#since this is the house video ill put his stats here
killjoy-prince · 2 months
House M.D. but it's when House says Wilson's name
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hg47 · 3 years
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 43)
-43-Since Islamic holy writings refer to Jews as apes who must all be killed before Judgment Day can occur, I think the following analogy is fair.  Fundamentalist Muslims are like barking sheepdogs that herd moderate Muslim sheep in the direction the radicals want.  Also, several Christian refugees from Iraq have mentioned to me in passing that Muslims in the Middle East treat their women like dogs. ++++------- http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/egypt-frets-fumes-over-ethiopias-nile-plan/2013/06/12/d3ab3f4a-d1e1-11e2-9577-df9f1c3348f5_story.html?wprss&google_editors_picks=true Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse in Egypt: Ethiopia is building a dam which will cut off or drastically reduce Egypt’s water supply. ++++------- http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/06/video-of-syrians-with-seized-u-n-vehicle-in-golan-heights/ An article about the kidnapping of twenty United Nations Peacekeepers in the Golan Heights by Syrian rebel fighters who denounce Assad as an agent of America working for the Jews. @hg47 says – The civil war in Syria is seen as a Big Lotto Paradise Party for mentally-ill Muslims or hard-core Muslims who have studied Islam carefully and who take its teachings seriously.  If this battle can be rationalized as a necessary jihad against Infidels, these men may get an opportunity to die for Islam where they pop straight to Paradise, avoiding the fearful uncertainty of Judgment Day before their unpredictable angry God. This is why these rebel fighters are calling Assad “an agent of Zionism and America.”  If they can rationalize the fighting in those terms, and just manage to off themselves during the fighting, “Paradise Here We Come!” This is also why the radical Islamist fighting groups are gaining ground as the most effective rebel fighters: their Muslim fighters are actually hoping for death, they are eager for death. This puppy may have started as a peaceful protest against Assad.  It has evolved into a ladder to Paradise. (Zionism is the Muslim word for Judaism when Jews don’t know their “proper place” as inferiors subject to Muslim dominance.  Muslims also have a term for the United States while we refuse Muslim domination: The Great Satan.) ++++------- A quote from Hasan al-Banna, a founder of the Muslim Brotherhood: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” ++++------- tweet ~ Muslims recite anti-Semitic & anti-Christian rhetoric at least 17 times a day, and over 5,000 times every year. ~ verify at: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics ++++------- http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article/568999/201104131804/How-Free-Israel-Prospers-As-Islam-Remains-In-Dark.htm Chuck Devore puts forth the stats on the Success of Israel and Judaism, compared to the Failure of the Muslim world and Islam. Here’s one interesting stat: The Arab and Iranian world produced about one patent per year for every 3 million people, compared with Israel’s output of one annual patent for every 5,295 people; 568 times that of Israel’s neighbors and sometime enemies. ++++------- http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/radical-political-religion-will-soon-shape-the-mideast-1.340271 An article analyzing how radical Islam has won in Egypt, and is winning everywhere else in the Middle East also. @hg47 says – Demographically, Israel is doomed in this Century unless it evicts its own citizens who are Muslims, which it can’t do.  Or can it?  My hope is that the Jewish people in Israel will do what is necessary for Israel to survive, and if evicting enemies in their midst is part of the equation, so be it.  I approve.  And I understand. There is actually a precedent, should Israel choose to evict its Muslim citizens, and change the essential nature of its government. Saudi Arabia forcibly removed or killed all non-Muslims within their land, following what their leaders perceived as a command from their Prophet.  Naturally, the Saudis kept all the Infidels’ property and most of their women as slaves.  Now, Saudi Arabia is pristine.  Pure.  