itvanilla · 2 years
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Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly.
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printdocmail · 1 year
Is Postman API Free?
Postman API is a cloud-based platform for creating, sharing and testing APIs. It provides a simple graphical user interface to create, save, and view HTTP/s requests and responses.
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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Postman is now offering unlimited shared workspaces and requests for teams with up to three members at no cost. This change is part of Postman's continued commitment to making API development easier and faster for everyone.
New 'Session' Variables for Developers Postman 6.2 introduces a new feature called 'Session', which allows developers to add session-specific collections and environments while keeping them local to their Postman instance. This makes it easy for developers to work with sensitive information and reduces security concerns, said the company.
Collection Runner within Postman For those who need to run API tests frequently, it's recommended to use the collection runner that is built into the Postman app. The collection runner is designed to keep all test data for the current session available in one place, so that users don't have to move it around or worry about losing it.
Command-line Collection Runners In addition to the collection runner built into Postman, there are also a couple of other tools that can be used to run API tests from the command line. These include 'Newman' and 'TaskRunner', both of which can be found on the command line and will allow you to run API tests without ever having to leave the terminal.
Print Document Mail – ​​​Blogger
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lairde-lampblack · 4 years
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rani is so fun to draw, and Merriam is a sweetie
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The most Notable Free Angular Templates that every Angular App Development Team must have!
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An Angular template is an HTML snippet that provides instructions on how to do the rendering of components within an Angular app.
Some of the major benefits of using Angular templates are:
Provides a clear boundary by separating the view layer from the other parts of the framework
Ability to transform the templates during the compilation of the code.
Separates the dynamic and static parts of the view that enables developers to speedily look at the structure of the view and figure out how it can change.
When the framework leverages templates, the data-access integration library can derive the queries from the templates easily.
Allows the framework to convert static text from one language to the other without involving any runtime cost.
Hence, the usage of templates forms a crucial part of Angular app development projects.
This post lists down the names of some free Angular templates that every Angular app development team must have!
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This is a free and open-source AngularJS dashboard template that is based on Bootstrap. It contains 100+ customizable components that include a host of styles, widgets, and layouts. This dashboard template also offers 1000+ quality icons for designing an application. Besides, the CoreUI Layout API turns out to be a handy developer tool that helps to develop customized software for multiple platforms including web and mobile devices.
CoreUI also offers a pro/paid version that comes with additional offerings like more UI kits and plugins, access to the GitHub repository, and many more.
Egret Angular
This Angular admin template is created by integrating Angular CLI, TypeScript, Flex-Layout, AND Angular Material. Egret ensures the top-quality design, one of the best codebases, light as well as dark themes, page templates, various layouts, several applications, etc. The components offered by Egret are not only reusable but also responsive. Some of its key offerings include lazy loading, multiple color options, an in-built customizer, code splitting ability, routing access control, vertical/horizontal navigation, JWT authentication, and help/support videos.
Argon Dashboard Angular
This free Angular template offers a host of features just like a premium version. These include seven example pages, five plugins, and 100+ elements to choose from. It also comes with a live preview and documentation that provides a better understanding of this tool and guides developers using it. Furthermore, Argon’s team of experts is available for assisting developers, solving their queries, and providing additional support.
Laravel Angular Admin
This is an Angular admin dashboard template and happens to be one of the high-end Laravel products. The starter kit guides angular developers on creating their own user interfaces and crafting their own software development projects. Moreover, this Angular admin template offers a host of customization abilities and features JWT authentication.
Purple Angular
This Angular dashboard template offers a beautifully drafted admin dashboard with a unique gradient design and loads of necessary components – icons, UI elements, and components that ease out the creation of web apps as well as customization. The other features include pricing tables, invoices, and dedicated eCommerce pages called “Orders”.
It comes with a clean look having enough white space for reducing clutter so that users are able to retrieve the desired information from a clutter-free dashboard. This Angular11 dashboard template is styled using ng-Bootstrap. It offers Sassy CSS (SASS) and Gulp taskrunner for speedier customization, support for a one-year period, and lifetime updates for free.
Angular Material dashboard
This dashboard has Material Design as its base and provides a free UI kit. This open-source template fulfills individual as well as business requirements. It comes with a wide variety of components, Sass styles, and animations that facilitate the designing and development of an Angular website/web app. This project is highly responsive across various devices like desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc., and possesses 1,300 GitHub stars.
Nebular 4.0
This Angular8 UI Library focuses on an appealing design and can effortlessly adapt to brands. It offers a robust theming engine having the option of runtime theme switching, support for custom CSS properties mode, and four attractive visual themes.
