secretismxmuses · 1 year
(hope) [photo attachment of daniel sent] If you want him back you have to do something for me. -A
A frown as she scanned the message, quickly wiping her eyes.
Hope was quick to reply, barely even thinking about it.
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patchoulii-2hu-144p · 5 months
people are playing T:A rabbit at this hour? let's fucking GO
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A Taste of Home || Bayou Babes
The moment Genevieve found out that Swynlake was home to a restaurant run by a fellow Louisiana native she knew that it was going to have to be one of the top places for her to review. While she often enjoyed exotic cuisine, there was just something about down home cooking that she loved more than anything. It was always nice to have a taste of home when she was traveling abroad for long periods of time.
So it didn’t take long for her to get a reservation or for her to make her way into the establishment, hoping to get a glimpse of the owner and perhaps even interview her. God it’d be amazing for her blog and for her soul. It’d been some time she’d been back home and it’d been even longer since she’d had decent gumbo. 
Stepping inside, she couldn’t help the pleased smile that graced her lips. It was gorgeous inside. A little hidden gem, honestly. The outside, while still matching the vibe of the inside, was almost like a facade. It was unassuming and she was happy for it because the inside instantly transported her back home. She was reminded of the little bistros and cafes she’d often gone to with her mother and father. 
As she made her way to the hostess, she shrugged her coat off and held it easily over her arm. “Bonsoir, I have a reservation for Davenport,” she smiled as she drummed her nails lightly against the counter. “And is the owner here tonight? I would love to speak with her.”
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nagargent · 6 months
a question of perspective
Julia loiters outside Ayra's office for a while, unsure if she's really willing to take this step. The offer of company and understanding was almost impossible to resist. Yet her stomach feels heavy with the guilt of her shame. What kind of daughter was she, to harbour such doubts about her beloved mother? Things had built to a head where she'd felt the need to voice her frustrations, if only anonymously and without consequence for either of them. Nausea had gripped her stomach ever since, terrified someone would find out. Yet here she is, about to confess her sins to her mother's former friend.
Ayra's reply is clutched tightly in her hand. It seemingly takes all her strength to lift it up and knock at the door. She could run before the Princess of Isaach had the chance to welcome her in. Yet her feet don't move, glued do the ground as if she's been shackled to the spot.
She needs to do this - needs to speak to someone who won't immediately malign her. Someone she can trust to at least hear her out.
"H-Hello, Lady Ayra," Julia immediately bows her head, allowing her hair to fall forward like a silver shield. Her voice feels so small in her mouth as she tries to speak. She adores her mother, she shouldn't feel this way, she shouldn't be here but she simply cannot understand Deirdre's behaviour as of late. It was hardly a secret that her father and brother had done terrible things, things she loved them in spite of. Yet everyone she'd ever spoken to had praised her mother, lauded her as a saint, an angel walking the earth. How could she reconcile the mother she's believed in all these years with the woman making such cruel requests of her friends. "I hope I haven't come at an inconvenient time. I just... you mentioned your office was open."
Her palm opens, revealing the note. Julia swallows the lump in her throat. She loves her mother, she must be a wonderful person, yet...
"I came because I think we might both be speaking of the same person. It... it feels like I'm betraying her," Julia's voice shakes as she blinks back tears. She won't cry, she won't. "I just can't comprehend how she can be so selfish. I wish I could understand her... I wish I felt like anything I might say would matter."
"I'm sorry." Lifting her sleeves she dabs at her eyes and cheeks. So much for not crying. She feels like a foolish, insignificant child being so easily moved to tears. "I know-- I know she's probably not a topic you wish to discuss. I'm sorry for bothering you--"
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assistedbyreason · 1 year
A Tale of Two Mediums || The King & I
So far Ichabod liked Swynlake. It was a quaint town that was kinda quiet. Of course there'd been the odd event here and there but he had been able to take it in stride. From the things he'd heard, he had expected far worse. And maybe there was. The little old lady whose name he still hadn't been able to coax from her had assured him that things like to go 'absolutely batshit' randomly and without warning.
He'd taken his time really acquainting himself with the town, though. So far he'd been here and there, often ordering in while he got his new apartment settled to his liking. It wasn't anything like his home back in New York but it was good for a vacation. Cozy, small. His living neighbors weren't nosy though the ones that weren't living were certainly making up for it. And, most importantly, his not so welcome specter hadn't tried to visit him. He was probably too annoyed with the change of other ghoulies and how chatty they were.
But he was finally getting out to really see what the town had to offer. The map he'd picked up at Town Hall had been most helpful in figuring out what places to get his dinner delivered from but also in figuring out which places he wanted to visit first. And at the top of that list? Chapter Three.
