#shoosh seamstress
daydreamtailor · 4 years
thanks for tagging me @obscurusvii 🧡🧡🧡🧡 jesus christ this is long
N - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now - Starship
A - Aries - Gorillaz ft. Peter Hook and Georgia
R - Rollercoaster - Bleachers
C - Constant Conversations - Passion Pit
O - Ocean Stars Falling - Homestuck
L - Level of Concern - twenty one pilots
E - Eyes as Candles - Passion Pit
P - Pac-Man - Gorillaz ft. ScHoolboy Q
T - Take It Or Leave It - The Strokes
I - I Think We're Alone Now - Billie Joe Armstrong
C - Can't Hold Me - Emily King
S - Spit On A Stranger - Pavement
E - The End - My Chemical Romance
A - Arrow - half•alive
M - Music When The Lights Go Out - Cœur de Pirate
S - Salted Caramel Ice Cream - Metronomy
T - Tonight, Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins
R - The Rifle's Spiral - The Shins
E - Every Moment - Rogue Wave
S - Stay Young, Go Dancing - Death Cab for Cutie
S - Souk Eye - Gorillaz
i tag @musain32 , @nosasscat , @kiwisandtea , and @silent-again c:
3 notes · View notes
themockingcrows · 6 years
TWO FATES, TWO KINGDOMS CH. 14: Preparedness
This chapter is SFW ao3 mirror: [X]
So many things need done when planning an escape, and yet so much hinges on timing and preparation and keeping the rest of the world in the dark that it's easy to lose sight of the real goals. Or even to doubt that the goals exist at all. With the clock counting down already and the window for fleeing into the ice of Winter slowly beginning to close ahead of them, the stress is on to ensure their very survival.
    A week was not long enough to plan for an entire world changing. It was not long enough, and yet it was far, far too long to hide such an obvious secret when three people were at play gathering  information and necessities in the shadows. The week was barely begun, and yet John already found himself questioning if the enthusiasm would be a detriment or an advantage as they sought out the talents of the seamstress once more.  
   “Dave, stop wiggling,” Kanaya urged. “If you're having trouble balancing just let me grab a stool. Don't push yourself.”
    When the prince turned up at her doorstep, Dersite literally in hand, Kanaya had been excited. It meant he was well enough to get around and was beginning to heal, and that they could spend some time together at last with the safe knowledge that aside from her work space being warm and comfortable and secure with her guarding it shears in hand, that John was there on hand as an extra deterrent against any trouble that lay between her door and his own chambers.
    Now, though? Now after learning that even while healing another countdown was hanging over her moirail's head, threatening him in a way she was powerless to shield him from? Oh, it was a matter of honor now.
    “Standing still is not pushing myself,” scoffed Dave as he continued to wiggle and waver, working to keep his balance. He didn't want the damned stool, they were surely almost done anyway, why ask for anything special and make a fuss? His balance may be shot, but if he was careful he'd manage just fine. Just... needed to focus elsewhere in the room and make himself adjust that way, fake it till he made it or till Kanaya hurried up and finished.
    “It is right now, and I'm getting the stool, you're making my measurements skew,” she huffed as she dropped the measure around her neck in a gentle loop and set aside the parchment she'd been making notes on. “Believe me, you want to be able to have this be just the right size. Too tight and you can't layer properly, too loose and cold air will sneak in all around.”
    “How do you know so much about winter clothing in Prospit of all places?” Dave asked, reaching a hand out as Kanaya came near with the wooden stool and tapping at the seat as it flattened out, needing to aim himself before sitting. John shuffled where he sat nearby, fighting the instinct to stand up and help Dave with these simple things. He did enough as it was.
    Kanaya smirked and ruffled Dave's hair up before she lifted the measure and leaned over him to get the number he needed while he was finally blessedly still on command. “You act as if Derse is the only place with a harsh winter. Have you so much as looked outside?”
    “Yes, it's frigid and delightful.”
    “...Okay, okay, I know it wouldn't be comfortable long term and exposed, and it'll be worse the further into home we go. I still wonder how you know so much about clothes for traveling in cold weather.”
    “Military guidance,” Kanaya said. “Custom making things for the princess Jade as well, as per her very specific requests following her safe return home. I helped to adjust designs for the soldiers who would be out in the terrible weather and along the front lines, as well as the general wintery outfits John's family requests and requires. The only difference with these is that one will be a good deal smaller, I'm going to have to keep them and the construction secret, and I'll be making bedding to match for three. Not to mention how quickly this has to happen!”
    “I'm so sorry,” Dave started, only to be shooshed.
    “If you apologize again I'll stick you with a pin. This is important, it's not as if you're asking for party gowns then changing your mind the second they're made and asking for a few full suits instead. You can make it up to me by getting safely home again and keeping the princes safe.” Kanaya grinned over Dave's head at John, eyes narrowing in amusement at the pout he gave. She hugged him around the shoulders and stroked at his hair slowly a few times, soothing herself and him at the same time with a sigh. To think she wouldn't get to do this anymore soon...
    Losing a moirail wasn't the end of the world, especially if it was such a necessity, but it didn't make it hurt any less or make her feel any less preemptively alone. Karkat would still be around, and he would understand. ...But it wouldn't be quite the same.
    “I'd write, but I don't suspect that would work out or even be wise,” Dave said after a time, realizing he wasn't just getting a few paps but a full petting instead. Kanaya seemed to rouse herself and halted the affection, going back to work. There wasn't much time, and she could talk and relax while she kept her hands busy instead of making it harder on herself later. “Is there anything I can do to reach you once I'm home safe?”
    “If you do the workaround with Skaia, it might be possible. You'd do best to use a false name, though, and have it re-sent from within Skaia. Would rouse less suspicion than something coming directly from Derse, even if it makes it take longer.”
    Humming, Dave lifted his arms when prompted, holding them at different angles as requested while Kanaya made her notes and added memos and reminders to herself for how to align the fit she was wanting and what material seams on the insides would need to do to avoid discomfort but still be warm enough. “A false name. I've not had a pen name before.”
