#squanchy looks for new apartments hes sick of them
birdperselias · 4 months
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birdrick doodles pt 2
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ricksanchezfics · 6 years
For the Sake of the Band-1/?
my first Rick Sanchez fan fic! ahhhh! 
I had this idea in the car on the way to work this morning and had to get the first part down. Out of all the things going on today, this was something I couldn’t possibly neglect ;)
Rating: Teen, mostly smut for now, though I do plan on slapping on the Mature rating later.
Prompt: Singer-songwriter OC and/or Reader x Flesh Curtains!Rick. Reader is touring with Flesh Curtains and must try to maintain platonic relationship with Sanchez... haha yeah right.
Words: 1,026 words
“Whatcha doing?” Krysti shouted plopping down on the couch, skidding my pen across my page. Well, I was writing a song.
Calmly, I looked up and grinned, though I know it didn’t reach my eyes. "Editing one of my songs. How’s yours?” I knew she hadn’t started, but I loved watching those big, stupid eyes dampen with the reminder that she sucks at her freaking job.
“Shit. I haven’t started. We’re practicing all new stuff tomorrow or Wednesday?” She asked, but she was already getting up to go back to her room.
“Wednesday.” I went back to editing Song Number Three and sighed. “Have fun.”
Kysti’s heel clicked on the cheap wooden stage floor, reverberating over the semi-sound proof walls as she ran back to the hotel. I laughed. We practice tomorrow. Though with Krysti only now writing her damn songs, she’ll probably push it back to Wednesday. God, how hard was it to write a song? I only wrote three because I’m a sick, emotional freak. The chick should be able to handle at least one song.
Back stage was loud, but it drowned out the clammer in my head. Sometimes, if I could focus on a certain song or tone, my thoughts straightened out and I was able to think. I certainly couldn’t do that back at the hotel with nothing but the bumps and bangs of the rest of my bandmates partying in their rooms. I really hoped I wasn’t the only one writing these damn songs. 
“You guys fucking rock! Have a damn good night! See you at the after party, bitchez!” Rick, the lead singer of Flesh Curtains called out his goodbyes. I listened to the crowd scream out until the walls shook. Damn, they really knew how to win a crowd. 
The door to the lounge room that I was working in swung open with a crash. Squanchy, the lead guitarist, barreled over Rick with Bird Person not so far behind. All three men wore wild grins that complimented their torn or lack-there-of clothing. 
“Cass!” Squanchy launched himself at me. 
I yelped, catching and tossing the hairy fucker off of me. “Squanch—no! You’re fucking sweaty!”
“The females like it, apparently,” Bird Person joked, slapping Rick on the shoulder.
“Well, I, for one, don’t.” I wiped a streak of sweat from my arm. “Now, I need a damn towel.” I peeked up at Rick, leaning over to swap my fallen pen from the floor, and saw him drop his eyes to the V of my shirt. Gulping, I just ignored it. “You guys sounded great out there. Was the second to last a new song?”
“Yep,” Rick replied, licking his lips and effectively drying my throat. Shit, why can’t I just leave well enough alone?
Rick and I were pretty good friends during this tour. I mean, yeah, we flirted a little, but I never gave him the presumption that I found him attractive. Considering I didn’t really get along with any of my bandmates anyway, I’d hate to mess up the only friendly relationship I had. Even if Rick was a sexy fucking rock-god with gorgeous silver-blue hair and an even more gorgeous voice. His raspy bellows gave me goosebumps every night. 
Plus, he’d already fucked two out of my four bandmates, so it was bound to cause a fight if we all hooked up with Rick Sanchez.
So, I wouldn’t do it. For the sake of the band, I won’t fuck around with Rick. 
“It was great. I liked the breakdown in the middle, the switch in tempo. That shit was wicked.” 
“Yeah? You thought that shit was wicked,” he pulled me out of my seat with a whoosh, the pen and paper clattering to the floor, “come with us to the party tonight. We’ll show you wicked.” He winked and trailed his fingers up to my elbow. 
I just gave him a shitty grin and swatted at his shoulder, moving to pick up my songs. “No can do, muchachos. I got songs to write. We’re practicing tomorrow.”
“Let me take a—let me see.” Rick went for my sheets of paper, but I jumped out the way and landed on the couch. Immediately, I sat on them, smiling up at Rick as he leaned over me, one of his hands grasping my forearm. “Come on, baby. I could look at—g-give you some pointers.”
I rolled my eyes. “Really? You think I need pointers?”
He shrugged so I stuck out my tongue at him. Big mistake. He carefully watched as I slid it back into my mouth. I bit my lip, hoping he didn’t see my eyes dilate at his gaze. 
With a smirk, Rick straightened out. “A-Alrighty, then. I guess, we’ll see you later then. Ready to go, guys?”
Squanchy and Bird Person said their goodbyes and told me they hoped I showed up tonight. I told them to not count on it. Then it was only me and Rick. 
“You sure you wouldn’t—d-don’t want to come with us?”
“Nah,” I told him, tucking my hands into my back pockets. “Unlike you, I’ve gotta work to make great songs.”
Rick chuckled and shook his head. “You love this shit, don’t you?”
I thought about his eyes, the way they danced on different points of my face to catch any muscle movement, like he was studying and filing all my reactions in his brain. “Love what?”
“This band life. Not the life—crazy lifestyle, b-but being apart of something that’s creating.” He raked a hand through his hair, and looked down. “Anyway, I-I-I hope you take a break and come out later. I brought a surprise for you.”
“You did?” I asked, thinking about what he could have possible brought for me?
“Yep, a-and you can’t have it unless you come to this party.” Rick started to back away, cocking his brow at me. 
I crossed my arms and shook my head. “You son-of-a-bitch...”
He shrugged, impressed with himself, then turned to exit. “See you later, Cass.”
With a groan, I swirled around to pick my pages up again. Rick Sanchez wasn’t going to make this easy. That was a given.
thanks for reading! i’m new to the rick sanchez fic writing scene, so i hope you liked it!
Part 2
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