Book stores were among some of Ichabod's favorite places to visit. Not all had the same wares and he had a feeling that Chapter Three was going to be as unique as the town it was situated in.
The bell rang above the door as he entered, his eyes quickly scanning his surroundings before he stepped further inside. Instinct drove his footsteps to a section that looked as if it boasted new additions; his thoughts on finding his newest book there among whatever else was new and current. Around him voices whispered but he did his best to ignore them as he caught sight of another more corporeal figure in the shop. "Excuse me, could you help me. I'm looking for a certain book and it's not with the new releases. Unless, I'm looking in the wrong section."
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luneirika · 1 year
as my life is done in watermelon sugar
In spite of getting dragged from your Academy beds and made to solve problems in the middle of nowhere, these weeks spent in the village have given you all the best sleep of your lives. Tonight, you and your friends are whisked off to shared a dream of the past, what is now an idyllic world that adapts easily to your desires and expectations. Your mistakes, the pain others have inflicted on you, the things you’ve lost… everything you wish you could have changed or have control over, this dream gives you the chance to correct the course and make things right again. But as you feel your mind and body getting weaker with every minute you remain asleep, you realize that tearing yourself away from a world where everything is perfect takes a lot more will than simply kicking yourself awake. [Grants Faith +1]
Eirika arrives at Grado Keep late in the evening. The household staff waiting outside for her is to be expected; to settle her into bed after a brief audience with Emperor Vigarde to announce her arrival. She was not expecting him. Her heart soars in her chest when she sees him. Eirika scrambles to get out of the carriage as fast as she can. All thoughts of propriety fly from her mind as she dashes towards Lyon, teal hair blowing behind her in the wind. Wrapping her arms around his neck she laughs, joyful and warm. Oh, she had truly missed him!
“Lyon! What are you doing out here in the cold?” Eirika scolds, though her tone belies her real feelings. It feels like it’s been so very long - an eternity almost. Holding on to him like this feel so much like relief, a balm for a wound she didn’t know marred her heart. “It’s so good to see you again! It’s been--”
How long had it been? Eirika finds the words disappear, right on the tip of her tongue. She can’t bring herself to finish the sentence; something about this feels off but she just can’t place her finger on it. Wonders why it makes her heart ache so. After all, there’s no reason for her to feel like this moment is a miracle. One she hasn’t earned. Eirika shakes her head, stepping back to take a good look at her dearest friend.
“Well it’s been a while. I’ve missed you greatly,” she tries to ignore the strange feeling in her chest. Focusses instead on the present moment. “I can’t believe you managed to prevent such a terrible quake! You really are a hero, Lyon.”
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amitieos · 1 year
a whirlwind of blades and feathers
A traveling instructor has arrived at Garreg Mach, ready to teach any willing listeners how to practice the delicate and graceful art of sword dancing. It’s optional for, well, everyone but your class. You’ll need to choreograph and memorize an original routine to fulfill the requirements to move into the next level of sword mastery and this is your last chance before the term officially changes. Grab a partner, watch those feet and try not to stab anyone this time? [Grants Sword +1]
She watches the instructor with bated breath, awe shimmering in deep brown irises. Each movement is precise, delicate but deadly as the dancer follows through each movement with the point of their sword drawn to attention. Glinting in the lantern light, a warning, bright red and louder than silence should dare to be. It’s captivating, magical even.
Out of reach, just beyond her fingertips.
Elincia has some skill in dancing, at least when she focuses her energy and attention on the art. She’s no novice with a sword, either, but combining both into a fluid, graceful art form? Her poor face already feels bruised from a collision with the floor that is yet to come. It surely cannot be hiding far around the corner though. It’s with trepidation that she picks up a wooden training sword, rather than reaching for Amiti’s hilt, which is far more comfortable in her hands. At least armed with this she’s unlikely to do too much damage to herself, or anyone around her.
When it comes to partnering up, Leanne was the last person she’d hoped for. Not for distaste towards her company, far from it. Were this any other activity, she’d jump at the chance to work alongside her dear friend. But even a training sword could crush the heron’s bones if swung too hard. No, Elincia seeks out a different partner. She doesn’t get very far.
Leanne’s eager face is in her field of vision, her hands already taken in her friend’s own. Vivid green eyes meet her gaze and twinkle with delight. Elincia knows then and there that she cannot possibly say no to her friend.
“You’d like to work together? I’m sure you’re far more graceful than I am, Leanne. Maybe you should find a partner closer to your skill level?” The attempt to dissuade her is pretty feeble, especially when Elinicia knows first hand how indomitable Leanne’s will could be. Once an idea was in her head, it was almost impossible to change her mind. “I fear I might be a bit too clumsy though. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I hurt you in any way.”