    “Well, you're hardly writing books, just try not to pick something that sounds purely Dersian and you should be fine. Pick something Skaian, or Prospitian, or Alternian, o-”
    “Akwete Purrmusk.”
    “You sai-”
    “A believable name Dave, be serious! Do you wish to correspond with me or not!”
    “I don't know names from other places save for historical figures, pardon me for living beneath a mountain my entire life!” he scoffed as he turned his head. John giggled helplessly from the side as he opened his hands and spread his arms wide in a shrug.
    “I mean. He has a point, Kanaya. Perhaps Akwete is just outlandish enough to work.”
    “As an obvious fake, yes. John, help him think of a not terrible pen name.”
    “My pen name is divine and even if the envelope doesn't wind up bearing it, you will know that from the bottom of my soul Akwete Purrmusk will be the one writing you those letters. You'll know it, I'll know it, John knows it, there is no escape. Akwete will flourish.”
    “Ugh. Why not stick with a historical figure, then. At least those crop up occasionally as names even now, everyone scrambling to find something with significant meaning for their infants when they survive birth.”
    “..Kanaya have I ever told you you have an unspeakably sunny disposition about these things?” Dave smirked. The grin morphed to a sudden laugh as the seamstress fed her measure around his neck and zipped it taut threateningly, only to kiss the apple of his cheek.
    “You're an outspoken pest. I'll pick the name, then. ...Hmm.”
    “Will you need one as well?” John asked. “For all this secret correspondence and all. Shall I wear a fake mustache while tending the post? Should the scroll wear a mustache,” he asked seriously, withstanding the withering look aimed his direction. “Kanaya, that look does nothing. You know my sisters. You know my sisters habits. You know my habits. The frigid gaze of the unimpressed is rich ambrosia to someone such as me, it simply means I have to try more and louder, it's an addiction and you're feeding it.”
    “Maybe the two of you taking your leave is a good idea after all, a vacation seems necessary all at once. ..There. Dave that should be good, lower your arms and take a breather. I'm not entirely certain what to do about boots though, other than to snag a pair a bit too large from the supply for the guards and stuff them with the same material as the coats will be lined with. They'd be a bit clunky,” she worried, “but you'd be able to move and not lose any toes to frostbite.”
    “I'm going to be suffering either way, from the sound of it. Either frigid or clunky.”
    “...Suffering,” Kanaya said, brows lifting.
    “Yes, suffering. Discomfort. This is a word I know in both languages, I'm learning to write it even. What of it.”
    “Suffering,” she said again, tapping the side of her fist downward onto her splayed palm as if deciding something with a sense of finality. “Oh, that's it!”
    John stood up finally and came to Dave's side now that he was done, wanting to close the gap and settle him in his arms once more, clingy and unashamed to show it. “Should I be concerned that you seem so enthralled at the word 'suffering', or...?”
    “Oh! Oh, no, no. Just. That might be it. The name to use,” she explained excitedly, setting aside her measure and scrap of notes as she went to get a piece of parchment instead, ripping off a chunk before setting the rest flat on the ground in front of Dave's chair. “Stand up, while I have you here and you can brace him. I'm no cobbler, if I can't adjust the boots proper I'll figure something out to at least keep you warm. How hard can it be, I'm a damned professional.”
    “The name, Kanaya,” Dave asked as he leaned on John's arm like a brace. “Mind telling me the name, while you're being a damned professional?”
    “OH! Yes, right. Of course. Dolorosa.”
    “...Uhm.” John cocked his head to the side, watching Kanaya bend and trace close around Dave's feet, then further out by a few inches in a steady, fluid gesture that could only be attained with far too much practice with a dressmaker's chalk over the years. “That's... quite the name, but what does it mean? What does that have to do with suffering?”
    “It is a name from Alternia,” she explained. “A historical figure, no less, and one my line descends from supposedly. She was a figure of great love and great suffering, but it's a name that was widespread and well traveled as well. I believe it would fit the bill nicely for our correspondence. Nobody will care if Kanaya The Alternian Seamstress Of Castle Prospit gets letters from someone with an Alternian name from Skaia, I'm a nonentity as far as anyone is concerned and I'm glad to keep it that way.”
    “Think you'd ever visit, were the option to come..?” Dave asked. “Even if just to Skaia. Halfway someday?”
    Kanaya smiled uncertainly at him and sighed. Derse was said to be lovely in its own way, though it had its darkness and it's frigid chill right alongside it. Less sun that she preferred.
    “...How about this. Should you two ever try to wed in some shape or another, know I'll do my damnedest to appear for you. I want to be there when you take your vows.”
    “The official ones, or just the pledge,” John asked with a quirk of his lips as he leaned gently against Dave's back, arms folding around his abdomen and holding him close. “Because the pledge is already done, we exchanged that particular set of vows fairly recently. They don't count, I know, but stil-”
    “They do so count!” insisted Kanaya. “They count a lot! Who cares if your countries recognize it, you're just able to see what they're blind to right now. Hold on to that, never lose it. You need everything you can get right now.”
    “Considering I can't ask his brother for his hand, and I've transgressed by not seeking your approval in this endeavor as well, may I seek belated good tidings and well wishes while I sweep him off his feet and over a treacherous mountain path?” John asked.
    “I'll be keeping an eye on your, but yes, well wishes and good tidings and all of those collective happy noises,” she said as she picked up the traced outlines and sighed again, looking lost. So much up and down, so much negative and positive. It felt like she was getting whiplash, the tendrils of fate entering a tug of war that normally she would be fearful of. Lovebirds rarely fared well in times of war. Especially high profile lovebirds, considering the record of the lost royals of the past that began this entire mess. Kanaya didn't even want to think of what would escalate for certain when it happened all over again, two lovers lost to the world.
    “Ah, that reminds me,” John said. “Jake will likely be by asking for exactly what we're asking for. But if it somehow slips his mind, what is the latest that you feel I should have him drop by for odds and ends like socks and getting warmer gloves?”
