part of the manager's imagination, but when he looked back on it, the little things now made more sense to him and in a way he always knew.
They've been in Port Antonio for two weeks now and everything was going just dandy, Harry was writing more than ever, the first week he had a new song every day, he even polished the old ones and had a tune for his favourites, thanks to Mitch's help. When Jeff Azoff got there earlier this week, he spent a good two hours talking to Jeff Bhasker about how much of a good idea the trip was.
"Harry is on a writing spree." He complimented Azoff's client, it was nothing but the truth. However the reason for it all, was now heading back to the house to join the others after a good surfing session.
Jane went straight to take a shower, ready to rinse all the ocean's saltiness from her body, thinking how wonderful it would've been if her own worries could be washed away with her tangerine shampoo. In contrast to Harry's good spirits and excellent mood, her own cloud of trouble seemed to follow her all the way from London. She still hadn't heard from her husband, so it is safe to say he was still upset about her going away to work in Harry's album. It was impossible for her to forget the argument they had, at first thinking it was a joke on his side, insinuating that they were ‘shagging behind his back’.
After her shower, wearing comfortable clothes, Jane joins the others for supper but keeps to herself, still with the dichotomy about calling Alex or letting him be. He will eventually come to his senses and apologise. 
What if he doesn't? 
The thought alone of her clothes being packed in boxes by the time she gets back home almost makes her cry, perhaps she can call or text him just to test the waters. It is ridiculous how she seems to be more mature about this than him.
"Penny for them?" Harry's voice brings her back to the now empty dining room, the voices from the rest of their party can be heard from the living room.
"God I'm sorry H, lost myself out there for a moment," she is embarrassed, with him, the others and herself for letting this situation get under her skin. And she's also avoiding talking about it, with Harry or anyone. "I was just thinking about the tempo for Sweet Creature."
"Liar," he hates to be shut down by her more than anything. "Is it because I didn't let you eat the last peanut drop the other day?" It would've been easier for her to say it was, than to address the actual reason. But Harry hasn't lied to her, ever.
"No love, although I was a bit hurt because of that, it's actually this thing with Alex we are, I don't know, he was upset with me and said some things," Jane couldn't finish, her speech was cut short by a quiet sob and Harry was quick to pull her from the chair onto his lap and hold her tight. His own heart speeding at the sight of her distressed.
"When was the last time you spoke to him?"
"Two weeks ago." Her voice barely whispers on his chest, "he's being a wanker to be honest, just because he's not going on tour with any of his bands I'm supposed to be a stay at home wife!"
"Why don't you explain this to me, from the beginning, please?" He asks rubbing her back soothingly, and she spills it all, the having kids now or never argument, to her wanting to have a proper wedding party and finally the latest fight where Alex suggested an affair going on between her and Harry, the latter had to do his best not to put the option on the table, since her husband so kindly suggested it. Might as well, he thought. "It all sounds like a big misunderstanding, I know you're a great communicator sunshine, so it baffles me that you've let this go on for so long." He's got a point.
"You're right, but I feel like it's his turn, you know?" Jane's done weeping, but remained on her friend's lap and arms, head resting on his shoulder. "He's always forward, mature, a proper thirty year old except when it comes to arguments where we ought to reach an agreement," she plays a bit with the cross hanging from his neck, a scowl on her pretty face. "Like with the children thing, we only stopped arguing when I said that maybe in two more years we could have one instead of, you know, my early thirties." It's good that she can't see how upset Harry is.
"You gave into that one, he should do the same but it's his choice," Harry sighs and can't believe what he's about to say. "Take the day off tomorrow, call him or FaceTime, Skype whatever you choose, but have a proper conversation with him." She wants to argue and say it's not necessary to be absent the whole day, she can spare a few hours. But she will need time to think about what to say, make her point clear so they are on good terms until she goes back to London.
