#steve loves a grungy metalhead
dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Eddie definitely wears a sleep shirt and nothing else to bed. It pools around his thighs, and the neck hole is too stretched out. The front is covered in stains. Some of its coffee, some of it food stains. It's hard to tell what the other stains are. It definitely used to be a white shirt. There was a faint outline on the shirt as if it used to have a picture on it. It might have been Garfield.
Well, Steve was dropping off something for Max when he decided to check in on Eddie and maybe return his vest. They had gotten a new, fancy two bedroom trailer after Vecna. It was really nice, Steve thought as he climbed the steps with Eddie's vest clutched in his chest. He knocked on the door, and Eddie answered it wearing the shirt. His hair was in a messy bun that looked like he had been wearing it for days.
"Hey, Stevie," Eddie grinned.
"Hey, I was stopping by Max's, I thought I would return your vest," Steve said, staring at him.
He really shouldn't, but this look of Eddie's. . . It was really sexy. Steve blinked owlishly at him.
"Thanks," Eddie said, taking the vest. "Um, what? Do I have something on my face?"
"Uh, you have a cheeto in your hair," Steve said.
Eddie reached up, took it out, sniffed it, and popped it into his mouth. A fluttering of affection filled his chest, and Steve wanted to shake his head. Suddenly, Wayne Munson's voice floated from somewhere inside.
"Goddamnit, Eddie, throw that shirt out!" Wayne hollered.
Eddie turned around to yell at him, and Steve’s blush deepened. There was a smattering of holes spreading across the end of the shirt as though it had gotten snagged on something. Eddie's ass was showing.
"No, I shan't, Uncle Wayne!"
"At least put on some underwear, boy!"
"I like a nice breeze under there, Uncle Wayne!"
Eddie started bending his knees in a sort of half squats.
"Steve doesn't want to see your ass, son!"
"You don't know him! Flat asses might just be his thing!"
Oh, if only he knew.
"I'm in love with you," Steve blurted out.
"Good news, Uncle Wayne! My shirt has attracted a mate! I'm not getting rid of this shirt now! Just when I was thinking about throwing it out," Eddie said cheerfully.
"Son," Wayne said, appearing in the doorway. "You couldn't have told him some other time?"
"Uh. . .sorry?"
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