Paper Kit 2 Angular
This is an Angular template as well as a free Bootstrap 4 UI kit. It is designed for Angular7 and comes with alluring typography and beautiful colors, several custom-made icons, navigation tabs, pagination, inputs, pre-defined pages, SASS files, documentation, and many more. All its components are highly responsive and complement all kinds of screen sizes. Its colors, shadows, and transitions are just like the flow obtained using paper pieces. Angular web app development and prototyping various Angular projects become easier with this tool.
Notus Angular
This is a free Tailwind CSS and Angular kit and Admin. Its amazingly cool features assist developers to create tools that elevate the project standards and quicken web development. It comes with a wide range of components and vibrant colors that help in architecting alluring websites. Each element has various states for colors, hover, styles, etc. that are easy to access as well as use. This Angular website template offers the freedom to choose and integrate as well as modify the components. Since all elements are implemented, developers save a considerable amount of time when they move from prototyping to a fully functional code. It possesses pre-built examples and hence enables a seamless development process and effortless switching to the website.
Ngx Admin
This free admin dashboard template based on Angular5+ versions, Bootstrap4; is brilliant and plain sailing. It is highly responsive, offers a neat web design that guarantees a pleasurable Angular web development experience. It provides flexibly configurable themes containing two themes for hot-reload – a dark and a light version.
Corona Angular
Corona Angular is Angular’s version of a dark-themed admin panel for users who prefer dark themes. It has been crafted in a way that it is very easy on individuals’ eyes particularly if they work during the late-night hours. This template supports the dark themes only and comes with over 50 custom pages and over 25 sample pages that include register, login, and eCommerce.
NG Matero
This free Angular material admin template is highly customizable as well as responsive. It comes with a robust color system and several layouts. The prime objective of this admin template is to offer a customized template of superior quality. Some of its notable features are the support for schematics, material extensions, modern design styles, RTL support, multiple admin layouts, rich CSS helpers, and support for the dark mode.
Final words:
These handy Angular templates are an integral part of developing mobile/web applications in Angular. I hope this post was insightful and will help you to pick the most suitable dashboard/admin template that perfectly fulfills the requirement for your upcoming Angular development project. Take a look at other useful Angular developer tools for building websites/web apps.
For technical assistance on executing Angular projects, reach out to Biz4Solutions, a renowned Outsourcing company in India offering high-end AngularJS App Development Services for the last 10+years.
To know more about our other core technologies, refer to links below:
Ionic App Development
.Net App Development
React Native App Development
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marocannoncedemploi · 5 years
D??veloppeur FRONT END
Nombre de postes : 2 Société DATA Shore, filiale d?un groupe Français qui compte à ce jour plus de 450 salariés, est spécialisée dans la relation client. Poste ? D??veloppement d’applications web (SPA) via des technologies modernes? Participation et discussion ?? l’??laboration d’une UX de qualit??? Identification des d??fis li??s ?? l’application avec comme cons??quence une implication directe dans les choix technologiques de l’??quipe? Contribution ?? la vision long terme des projets
Profil ? Le candidat devra poss??der un minima un Bac+2? 3 ans d’exp??rience pertinente dans un poste similaire.? Excellente affinit?? UI/UX? Connaissances approfondies des langages de balisage, notamment HTML5 et CSS3 ainsi que les preprocessors Less ou Sass? Bonne affinit?? avec les librairies et frameworks avanc??s JavaScript, comme AngularJS, EmberJS, ReactJS, VueJS, etc.? Respect des standards (compatibilit?? navigateurs, W3C, accessibilit??) et bonnes pratiques en termes de performance et optimisation.? Affinit??s avec des TaskRunners type Grunt, Gulp ou Webpack.? Un int??r??t pour le design et l’UX? Exp??rience solide sur les CMS (PrestaShop, WordPress) serait un plus.? Facilit?? ?? passer d’un projet ?? un autre rapidement.? Orientation vers les r??sultats et bon esprit d’??quipe.? Grande capacit?? ?? s’adapter aux changements rapides. Rémuneration
de 4000 dh à 6000 dh
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davidnick321-blog · 5 years
1. Environment This tutorial is written using the following environment: Hardware: MacBook Pro 17 ‘Notebook (2.8 GHz Intel Core Duo, 8GB DDR3 SDRAM) Operating System: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 2. Introduction Grunt is a tool that allows us to simplify the process of construction (build) of Javascript projects, just like Maven allows us to …
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cooltweak · 7 years
Hey Devs, take CoolTweak control!
