#so it's fitting that the character i originally intended to be hd would end up with his Other doing it
sparingiscaring · 1 year
I'm just staring at the starting storylet for Heart's Desire and going
am i really willing to submit myself to this again
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sattickate · 6 years
Heathers: The Television Pilot
So I watched the pilot for the Heathers show yesterday. It's not faithful to the original film at all. like it goes in a completely different direction - more SJW than maintaining the "status quo" like in the film, that said, I didn't hate it.
I won't be watching the rest of the series because it's not my thing. It's Heathers in concept only, not plot. It does make some references to the original (quoting famous lines, big fun is a chip brand, the new happiness posters, the original score), but it very much is a departure from the film. And it is for that reason that I can't place it on the same level as the film or even the musical. 
Though it's not outright terrible, it's not a cult classic from and set in the late 80s. This show may be "just" but it is so not "very".
(via my facebook page)
Naturally, I have a lot of opinions on Heathers, the television show. I say naturally because the film is my favourite movie of all-time. And, although I recorded a video commentary/analysis/comparison of the show in relation to the film and musical, I have no idea when I’ll get around to editing that or exactly how clear and concise my opinions will be.  So, going back to the medium at which I’m best, let me take the time to go into more detail about the show so far, my opinions on it in relation to the source material and the musical and how it would be as a stand-alone show. Future Katey coming to tell you that I did edit the video and here’s the link to watch it. 
Spoiler alert below the cut as I will be going into detail of the events of the entire pilot (as well as the film and music as a whole but if you haven’t seen those where have you been?). 
If you’d like a plot summary but don’t actually want to watch the episode.
TL;DR: below the cut, my analysis may be quite long so be prepared to read a lot.
Let’s just clarify some things right off the bat, the show is set in 2017/2018, not in 1988 as was the film (or in ‘89 like the musical). The slang has been updated to fit the time, for example, ‘very’ becomes ‘just’. References are made to the original film: big fun is now a brand of chips, there are “the New Happiness” posters hung on the walls of the school, some dialogue from the film is recycled or repurposed for the show, and (my favourite nod to the film) some of the original film score has been used (or slightly updated) for the show. [This last thing is a very minute detail, but I am such a sucker for the film’s score, so I appreciated that little touch.]
The opening is a bit graphic, to say the least.
Eight years prior to the main events of the episode, we are introduced to an adult woman in a red scrunchie. She has just doused her house in gasoline and lit the match when her husband and son come home. The father quickly runs into the house while the son stays in the car as the mother waves at him from her bedroom window then shoots herself from (under her chin/jaw) as her son is left watching the entire thing. It’s safe to assume the boy in the car is JD because, by the episode’s end, that assumption proves to be true.
So how similar is it to the film, really?
Not very. Not very at all. OK despite my ass clinging to the use of the word very for dear life now, the show honestly has very little to do with the source material. One could speculate that Shannen Doherty’s character (JD’s mother who commits suicide in the show’s cold open) might be someone from the original film and that’s how they could be linked. Otherwise, there’s not much similarity to the original beyond the basic concept and shared character names. And the references. There are loads of references to the source material - not so much to the musical - but you’d be hardpressed to forget this is a reboot with all the allusions to the original.
Why are the diverse characters the villains?
I have no fucking clue. In the narrative, it’s because people who are different are now popular. 
Heather Chandler (HC) is fat (or as the show calls it “body positive” as if to say fat is a bad word and only overweight people can be body positive) and she appears to be into a more blackmail centred version of social justice. And she’ll continue to blackmail people even after her “death” it seems - if the sneak peek at the end of the episode’s any indication. 
Heather Duke (HD) is our genderqueer character, and we see she/her pronouns being used (I can’t recall if other pronouns were also used for Duke). She basically copies HC in that blackmail approach to social justice and she’s secretly very envious of HC
Heather McNamara (HM) is our biracial Heather, she is also supposedly a lesbian, but we see her making out with one of her male teachers in the parking lot of Snappy’s Snack Shack. HD catches her in this act and claims that HM is not actually LGBTQ+ (sexuality is fluid though so maybe HM is another type of WLW. Though, by the way, this show is going HD seems correct in her assumption that HM is straight).
Outside of this narrative though it doesn’t make any sense. We could have gotten a POC Veronica and/or JD (who they seem to be making more of an antihero than outright psychopath), or they could have gender-bent JD and made Veronica WLW to provide diversity in a way that doesn’t villainise the diverse.
Trying to Flip the Script
As I said above, they seem to want to make JD more of an antihero than the psychopathic killer he was in the film. And I noticed this was something they tried to do in the musical too. They may not have gone as far as making him an anti-hero in the musical, but they were definitely trying to make him a more sympathetic character.