    “Yesterday,” Kanaya said with such seriousness that John didn't dare ask for clarification. “I think I know the dimensions for his bedding, though. A bit larger than yours and wider at the top, narrower at the foot with more warm materials there same as the others, and a wrap over hood piece to trap warmth. You'll look like the dead, but you should be warm.”
    Dave shook till he got John off of him and closed the small gap between himself and Kanaya now that she wasn't writing or armed, squeezing her tightly.
    “I expect nothing less out of you than the best, but can we just stop talking about the things you're making for just a few minutes? Just a few. That's fine right? Just a few minutes to sit down together before everything is busy and rushing like it's been already,” he all but begged against her shoulder.
    Who was she to say no, when it was all she was craving as well? At least once more. One more pile of fabric to recline in and pass the minutes by before the cherished time left them both behind, bittersweet.
    “Of course,” she said before looking up to John. “...May I request a bit of privacy, though? John you know I'll keep him safe, nobody is laying a nefarious hand on him in this shop unless it's over my dead body.”
    Shaking his head, John lifted his hands up to show the bare palms. “By all means, please. I don't get it, but I know it's important. I'll.. hm. I'll go get a snack or something. Bring back something for you two, don't lock the door too solidly while I'm gone?”
    “I'll have the bar down,” Kanaya said cheerfully, already crossing the t's and dotting the i's in her mind to allow for the maximum relaxation. The prince could only laugh and reach a hand out to stroke Dave's upper back, hesitant about being apart but trusting the seamstress as much as he trusted his own family.
    “As you were, then. I'll take my sweet time and try not to grow icicles in the halls before returning. Make the most of it, we have to get back to work when we leave, same as you,” John said. He gave a brief brow, courtesy and habit, before turning on his heel to leave. The satisfying clunk of wood settling into an iron bracing beyond the door nearly the second after he has closed it was enough to remove more weight from his chest. He decided to take the long way around, complete with backtracking his initial path there with his cloak pulled snug around himself like a heavy blanket of a shroud to ward off the chill enough to enjoy the view of the dreary looking remnants of their gardens and dusted shrubbery and topiary.
    It was in the hall that he met Jake, his brother bearing two books beneath his arm with a third open with his thumb propping open the pages, green eyes dancing over the letters intently enough I he dimmer light that he initially walked right past John. His footsteps were soft and alternating, no hesitating, certain of his surroundings and where everything should be. Well. Everything that didn't have a sense of will on its own to start moving that is, as his younger brother suddenly clearing his throat to catch his attention made him falter his steps and seize his own body straight, clutching his books tighter to avoid dropping them.
    “Oh!” Jake gasped. “Oh. Oh, John, you startled me so. What are y-” he started, then looked more serious. “Where's the Dersite?”
    “With the seamstress being fitted for something to guard against the season more properly, it's bad enough even he's gotten chilled. Don't want him sick, he'd spread it to me of all people,” John said, brows giving a meaningful lift.
    Jake stared for a moment, mind apparently still stuck in what he was learning as he contorted his face in puzzlement, releasing when it clicked. “Yes, of course, can't have the little rapscallion getting you ill, eh? I believe Jade was right, you should have gotten a dog. At least dogs with fur can't get their owners ill. Well, without biting them of course, but with a Dersite it's quite hard to tell if they will or not!”
    “He won't, if he knows what's good for him. I'm already making sure he mends properly,” John sighed, crossing his arms. Jake had come nearer to speak, so he leaned back against the wall beside the window, ignoring the chill that raced down his spine at the first press of colder air. He'd need to toughen up in damned short order against the winter's foul graces if they were going to be going into the thick of it to return Dave home. John's face betrayed him, though, as Jake smirked at him and gestured with his head that he didn't mind walking with him. John, however, refused. “I was about to go to the kitchens actually. Was wasting a bit of time as I didn't want to sit and watch the Dersite get measured once I was certain he was behaving. Don't want to go too far away, though. Can't let your guard down around those things, one wrong move and it's all over for Kanaya.”
    “But of course,” Jake said. He glanced around subtly as he tried to think of how to word his sentence for the most information possible without seeming out of place. “Remind me to loan you this book later, John? It's quite fascinating. Might give you some ideas on how to manage your little wild animal successfully, it details a lot of the wild beasts of Derse and the rugged terrain our soldiers have gone through during their battles and maneuvers against the opposition.”
    “Mmmm.. You'll have to come and tell me more about it later, I don't know if I've the stomach to read the entire thing. Does it have pictures?” John joked.
    “No, this one doesn't. This one however,” he said as he untucked a book from beneath his arm, “this one does! Should still be useful to you, since you look so frigid by the window there. Survival for winter storms and how they used to manage the sour weather in the past. Did you know you can pile up snow in just such a way that it will actually keep you warm? You can build a fire in it as well, if you do it right! There were even things on how to deal with caverns, and how to avoid falling into crevices in the ice, and how to deal with all the awful wounds you could get, it's so thorough!” Jake said excitedly, green eyes flashing. Research or not, this type of adventurous collection of facts was precisely what tended to get his blood pumping and for a moment John was hit with memories of childhood.
    The boy with the wild hair and scraped knees and the too loud laugh had never grown up. Not really. He'd taken his lessons and accepted the heavy fate on his shoulders, had learned to walk and talk and act as he was told to do with his shoulders back and his voice quieter and his expression always tired. None of it had actually removed that young wild boy who would hunt down rabbits in the gardens to pick them up bare handed and pet them all till they were tame, the boy who'd climb tall things just to see what was up there and how far he could see, the boy who would hoot and holler and plan out elaborate adventures that usually involved everyone getting coated in mud and leaving footprints on the tile when they tried to sneak back indoors and avoid the nanny. Jake was right there and looking so alive it made John's heart ache.
    There was his brother with the weight off of him. What a sight for sore eyes, and made John feel just a bit more secure in their escape plans. Enthusiasm led to more knowledge, and more knowledge would carry them quite far.