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thornbrekker · 2 years
Ele abriu um sorrisinho repleto de malícia enquanto se escorava não soleira, os braços cruzando-se a frente do corpo e as sobrancelhas erguidas ponderando o que daria de presente à Akali naquela noite tão especial que estava por vir, no entanto, concordou com a cabeça para a loira a sua frente e prometeu fazer o que estivesse ao alcance para não estragar nada.
Quando a noite chegou, o corriqueiro cigarro estava aceso entre os dedos e Thorn o ergueu para longe quando Charllote apareceu com os colares de flores para colocar em seu pescoço. Ele ergueu os braços e apontou para Benjamin mais à frente “Já me sinto um havaiano! Luau, colares de flores e mary juana!” Comentou com um grito sussurrado e abriu uma risada baixinha antes de levar o cigarro aos lábios. No futuro, eles teriam de se reunir para uma viagem de férias ao Hawaii, talvez fosse uma combinação interessante com os presentes.
Thorn animou-se e gritou junto com o coro “FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO AKALI!” soltando pulinhos alegres e começando a dançar ao som da música de fundo que começara a tocar assim que as luzes foram acesas, aproveitando a vibe daquela noite. Esperou até que todos tivessem dado seus parabéns para a aniversariante para só então se aproximar. Thorn pegou uma mão de Akali e a girou em torno de si mesma, um sorriso brincalhão estampado em seu rosto enquanto a guiava em uma valsa simples na areia. Quando se afastou, Thorn puxou do bolso da calça de linho um envelope devidamente lacrado que continha em sua face externa o nome e sobrenome dela em letras bem desenhadas e rústicas, o símbolo da vinícola de Vale do Douro cravado em cera acima.
“Mexi uns pauzinhos e consegui uma entrada vip com muita degustação e aulas de história na Vinícola do Vale do Douro, em Portugal.” Comentou estendendo o envelope para ela antes de tragar mais um trago do seu cigarro. “Vou deixar a aula de história com eles mas acho que você vai gostar de conhecer a vinícola mais antiga do mundo…” Prossegiu com um dar de ombros e um revirar de olhos como se aquilo fosse algo extremamente tedioso. “Patrimônio da UNESCO etc etc.” Terminou apontando para o envelope com o indicador antes de apontá-lo para Akali. “Você pode levar um acompanhante se quiser, aproveite esta oferta deste velho e grande amigo, Akali.” Thorn pegou a mão de Akali e depositou um beijo singelo em seu dorso, os olhos seguindo seu rosto com o ar galanteador. Sabia que seus charmes nao funcionavam com ela, e era exatamente por isso que o fazia.
Por fim, deu espaço para que Akali aproveitasse a noite e se juntou à Ben e Asami mais ao longe, com passinhos de dança animados enquanto percorria a areia da praia.
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hezulion · 2 years
a pride of lions
His jaw drops almost to the floor as he sees her cross the ballroom floor. A face he would recognise anywhere and anytime. It’s surreal how little her visage has changed since he last laid eyes upon her. It has been the best part of twenty years but Nordion’s princess looks as though she was frozen in time. Nary a day older than when she used to take him to tea whilst mother rested and father fought on Agustria’s frontier.
Ares is anxious to approach her. Surely she would not recognise him as he is now. Yet perhaps one of the few people in this world who would not, could not mistake him for his lord father, Eldigan. A man whose grace and chivalry were always far out of his grasp.
The thought is almost enough to hold him back.
But not quite. He steps forwards and in front of her, taking her hand and placing a kiss on the back of her hand. Acting the gentleman his mother tried to raise.
“My lady, would you do me the honour of the next dance?” Ares asks, letting go of her hand and bowing at the waist. He thinks he sees a hint of surprise - maybe even recognition in her eyes as he stands straight and to attention. A lazy half smile spreads across his face and he leans in, whispering so only she can hear. “I think I’ve grown tall enough to lead this time, Auntie Lachesis?”
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a-springin-herstep · 2 years
A Case of the Mondays || Kiln
There was a reason everyone said Monday was the worst day of the week. It marked the end of the weekend and the return to the boring work week, school week. Anything unpleasant always started on a Monday. But! In Lyanna’s opinion Wednesday was the worst day of the week. That mid-week slump was real and as work and school work and her social life piled up, she was beginning to feel the strain more and more.