Jews and Christians may visit some parts of Saudi Arabia, but are restricted in what they may bring into the country, and how they may behave, and where they may go. The Israelis would probably be much more civilized about evicting the “civilian” enemy Muslims in their midst, those who would love to cut the throats of these powerful Jews. ++++------- tweet ~ Christian Solidarity International has liberated 80,000+ Sudanese slaves taken captive by Arab Muslims. ~ verify at: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics ++++------- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/terry-kelhawk/wikileaks-expose-cracks-i_b_789615.html Terry Kelhawk on how Americans are mislead by Islam; we think the differences in Muslim sects are trivial, but these differences are central and worth killing over. ++++------- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/7897125/White-Christian-Britons-being-unfairly-targeted-for-hate-crimes-by-CPS-Civitas-claims.html Christopher Hope argues that U.K. prosecutors and police are unfairly singling out alleged crimes by white Christians, while discounting other similar offences by minority groups. ++++------- http://www.hudson-ny.org/1610/sharia-advancing-in-west Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury suggests that due to the nature of Zakat (Muslim Charity which is really “A Solidarity,” or an “I support you,” type of thing), that Sharia banks must inevitably divert funds into organizations promoting jihad and supporting suicide bombing, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and worse (from the Western POV).  If these Sharia banking institutions do not secretly fund terrorism, they will not be following Sharia law. ++++------- A quote from J. ROSENBLUM: “On a Freedom House scale of freedom (on which seven is the least free) the median for Arab nations is 5.5. For the rest of the world it is 2.5. Whether it is child brides in Gaza, institutionalized selection of dancing pre-pubescent boys as mistresses by older males in Afghanistan or widespread clitoridectomy in much of the Muslim world, the media take a pass.” ++++------- A quote from Ahmad Ibrahim, a founder of Hamas, talking about Jews: “Six million descendants of monkeys now rule in all the nations of the world, but their day, too, will come. Allah! Kill them all, do not leave even one!” ++++------- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7392235.stm Inside a Palestinian refugee camp @hg47 says - These interviews explain why there will never be peace in the Middle East—Palestinians are almost exclusively focused upon the destruction of Israel, and recovering lost Islamic territory, at the expense of their own lives and the lives of their families. There is a famous saying: If the Jewish people in Israel put down their weapons, within one week there would be no more Israel.  If the Palestinian Muslims put down their weapons, there would be a prosperous State for them and their families within one year. (I used to believe this, but no longer: I now think the Palestinians have too much hate within them to ever be prosperous, no matter what; IMHO their hate has become their reason for being.  They would be lost without their hate, and would have to find someone or something else to hate.) The Arabs are fighting a holy war: the quality of their own lives is irrelevant compared to defeating Israel. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-44+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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hedgehog-goulash7 · 7 years
Pay Attention: Here’s How You Fight Back Under Trump
It’s tempting to boycott the inauguration and change the channel whenever Trump’s on TV.
But we can’t afford to look away any more.
By Erin Gloria Ryan, THE DAILY BEAST
01.19.17 12:03 PM ET
Humans naturally have an aversion to pain. Sometimes this is helpful. A child learns that sticking their finger in the dog’s food bowl results in a nip. A teenager tries to weasel out of a missed curfew only to learn that their parents have many years more experience lying than they do. An adult learns that spending a day shopping for Ikea furniture with a new lover will result in strife.
Other avoidant behavior isn’t as useful. Not checking one’s bank account balance after a blockbuster weekend, for example, could result in an embarrassing surprise when one’s card is declined. Not visiting your nursing home-bound grandfather out of fear that facing his failing health will shake you could lead to the sort of regret that eats you alive on the inside. Not paying attention to the exact way a creepy used car dealer is trying to screw you over could lead to a whole universe of stress headaches.
On Friday, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. He’ll make history in a number of ways—he has no public service experience, he lost the popular vote by 3 million, and he’s got the lowest approval rating of any president-elect ever. And, while I don’t have the official stats on this, I’m pretty sure he’ll be the first president with a piss-related sexual scandal before he even takes office. At least in my lifetime.