    “You'll have to tell me about that as well, actually, I'm not certain I'd understand all of it and you sure seem to get it already,” John snorted, trying to look a bit uninterested after flashing a grin so broad his cheeks ached. “Were there any interesting offerings at the library? I've been meaning to stop by again and pick up something fresh. This weather and the Dersite being injured have led to a lot of bored reading, I keep going right through everything I pick up.”
    “Oh, yes, there were some. I seem to have gone through a good deal of the newer offerings already, but I'll let you know my recommendations if you've not come across some of them. Perhaps Karkat won't mind my simply depositing them with you instead of returning them to him first.”
    “You'll be ruining his ordering system,” John said with a concerned look. Then, just as seriously he said, “I love it, what a good idea.”
    “You're a beast,” Jake chuckled, adjusting his grip on his books and fully closing the one he'd been reading before. “Would it be okay for me to visit you later tonight then, to speak? Or should I wait for another day? I can't imagine you're doing too much.”
    “Later would be fine,” John said. “Give a knock first if you could. Dersite panics a bit if doors open too suddenly, since his sight is still awry.”
    “Hm. Can't have that, what a fuss. I'll be sure to knock so you know it's me,” hummed Jake as he shifted his weight uncertainly. If they were meeting later, he'd need to get back to his room and hurry through some of these other books, collect the information he'd gathered already and be ready to present it. There were a few specifics he needed to sort out separately still, but input was needed from John before he could proceed. The sooner this could happen the better.
    Jake wasn't certain if the chilled ring of a ghostly noose around his neck was anxiety or a premonition of bad news to come, and he didn't exactly want to wait and see if it would tighten either way.
    With a brief brotherly hug being exchanged, the brothers parted ways so that John could head to the kitchen at his same lazy pace as before. The startled kitchen help was a welcome sight, the eyes glancing around looking for his blonde shadow coming up empty and confused before they bowed in welcome to him.
    “Sire! Is there anything you're needing this evening? Supper isn't quite prepared yet, but we can always find something for you if you hunger,” said a man with an apron stained from too many wipes of his messy hands over time. No amount of washing would make those whites pristine again, it was just a fact of life.
    The heir hummed and passed by several pots to give serious sniffs to their contents, wondering what the meal would be later before shaking his head and wandering by the bread baskets instead.
    “Could you get some meat for me, please? Thinly sliced. I'm thinking finger sandwiches to tide me over. I'd like enough for myself and the seamstress. ...Ah, and the Dersite as well, be sure there's enough for there to be leftovers for him at least, he's useless if he doesn't eat enough,” he said after a moment or two of thought.
    With some thin breads, meats, soft cheese, some berry based chutney and a container of milk to mix with whatever tea Kanaya might have on hand already, John soon swept away on his own back out to the hall with a flurry of his cloak and a newfound appreciation for being up beside a fire. After the steam heat of the kitchen, cooks and servants in short sleeves and breaking out in a fine sweat in some positions, the halls were frigid on the way to the seamstress' out of the way chambers, knocking with his foot. When nobody came to the door, John shifted the tray and knocked with the back of his hand instead, a pattern he tended to use that bordered on a song with two heavy thuds to signal its end.
    He heard shuffling inside before the door cracked open, green eyes peering out to ensure it was really John before sweeping it open wider. His smile spread when he entered the room to find Dave half bundled in soft fabric on the floor like a shaggy caterpillar, heavier fabric already being patterned elsewhere on the floor with a sturdy marking pencil, and the fire stoked up.
    “Seems you two wasted no time. Kanaya, are you intending to outfit him, or dress him with everything in your room,” asked John as he set the tray down and took up one of the dull knives to scoop up cheese and the spread for the sandwich. He didn't bite it when he was done, instead going to deliver it to the floor for Dave, the second going to Kanaya. John half expected her to be dainty with it, but apparently this was not an evening for that. She crammed half of it in her mouth, chewed two or three times so she could swallow without choking, and then stuffed the remaining half between her teeth to munch on between her far leans to mark and measure out the unmistakable pattern of a long looking coat.
    “I have a dress that would look lovely on him, but he's balking for some reason. Were you not leaving so soon I'd win him over into it, I've better taste than your sister. At least the offerings I have wouldn't clash with his complexion,” she sniffed. “He looked chilled, so I coated him. …And perhaps we did get carried away with the pile, yes, but you know how it is. Why go half way when the pile is right there singing a siren song of softness and emotional balance?”
    When John had made a third sandwich, he sat down beside the half buried Dave to eat, watching the silvery flash of scissors rise and fall as she began to fill the air with the crisp sounds of fabric come apart in clean edged chunks.
    “I take it I at least didn't interrupt your weird cuddle session, from the look of this. Kanaya are you certain you're mortal? Sometimes I wonder if some deity is working through you when you get determined enough, it already looks like a coat and it's not even together yet.”
    Kanaya lifted her shears and gestured airily at John's chest and head before going back to trimming out the pieces with quick movements, no hesitation. “If you second guess anything after sewing as long as I have been, you might as well give up your position and take up another craft entirely. I don't understand why you're so amazed at someone doing their job, though I enjoy the compliments. Maybe it's a royal thing. Pick up a craft instead of just a hobby, John, it will do you good in life. ...You might need it, as well.”
    John lifted his brow as he licked a bit of the chutney from his fingertip, trying not to drop anything on her floor lest it be tracked around the room later. “Need it? Why, the trip isn't going to take forever.”
    “...Do you really expect you'll be able to come home? To be welcomed with open arms in Derse forever?” asked the seamstress seriously, planting her hands on the ground. “What if you're just left to your own devices, unwelcome anywhere? What are your backup plans?”
    “..Uh. Well. I mean, I'm handy with a hammer and I'm pretty sure I could use that skill for coin. I bet there's lots of things I can do that someone would hire me to do. Jake as well, with that bow of his he'd be able to handle wild game and pelts and claw aplenty.”
