#shit if you gonna canvass for him at least get on the payroll and up out our face
thottybrucewayne · 5 months
What irks me about the "vote blue no matter who" crowd is that they think people who either aren't voting in protest or voting or a separate party are just silly idealists who don't know any better but like...are yall not the same people trying to convince people dissatisfied with the genocide president that if we vote for him hard enough he'll stop funding a genocide?????
Is that not a silly as fuck pie in the sky scenario???
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caroline18mars · 6 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 14
“I'm gonna get your seat completely soaked, sorry” her teeth were clapping as her frozen hands unsuccesfully tried to zip down her jacket, “It's not my car, so I couldn't care less, I'm more worried about you, we need to get you out of these wet clothes before you catch pneumonia or something, I thought you were gonna take a cab”. Whoaaa wait a minute floppy hair, don't put the blame on me now “thought I'd go for a walk instead, but then I got surprised by this tsunami” she breathed with her fingers to her mouth, trying to warm them up “but a dry spot and a hot coffee sounds really great right now”. Jared tried to keep his eyes on the road and turned up the heating to remedy the fogged up windows, one near-collision was enough for one day, “we should be downtown in 10 minutes”. Good, thanks for the ETA, bossman, enough time to sit back a bit and enjoy the sloshy noise the wheels were making on wet tarmac, somehow that was a happy sound, made her want to snuggle up in her seat and watch the world pass by. Finally someone he could have a comfortable silence with, she wasn't angry, accusations weren't flying, she just sat there, soaking wet and cold, but completely at ease, completely refreshing from all the drama queens he was surrouned with every day. “This place alright for you?” she heard him say as he parked the car in front of a coffeeshop, while she was looking in the vanity mirror, wiping the streaked make up from her face and her wet hair tied up in a bun, “looks fine' she quickly muffled the wet wipe in her bag, everything about her was wet right now. Oh, hello cute bubble butt, she'd never noticed until now walking behind him to the coffeeshop that was crowded with people all taking shelter from the pouring rain, “what would you like?” he caught her staring as he turned around. “Hmm, surprise me” she shook her head trying to avoid eyecontact, “ok..you go find us a table” he hummed, shit, floppy hair noticed her staring, but apparantly she wasn't the only one, because so was the rest of the coffeeshop, staring, whispering and then staring again as he walked up to the counter, oh there was a free table by the window, excellent. She quickly unzipped and shrugged off her drenched jacket and put it on her chair, before pushing her icy hands on the heating as she sat down, even though a little painful at first, it.felt.gooood to get her blood flowing again. “Caramel latte for you, hibiscus tea for me, that ok?” Jared put the cups on the table and sat down as well, “that's lovely, thank you” Harper smiled as she finally stopped the nervous plucking at her wet clothes. She looked so fresh, her skin so clear made her dark eyes stand out like glowing pieces of charcoal, distracting? Absolutely! “Harper..I..” he cleared his throat “I finally got the chance to thank you face to face for all that you've done, I mean you singlehandedly given us the solution we needed, I don't think we've actually discussed the financial side, well, you're on the payroll obviously, but I was thinking about a bonus for designing the lightshow”. Don't drool, Harper, try not to drool while floppy hair pulls out his phone, “how about” he quickly tapped something on his phone and then showed it to her, “this”. She blinked nervously looking at the calculator, 10,000, dollars? whoooaaa, wait, yeah ok, she was stunned by his offer but shouldn't she be bargaining with him right now? Pokerface and all that? “that..seems reasonable, yeah ok” paint, a zillion colours, new canvasses, brushes and she could put something aside for rainy days too, a hard day's work earned her more than the 500$ Joe had offered for a painting. He liked doing business with this woman, “ok, I'll make sure you have it in your account by the end of this week”.
”Excuse me, but could I have a picture?” a girl came walking up to their table, jittering with excitement, Harper pushed her chair back and stood up, “same?” she gestured at his empty cup, it was 'selfie with a rockstar-time' and the perfect time for her to escape his intense staring. Professional and discrete, Harper, I like it, and hello, nice butt, young lady, yeah you go ahead and walk real slowly to the counter, that butt was poetry in motion, oh selfie, right, ok, silly face, NEXT!. While waiting for the order, Harper pulled out her phone, floppy hair still taking selfies, good, time for her and Joe, ooohh yes new e-mail..ex..shes's amazing..very complicated..red flag, definitely red flag, he was still in love with his ex..fuccckkk!. “Hibiscus Tee und caramel latte?” the barista's voice brought her back to reality, “yes..uhm, danke”, had she read or interpreted this entire mail conversation wrong, or was he just blowing hot and cold on her all the time? He had practically begged her to let her guard down and when she did he just rammed..the truth down her throat..well, Harper sweetie, at least he's being honest about it. try not to stress, just read it again when you're alone and maybe you'll find a context..right, back to floppy hair and his incessant stream of female admirers. “You're welcome, I really need to go back to my conversation with my friend, ok?” Jared noticed her walking back to his table and took his privacy back from the line of fans that was forming, “is she your girlfriend?” some smartass in the queue decided to pop the million dollar question. “I'm not anyone's anything, I'm me and for Jared I'm his light designer” Harper judded her hip, staring at the girl with a smile, “oh” the girl stepped back a little intimidated. “Must be exhausting being you” Harper put the new cup of tea in front of him and sat down again, somehow she seemed more subdued, distracted even, “I'm not even gonna answer that” he grinned and sipped the hot tea “maybe you should have been so assertive with Shannon's new flavour of the month”. She leaned back with her warm cup of coffee between her hands and stared out of the window, yep definitely distracted “something wrong?” he tried to get her attention. “I don't know..yeah, no, everything's ok” liar, come on, he doesn't have to know, “don't worry about what she said, she's just some golddigger with a nose for dope..that's all she cares about, not exactly what I call the perfect company for my brother who's got a past with illegal substances”. Harper turned her head, this was interesting,  at least he wasn't as perfect as he looked “and you're worried she's gonna get your brother on the wrong track?” perfectly diverted attention from her own worries, Harper 1 – Jared 0!
