#sorry ik nobody cares sometimes you just need to write things for the sake of writing them
im having the worst week it’s tech week and i’m sick and my ed deadline for college apps is november 15th which is also the last day of the show my school’s doing and im head of sound which i love sound but my crew is not reliable at all and our directors are so overbearing and they expect so much from us and i literally am so exhausted and on sunday night i had a dream that i watched my pets die right in front of me and that really threw my entire week off so i’m doing so great
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Okay Shauni, since recently you have been talking about Veronica a lot this is a good time to tell you this. Are you for real when you say that you’ve been waiting to kill Veronica since the beginning? Because the strange thing here, isn’t your hate for her (we can hate who we want), it’s the fact you thought the possibility of her death was ever on the table. I don’t know if you noticed, but she is a kid. Not even the Nowi kind of kid, just a literal child. IS can’t even put a kid in a silly dress without provoking a massive sh*tstorm, what do you think will happen if they show the death of a kid on-screen, even letting US kill her? The consequences would be grave, very grave, and for once I would be complaining too. This is a NINTENDO game, this game is played even by young children, and they CANNOT make the “good guys” kill a kid and make players think killing children can be the right thing to do in any situation. Even before we discovered she is being influenced by an evil dragon, even before the game came out, when we didn’t know her personality, it baffles me to think even a single person was expecting the heroes would kill her at the end, like all the previous evil rulers in FE (barring Gangrel I guess). Uhm… she is not like the previous evil rulers, she has the very major difference of being a kid. Imagine if Ashnard and Sanaki were swapped in PoR, with Ashnard being king of an allied nation and Sanaki the psycho Queen of Daein. Do you think Ike would have treated her the same way he treated Ashnard in canon? Heck no, they would have tried a lot harder to find some kind of alternative way of defeating her, and maybe investigate how it was possible that a 10 year old girl ended up becoming so rotten. After everything else failed, Ike would have killed her in the end because she had to die in order to save everyone, but that experience would have scarred him for life. He just killed a little girl even younger than his beloved sister. You don’t get over that kind of trauma. I could see him throw away Ragnell in the ocean and cripple himself in order to never wield a sword again, like his dad did. And anyway a game like that would never be made because you can’t release a game that let’s you kill children, even if it’s rated M. They never made a single underage NPC in GTA for that reason alone, because they are not stupid. I feel a little silly even having to explain this, and I’m sorry if I sound rude, or antagonistic, but this in my eyes is such an obvious truth… but I guess it isn’t as obvious as I thought. And some people are even worried about the Rite of Flame, like Veronica and Ylgr (the one with us is Loki, not Ylgr) may have died… guys they are not dead, they can’t die… children getting murdered in a NINTENDO game is just not possible, and even if it was possible I feel like a lot of people (including me) would quit FEH for good if that happened. I don’t care if it’s a bad guy that kills them, it’s still impossible and wrong on so many levels. Ganondorf is the king of all evil, and even he did not kill Link’s little sister in Wind Waker after capturing her. Why do you think Surtr killed Fjorm’s big sister and mother to show us how EEEEVULLLZZ he is, and not Fjorm’s little sister instead? That is even EVULLLERR but he didn’t do that, he just said he wants to do that. And that is enough to tell us he is a disgusting monster that needs to be killed. The work is done, they don’t need to show Surtr killing children to make us hate him even more, we already hate him enough, and doing that would only alienate the fanbase. I would stop hating Surtr and start hating Intelligent System for ruining the game for the sake of being dark and edgy beyond reason. So for the people worried about Ylgr and Veronica, don’t worry they are 100% safe.
But you scare me sometimes Shauni, I said eveyone is free to hate everyone, but hating is one thing, writing “I can’t wait to see her dead”, “I want to kill her so much, but it’s probably not gonna happen” and many others sentences like that is… I don’t know it just makes me uncomfortable. If you hate her, that’s fine but remember she is a child, so you have to bring your hate on the childish level, not drag her in the scary world of adults. Say you are gonna hide a giant spider somewhere in her bed, tell her nobody will come at her birthday party because she is ugly, and nobody wants to be her friend, call her nasty nicknames, anything, even mean spirited bully harassing stuff is better than “I hope you die”. I don’t know, maybe this is just black humor and I’m being a kill-joy, no-fun allowed kind of guy, and to be honest I would prefer that. It would mean it was all a stupid misunderstanding on my part because I don’t understand dark humor, which is way better than the alternative. If it is black humor, well I can’t tell you what kind of jokes to make, and I will still not like them everytime I read them, but I can tell myself that it’s just a joke atleast. If it’s not a joke and you are being serious… that is unfortunate, but can I ask you to tone it down a bit? As of right now the comments about Veronica’s death are the only contents in your Tumblr that make me sad, instead of happy or amused, and even if I can’t decide things for you, I can atleast voice my opinion. I’m half-worried that one day something really tragic is gonna happen to Veronica (like Xander or Bruno being burned alive to save her) and she starts crying and everything is awful and while I try to hold all of the feels for the next week, I stumble upon a post of you celebrating, and saying she deserved that. I think you can understand how awful I would feel. :( ;_;
by @dangerouseggwolfangel
Okay, so first of all: thank you for taking the time to type all this ^^
Then, I must admit: it really never occured to me that Veronica was a child. Actually, how old is she? Do we know? Because I always assumed she was like 15, just like Elise... and since Elise was obviously not deathproofed in Birthright (and arguably Anthony in Revelation, even if his possessed nature doomed him from the start), I never thought Veronica had a Ino's veil that protected her from death. So yes, unfortunately, I really was expecting her to die; I never noticed she was, by default, very high on the sorting algorithm of mortality. My overanalyzing tendencies are selective, and most of the time I don't think twice about a character's situation. I literally never stopped to wonder if she really was a teen or rather a child and just automatically assumed she was a teen (and Bruno, her older brother, a young adult). 
If it sounds stupid of me to you, then it's probably because it is stupid of me, but that is the truth nonetheless. I'm afraid that is my only excuse. So let's just say I really am stupid, then I can properly apologize for upsetting you with my thoughtless words: I am sorry.
My dislike of Veronica as a character doesn't change, of course, but since my recent replies about her troubled you, I think it's best (for you, for everyone who likes her, for me) that I stop talking about her altogether. When we don't have anything nice to say, it's best to keep quiet, right? 
So from now on, I won't answer any asks about Veronica anymore, and everyone's dashboard will be peaceful.
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