    “Learn a trade,” Kanaya urged. “Or at least think of things to try when you get the chance. I'm serious, John, being useful as more than a powerful family who can swing a hammer will do you worlds of good. If things go badly, you are prepared. If they go well, then you have a hobby to fall back on and wildly impress the rich spoiled people around you with when you're bored.”
    Dave snickered as he licked his fingers clean and slowly began to untangle himself from the pile of clothing, then push off the ground to stand up. Two sets of eyes watched him like hawks as he walked to the empty tray to fetch the bottle of milk, knowing well where Kanaya kept her little tea stash and mugs already. He could hear the release of pent breath from behind him as he reached out slowly, carefully, and picked up the bottle without knocking it over.
    “I can hear you, you know. Try to be a little less astounded at me failing to mess up basic tasks? I'm supposed to be doing this anyway, you can't keep gasping forever.”
    “Sorry, that was foolish of me,” John said, lifting his hands up with a shrug of his wide shoulders. “I'd like less milk and sugar in mine, please.”
    “Tea with vague understanding on the concepts of sugar and milk and actual pleasant flavors. Excellent choice, my liege, excellent choice,” Dave said as he turned to the fire to begin the process, thriving in the relaxed, warm environment. He clutched the milk container tightly enough that a part of him worried he'd break it, wanting to ensure that it was only going where he wanted it to go instead of dropping it the second he'd regained some face.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Jake arrived in the evening to speak, expression tired but eyes full of promise. He carried a single book under his arm, with several scraps of parchment tucked into the pages, half full of writing. The knock was distinct enough that John called him in without opening the door himself, asking instead that Jake close and lock it behind himself upon entry after he poked his head inside. The soft tinkle of metal on metal was similar to bells as Jake watched John and Dave move slowly in dancing motions. One of John's broad hands was low on Dave's back, holding him close and steady by the press higher up below his arm, prepared to keep him upright if his legs went or he stumbled. His right hand was out to the side clasping the Dersite's pale fingers loosely, steps formal for the most part, repeating simplified motions to a tempo that was being gently hummed. The elder prince wasn't able to place the melody immediately, but he could take in the soothing nature of it all the same, half lullaby and half love song.
    Fitting for them. They made a lovely picture against the finery of the room's décor and the flickers of dancing flame from the fireplace mingling with the glow of the other light sources, John dressed in his layers and Dave dressed simply to the cool air, the silvery metal at his throat flashing like fish scale every other turn, bright as his hair.
    “Dancing so soon? Is there something to celebrate?” he asked when he'd waited long enough and felt like interrupting the magic wouldn't be some crime against nature.
    “Well,” John said, dropping the song and letting Dave take over leading the tune, humming with softer notes to avoid becoming overly tired right off the bat. “We've secured a coat for him, it will be done within a few days. Kanaya's also making proper bedding for us all, and making sure the other odds and ends we'd likely need are secured. She'd making him boots too, I believe, or customizing some to fit him like a glove. We'll be plenty warm. ...And dancing like this is as good of a way as any to help him build himself back up and get used to balancing and moving around again. Not too spirited, but not slow enough to be boring.”
    “Good, I've been looking into what we'd need for the horses too. It's a long distance, too long to carry all they'd need for certain along with our own supplies. Were it spring or summer it wouldn't be such a damned issue, but as it is,” Jake sighed, watching the pair continue to weave their slow but steady patterned footwork across the floor before he made his way to the bed to take a seat and look over some of the scraps of parchment he'd brought.”...We may need to bring a decent purse along and see if we can bribe people for places to stay.”
    “No staying at inns?” John asked. “We'll not be flying our flags or bearing anything that screams royalty with us.”
    “No, we'd just be two fellows dressed plainly and toting a half blind Dersite with us towards the border. I think we can get away with an inn after the first night, but I'd still prefer to aim for homes when we can. People may be more willing to share supplies if we've money for them to replace what we've used and turn a profit at the same time. It's also often easier to get a single family quiet than an entire building, and barns would let us stay with the horses themselves instead of being separated in case we had to run. Less being cornered.”
    Dave's legs were starting to shake and his steps were growing more unsteady, but he didn't call a halt to the movements, face stubborn and focused as he continued to make his melody and follow the steps. John didn't slow down, following his directions to a tee, though his hand tensed a bit at Dave's back in preparation for the worst. His love was a stubborn mule, to the point of self destruction, and no force would alter that no matter how much John wished it could be so sometimes.
    “That sounds like a plan. Will you be able to manage that?”
    “Yes. I may also be able to get hold of a pair that are shoed for that kind of ride already as well, make it an easier fleeing. We'd need to leave at dawn, whichever day we do, and I know a general route to follow. We'd be able to cut across woodlands for part of it, and if we keep a good clip, still wind up near people by the time we'd have to stop for the night. We'll be needing to stop and rest periodically for the horses anyway,” Jake added as he looked down his list.
    “This is a lot more complex than I'd thought it'd be,” John sighed. “If we weren't planning things ahead of time, we'd probably be losing the horses fairly quick in this snow.”
    “We'd be losing ourselves in this snow as well. I'm still trying to sort out any kind of a route once we get over to Derse, but it seems a bit less simple to find anything. ...Dave, would you know any paths through the mountains?” he asked hopefully.
    “No. I know my mountain's area and the woodland around it, and I think I still know the area I was captured. But I do not recall the specifics of how I got there anymore, or.. how I got here from there,” Dave admitted, his breathing coming heavier. “It's kind of.. of...”
    His steps slowed and grew more shaky, struggling to keep up with his own pace before they suddenly buckled, sending him downward. John was able to snag him easily enough, having been waiting, but it was still a quick action he easily could have missed or messed up. Dave's hands scrabbled at John's front as if he were going to fall to the stone, clinging painfully tight against the skin that slipped beneath the shirt's fabric.
    “Easy, easy, I've got you,” the prince mumbled, scooping Dave up once he got a better grip and depositing him beside Jake. He lay still for a moment, gray in the face and exhausted before he slowly rolled to his stomach and rested his head on his arms, shaking as he inhaled and exhaled slowly.