This is a major new feature available since app version 3.2, you can now run custom commands before, after and during processing. It may be by using a DOS command, a batch script, Powershell, VBScript or any other executable file (exe). You can extend the power of CoolTweak at will by yourself. Write your own commands and run them on any file or folder with a single right click, that's the real power of CoolTweak !
How does it work ?
A cutom command is an action just like the others for CoolTweak, you can chain them and use the result of the previous command as an input for the next one. Choose the type of the command to run, its name or the path to the related script file and the parameters to provide it when it is called, that's it.
Global vs file by file commands
There are two ways to run a cutom command, before/after the global processing or during the processing
Before or after the global processing
In this case, the command will be run juste once with the whole list of the files pathes to process. To enable this type of commande, get to the output options of your menu, select Events tab and check the event which will trigger your command.
During processing
In this case, the command will be run on each file to process, provided with the file path as a parameter. To add this type of command in your processing pipeline, add an action "Custom command" in the action list of your menu.
Special parameters
The parameters given to your command are essential because they provide the path to the file to process and other data about the execution context. CoolTweak offers a whole set of predefined variables (also known as macros) represented with the {MyVariable} syntax that will be replaced with their real value at runtime, just before running your command. Click the parameter field of the command to display all the available variables. These variables are diffferent for global or file by file commands.
Global commands variables
{FilePathes} Full pathes of all files to process
{FileCount} The total number of files to be processed
{FileDirectoryPathes} Pathes of all the directories containing the files to process
{FileDirectoryCount} The number of distinct parent directories
{ParamLogFilePath} Log file path (if defined)
{ParamIsAsync} Is the command running asynchronously or not ?
{ParamIsAdminMode} Is the command ran with Administrator privileges ?
{ParamPathDelimiter} The delimiter used to format path in variables
{ParamPathPrefix} The text to add before every file path
{ParamPathSuffix} The text to add after every file path
{ParamPathSeparator} The text to add between two file's pathes
{EngineLabel} Engine label
{EngineVersion} Engine version
File by file commands variables
{FilePath} Current file path
{FileName} Current file name
{FileNameWithoutExtension} Current file name without its extension
{FileNameExtension} Current file extension (ex: .jpg)
{FileDirectoryPath} Path of the directory containing current file
{FileFormat} Current file format
{FileMimeType} Current file mime type
{FileMediaType} Current file category
{FileDefaultExtension} Default extension for current file format (ex: .jpg)
{FileIndex} File index in global processing (0 based)
{FileCount} The total number of files to be processed
{OperationId} Current operation ID
{ParamLogFilePath} Log file path (if defined)
{ParamIsAsync} Is the command running asynchronously or not ?
{ParamIsAdminMode} Is the command ran with Administrator privileges ?
{ParamPathDelimiter} The delimiter used to format path in variables
{OutputFilePath} Final file path (after all processing)
{OutputFileName} Final file name (after all processing)
{OutputFileNameWithoutExtension} Final file name without its extension (after all processing)
{OutputFileNameExtension} Final file extension (after all processing, ex: .jpg)
{OutputFileDirectoryPath} Path of the directory containing the final file (after all processing)
{OriginalFilePath} Original file path
{OriginalFileName} Original file name
{OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension} Original file name without its extension
{OriginalFileNameExtension} Original file extension (ex: .jpg)
{OriginalFileDirectoryPath} Path of the directory containign the original file
{EngineLabel} Engine label
{EngineVersion} Engine version
{ImageWidth} Image width (in pixel)
{ImageHeight} Image height (in pixel)
{ImageHorizontalResolution} Image horizontal resolution (in dpi)
{ImageVerticalResolution} Image vertical resolution (in dpi)
{ImageFrameCount} Image frame count
{ImageMetaAuthors} Image autothors (if available)
{ImageMetaCameraMaker} Camera maker (if available)
{ImageMetaCameraModel} Camera model (if available)
{ImageMetaComment} Image comment (if available)
{ImageMetaCopyright} Image copyright (if available)
{ImageMetaKeywords} Image keywords (if available)
{ImageMetaRating} Image rating (if available)
{ImageMetaSubject} Image subject (if available)
{ImageMetaTitle} Image title (if available)
{ImageMetaExposureTime} Image exposure time (if available)
{ImageMetaFNumber} Image aperture value (if available)
{ImageMetaFocalLength} Image focal length (if available)
{ImageMetaIsoSpeed} Image ISO speed (if available)
{ImageMetaProgramMode} Program mode (if available)
{ImageMetaGpsLatitude} GPS latitude (if available)
{ImageMetaGpsLongitude} GPS Longitude (if available)
Command results
For the file by file commands, you can choose if your command alters the processed file contents and then if CooolTweak must reload the file or not before executing the next action to do on the file. The option "File reloading mode" offfers you 3 possibilities:
Do not reload the file: if your command doesn't change the file contents. CoolTweak won't reload the file after your command ends.