There were so many things piling on top of her shoulders that she was losing a bit of control. Which wasn’t the best considering the newfound magic that had been bestowed upon her. It was enough to try and keep from ambushing her new roommate with random plants and flowers when she was studying. But as the pressure geared up, it was becoming harder and harder to keep that same magic from bursting forth randomly in halls and classrooms. 
Which only added more stress to her and kept her mind a swirl of emotions and thoughts.
So, really, it should have come as no surprise that on this random Wednesday when she was having the worst case of the Mondays, when someone rammed their shoulder into her and a random patch of green appeared followed by the random patches of dandelions. Except that even though this was Swynlake and it was a Magick friendly town, it didn’t mean that everyone was kind. 
It didn’t take long as she was picking up her books and also trying so very hard to will that patch of grass to disappear for someone to stop and say something on the sudden display of magic.
“Can’t you control that, freak? Some people have serious reactions to that much pollen.” The insult was sneered as Lyanna looked up at the boy with a frown of her own. “If I could do you really think I would have let it happen? You ran into me. Not the other way around.”
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halcyncollect · 2 years
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at this moment, you have 48 hours to create your account and add admin serene to complete your application. otherwise, your spot will be freed up again. you will be contacted with further information to guide you through the next steps. thank you for joining us!
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secretismxmuses · 1 year
(jayce) I can help you get Amelia, if you join my team. -A
"What the fuck." He muttered, but eventually decided what the hell and shrugged it off.
Ok, freak show, I'm in.
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powercycle · 2 years
i need an reprogrammable arduino ‘that was easy’ style button that i can use to play classic vg sounds irl... CS:S fire in the hole and T:A Shazbot! my beloved...
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domestic3ds · 2 years
T:a-alone..? -he looks around- ah.. -ahem- i-i was w-wait-in-g fo-r m-my e-en-gin-ee-r.. t-t-o fix m-my v-vo-ice..and uh...that's m-ma-ybe all..? I-i could n-no-t r-reme-mb-er... -but he realized something- b-bu-t wher-e i-s he?..
He's s-su-ppo-se t-to c-co-me b-b-ack..
Skylar: I don't know where "He" is but he might come back! Ethen: Yeah Skylar and I are sure of it! *Ethen smiled a bit*
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tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
G:ok so today I made everyone a fursona!
T:a what?
G:I made you guys humanoid animals!
T:what am I?
G:evil gerbil.
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assistedbyreason · 1 year
A Man Walks Into a Forest... || Medium Death
For someone who wrote horror stories, Ichabod Crane was not a fan of the dark. The dark let those ghoulies the day kept at bay out. It let It out. The headless spectre had been a companion of his for as long as he could remember. It still caused him to wake up in a cold sweat most nights and made sleep damn near impossible. It didn't matter how many shots of whiskey he'd drank beforehand, how many pills he'd swallowed to help aide sleep. The figure always managed to sneak its way into his dreams and waking hours in the night.
But Ichabod wasn't a young kid anymore. He was an adult and he'd figured out ways to cope with the restless nights. Most times he took to the streets; wandering aimlessly for hours while he cleared his head and kept watch for the figure. Thankfully, Swynlake had plenty of other ghosts to keep him occupied.
Still, he found himself waking drenched, his breath coming in short pants. His limbs worked on autopilot as he pulled on a loose pair of sweats and a matching sweater. At least he'd gotten a few hours in before he was spooked awake. He was vaguely aware of the seemingly malevolent spirit hanging around him as he slipped his phone and wallet into his pockets and made his way out the door.
Despite being relatively new in Swynlake, he didn't pay attention to where his feet were taking him. In fact, he didn't really notice where he was until the sky around him became impossibly dark, even the twinkling of the stars blinking out of existence. It was the hair raising on his neck that brought him to the present, his thoughts clouding as that sense of foreboding creeping in so resolutely that he almost thought of turning back.
The air around him shifted, the forest closing in on him too. Oh God, he thought, his breath quickening slightly. This had to be the doing of the spectre. How long would this being haunt him? What did it want? And why was Ichabod the only person who could help it?
The forest felt as if it was closing in on him. In the distance he thought he'd heard the whinny of an agitated horse. A few feet off there was the mad rustle of some creature scurrying away. And then.. out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement. It was nothing more than a flash but that was enough to start his heart beating erratically. And despite the fact he wanted to turn and run, he couldn't. His feet seemed glued to the place where he stood.
He stood there, breathing heavily, watching as the forest seemed to shift around him. And perhaps it really was. They said this was a magic forest where people could get lost easily if they left the paths. Had he left the path? He couldn't remember. All he could think about were the two balls of light peeking out from the darkness, watching him, lurking there probably biding it's time.
"Wh-Who's out there? Come out! Come out right now, coward."
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