    “You okay there, chap?” asked Jake, watching him like a hawk. “Think you'll be able to handle the travel? If we need a sledge we can try to plan around that. It'd just take some more wo-”
    “No,” insisted Dave. “I'll be able to handle it, just stick with the current plans. There's enough up in the air and enough problems with the horses and supplies, I'm not adding to that even more than I already am!”
    Jake stared at him before glancing to John with a grimace. From Dave's tone it was obvious what the problem was, though it was not something so easily fixed with a hug and a 'there there'. His heart sank, but he nodded and went back to his list.
    “I'd recommend checking with Karkat, perhaps. He's already helped me pick the relevant sections quite clean, but if I pressure too much further I worry I'll leave a glaring line of torches from my inquiries to our escape route.”
    “As if it'll be much easier if we look into it. We're all going!”
    “Well. Yes,” Jake admitted. He fiddled with the softer edge of the parchment in his hand and bit his lip, weighing his next words carefully as precious metals. “There.. is a chance that Jane and Jade may be catching on to something being not right if I'm not careful.”
    John's brows lifted and he rushed forward, planting his hands onto Jake's shoulders. “Wait, what? Jade might know?? Jane I could deal with, perhaps, but if Jade knows-!”
    “Might be catching on! Might be!” Jake insisted, reaching a hand up to shove at John's face till he backed off. He wiggled the parchment till it crinkled, huffed, and straightened himself. “I said might because nothing is set in stone, nothing has crossed my path yet and nobody has confronted me! But Jane typically keeps up with what I read and we like to discuss chapters sometimes. The books I'd been reading lately are all fairly in line with our plans now, and I've not had the focus to juggle some form of novel at the same time to put on a face for Jane or Jade when I visit her. I fear it's only a matter of time before either of them notice. They've that spooky womanly air about them, the one that let's them know when you're fucking about needlessly so they can hit you upside the head.”
    “Can't you just make something up if it comes to that? Or admit to one or two of the books and tell her what they were about, see if they'd not be interested? Jade hears enough about Derse and has memories aplenty of her freeze, and Jane tends to like mysteries far more than things that sound like field manuals.”
    “That's the problem, John. She'll know, I've no idea how better to explain it, but she'll know! If not Jade, then Jane! There's not as much distracting her right now, all of her focus could be put towards sniffing out inconsistencies. The air I mentioned, John!”
    “Spooky womanly airs, John,” intoned Jake, face deadly serious.
    John rolled his eyes, but Dave snickered softly. “I'm all too familiar with spooky womanly airs, Jake. You'll be meeting my family once we arrive, Rose will be more than enough to keep you busy with spookiness. It's one of her many charming points.”
    “I still say you could just lie to them, Jake, we're going to be needing to lie easily moving out from here. It's a good skill to hone for our escape,” John insisted.
    “I can lie to strangers quite well, and I'm able to lie to Father too. You know that,” Jake said. “It's different, though. Jane actively seeks out things and Jade...” He sighed and shook his head. “You're right. You're right, I'll see what I can do. Perhaps I can convince her about the current book I'm really reading being interesting, and then insist I'm re-reading one of my favorite jungle tales. John, you'd know it, it's the one with the charming cerulean vixen wh-”
    John grimaced at him hard enough that Jake sulked.
    “Oh, you're no fun at all. No taste at all, either, you've no idea what you're missing out on.”
    “Jake, I've absorbed so much of that book from your enthralled crooning I feel as if I've read it against my will. Let's just try to focus on business while you're here safely: is there anything else we need to cover? Tack for the horses, our own food supplies. ...Medicine? Bandages..?” John asked, realizing more and more as he spoke aloud just how much razor would be to their necks for this journey.
    There was a real chance of death to the elements, realer than he ever thought he'd be facing, and somehow it was that risk that struck terror into his heart far deeper than fear of his father's wrath. The chance of failure wouldn't just sting him, terrified and far from the warm fires or even funeral rites of home, but it would be stinging his brother and lover as well. Maybe this was a fool's errand. Maybe it wasn't too late to back out and dig his heels in, guard Dave against his father, against his entire kingdom if needs be. Running was the cowards way, or at least that's what he'd always been told growing up, reserved only for cowards and the rare times when strategy required it.
    Dave rolled to his side and tucked his legs up to give himself more room, turning so he could face everyone easier while he rested with half closed eyes. Color was back in his face, and the cold sweat that seemed to come along with the swoons had dried, the part in his hair looking a little stiff for it. He took notice of John watching him, speech lulled and expression too worried for his own good, and smiled at him till the prince mirrored him. The tension seemed to melt from his shoulders.
    No. That was enough proof that running was worth it. Dave would never be able to thrive here, not as things stood now. Escape was a requirement: he needed to go home if there was any hope of him finding lasting happiness.
    “I don't think there's much else to worry on,” Jake admitted. “When I get the tack prepared and set aside, I plan to be pilfering some rations as well. If anyone questions me I can just go on about being besotted by an adventure in some way or another and wanting to pay homage to the experience by recreating it, or some such fib.”
    “Worked when we were kids. Did you have a way to sweet talk extra bread and jerky from the kitchens by claiming the hero in the story subsisted off it so much that you wanted to do the same?”
    “Yes,” said Jake. “Though that was quite a long time ago and not the dead of Winter. I'll have to brush up on that story.”
    “Brush up on the same story to tell Jane and Jade, then, get more practice in,” John insisted. He walked around to the far side of his bed and crawled atop the mattress, coming up behind where Dave was laying prone and draping himself over his hip and waist like a heavy blanket suddenly enough that the Dersite groaned before accepting his fate as a cushion. “We're aiming for a week, right? It doesn't need to hold too long. ...If we wait longer, then perhaps...”
    “Then the risk raises, the longer we wait. We can't risk it, John. A week is as much time as we should allow, we're playing with fire!”
    “What if Kanaya can't work that fast?” Dave said. “I know she's astounding, but even with help she's only one seamstress.”