In the film, there’s this element of mystery to him. What was his past? When did he start killing? Was HC his first or was framing murders as suicides always his M.O.? The film alludes to his mother’s presumed suicide as the catalyst for his strange fascination with death but it never comes out an says it. Maybe I like that because it’s also left a little ambiguous to how JD’s mother died. We all know he said it was a suicide - “she walked into a building right before my dad blew it up.” - but was that the whole truth? Did she really decide to die in such a way? Was she lured into the building under false pretences (every time I watch the film, I’m very suspicious of JD’s dad, and I get the feeling that he may have murdered his wife)?
I suspect that if this show continues, and based on reviews, it’s not looking good, we’ll see more of that: how his mother died and why he is the way he is.
I also wonder how much of the other characters they plan to change. In the show, Veronica’s only label seems to be that she thinks of herself to be a “good person”. In the film, she was bored with where she was in the school’s social hierarchy. JD provided her with adventure that she wasn’t finding at school or with her friends. JD disrupted that status quo, and that’s what was so intriguing to her. In this show, though, the status quo has already been disrupted. The outsiders are insiders now.So what could JD possibly offer than changes her whole perspective?
Betty or Martha
Just as in the musical, it seems as though these two characters get combined. Unless they intend to introduce or make mention of Martha “dumptruck” Dunnstock later, it seems as though she’s been combined with Betty Finn.
As for Betty, she’s not the innocent one you loved from the film. This one seems to be quite envious of Veronica. She’s got a chip on her shoulder, and after HC’s not-really-death she delivers a eulogy on campus which seems to be setting her up as the next Heather - the new sheriff in town, as it were. Though HD and HM are fighting to claim the void that HC left as the school’s ruler, it seems by the next day, Betty would take it upon herself to claim this role. And I really don’t know how I feel about that.
In the film, Betty was Veronica’s past and a place she to which she longed to return. Betty was her life before the Heathers. And she longed for that simpler time. She was a pleasant reminder of what Veronica used to have and what she was trying to get back. Similarly, Martha was Veronica’s future. After dethroning HD, Veronica befriends Martha, and they plan to spend prom together watching movies and eating popcorn. The chaos is out of her life, and Martha offers her a chance of normality.
Having said that, my next question is, what will be Veronica’s relationship with HM? In the film, HM was the quietest of the Heathers and only really partook in events because the rest of the group was. After HD mocked her for her troubles [Poor Little Heather], she attempted suicide - which was quickly stopped by Veronica who spotted the signs. Their relationship grew in the film because of this event. There was genuine caring and support that Veronica had with HM that she didn’t have with the other Heathers and I wonder if that will ever be explored in the show. I would love to see Veronica being friends with HM and Martha in the show, if the show doesn’t die a quick death, because those were the relationships that were being created at the end of the film so we didn’t get the chance to explore them further. Veronica saw the pain these women were having and made an effort to befriend and help them after they had both attempted suicide. That is something that would be really cool to explore, but I doubt they ever will.
Wait, so Heather Chandler didn’t die?
She did not. The final moments of the episode flashback to earlier that day where HC wakes up in the morning after having smashed through her table and seemingly died the previous night. At first, she’s pissed and is prepared to make Veronica and JD’s lives a living hell, that is, until she checks her phone and realises just how much more popular she has become now that people believe her to be dead. 
And that’s where we leave things. We get a little sneak peek of episodes to come. HC will seemingly blackmail Veronica and JD to help bring about “justice” for her. Which appears to take the form of killing other students and framing them as suicides at HC’s request.
Final Thoughts
I think this could have been a really cool show had certain monikers not been attached. This show is both trying to pay homage to the film and be its own thing, and I feel like that could lead to its downfall. If the character had different names, this could be a really cool stand-alone show. The plot of the show will obviously have to deviate from the film to allow for multiple episodes, so it’s really only similar in a general concept and sporting characters with identical names to the film and musical.
Had this show been a looser adaptation/reboot or had it only been inspired by the film I could see it having a much longer life than it probably will. While I love the allusions to the film, this show is a drastic departure, and although I don’t hate it and could admire it as it’s owe thing (had the title been different and the characters’ names changed), I won’t be watching it any further.
If I’m a “stan” for anything, it would be the 1988 cult classic on which this show is based. But I just feel that the show is both trying really hard to be it’s own unique thing while also trying to be a love-letter to the film and I think that’s where it’s going to struggle.
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homedevises · 5 years
Is Garden Of Eden Story Bible Any Good? 22 Ways You Can Be Certain | garden of eden story bible
Editor’s note: The afterward address preached by the Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.D., on February 12, 2019, at the Church of the Holy Innocents, Manhattan.
Expelled from the Garden of Eden | Bible Story Crafts and Coloring … – garden of eden story bible | garden of eden story bible
Beginning bygone and for the abutting brace of weeks, at circadian Mass the Church will be alleviative us to passages from the Book of Genesis. This afternoon, I shall absolute myself to the aboriginal two chapters, accustomed that this is a noontime Mass on a assignment day.