Reload the file from current path: your command modifies the provided file and saves the new version of the file at the same location it was before (overwrite). CoolTweak will reload the file after your command ends at the same location it was before your command actually starts.
Reload another file form a specific path: your command modifies the provided file, saves the new version of the file to another location and returns the corresponding path (not the file content) in the standard output stream. CoolTweak will reload the file after your command ends at the provided location.
Testing commands
You can test very easily your file by file commands to check if they are properly configured with the Test these settings button. During your developments, you can also trace parameters and outputs in a log file, that's a very convenient way to understand what is happening. Once your command is working , it is advised to disable this option in order to improve performances.
That's all for this very first introduction of cutom commands, some real life examples will follow soon to complete this document, happy coding untill then :) Don't hesitate to share your feelings about this new feature to help me improve it.
YannFollow me on twitterCheck my Google+ pageCoolTweak’s creator
Développeurs, prenez le contrôle de CoolTweak !
C'est une nouveauté majeure disponible depuis la version 3.2 du logiciel, il est possible d’exécuter des commandes personnalisées avant, pendant et après les traitements. Que ce soit par une commande DOS, un script batch, Powershell ou VBScript ou un n'importe quel autre programme, vous pouvez étendre les fonctionnalités de CoolTweak à volonté. Créez vos propres commandes et lancez les simplement sur n'importe quel fichier ou dossier grâce un simple clic droit, c'est ça la puissance de CoolTweak.
Comment ça marche ?
Une commande personnalisée est une action comme les autres pour CoolTweak, vous pouvez les enchainer et utiliser le résultat de la commande précédente pour le transmettre à la suivante. Choisissez le type de la commande à exécuter, son nom ou le chemin du script correspondant et les paramètres à lui transmettre lors de son appel, c'est tout.
Commandes globales ou par fichier
Il existe deux manières de réaliser une commande personnalisée, soit avant/après les traitements, soit pendant.
Avant ou après les traitements
Dans ce cas la commande sera lancée une seule fois en prenant un paramètre l'ensemble des chemins des fichiers à traiter. Pour définir une commande de ce type, rendez vous dans les options de sortie de votre menu, onglet événements et sélectionnez l'événement sur lequel devra être déclenchée la commande.
Pendant les traitements
Dans ce cas, la commande sera lancée une fois par fichier à traiter en lui transmettant le chemin du fichier concerné en paramètre Pour définir une commande de ce type, ajoutez une action du type "Commande personnalisée" dans les actions de votre menu.
Les paramètres spéciaux
Les paramètres transmis à votre commande sont essentiels car ils permettent de lui donner quel fichier elle doit traiter et d'autres informations sur son exécution. CoolTweak propose tout un lot de variables (aussi appelées macros) prédéfinies dont la syntaxe est du type {MaVariable} et qui seront remplacées par leur valeur réelle juste avant l'appel de la commande. Cliquez sur le champs des paramètres de la commande pour les afficher toutes, ces variables diffèrent si la commande est globale ou fichier par fichier.
Variables des commandes globales
{FilePathes} Les chemins complets de tous les fichiers à traiter
{FileCount} Le nombre total de fichiers à traiter
{FileDirectoryPathes} Les chemins de tous les les dossiers contenant les fichiers à traiter
{FileDirectoryCount} Le nombre de dossiers parent distincts
{ParamLogFilePath} Chemin de l'éventuel fichier de log (si défini)
{ParamIsAsync} Commande est elle exécutée de manière asynchrone ou pas ?
{ParamIsAdminMode} Commande est elle lancée en mode Administrateur ou pas ?