    “She has her ways, Dave. Don't worry. If it was too much she would have said so,” John insisted, patting at his upper back a few times. “She's told me no plenty of times in the past, and for far less important things.”
    “The one time I wish I knew proper sewing, and I don't know it,” he muttered sourly. Another thing he couldn't do or help with. Great. “What am I to do then? I can't remember much more about the travel aside from what to expect closer to my home, I've no money, no desire to risk going places alone here and no guarantee of how long I can be up and moving at any time. What CAN I do?”
    “Keep exercising and resting and rebuilding your strength,” Jake said seriously. He turned where he sat to pick up Dave's hands, kissing the knuckles in a move so natural, so soothing, that it didn't even really register what he'd done till he saw John's eyebrows lift in surprise. “You'll be riding with us, and not needing to worry about steering. Just be strong. ...And perhaps try your best to keep us focused and on topic,”he added with a chuckle.
    “...That's not helping,” Dave said flatly. “But fine. I see your point.”
    Releasing Dave's hands, Jake slowly pushed himself up off the mattress and dusted his clothing down, tugging his shirt and cloak into place to smooth the wrinkles he may have placed in them during his time down. “It's helping a good deal, and it's good of you to remember it. If you're wanting a more specific request then.. how about this. Karkat said you still have those translations back and forth, and that older book?”
    “Yes, it's a pain in the neck.”
    “Write out common phrases for us. Dave, you know Dersian better than anyone else in this room, and you've managed to learn Prospitian terribly well too. I know there's overlap for Skaian, but if we give it our best attempts it'd be better than being mute and deaf in an entire country during our travels.”
    “...Things like food, water, shelter?” asked Dave curiously. Okay. That was definitely useful, and with what he'd been absorbing lately he was fairly sure he could manage that. Perhaps he'd write up a list and bring it to Karkat for looking over and correcting before they left, since he was the authority on languages as far as Dave was concerned now.
    “Please and thank you would be good too,” John added. “Courtesies. ...Maybe other things more specific to our needs too. Things for the horses, medicine. Cold, heat. Blanket. Perhaps the directions as well, if they have other words than North, South, East and West. It'd be a problem to seek direction and go the entirely wrong direction because we misinterpreted what we'd been told.”
    “Are there any formalities with Skaia's commoner class?” Jake wondered aloud, suddenly glancing down at his books. “I've been looking into a lot of Derse's borders and the lands surrounding, but I've not thought to look into actually blending in that well. ...Will we be sticking out like sore thumbs?”
    “Well. Yes, obviously,” Dave said with a lifted brow. “You're going to stick out terribly if you don't change some things. Clothing only goes so far: you're tall, well fed Prospitians with well tacked horses and noticeable accents who use fairly formal speech.”
    Jake and John blinked at him, then at each other with a frown.
    “Please, write up some phrases for certain then. In Prospitian too, if you would. I'll see about being more conscious of my speech for now. You can teach us more on the road, give us some lessons.”
    “Of course,” promised Dave, feeling his spirits lift. Okay, that was way more important than just trying to handle being physically active and on his feet for longer periods of time. It'd give him something he could do when he needed to rest, too! Maybe if he did a lot of that he could convince John to let him practice swo- “Jake, that reminds me. Ensure I have a weapon too when we leave.”
    “I'm... not entirely sure you'll need one. I mean, John and I will both be armed, and you're-”
    “A prince of Derse who knows my country and who knows that not giving me a blade of my own is careless at best and an insult at worst,” he snapped, voice so full of authority that Jake found himself briefly lowering his chin the same as he did when his Father grew displeased. The elder prince laughed softly when he caught himself and nodded, smiling broad in delight. There was that spark of fire they'd need.
    “A sword it will be then,” Jake said. He gave a brief bow before looking over the items he'd brought and stacking them more tidily in his arms, not wanting to risk dropping anything or giving too much information away to those he might pass. “I wish you two a pleasant evening then. I'll try to visit in.. say three days time. Should you need me sooner, send word.”
    “I'll have a lot of things set up before then,” Dave insisted, trying to lurch upright to his feet but being held in place by John's firm grasp. “I'll try to keep him focused as well.”
    “And I'll ensure he keeps building himself back up while not working into the dirt, on top of keeping up with other needs. Three days should be fine. Last minute prep at that point, right?”
    “So long as nothing goes wrong? Yes,” laughed Jake again. “We'll need all the luck we can get for every step of this endeavor.”
    “May the sun and moon bless us hard as the stupid stars shine bright,” John sighed.
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churchyardgrim · 7 years
and boy howdy do her girlfriends have shit to say about that character development let me tell you, a seer who gets flashes of death and tragedy without warning and a seamstress who just wants more beauty in the world, they’re sure as hell not gonna let her go around stabbing people without a fight
cue the rolled up newspaper treatment whenever she gets too aggressive, persistant shooshing and cuddle puddles until the goat shuts the hell up
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daydreamtailor · 6 years
i really want my sister to be proud of me, i explained the entirety of les mis to my friend from memory and ohhhhh it just feels AWESOME
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daydreamtailor · 7 years
Please help my best friend take her pets to the vet
Hi, I’m Alex! My babe and I could really use some help.
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This is Romeo.
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And this is Vespa.
These two are getting pretty sick, and she needs to take them to the vet to get them looked at, but neither of us have enough money to do take them, much less do blood work or get medicine for them.
We know it’s a long shot, but if you could donate to my paypal [email protected] or even just reblog this, we would be super grateful!!
I’m willing to design cross stitch patterns for anyone who would like one in exchange for a donation, so please feel free to ask. Thank you so much!