The aboriginal book of the Bible, interestingly enough, is rather a late-comer and shows the duke of several authors and editors. Genesis is the Greek name for the assignment (meaning, “beginning”), while the Hebrew name comes from the aboriginal words of the volume, “In the beginning, God created.” The book may be disconnected into two arch sections. The aboriginal eleven capacity accord with the ancestry of the cosmos and of animal beings in general, while capacity 12-50 are added specific and call the civic origins of the Hebrew people.
Even a accidental clairvoyant of Genesis will apprehension that there are two conception accounts with actual altered explanations of how things came to be. The aboriginal (1:1-2:4a) is from what is termed the Priestly antecedent (because of this writer’s affair with affairs liturgical); the additional begins at 2:4b and is attributed to the Yahwist (so alleged because he consistently uses “Yahweh” to name God). Neither purports to be an beholder recording of those aboriginal events. On the contrary, they are anapestic and apostolic works advised to back assertive basal religious truths – which is why St. Augustine (writing in the fifth century) would attention his readers not to adapt these antecedent capacity of Genesis literally. Indeed, the credible inconsistencies of the two accounts (from a abreast accurate or actual viewpoint) did not agitated the final editor, which is why he placed them ancillary by ancillary (in the liturgy, the aboriginal adaptation bygone and today, and the additional tomorrow and Thursday). In fact, their theologies accompaniment anniversary other.
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The Priestly annual is a masterpiece of artistic literature. The columnist divides God’s artistic action into six days, appropriately anxiety what would become man’s assignment week, because he intends to advise a assignment at the end. He has God blow on the seventh day, accouterment animal beings with a all-powerful archetype for the Sabbath observance. The conception is anxiously abiding in an ascendance order. One gets the aforementioned activity as back alert to a symphony: There is a alternating theme; it is bizarre and undergoes variations; the allotment alcove acme in the conception of Adam and Eve and is bound in the Lord’s Sabbath rest. This annual differs from all the archaic conception acceptance of added cultures and religions in that God creates the apple from nothing, in an effortless address (by a word) and in a majestic appearance (“let us”). The biblical adventure highlights the Hebrew confidence that their God is clashing any added god.
Creation occurs through a word. For the Hebrew, a chat was a actual able concept, the actual addendum of the speaker. Therefore, we can say that God puts Himself into the act of creation. The ability of the chat is emphasized actual generally throughout the Old Testament and achieves a new abyss of acceptation in the New Testament back John’s Gospel informs us that “the Chat became flesh.”
The Yahwist annual is abundant earlier and is accounting in such a address that the man and the woman become prototypes of Everyman and Everywoman. It is absorbing that actuality bodies are created first. The apostolic acumen seems to be to accent the actuality that the absolute cosmos is fabricated accurately for animal beings and is at their disposal. This is hit aloft afresh back we apprehend that the man called all the creatures: To name article adumbrated ascendancy over that thing.
Eve Bible Character – Mother of All the Living – garden of eden story bible | garden of eden story bible
The man is created from the adobe of the apple and is aggressive by the animation of God. This gives announcement to the acceptance that bodies are of the earth, yes, but that they allotment in the activity of God Himself.
In this archaic theology, God is declared in actual animal terms. In fact, it is somewhat agreeable to account God creating all sorts of beings to accomplish the man happy, but to no avail. Of course, alike this has a apostolic purpose, for the columnist may accept been aggravating to abash the bodies of the time from agreeable in agnostic rites of bestiality. Therefore, the angelic columnist seizes the befalling to accomplish this point: Only addition animal actuality can appropriately complete and accomplish a animal being. The actuality that the woman is created from the man stresses yet addition basal assumption of the Judaeo-Christian Tradition, namely, that man and woman allotment a accepted activity and adore a God-given equality.
Doubtless, some of you are allurement how all this fits or does not fit with the approach of evolution. First, we accept to say that there is no one, distinct approach of change but several. In the main, though, we charge say that Catholic teaching eschews any absolutely acquisitive appearance of the origins of the cosmos and of man. However, it does not crave adherence to assorted forms of creationism. From St. Augustine to Pope Pius XII to Pope John Paul II to Pope Benedict XVI, the Church has staked out a affectionate of via media. Realizing that the aboriginal capacity of Genesis are accounting in balladry and that the Bible is a canon argument and not a science book, the Church is able to cross a aisle through the Scylla and Charybdis of acquisitive change and “young earth” creationism.
1000+ images about Adam & Eve/Eden Lessons on Pinterest … – garden of eden story bible | garden of eden story bible
So, what charge we hold? First, that all that exists is created by Almighty God; second, that there was a appropriate and absolute conception of man, done by the spirit or animation of God; third, that every animal actuality advancing into the apple to the present day is additionally a appropriate and absolute creation, actuality able with an abiding body by God; finally, that all conception is captivated in actuality by the advancing advantageous affliction of the Creator.
Quite appropriately, then, did we accompany our choir to that of the Psalmist as we prayed: “O Lord, our God, how admirable your name in all the earth!”
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