{ParamPathDelimiter} Le délimiteur utilisé dans les variables de chemin
{ParamPathPrefix} Le texte à ajouter avant chaque chemin de fichier
{ParamPathSuffix} Le texte à ajouter après chaque chemin de fichier
{ParamPathSeparator} Le texte à ajouter entre 2 chemins de fichier
{EngineLabel} Nom du moteur de traitement
{EngineVersion} Version du moteur de traitement
Variables des commandes fichier par fichier
{FilePath} Chemin du fichier courant
{FileName} Nom du fichier courant
{FileNameWithoutExtension} Nom (sans extension) du fichier courant
{FileNameExtension} Extension du fichier courant (ex: .jpg)
{FileDirectoryPath} Dossier contenant le fichier courant
{FileFormat} Format du fichier courant
{FileMimeType} Type mime du fichier courant
{FileMediaType} Catégorie du fichier courant
{FileDefaultExtension} Extension par défaut associée au format du fichier courant (ex: .jpg)
{FileIndex} Indice du fichier dans les traitements (démarre à 0)
{FileCount} Le nombre total de fichiers à traiter
{OperationId} Identifiant de l'opération courante
{ParamLogFilePath} Chemin de l'éventuel fichier de log (si défini)
{ParamIsAsync} Commande est elle exécutée de manière asynchrone ou pas ?
{ParamIsAdminMode} Commande est elle lancée en mode Administrateur ou pas ?
{ParamPathDelimiter} Le délimiteur utilisé dans les variables de chemin
{OutputFilePath} Chemin du fichier final (à la fin des traitements)
{OutputFileName} Nom du fichier final (à la fin des traitements)
{OutputFileNameWithoutExtension} Nom (sans extension) du fichier final (à la fin des traitements)
{OutputFileNameExtension} Extension du fichier final (à la fin des traitements,ex: .jpg)
{OutputFileDirectoryPath} Dossier contenant le fichier final (à la fin des traitements)
{OriginalFilePath} Chemin du fichier original
{OriginalFileName} Nom du fichier original
{OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension} Nom (sans extension) du fichier original
{OriginalFileNameExtension} Extension du fichier original (ex: .jpg)
{OriginalFileDirectoryPath} Dossier contenant le fichier original
{EngineLabel} Nom du moteur de traitement
{EngineVersion} Version du moteur de traitement
{ImageWidth} Largeur de l'image (en pixel)
{ImageHeight} Hauteur de l'image (en pixel)
{ImageHorizontalResolution} Résolution horizontale de l'image (en dpi)
{ImageVerticalResolution} Résolution verticale de l'image (en dpi)
{ImageFrameCount} Nombre de frames de l'image
{ImageMetaAuthors} Auteurs de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaCameraMaker} Fabriquant de l'appareil photo (si disponible)
{ImageMetaCameraModel} Modèle de l'appareil photo (si disponible)
{ImageMetaComment} Commentaire de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaCopyright} Copyright de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaKeywords} Mots clé de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaRating} Note de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaSubject} Sujet de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaTitle} Titre de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaExposureTime} Durée d'exposition de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaFNumber} Ouverture de l'image (si disponible)
{ImageMetaFocalLength} Distance focale de l'image(si disponible)
{ImageMetaIsoSpeed} Sensibilité ISO de l'image(si disponible)
{ImageMetaProgramMode} Programme de l'appareil (si disponible)
{ImageMetaGpsLatitude} Latitude GPS (si disponible)
{ImageMetaGpsLongitude} Longitude GPS (si disponible)
Résultat de la commande
Pour les commandes fichier par fichier, vous pouvez définir si votre commande modifie le contenu du fichier transmis et ainsi si CoolTweak doit prendre en compte ces changements pour les transmettre à la prochaine action ou pas. L'option "Mode de rechargement du fichier" vous propose 3 options:
Ne pas recharger le fichier: si votre commande ne modifie pas le fichier courant. CoolTweak ne rechargera pas le fichier après l’exécution de la commande.
Recharger le fichier courant: votre commande modifie le fichier transmis et sauve la nouvelle version du fichier au même endroit (écrasement). CoolTweak rechargera le fichier après l’exécution de la commande en se basant sur le chemin du fichier avant l’exécution de la commande.
Recharger depuis un chemin spécifique: votre commande modifie le fichier transmis et le sauve à un autre endroit, et renvoi le chemin complet (attention, pas le contenu) du nouveau fichier dans la sortie standard. CoolTweak rechargera le fichier après l’exécution de la commande en se basant sur le chemin renvoyée par votre commande.
Tester les commandes
Vous pouvez tester très facilement vos commandes fichier par fichier pour vérifier si elles sont bien paramétrées grâce au bouton tester ces réglages. Lors de vos développements, il est aussi possible de tracer les paramètres et le statut de l'appel de votre commande dans un fichier de log, c'est très partique pour mieux comprendre ce qui se passe. Une fois que votre commande fonctionne, il est conseillé de ne plus activer cette option pour gagner en performance.