-Alex (11/6/17)
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daydreamtailor · 7 years
so i’ve been talking to my sister for the last 2 hours about the batfamily because she’s really into batman and robin and their whole dynamics and last night there was an incident with triangles because i couldnt figure out how a pattern was supposed to fit together due to like 4 hours of sleep and basically
sis: you really need to do your homework, last night you had the break down about triangles with your hair looking all crazy, which was a trip let me tell you, i was there
me: yeah, that was fun. but like tim drake though.
sis: i get the feeling you really like him, you talk about him a lot
me: well yeah the only thing i know about the robins is the horrible things that have happened to them (see tim drake turning into joker jr which both kills and fascinates me)
sis: tim is. tim is dramatic, and a genius, and he’s the kind of person that stays up until 3 am planning out his next theory, while putting on the coffee and then pouring it into the wrong end of the mug
me: see and that sounds like more for me to like about tim. i could be kind of like him. see the aforementioned triangles incident
and then she laughed and demanded that i put this on tumblr because SIBLING BONDING (she approved of this post)
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daydreamtailor · 7 years
thanks boo xDD
1) Why did you become interested in Sonic?? - becaaaaause I was a super. super cringe. child. i still am. sonic adventure 2 battle was the first game i really connected to as a kid, i think i was like 11 or something. it was when the gamecube was the current gen console. but it was a cool game, and it had a cool story, and like. even when i was young, i always felt alone, and for some ungodly reason, that game was the one thing ive held onto???? and like, even now that i’m almost 20, its still the one thing i come back to when im lonely. so its both a nostalgia and a “im trying to keep myself happy when im at my lowest” type deal xDD
10: Got any clothing or apparel?? - interestingly enough, no. (however i am planning on making myself a letterman jacket that’s sonic themed, with handmade patches on the back, front, and arms CAUSE IM A NERD)
11: AoSTH, Satam, or Sonic X?? - okay i literally love sonic x. i watched it in the height of my sonic trash fandom, it was BAD. i watched every episode, i CRIED at the end of the series because it was so SAD and i loved every minute of it and the stupid adventures and quality characters. if anyone wants to buy me a box set, i will actually be indebted to you forever
12: Archie or Fleetway?? - I’m going to have to go with Archie! to be honest, i’ve never followed with the comics very closely, but i’ve been looking for them more recently, and i look forward to reading every single one
13: Favorite Sonic Form?? - unpopular opinion time, i really like the werehog. i found that in sonic unleashed, the day stages (where you play as normal sonic) were much more boring than the night stages (where you play as the werehog). they were much easier to control because you could see where you were going, unlike the day sections, and a lot of my favorite levels were the werehog ones. Classic Sonic is also good, he’s VERY adorable cx
14: Classic, Dreamcast, or Modern?? - Dreamcast!! Sonic Adventure 2 is my jam
15: Favorite Sonic Levels?? - I’m extremely impartial to City Escape, it’s phenomenal. Literally the best xDD Uhh. I like Radical Highway as well. The Werehog levels from Sonic Unleashed are also good. I secretly enjoy the chemical plant from Shadow the Hedgehog
16: Favorite Sonic Soundtrack?? - Sonic Adventure 2, because I love how weird and just CATCHY it is. It’s both carefree and edgy and bright and dark and it’s extremely memorable. As well as Sonic Mania, because I have ears, and that soundtrack is everything I love about music.
17: Favorite Sonic Music Tracks?? - Green Hill Zone, Believe In Myself (Tails’ Theme), City Escape, Pumpkin Hill, Studiopolis Zone Act 1, Friends (The Opening Song to Sonic Mania) and freakin Live and Learn, which yall better play at my funeral or i swear to whatever god that i will haunt everyone for the rest of my life, just humming that song. i wanna rock out in the void to live and learn
18: Got any remixes you like?? - I’ve never really listened to sonic remixes, weirdly enough, that just occurred to me.
19: What do you contribute to the fandom?? - *sweats* well, when i was new to the fandom, i wrote some intensely cringe fanfiction that, if it ever saw the light of day, i would probably have to kill everyone that saw it just to save my reputation. other than that, i dont really contribute because ive newly returned to the fandom with the release of mania and forces, but you can bet there’s going to be some crafts in the future. i already have ideas.
21: Been to Sonic Boom?? - HOLY SHIT THATS A THING THATS REALLY COOL no i havent been xDD
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daydreamtailor · 7 years
hi im sorry to everyone who follows me and the sudden explosion of sonic the hedgehog posts im going through a renaissance
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daydreamtailor · 7 years
its my spring break and i was going to be so productive but now all i can think of is all the things i have to have done by the time school starts again so now im depressed and all i want to do is sit in a corner and pout all day and generally just be an argumentative asshole about everything and also put off sleeping
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daydreamtailor · 7 years
i want to make a steven universe cross stitch pattern for my 16 hour drive to colorado in a few weeks. any suggestions? (feel free to suggest anything not su related as well)
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daydreamtailor · 6 years
3 13 23 an 32!
3-Daydreams: If you could be anything or anyone, who would you be?? - I suppose that I would want to be a rain cloud. Something that shows it's genuine emotion without fear or repercussions. But then, I also quite like myself sometimes, so maybe I would be a cat.
13-Sunkissed: Autumn or Spring?? - To be honest, we don't really have either where I am!! ( as you know xDD ) But I think I like spring better. It's leading out of the sadness that is winter.
23-Mochi: Favorite Studio Ghibli film?? - I've only seen Spirited Away, and I love it so cx No Face is my sweet, terrible boy
32-Lace: If you own any dresses, which is your favorite?? - I have abouuut..... 7 or 8 Dresses, which is way more than I thought, honestly. My favorite is a tie between this one that's pink with small white flowers and a kind of pleated collar design (But it's so short it looks more like a blouse), and a spaghetti strap sundress with little blue flowers on it. They make me feel very cute and summery.
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daydreamtailor · 6 years
2D from Gorillaz, Pearl from Steven Universe, Noodle from Gorillaz ouo
you're right for two!! c; ill let you guess which, love
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daydreamtailor · 6 years
hi porn blogs im getting real tired of your shit fucking literally 7 of you follow me every day, just LEAVE ME ALONE I DONT WANT YOUR HOT BONDAGE BABES OKAY
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daydreamtailor · 8 years
i have an essay thats due tomorrow at 11:00 am and its 20% of my final grade and fukcin i just wanna go to bed and i hate alien life essays
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