"Fine, but if he is still acting like a dickhead afterwards, I'm not going to let it into my head anymore, we will continue to bask in this great work environment going on here." Jane states, pulling away from his embrace just enough to give him that stern look she uses when trying to make a point, and Harry nods with a warm smile, the one she never gets tired of seeing. "I'll call it a night now, gonna be asleep in seconds now that I've got that out of my chest." She stands from his lap, missing his warmth instantly. "Thanks for that."
"Anytime honey pie." Harry says before leaving a kiss on her left hand that burns her skin from then till morning.
Jeff joins the musician in the dining room right after the girl walks away to her room, he takes a seat across from him and scrutinises the look of adoration his friend still sports once she is out of the room.
"She'll never know, if you never tell her." Jeff is right, but the thought alone of going through that again scares him to death. Or so he says, because there's a part of him that is fond of the thrill it makes him feel.
"It's not like I haven't tried, just last year I told her," Harry remembers that night vividly, how pretty she looked even with her makeup all smudged under her eyes. "I'm not sure if she heard, it was too loud like where we were at the time." He was also pissed out of his mind.
"H, there's nothing wrong with being in love."
"I'm not saying it is, but even if she did love me I– I would find a way to hurt her. Anyway. she's happily married now, it's too late." Saying it out loud doesn't hurt him any less like he thought it would. Harry sighs in defeat before rising from the chair, "she's everything to me, I wouldn't mess with her head by confessing my feelings, deep down I always knew she deserved better and now she has it and that's good enough for me." The musician disappears through the corridor where his everlasting love did just a few minutes ago, he paused for a moment outside her room, pondering whether to barge in and just follow his instincts, kiss her like he should've done after winning that award back in 2014.
Harry shakes his head and goes straight to his room, he reminds himself that it was time to let her go. It's for the best. He is not good enough for her, he can't even write a song for her, about her. He mustn't love her that much then.
What Harry doesn't know is that he can't write a song about her because he loves her too much, the poor lad can't even figure out where to start. But he's about to get rid of that curse in a day or two, he just needs to be patient.
The reward for it came, all of a sudden Harry wrote too many songs about her until she inevitably became aware of the situation they were in. Harry vowed to stay away from Jane’s life after recording the album. He dated people that didn’t remind him of her, and even moved temporarily to Japan. But despite all his efforts, four years later Harry still finds himself thinking about her, everything seems to be tainted by her. The music he adores, the new dinner recipes he cooks, the books he chooses to read.
Completely out of options he agreed to this blind date his friends set up for him.
He arrives at the modest restaurant they so kindly chose for the occasion. “All you have to do is wear something nice and show up.” Alexa reminded him over the phone last week.
This is a new first for him, it is also exciting, to take a seat at a table for two conveniently placed at the back, pretend to pay attention to the menu but let his green eyes avert to whoever approaches. Harry is having a great time, he knows that soon his date will arrive. He wonders what they’ll be like.
According to Alexa and Pixie, the person arriving is the perfect match for their young friend. Harry can only hope they like Vietnamese cuisine because that’s apparently this place’s special offer this week. If he’s lucky enough the date will agree to share a starter and perhaps two main courses, that way he doesn’t have to choose between one or the other.
“Here’s your table.” Harry hears the waiter speak and his gaze meets a very familiar figure standing beside him. It can’t be.
“Excuse me, there must be a mistake, I’m waiting for someone else.” Harry protests.
The waiter shakes his head and shows him the notepad with some specifications written down. “Nothing wrong, got specific instructions from Miss Chung, a lady will come in to say is here for Geldolf’s blind date, you are sitting at the table they reserved. I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order.” He is quick to explain and disappear.
Jane sits because there is no way she can stand any longer, her legs are about to give out from the commotion. This was not the blind date she was expecting either. It’s been at least four years since she last saw Harry. The night after he finally admitted being in love with her, waiting for a reaction, anything from her, after what seemed like hours but was only ten minutes later, he walked out of her house and entire life, leaving her confused and upset.