Voilà pour cette première introduction sur les commandes personnalisées, des exemples concrets d'utilisation vont venir compléter ce document très prochainement, d'ici là, bon code :) N'hésitez pas a faire des retours sur ces nouvelles fonctionnalités pour qu'elles collent à vos besoins.
Yann Suivez moi sur Twitter Check my Google+ page Créateur de CoolTweak
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awsexchage · 7 years
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AWS Step Functions の Activity Worker を “郷” で実装してみた系 http://ift.tt/2fnUw3i
AWS Step Functions とは
郷で Activity Worker を実装 — Activity — 参考 — コード — こうやって使うことを想定
Demo — Activity Worker を動かす環境 — State Machine: ビジュアルワークフロー — State Machine: コード — State1 : Godesu1 で実行するコマンド — State2 : Godesu2 で実行するコマンド — State Machine の実行
むかーし、むかーし、1 台の EC2 cron で動かしている複数のバッチ処理があったとさ
村人(むらびと)たちはバッチ処理を動かす時だけ EC2 を起動したいと考えたとさ
村人たちの思いを汲んだ禿兵衛は EC2 は Lambda で起動してから、バッチを実行しようと考えたとさ
ところが、禿兵衛は EC2 が正常に起動したことを正確に判断したり、バッチ処理の重複起動やハンドリングに頭を悩ましておりましたさ
そして、ちゃんと前後の処理をハンドリングしつつ、処理の流れをコード化(可視化)出来ればなあと黄昏れておりましたら…山の向こうから「AWS Step Functions というツールがあるばってん、こんツールはくさ、Activity を使えばくさ、EC2 やオンプレのタスクも制御出来るちゃんねー」という声を聞くのであった…
ということで、EC2 で動かしているバッチ処理を Activity で制御することを想定して、Golang で Worker を実装して Acitivity の挙動についてチュートリアルしてみたメモでござる。
AWS Step Functions とは
AWS Step Functions (分散アプリケーションとマイクロサービスの構築) | AWS
 Amazon Web Services, Inc. 
Step Functions の詳しい説明については、以下の資料がとても参考になりました。
AWS Step Functions 実践 from Shuji Kikuchi
郷で Activity Worker を実装
Activities - AWS Step Functions
Learn about Step Functions activities.
Activities are an AWS Step Functions concept that refers to a task to be performed by a worker that can be hosted on EC2, ECS, mobile devices—basically anywhere.
Activity とは EC2 や ECS 等、オンプレミスのサーバーでも動く Worker によって実行されるタスクのこと
AWS SDK や AWS CLI で Worker を実装出来る
Worker は Activity の ARN を指定して起動すると Activity に対してポーリングを行う
Activity は AWS CLI では以下のように作成します。
$ aws \ --profile oreno-profile --region ap-northeast-1 \ stepfunctions create-activity \ --name=OrenoActivity
{ "creationDate": 1500076193.843, "activityArn": "arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:012345678912:activity:OrenoActivity" }
State Machine には以下のように指定します。
{ "Comment": "Golang Demo", "StartAt": "Godesu1", "States": { "Godesu1": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:012345678912:activity:OrenoActivity", "Next": "wait_using_seconds" } } }
./taskRunner -arn=${Activity ARN} -command=${実行したいコマンド}
Activity Worker を動かす環境
$ sw_vers ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.11.6 BuildVersion: 15G1421 $ go version go version go1.8.3 darwin/amd64 $ go build taskRunner.go
State Machine: ビジュアルワークフロー
State Machine とは State をつなげたフローのことで、以下のようなフローで動かしてみます。
State Name State Type State で実行したいコマンド Godesu1 Task demo01.sh wait_using_seconds Wait 10 秒待ってから State: Godesu2 を実行 Godesu2 Task demo02.sh
State Machine: コード
{ "Comment": "Golang Demo", "StartAt": "Godesu1", "States": { "Godesu1": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:activity:OrenoFirstActivity", "Next": "wait_using_seconds" }, "wait_using_seconds": { "Type": "Wait", "Seconds": 10, "Next": "Godesu2" }, "Godesu2": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:activity:OrenoSecondActivity", "End": true } } }
State1 : Godesu1 で実行するコマンド
$ cat demo01.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash for i in $(seq 1 2 10); do echo $i done
Activity Worker を以下のように実行して待機させておきます。
./taskRunner -arn=arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:activity:OrenoFirstActivity -command="./demo01.sh"
$ ./taskRunner -arn=arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:activity:OrenoFirstActivity -command="./demo01.sh" 2017/07/15 08:00:49 taskRunner Started.