Donald Trump rose to fame on a reputation as being a guy who screws, in the literal and figurative sense. He screwed his way through Manhattan, if the New York City tabloids of the 1980’s are to be believed. He screwed his first wife, figuratively, by screwing his second wife, literally. He would go on to screw his second wife, figuratively, and the child they had together, whom he seems to forget exists from time to time. In the meantime, he was screwing his casino employees, his contractors, his business partners. He was bragging about how adept a screwer he was to Howard Stern, to Billy Bush, to the cast and crew of The Apprentice. Nothing he’s done since declaring himself a candidate for president, save for the face he made when he walked onstage at Trump Tower after election night, hasn’t been screwy.
Trump’s managed to offend or upset nearly every non-fat-white-guy demographic during his nascent political career. Mexicans, the press, Muslims, women, Meryl Streep, black people, Buzzfeed employees, Megyn Kelly, deaf people, Nevadans. His brand of nationalist barking is both noisy and intellectually incoherent, offensive to the ears and brain. It makes sense that people who prefer to surround themselves with that which is beautiful and joyful would turn away from Trump. It makes sense that a person would reach for the remote when he appears on the nightly news. It’s perfectly normal to want to flip past the front page of the paper or scroll past a news story about what the new President is up to.
Turns out, liberals and progressives have been changing the channel when political unpleasantness reared its head for years. While this country’s liberals were busy gif’ing the POTUS pretending to brush his shoulders off, an alarming number of statehouses and governor’s mansions went to Republicans. A Republican congress gerrymandered the House out of contention until at least 2020, maybe longer. Democrats lost the Senate. While some were rolling their eyes at Trump tweets, smugly confident that Hillary would glide into the Oval Office, Trump voters were sharing bogus news stories and viral talking-head Facebook rants and heading to the polls, riled up.
It seems that liberals didn’t grasp until it was too late that being funnier, or cooler, or smarter, or having more famous friends isn’t taken into account in tabulating the electoral college totals. Votes don’t count more or less depending on whether or not the person casting it did so for a terrible reason. A woman in Michigan who dutifully learned the positions of both candidates and cast her ballot carefully can have her vote canceled out by a man who just doesn’t like Hillary Clinton’s face. An acrid comeback on Twitter doesn’t cancel any votes. Lena Dunham doesn’t need to star in any more outreach videos about abortion.
If liberals are so smart, then why were the people some would deride as denizens of flyover country able to outsmart us, over and over? Why have they been able to use that power to disenfranchise voters, making it even more difficult for the left to regain lost territory? We’re pretty damn smug for people who keep losing.
In the years leading up to Trump Year Zero, those who were empowered to put a stop to the events already in motion were not paying attention. Or, at least, they weren’t paying attention to the right things. While banishing bad thoughts is a relief in the short-term, problems don’t go away if you pretend they don’t exist. An illness, for example, won’t get better if you just ignore it. Bills don’t get smaller if you simply don’t pay them. Leaving on vacation and never checking in on your house isn’t a good way to keep it from being robbed. Unless we start paying attention en masse to the ugly, unpleasant aspects of Donald Trump, it’s only going to get worse. We no longer have the luxury of avoidance. From this point forward, it’s a dissenter’s patriotic duty to face whatever pain Trump’s words and actions cause. Do not retreat into comfort. Those who oppose Trump need to know enough about what is going on to speak up against it when it crosses a line.
Trump’s power comes from being able to pull a fast one on the public by disappearing into a cloud of bullshit every time something singularly damaging surfaces. Don’t let the volume of distractions minimize their severity. Russian influence in American politics, the new Justice Department, the deficit, access to health care, and Trump’s nominees for cabinet posts are all issues that deserve unrelenting attention from the general public. It doesn’t matter if he was pretending to write a speech at a reception desk at Mar-a-Lago. It’s funny, but we’ve spent the last 8 years laughing when we should have been listening.