“How’ve you been?” she asked after confirming that Harry wasn’t going to up and leave.
“Pretty fantastic, until you arrived.” He’s never spoken to her like that before, with so much affliction in his tone. “What are you doing here?”
“I was set up on a blind date by Pixie—
He interrupts her. “That’s fucking convenient, did you all went to this much trouble, just to mock me? I thought they were my friends, you know, that even after everything, they cared about me.” Harry stops, his voice breaks, he’s so angry, hurt and confused by the situation. “Did your husband come along, to witness my humiliation too?” He looks around, trying to find the man of Jane’s dreams.
“I wouldn’t know if he’s here, haven’t seen him since we got divorced three years ago.” She snaps before hiding behind the menu from a gobsmacked Harry.
The words he’d been waiting to hear were finally out of her mouth. Unlike the million times he dreamt about this happening, Harry is not sweeping her off her feet and running away into the sunset holding her hand. Instead he reaches out to touch her arm, testing the waters. He waits for her to lower the menu and surprisingly there are no tears in her eyes. Perhaps only a bit of sorrow that is quickly replaced with confusion, at how fast her heart raced after Harry’s touch.
“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice is back to oozing the tenderness he reserves just for her. Jane nods.
“But can we share a rice bowl and Pho noodle soup?” 
“Yes, and dessert too!” Even after four years Harry’s sweet tooth hasn’t changed, Jane sighs before the waiter is back to take their order.
Keeping a conversation between the two of them is not hard at all, even if it is an awkward topic —her not so recent divorce. “We didn’t have anything in common anymore, there were so many fights every single day. When I finally suggested the separation, he seemed relieved and I felt like a complete fool.” Jane remembers the sigh of comfort that came out of the man she once loved with all her heart before that rainy afternoon, when she finally decided that she’d had enough. “He left that night, hadn’t seen him since, his lawyer took care of everything,” a sour laugh escapes her lips, Harry’s eyes are full of sympathy for her. “I’m sorry for ruining your blind date, I know you’ve never been to one before.” Of course she did, she knows him better than anyone.
“This has to be the greatest date I’ve ever been to.” He speaks without a second thought. 
All those years Harry spent away from Jane were not going to be in vain. He was not going to neglect the feelings he still had for her. That affection he felt for her, only her. Harry shifts in his seat, this is not at all how he planned it, in a restaurant full of people on fucking Valentine’s day. It almost seemed like a tacky move.
But after all this time of pining for her, hating her and himself at times. Harry was brave enough, it was now or never, he didn’t want to wait any longer, not after his friends schemed and executed this soppy plan to bring the two soulmates together. Before she could take the final bite of dessert that Harry kindly left for her. The world stopped.
“I don’t want this to end...” Harry says with a dimpled smile she can’t look away from. “I’d like to take you out on a second date, a third, fourth, fifth. Believe me when I tell you, I have planned up to a thousand of them.” He takes her hand in his and can feel her pulse race along his own. The smile splits his face again, because he knows, he feels, he sees it in her beautiful eyes. “Janey, you’re the first person I’ve ever wanted to hold on to. I know there is a name for this emotion, I’ve written songs about it, but now I don’t think it’s a word big enough for us.”
She squeezes his hand and breaths out a laugh, tears of joy brimming out of her eyes. “Let’s call it love, until we come up with a better name for it.” Harry agrees and just then, Jane brings up his hand to her lips. 
His skin tingles where she kisses him for the first time and he beams at her.
There’s a first for everything, and although it feels like it for Jane and Harry, this isn’t by any means the first time they confess their love for each other. It was always there, in every laugh they shared, every song they wrote together, every touch. It was on Harry’s unwavering devotion, on his impatience and selfless actions throughout the years.
They were bound to be together, their story didn’t begin on that initial blind date, it did years ago after he caught a glimpse of her shiny black hair on the morning she moved into the house across the street.