State2 : Godesu2 で実行するコマンド
$ cat demo02.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash for i in $(seq 2 2 10); do echo $i done
Activity Worker を以下のように実行して待機させておきます。
./taskRunner -arn=arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:activity:OrenoSecondActivity -command="./demo02.sh"
$ ./taskRunner -arn=arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:activity:OrenoSecondActivity -command="./demo02.sh" 2017/07/15 08:00:55 taskRunner Started.
State Machine の実行
以下のように AWS CLI で実行します。
$ aws \ --profile oreno-profile --region ap-northeast-1 \ stepfunctions start-execution \ --state-machine-arn=arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:012345678912:stateMachine:DemoStateMachine-Go-3
{ "startDate": 1500075053.349, "executionArn": "arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:012345678912:execution:DemoStateMachine-Go-3:859949c4-b3a4-4b7c-84ed-60f555e859e6" }
そして、それぞれの Activity Worker では以下のように出力されています。
それぞれ別の Activity を利用しているので、順番も制御出来ている(Godesu1 → Godesu2 の順番)ことが判ります。
マネジメントコンソールでも上図のように State Machine の処理が正常に終了していることが判ります。
Step Functions = Lambda という印象がありましたが、Activity を使うことで従来のバッチ処理等について変更を最小限に処理フロー(State Machine)に組み込めるのはとても嬉しいです。しかし、こちらでも言及されている通り、Activity は Worker を実装する必要があったり、Worker の運用管理が必要になる点は注意が必要です。
今回、禿兵衛の目の前にあるシチュエーションの場合、Activity Worker は EC2 が起動したタイミングで必ず起動することを保証する必要があったりしますが、それ自体も State の一つとして Lambda ファンクションに組み込んでしまうのもありかなと思ったりしています。
Step Functions とても面白いサービスで好きになっちゃいました。
「AWS Step Functions の Activity Worker を “郷” で実装してみた系」
August 08, 2017 at 04:00PM
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ameliamike90 · 7 years
Frontend Developer job at Bambu Singapore
Bambu is a Fintech startup which specializes in providing Robo-Advisory solutions for banks, insurance companies and non-financial industries like Telcos & E-Commerce. Leveraging on deep learning technologies, we believe that we can change the way people save, invest and manage their wealth. 
In the one year since our founding, we have attained multiple accolades and expanded rapidly. We won the Best Early Stage Startup at Fintech Finals 2017, were named Finalist in the SuperCharger 2.0 Accelerator, and were picked by Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund as one of the Top 3 Fintech Startups. Additionally, we launched Singapore’s first Robo-Advisory platform for Crossbridge Capital, a global wealth management firm.
We have offices in both Singapore and Hong Kong.
Here at Bambu, we believe wealth management should be made easily accessible through delivering great products that provide beautiful user journeys and experiences. We are looking for a front end developer who can execute this vision. 
The developer should believe that a product’s design is just as important as its functionality. You will be responsible for seeing a product from design to implementation and largely influence both the creative and technical direction of the team. We are changing the face of wealth management, apply with us now if you want to be a part of the movement.
Your key responsibilities as our Frontend Developer are:
Rapid prototyping of web applications
Determine the technical foundation/frameworks that will impact future workflows 
Create new frontend libraries that can be scaled across multiple projects
Work closely with the lead designer to determine technical feasibility of projects
Develop new creative ideas
Your degree is unimportant. We look at what you have done and can do for us.
Understanding of web development frameworks 
Knowledge of HTML, Javascript, CSS is compulsory
Able to pick up new skills quickly and is comfortable in an unstructured environment
Experience with AngularJS framework will be preferential
Knowledge of CSS preprocessors (SASS,LESS) will be a plus
Knowledge of ReactJS will be a plus
Knowledge of design tools like Photoshop/Sketch will be a plus
Familiar with TaskRunners(gulp/grunt) & Dependency Management Tools(npm/bower)
StartUp Jobs Asia - Startup Jobs in Singapore , Malaysia , HongKong ,Thailand from http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/30414-frontend-developer-front-end-developers-job-at-bambu-singapore Startup Jobs Asia https://startupjobsasia.tumblr.com/post/162656130724
0 notes
shuying877 · 7 years
Frontend Developer job at Bambu Singapore
Bambu is a Fintech startup which specializes in providing Robo-Advisory solutions for banks, insurance companies and non-financial industries like Telcos & E-Commerce. Leveraging on deep learning technologies, we believe that we can change the way people save, invest and manage their wealth. 