From: HCDeRobiano
To: BJLCubbins
Subject: I don't know, but I'm confused
You say you're a Coco-addict, but maybe you're as confused as I am and you meant that you were a Cocoa-addict, if that's what you meant, I would understand perfectly, you made a typo and your fingers skipped over the 'a' which is a shame because it's a beautifully curled letter.
I can just imagine the confusion on your face right now, don't worry it took me a while too to figure this out, because the other option is just too confusing, like your ex being called Coco as well or what? and from what I've read I can't tell if she's really your ex..
Regards from another Cocoa-addict, (in the chocolate sense of the word, by lack of an ex with benefits like yours).
Harper's fingers flew over the screen, sent, done, the phone flew on the bed and she sat down next to it, get out of these damp clothes, and go take a nice, long bath, cook those negative thoughts out of your brain, switch this annoying fucker off and try to get back to yourself after all that coffee and extensive talk with floppy hair, interesting talk though, there were no holds barred whatsoever, not even with such a delicate topic, she had gained Bossman's trust, for sure, or maybe he was just a compulsive talker, off to bath you go, foam, bubbles, foam, foam and hot waterrrrr, hmmm.
Jared closed the door coming back in his room and leaned against it for a minute, oyyy, that was the best rainy afternoon he had spent in a very long time, sooo easy to talk to and genuinely interested, she didn't judge, she just listened..simple as that, who still did that in these times of shallowness? Harper did..'Beep' his body jolted forward, Harper switched off, switch on Coco, hell yeah!. Huh? What?? ok read it again, what happened? Cocoa, Coco, chocolate? The fuck was she on about? He quickly scrolled to his last e-mail..'But yeah I still see her on occassions, you know..I guess you could say it's (very) complicated, and sweet and nice'..oookayyyy, yeah, the 'complicated' part was a bit too, well, complicated for her probably, she must have understood differently from what he meant by that, Cameron and him..they weren't an item anymore and they hadn't been for a long time, but yes on scarce occassions they did meet again and each time they did, it was beyond nice, like reliving a rosy memory of the couple they once were, they could talk to each other without holding any grudges these days..he had always hated how they had spent all these years apart being resentful of each other..she had a special place in his heart after 4 years of unbridled passion they had spent together and she always would but that was all. Now try and explain that to Coco..she didn't know all that, but she was the one who asked about the details..oh god, it was more than high time that they actually met so there were no moremisunderstandings..on the other hand, her being all stroppy about that meant that she cared, or maybe, just maybe, she cared a little bit more than she'd liked to admit right?
Harper let herself slide in the hot water, ohhh niceeee, all her muscles strained and then relaxed as the heat caressed them. Sighing she closed her eyes and before covering herself in bubbles, she turned up the bathroom stereo system and let the bass pound in her ears. Shayla stood there looking at her lover from the other side of the hallway, she couldn't stand being cooped all by herself in Köln, so she decided to pay her man a surprise visit, yeah you go inside that hotelroom baby, you will need to lie down to recover from the surprise I have for you, she giggled to herself as she followed him once he stepped inside, oh he had left the door open, no you weren't going anywhere anymore loverboy, tonight was just you and me! Sean couldn't handle the silence between him and Harper any longer, so what if he had snatched her second keycard to let himself in when he wanted to? Loud music thundered out to him, where was she? Jared was back already so she most probably was too, “Harper?” he shouted and then knocked on the closed bathroom door, no answer..his curiosity got the better of him and he slowly opened the door, “Harper?” he called again but when there was no answer he stepped inside slowly. Harper was nodding her head to the music but when it stopped abruptly, her eyes shot open in fright. A frightened pair of eyes met a couple of admiring ones “Sean! What?..” she was hardly able to speak as she tried to recover from the shock, what was he doing here in her bathroom, how did he even get in? Arrghhh she was naked! “I'm..I'm sorry..I just wanted to..check..I wanted to talk and..”, instead of backing away, he clumsily took a step forward to the tub which made her shoot up in shock. “What the hell? SEAN?” Shayla yelled as she stormed inside the bathroom seeing her lover and his so called best friend who was quickly trying to cover up her naked chest, “I knew it..I..I just can't..you and that..that SLUT!” and out she stormed again with Sean in hot pursuit after her, leaving Harper to sit there, completely speechless, what the hell just happened?
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