Harry drives her back to her new flat on the other side of the city, enjoying every minute of the long ride, happy to hear her ramble about her newest obsession with romantic novels and burst out laughing after Jane confesses that sometimes she doesn’t finish reading books she likes, just to pretend the story keeps going. With a quick kiss to the back of her hand he completely agrees.
No tale is more compelling than one that never ends.
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New Unit (Jay Halstead)
Summary: You and Jay were dating for two years and he ended up cheating on you. Two years later, you were transferred to a new unit. The same unit as Jay.
Words: 2443
Requested: No
Prompts:  21: "I don't blame you, I wouldn't love me either"
Warnings: none
A/N: The original idea came from @sweetblink. Hers was so much better. If you haven't read it, you should, it amazing ❤.
Also planning on making another part.
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          You and Jay have been dating for almost 3 years now but here lately, he's been getting more and more distant as if he didn't want to be around you anymore. You didn't want to believe that but you couldn't stop wondering.
           It was almost ten when you finally heard him come into your shared house. You removed the covers you were under and walked into the dimly lit kitchen.
        "Hey," You said.
        Jay turns around and smiles slightly at you. "Hey, babe. Thought you were asleep,"
        You shook your head. "No, I was still up,"
        He smiled softly. "Oh well I'm going to sleep now," He said pecking your lips.
        You watch him walk into your room and then followed him and went to sleep.
       For the past week, you noticed Jay began to come home even later than usual and it was always after you were already asleep but when you woke up, he was already gone. Today, you managed to wake up before he did. You sat up on the bed and then off the bed and walked into the kitchen to start making coffee. You heard Jay walked to the bathroom and turn on the shower.
          It had been about half an hour since you have gotten up,  you were just about to reply to your partner saying that you were about to head to the station when Jay comes into the kitchen wearing gym shorts and no shirt. He starts walking towards you but you walked the opposite way to get to the living room so you could get your shoes on. Once you got your shoes on, you grab your phone and your keys and walked out of the door. You didn't have time to play with Jay's bullshit.
                  Your partner had texted you saying that they had a lead in a tough case and you needed to get to the precinct but before you even got to your door, Jay came out and stopped you. "What was that?" Jay asked.
       You looked at Jay confused. "What was what?"
         He looked at you like you were stupid. "What just happened. You just walked out of the apartment without one word to me. Not a bye. Not an I love you,"
         You chuckled. "Oh that's rich coming from you," You snapped.
         He tensed up. "What do you mean?"
         "What do I mean? Jay, you have been coming home later and later and then you leave before I wake up every single day," You said slightly yelling.
        "What? We're on a tough case and I've been needed at-"
        "Now that's where I know you're lying. Your partner told me you've been going to Molly's every night and that all your cases lately have been pretty easy. So either your cheating on me and that's why you're lying or you just don't want to be around me. So which is it?" You asked tears threatening to come out.
      Jay froze for a second.  "Y/N, I'm not cheating on you," He said turning to touch you.
         You backed away.
         "Don't touch me,"
         Jay looks at you shocked and drops his hand. He opens his mouth but closes it.
        "I don't got time for this. I actually have a tough case that got a lead," You said getting in your car and driving off.
      You just got in your car after a successful day at work, your team finally caught the perp and the D.A is pressing charges when your phone went off. You grabbed your phone that was in a cup holder and it was a picture text message from your partner. You opened it and it was a picture of Jay and a girl all over each other at Molly's.
                             From: Partner
              Did you and Jay break up?
              To: Partner
                          From: Partner
              Do you want me to do something?
                          To: Partner
             No, I'm coming.
         I'm not cheating on you' my ass. You thought to yourself.
       You put your keys in the ignition and drove to Molly's. The closer you got to Molly's the more, your anger got worse. By the time, you got to Molly's, you were crying angry tears. Two years wasted. You got out of your car and walked into Molly's and saw your partner first and he pointed to where Jay was. You followed where he was pointing and you could see the girl was still all over him. You walked over to your partner, you pulled out a ten dollar bill and gave it to him. "What's this for?"