Don’t get overwhelmed. Don’t change the channel. Trump’s lack of palatability was an asset, and it will continue to be an asset as long as it can convince people who should be working against him to stop keeping abreast to the facts. Don’t let him force you to stop listening. Don’t let a person who has spent a career screwing business and personal contacts screw the whole country.
If the next four years are going to be a fight, you can’t depend on anybody to fight for you but you. Watch the entire inauguration. And watch the hearings of Trump’s cabinet nominees. And read the newspaper. And call your representative. And talk to your neighbors. And run for office. And don’t forget why you care. Force yourself. Don’t let the pain of the way Donald Trump pronounces “China” distract you. The time to look away has ended.
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This 7 Months Baby Update is full of developmental milestones and a scary mysterious illness.
Baby R has accomplished so much in the last month! It’s like his neurons and motor coordination are just on steroids right now.
As a family, we spent our 4th of July at the farm with my in-laws. He loved being surrounded by other kids and getting so much attention from his grandparents. I feel grateful that we were surrounded by loving family members and that we have been able to connect with family near and far away.
Now let’s get into this 7 months baby update!
Baby R’s Stats
At Birth:  6lbs 12oz, 19.5 inches tall, size newborn clothes and diapers.
2 weeks old: 7 lbs 3oz and measured 20.25 inches tall, size 0-3 months clothes and size 1 diapers.
2 months old: 11 lbs 11oz and measured 22.75 Inches tall, size 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers.
4 months old: 15 lbs 6 oz and measured 25.5 inches tall, size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
5 months old: 16 lbs 14 oz and measured 25.75 inches tall, size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
6 months old: 17 lbs 10 oz, 27.5 inches tall, size 12 months clothes and size 3 diapers during the day and 4 at night.
7 months old: 18 lbs 8 oz, 27.5 inches tall, size 12 months clothes and size 4 diapers.
Roark is loving his solid food. He eats 3 times a day and recently I have started introducing him to a snack every once in a while. He can use a sip cup for water during meals.
He doesn’t like chunky food, but I have introduced whole pieces of food so he can work on holding the food with his hands. It usually ends up crushed by his hands and all over his hair, but hey, that’s part of learning, right?
He still breastfeeds, specially when he wakes up, before his naps and before he goes to bed at night.
I think he is somewhat outgrowing his dairy/soy intolerance as I am trying to reintroduce some dairy to my diet and he hasn’t had as bad of reaction as he used to have.
We have recently started having more pee leaks at night, which tells me an upgrade in diaper size is in order so he’s on number 4s all day now. One thing I haven’t mentioned before is that his stool has changed a lot since we introduced solids to him. We had a good schedule going before solids, but now there is no timeframe for number 2. We haven’t had any more blowouts, but he does sometimes experiences constipation. Nobody warned me that as soon as babies start eating solids their poop starts to stink big time. I am glad we decided to buy the diaper genie. Even though the refills are a little more costly, the diaper genie has kept our house odor free and let me tell you, it is a good thing!
Sleeping is getting to be a big issue for us this month. Roark is really reluctant to sleep during the day and as a result he gets really cranky. I am not sure if he is going through a sleep regression phase.
The only advice I’ve seen to get him to sleep is the cry-out method, however I’ve tried it a couple times and after 45 mins of crying, he still won’t go to sleep. I feel awful about letting him cry and he still gets no rest, so I am in need of some advice and help. To make things even worse, he refuses to sleep on his crib or pack and play during the day, only falling sleep in my arms. As soon as I go to lay him down, he wakes up screaming. I’ve tried several things and nothing has worked yet.
Developmental – 7 months update
Has 2 teeth! (bottom front)
Pulls up on things – I was reading his daddy’s baby book. Apparently, his daddy started pulling up and walking around furniture at 7 months as well.
Says mamma and reaches for me- now I know it’s intentionally. His first word was mamma.
Sits by himself and sits unaided
Laughs with us or by himself
Grabs our mouths/noses
Sucks on his toes
Does the dab!
