#telepathy is all fun and games until your worst enemy starts having domestic thoughts about you two being married
mochinomnoms · 17 days
Riddle + Yuu’s telepathy for an hour+ Floyd next to him= Why is Riddle looking like he is about to have another Ob?
He now know Floyd is into him, more wild if Floyd has the same 18+ thoughts as Jade. Riddle’s hair is becoming white and his cheeks go as red as his hair because Floyd is also thinking of the most domestic scenarios with him.
He can’t catch a fucking break.
Worse if Yuu and Jade are there. Holy fuck Riddle will die.
When you begged Riddle to let you test your new power and transfer your telepathy over for just a class period, he was just trying to be a good friend.
And he was mildly curious how your mind reading powers worked. He was under the assumption that you had to choose a specific person and listen into their thoughts for it to work. Which made your predicament with Jade all the more humorous to him. If you were so bothered by it all, then why did you listen in?
My cute little Riddle~ Aaaah, you're so bright. So red. I love your red hair, your red cheeks when your mad. Should I call you Goldfishie again? To piss you off? So you can yell at me with those pretty gray eyes and voice? Aha, maybe I should~
I think I should beg for the Prefect's forgiveness after this. I am so, so sorry. I didn't realize how bad it was.
Riddle had no clue how you handled the influx of noise, color, and feeling bashing into your head all day. It was like having a horn ringing straight into his ear while a truck's headlights flashed right in his eyes.
Even worse than that? He could make out the singular, most irritating noise, louder than the rest.
My little goldfish, my little tyrant, my little Riddle~
The bane of his existence. The enforcer of Octavinelle. Currently, the third-tallest student at Night Raven College.
"Uh, Riddle?"
Riddle took a deep breath, closing his eyes and turning towards Silver with a polite smile.
"Yes, Silver?"
Silver opened his mouth, closed it again as he paused, and opened it again.
"Are you alright?"
Cute little goldfish~ So bright and red~
"Yes." Riddle ignored the heat pooling under his face. "Why do you ask?"
"You're incredibly red right now. I think even your hair looks pink compared to your face."
Riddle made a strangled sounding noise as he buried his head into his arms and hid against the desk.
"Riddle?" Silver sounded concerned, and Riddle could sense his hands hovering over him, like he wasn't sure if Riddle needed a pat on the back, or to be left alone.
"I'm fine, I just need a moment—"
"Little Goldfishie~"
Riddle bolted up, his head nearly smacking against Floyd's chin based on the way the teal-haired man felt backwards.
"Wow! Cool it Goldfishie!" Aw, he's so cute! "Just tryin' to say hi~"
The image of himself in Floyd's arms and lap, nuzzled up against each other as the other contentedly played with his hands flashed in his head.
My goldfishie! My little red tyrant! My Riddle! Mine, mine mineminemineminemine—
The room went silent, everyone looking over at the group of three. Noticing that Riddle and Floyd were interacting, everyone shrugged and resumed their conversations after a moment.
"Uh, what?" Floyd looked and sounded confused. Now that Riddle was paying attention to him though, he could make out a soft look in his eye.
Aw, are you red 'cause you're sick? Is my mean little mate sick?
Mate? Mate?! MATE! OH GODS NO!
Do I gotta take you to the nurse? I can do it! Anything for my future mate! Aha~ I love my mate, I'll take such good care of you.
Riddle was met with another image of Floyd and himself in another...sweet scenario. One where Floyd was watching him sleep in with one of the most tender looks Riddle had ever imagined on Floyd's face. As he slept, Floyd played with the coral colored ring on his left ring finger.
"Nothing! It's nothing! I'm fine!" Riddle scrambled out of his chair, face still warm and his stomach nauseous.
"I think I'm just feeling a bit feverish, I think I will step out for a bit—"
"You want someone to take ya to the nurse?" Floyd asked, while Silver nodded along. "I can take ya, come on Lil' Goldfishie—"
"I DON'T NEED AN ESCORT!" Riddle shut his mouth as soon as he opened it, some of the other students giving him a look for his volume.
Aw what, come on! Floyd frowned, though it breifly was hidden by one of Floyd's lazy smiles as he shrugged.
"Whatever you say~" Floyd cooed, his eyes following Riddle as he rushed out of the classroom. Riddle could feel his entire body heating up, like Floyd knew that he knew.
Once he was out of the classroom, he near bolted to the nearest bathroom. Locking the door behind him, Riddle turned to look at himself in the mirror.
He was indeed his characteristic shade of red. Instead of his usual angry expression, though, was one of fluster and breathlessness.
Riddle let out a small, high-pitched whimper as he turned for the faucet for some cold water, splashing it on his face. He looked up at the mirror again, cheeks still bright red, and let out a whine.
I will never make light of you again, Prefect, I promise.
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