       You looked at his drink.
        "Your drink," You said grabbing his drink and walking over to Jay.
       You could hear your partner walking behind you not you didn't care. Jay was too busy locking lips with the girl to notice you walking up.
        You held back your tears.
       "I thought you weren't cheating on me Jay," You said.
         Jay pulls away from the girl and looks at me shocked.
        "Don't. It's okay. I don't blame you, I wouldn't love me either but you could've told me that you didn't instead of wasting my time," You said taking the glass of beer and pouring it on Jay's head.
          *Two years later*
        You looked at the desk sergeant. "Hi, I'm Detective Y/L/N-"
         She looks up and down.   
         "Oh, so your Y/L/N,"
         "Yes? Your Sergeant Platt?" I asked.
          "Hmm," was all she said. "Go on up,"
          "Oh okay, thank you," You said.
          You walked up the stairs to the new unit that you were assigned. You had no choice in the matter so you just went along with it. As soon as your feet touched the main floor, the Sergeant came out if his office.
          "You must be my new Detective,"
          "Yes sir, Detective Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you," You said shaking his hand.
          "Voight. I had to fight with your old Sergeant for you," He said.
          "Fight for me? If you don't mind me asking but why?"
         "Your skills are going to waste over there. I've been reading your unit cases and it seems like you're the one cracking the cases even though half the time you're on the desk while you should be out there helping take down the perp. Your skills won't go to waste here," He said.
          "Oh," was all you said.
          You never thought of it like. You didn't realize that most of the time, you were put at the desk. Even after you would be the one to crack a huge case.
          "Well thank you for this opportunity," You said.
           "This is gonna be your desk. Get set up. The rest of the team will be here soon," He said walking back into his office.
            You were already finished setting up your desk and catching up on the current case when you heard footsteps, you slightly froze. You haven't had to meet a new squad in three years so you were kinda nervous.
             "New transfers here," Antonio said.
             The squad looks up and see that you were sitting at the desk next to Jay. They were all chill about it but for Jay. As soon as Jay looked and saw that it was, he lost his breath almost instantly and stumbled backward.
          "Woah there," Kevin said. "You okay?"
          "Remember back like two years ago, I cheated on my girlfriend?"
          Jay looked from Kevin to you and everyone instantly knew.
          "You cheated on her? You are so stupid," Ruzek said.
          Ruzek was the first one to walk up to you and introduce himself.
           "So you must be our new transfer," He said.
           "Oh hi yes, I'm Detective Y/L/N but call me Y/N,"
           "I'm Adam Ruzek, you can call me anytime," Ruzek said. 
           You chuckled at Ruzek's attempt to flirt and looked over to the other members of the squad. You could see three other people fully but there was one you couldn't see.
          "Shut down instantly," One of the guys said "I'm Antonio Dawson,"
           He reaches out his hand and you grab it. "Nice to meet you but you look slightly familiar," You said trying to figure it out. 
          "I just got one of those faces," He said walking over to his desk.
          "So thankful to have another girl on the team again.  Having to deal with only guys every day," The only other female said.
           You chuckled. "I know what you mean. My old squad wasn't small as yours but the men overpower the females,"
           She smiled. "I'm Kim Burgess,"
           "Hi!" You said.
           You looked over at the other two and that when you saw him.
       You drove home from Molly's with tears falling down your face. You didn't know when or if Jay will come home. You didn't care, all you wanted was to get your stuff pack and leave before he did.
        You were almost done for the night by the time Jay got home. He saw that you had taken down the things you bought and walked to your shared bedroom. You saw him lean against the door, watching you, but you didn't say anything, you just kept packing. You didn't have anything to say to him.
       "You're not going to talk to me?" was the first thing he said.