In the one year since our founding, we have attained multiple accolades and expanded rapidly. We won the Best Early Stage Startup at Fintech Finals 2017, were named Finalist in the SuperCharger 2.0 Accelerator, and were picked by Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund as one of the Top 3 Fintech Startups. Additionally, we launched Singapore’s first Robo-Advisory platform for Crossbridge Capital, a global wealth management firm.
We have offices in both Singapore and Hong Kong.
Here at Bambu, we believe wealth management should be made easily accessible through delivering great products that provide beautiful user journeys and experiences. We are looking for a front end developer who can execute this vision. 
The developer should believe that a product’s design is just as important as its functionality. You will be responsible for seeing a product from design to implementation and largely influence both the creative and technical direction of the team. We are changing the face of wealth management, apply with us now if you want to be a part of the movement.
Your key responsibilities as our Frontend Developer are:
Rapid prototyping of web applications
Determine the technical foundation/frameworks that will impact future workflows 
Create new frontend libraries that can be scaled across multiple projects
Work closely with the lead designer to determine technical feasibility of projects
Develop new creative ideas
Your degree is unimportant. We look at what you have done and can do for us.
Understanding of web development frameworks 
Knowledge of HTML, Javascript, CSS is compulsory
Able to pick up new skills quickly and is comfortable in an unstructured environment
Experience with AngularJS framework will be preferential
Knowledge of CSS preprocessors (SASS,LESS) will be a plus
Knowledge of ReactJS will be a plus
Knowledge of design tools like Photoshop/Sketch will be a plus
Familiar with TaskRunners(gulp/grunt) & Dependency Management Tools(npm/bower)
From http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/30414-frontend-developer-front-end-developers-job-at-bambu-singapore
from https://startupjobsasiablog.wordpress.com/2017/07/06/frontend-developer-job-at-bambu-singapore-2/
0 notes
startupjobsasia · 7 years
Frontend Developer job at Bambu Singapore
Bambu is a Fintech startup which specializes in providing Robo-Advisory solutions for banks, insurance companies and non-financial industries like Telcos & E-Commerce. Leveraging on deep learning technologies, we believe that we can change the way people save, invest and manage their wealth. 
In the one year since our founding, we have attained multiple accolades and expanded rapidly. We won the Best Early Stage Startup at Fintech Finals 2017, were named Finalist in the SuperCharger 2.0 Accelerator, and were picked by Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund as one of the Top 3 Fintech Startups. Additionally, we launched Singapore’s first Robo-Advisory platform for Crossbridge Capital, a global wealth management firm.
We have offices in both Singapore and Hong Kong.
Here at Bambu, we believe wealth management should be made easily accessible through delivering great products that provide beautiful user journeys and experiences. We are looking for a front end developer who can execute this vision. 
The developer should believe that a product’s design is just as important as its functionality. You will be responsible for seeing a product from design to implementation and largely influence both the creative and technical direction of the team. We are changing the face of wealth management, apply with us now if you want to be a part of the movement.
Your key responsibilities as our Frontend Developer are:
Rapid prototyping of web applications
Determine the technical foundation/frameworks that will impact future workflows 
Create new frontend libraries that can be scaled across multiple projects
Work closely with the lead designer to determine technical feasibility of projects
Develop new creative ideas
Your degree is unimportant. We look at what you have done and can do for us.
Understanding of web development frameworks 
Knowledge of HTML, Javascript, CSS is compulsory
Able to pick up new skills quickly and is comfortable in an unstructured environment
Experience with AngularJS framework will be preferential
Knowledge of CSS preprocessors (SASS,LESS) will be a plus
Knowledge of ReactJS will be a plus
Knowledge of design tools like Photoshop/Sketch will be a plus
Familiar with TaskRunners(gulp/grunt) & Dependency Management Tools(npm/bower)
StartUp Jobs Asia - Startup Jobs in Singapore , Malaysia , HongKong ,Thailand from http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/30414-frontend-developer-front-end-developers-job-at-bambu-singapore
0 notes
lairde-lampblack · 4 years
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A lovely gal!
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lairde-lampblack · 5 years
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I know i havent posted in literally forever, but i got a new tablet so yall can expect more from me in the future hopefully
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lairde-lampblack · 5 years
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Guess who's starting the ink demonth a week late!
Day 1: Music
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lairde-lampblack · 5 years
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magician should not be allowed near erin.  also, rani finally gets colored, and erin gets freckles from getting splattered with ink.  also samuel mcdaniels is erin’s new best friend
Feat. The Guardian by @aceofintuition
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