Uses sip cup
A scary illness
At the same time Roark was teething and turning 7 months, he developed a really high fever of 104F. At first I thought it was due to teething, but after giving him a warm bath and putting cool rags on his head and giving him some Tylenol, it became clear it was not going away. I called the pediatrician right away and they asked us to go the office for an exam. After a physical exam and 2 strep tests that came back negative, the doctor that saw us (our regular pediatrician was not in) recommended that we administer Fever All suppositories. We tried giving Roark Tylenol and Advil, but he would throw up more than half of the dose each time because of the taste and consistency, so after a couple days fighting/trying to administer oral medication, the fever would not break so we reached a new point of desperation. His fever hit an all time high (111F, but we are not sure the thermometer was right) and so we called the doctor and gave him Fever All. We were on our way out of the door to take him to the hospital and the fever went down. Since he had no other symptoms, the doctor said we should stay put as long as the fever stayed lower than 102F because the hospital wouldn’t be able to do anything else for him that we were not already doing. Other than the fever, he had no other problems. He was eating and he was hydrated. The poor kid was burning up for 4 days and we had to keep giving him Fever All and cooling him down with baths and rags. The doctor thought it could be Rosalea, but Roark never got a rash which is a tell tale sign of the virus. Just as mysterious as it appeared, it disappeared. After 4 days, his fever broke and his temperature went back to normal and he was a happy camper. We still don’t know what happened, but it was certainly scary. We are just glad he’s back to normal and healthy now.
Post-partum update
There is quite a bit to update, so I am going to write a separate post. My pelvic situation has to be one of the things that no one tells you about pregnancy!
Some Thoughts on Motherhood
This month, I am realizing more and more how time flies when babies are little. Yesterday I was giving birth, now I am thinking about his first birthday party.
I am also starting to feel the long-term effects of sleep deprivation with a precocious child that won’t stand still or sleep, I can’t keep track of time anymore. Everything is a blur.
And although time is flying by and it seems like I am stuck in a day to day rut of childcare and housework, I’ve started developing guilt and anxiety about capturing Roark’s milestones and our lives more. I have noticed recently that I am not picking up my camera and phone as often lately because I am falling into a state of blasé. I tell myself, “Oh! He will do that again tomorrow. I will take a picture then…” instead of rushing to my camera and begging him to repeat whatever motion he just did. It’s a dangerous territory, because I should know that my baby is growing way too fast and maybe he won’t do that tomorrow. He may already have learned something else by then.
I also need to let go of my perfectionist streak because when I look at pictures of Roark on my phone of the first months, those are the pictures I treasure the most, not the ones I posed and dressed him. Those pictures have a place in our walls, his baby book, on greeting cards – but the ones that live on my phone remind me of how little and fragile he was. How he smelled, how he felt against my skin. How even though my body felt battered and I couldn’t believe I would feel normal again, I was overwhelmed with love and joy. I love those pictures, I love what they represent. That is why I need to make more of an effort and worry less about the messy house in the background, the mismatched outfits he wears when I am too tired to look for something else, the composition and light in our family room where we spend 90% of our time and all the other technical and aesthetic aspects of photography that keep me from capturing those moments.
It is so true that “the days are long, but the years are short” and I should make more of an effort to document our everyday lives. I want Roark to have these mementos because he won’t remember these years. I want to have these mementos because in this state of blur I am living in right now, I may not remember too much of this time in a few years. That is why I push myself to write this blog when I should be sleeping.
Oh, what a vicious circle!
As always, I am a work in progress, so as Roark develops, I am also working on developing myself in this new world of motherhood.
What are your struggles? 
I hope you enjoyed this 7 months baby update. If you would like to see Roark, watch the video here.
For other baby updates and pregnancy tips, click here.
7 Months Baby Update This 7 Months Baby Update is full of developmental milestones and a scary mysterious illness. Baby R has accomplished so much in the last month!
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killjoy-prince · 2 months
House M.D. but it's when Wilson says House's name
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