        You scoffed. "Why would I say something first? I wasn't the one cheating,"
      He looks away for a second and then back at me. "Will you let me explain?"
     You grabbed the last box and stood up. "There's nothing you'll say to change me leaving. Jay, you lied and cheated on me,"
     Jay just stood there not saying anything. 
    You walked up next to him and looked him dead in the eye. "I hope she was worth it,"
          Jay looked at you and you could tell he was nervous. "Hi Y-Y/N,"
    You forced all your emotions out of your voice and just let out a cold Jay. Everyone around you just standing and looking at you two in pure awkwardness.
        You could hear Voight walking out of his office and stopping right in front of where you were standing. "Do we have a problem?"
       You finally break eye contact with Jay to look at Voight with a cool and collected smile. "None of at all,"
       He nods. "I'm gonna change up the teams for today just to see how Y/N stacks up. Don't worry, it won't be permanent. Ruzek, you with Y/L/N for today.  Atwater, you're with Halstead,"
       You were extremely thankful that you weren't working with Halstead but you had a feeling that after today Halstead would be your partner.
        Voight looked at Ruzek. "Ruzek. Y/L/N. I need you two to go to this house to ask questions about a possible perp in connections
         Ruzek nods. "Come on newbie,"
         You chuckled. "Just because I'm new to this squad doesn't mean, I won't kick your ass,"
        Ruzek looks at you and slightly smiles. "We'll see,"
        You slightly laugh. You look over at Jay who looks upset but you ignore it and grab your jacket.
        We have been in the car for a few minutes while Ruzek was trying to flirt with you, which you weren't too bothered by.
          Ruzek looks at you for a second and then back on the road. "So are you single?"
         You looked at Ruzek. "I might be, why?"
         He just shrugged. "I don't know,"
         You just looked at him but looked away as he pulled up to the house. You both got out of the car and started to walk towards the house. You took a look around you and saw the gun pointed at you from the upstairs window. You pulled Ruzek behind his vehicle just before the person started shooting. Ruzek quickly regained his focus and started shooting back while you got on your walkie. "This is Detective Y/L/N. Requesting backup at four hundred and one east Shaw. Multiple perps. Shots have been fired,"
"Copy that," the dispatcher came in.
You were still in a gunfight when the rest of your team had shown up. You noticed that one of the perps is about to take off running. "There's a perp about to take off, do you got everything covered here?" You asked.
Voight nodded. "Yes,"
You nodded and take off after him. "Y/N!" You heard Ruzek yelled after you but you ignored him.
You chased the perp through yards and dodged everything he threw at you. When Ruzek finally catches up to you, the perp takes a side of a building where there was only one way to go so you had a plan to cut him off in both directions. "Go that way and I'll go this way," Ruzek nodded and took off the other way.
By the time you got around the corner, Ruzek already had the perp at gunpoint but the perp had a gun at Ruzek. The perp had his back to you so he had no idea you were behind him. Before Ruzek even noticed you were there, you had already had kicked the back of the perp's knee making him stumble to the ground and dropping the gun. "Don't move," You said grabbing his hands and cuffing him.
By the time you had gotten out of the alleyway, the rest of your squad had been waiting there. Voight looked like he was about to lecture you but Ruzek him to it. "Don't go chase after a perp without telling anyone and wait for your partner,"
You looked at him. "If I would've waited for you to catch up, the perp would've gotten away,"
Ruzek placed a hand on my shoulder. "You don't know that. Wait for your partner. I'm your backup. Wait if there were more perps out there? You would've been outnumbered,"
You knew he was right. "I'm sorry, you're right,"
Ruzek nodded. "Now with that out of the way," He said looking at Jay. "Once again, you're stupid. This girl right here is a badass,"
You looked over at Jay and he sat there with an unamused face and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah,"
You were just about to leave the precinct when Jay grabs your arm. You turn around and pull your arm out of his grasp. "I just want you to know, she wasn't worth it,"
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