#stay tuned for zukka and tysuki content
learnto-fly · 4 years
ATLA Indie Band AU (pt.2)
Read the first part here!
(this part of this AU is about The Gaang’s band. The next part will be about Blood Honey and the next about how the bands interact/romances, so stay tuned. A lot of these things are from my real life, can you guess which ones?)
Ease Up Kid!:
Sokka writes a lot of the band’s lyrical content, though everyone else pitches in with suggestions and line changes as well. Sokka also writes riffs which Toph builds on top of, which Aang adds on to and then, and in turn, Suki scat sings over. This is how most of their songs are made, by someone creating a cool riff/beat and everyone else joining in to jam.
The vibe of their music ranges from bedroom pop to indie rock.
They’ve won four battle of the bands and are really popular in their town and surrounding ones. They also have three EP’s: Honey, Hello Sunshine, and Wide Awake. Their most popular song is Isn’t It Nice and they play it at every show. They gig regularly and have played at a few local festivals.
Before every show, they have a ritual of dancing around and singing off-key to old One Direction songs in the backroom to loosen up their limbs and voices.
Suki wears metal cuffs on both her wrists when playing shows because she was wearing them the first time they won battle of the bands, and they were thus deemed her lucky bracelets. Before she goes on stage Sokka always asks her in a super-serious voice, “wrists?” and she lifts up her arms and jangles them in front of his face.
Sokka plays a “lake placid blue” Fender Vintera '60s Mustang. He lets absolutely no one touch it or tune it for him. Toph plays a Fender American Performer Mustang Bass in seafoam green that she only lets Katara touch (she knows Katara will take the best care of it like she does her clarinet). Aang plays an amber Yamaha Stage Custom Birch 5-Piece Shell Pack drum set. He can pack and tear down his drum kit in 6 minutes flat. Everyone helps to break down the equipment and they work like a well-oiled machine moving amp’s, wrapping chords, and packing things in Aangs huge van named Appa.
Suki likes to talk to the crowd in between every few songs and is the queen of fan interaction. Sokka jumps all around the stage like an excited puppy and has even been known to roll around the floor on occasion (think Frank Iero from MCR). Toph is mostly known for staying on her side of the stage but has the most epic power stance in the entire country. Aang plays with a smile on his face for the duration of the show and always ends up covered in sweat (he wears a headband to keep it out of his eyes).
Toph has been known to accidentally wack Sokka in the face with the headstock of her bass (“It was an accident I swear!” “How was it an accident Toph you raised the neck of your bass to hit me in the face!”).
Aang breaks at least one pair of sticks every show and no one knows how. 
The worst show they ever played was at a street festival in the summer with no canopy to shield them from the sun. The sound engineer was off to the side of the stage, making it almost impossible to hear Suki and Toph’s bass being way too loud. Sokka’s guitar detuned every five seconds due to the heat and he was forced to tune in between every song. They all had outrageous sunburn afterward and Aang almost passed out from heat exhaustion. The planners of the festival forgot to book a band after them so the Gaang ended up playing for almost five hours on and off.
The best show they ever played was in a hole in the wall venue that was packed to the rafters with fans. The crowd sang all their songs back to them and the whole place had an energy level that could power an entire city.
Katara can often be seen sticking the band’s logo stickers on random objects around the city.
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