cinnchaii · 4 months
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⚡️ Tezra-14 ⚡️
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pouch-of-possums · 2 years
I’m gonna… go ahead and upload at least this attack here because it’s the only one I’m proud of so far
Revenge for @cinnchaii of their boy Tezra-14!!! Hehe he seems cool and I like seeing other guardians 💖💖💖
Attached is a bonus sketch that looks ??? mediocre I guess while I was trying to get a feel for drawing him
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for anyone else interested my af user is pouch_of_possums :)
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sarahburness · 5 years
50 People Share What They’re Grateful to Do Every Day
At night, when you think about how you spent your day, how often do you focus on all the things you had to do?
I worked. I ran errands. I went to the gym. I made dinner.
And when you tell someone about this kind of day, how often do you do it with a less-than-enthused tone?
I suspect this is the norm for many of us, at least during the workweek.
Commitments, to work and family, can engulf our lives and seem like chores, not choices and chances.
I distinctly remember one day, years ago, when my day felt particularly packed, stopping to remind myself that I had chosen the schedule I was keeping.
I had chosen to get up early to write, to accept the job that supported me, to go to yoga in the evening, and to do laundry and other household tasks after that.
And I was fortunate to have had these choices to make.
These weren’t all things I had to do; these were things I got to do.
I got to devote time to my passion in the hours before my paid work, creating possibilities for my future.
I got to work a job that provided both pay and benefits, enabling me to take care of my needs, even if it wasn’t my dream career.
I got to stretch my healthy body and create mental stillness.
And I got to live in a comfortable apartment, filled with furniture and clothes I got to buy with money I got to earn.
And in between all these things I had consented to do were lots of other beautiful little things I got to do.
I got to wake up to sunlight coming through my window. I got to walk by interesting people, trees, and buildings on my way to work. I got to eat delicious food from various restaurants at lunch. And I got to use my hands when typing on my computer—hands I could have been born without, or could have lost to some type of injury or tragedy, but hadn’t.
I get to do a lot of things worth appreciating every day. We all do.
We all get to do things that challenge us, fulfill us, excite us, and energize us. We get to live, love, laugh, and explore in far too many ways too count.
Since I’ve long been inspired by this idea of focusing on what we get to do, I decided to include this as one of the prompts in my newly released gratitude journal.
I shared this prompt on Facebook this past Sunday to see how other people would respond. Over 1,500 people chimed in, creating a monumental list of blessings, many of which we all share but could easily take for granted.
Since I was inspired and touched by the list, I decided to share a selection of those responses here.
I Appreciate That Every Day I Get To…
1. Shelley White: Breathe. I received donor lungs nine years ago after my own lungs failed. I have Cystic Fibrosis. Just being able to wake every day knowing I can spend another day with my family is what makes me grateful to be alive. I appreciate life.
2. Kristi VanTassel McHugh: Wake up. I had open-heart surgery nearly two years ago, to replace a faulty aortic valve and repair an aortic aneurysm. When I was first diagnosed, I was told, “If it’s not fixed soon (the aneurysm) it will burst and you will die.” That was two days before Christmas, and I waited just over six months for my surgery. I am thankful to still be here, every day.
3. GusandMaggie Nosce: Be alive. I was born a congenital heart patient (blue baby) and was advised I would need a heart transplant by the time I was four years old. By the grace of God, I have never needed one, even though the open-heart surgery I received when I was days old is no longer in practice and is no longer advised to perform.
4.Manal Khatib: I appreciate that I can walk after a serious car accident eight months ago. Every day I had to relearn how to walk. This journey has made me appreciate my body and treat it with kindness.
5. Laina Amarantinis: Walk and stand. After three spine surgeries I am finally able to walk and stand more and more as the healing progresses. I am very thankful.
6. Mary Beth Hudson: Spend time with my family. I beat my battle with cancer; others in my family were not so lucky.
7. Linda Otto: Move my body. I can walk, run, lift, bend, etc., all with ease. This is not possible for many people. It can be taken away in an instant or gradually as we age. Your health, eyesight, hearing are never appreciated enough.
Friends and Family
 8. Anna Hunt: Spend time with my daughter. Soon she will be off to college and I won’t have her close. Hearing her laughter, knowing she’s in the next room, fills my heart with warmth. I appreciate that every day I get to see her.
9. Amy Albinger: Be with my family. Be with my parents, my husband, my sister, and niece. They are the reason I live today. They are my reason to get through each struggle. They are my definition of love.
10. Riddhi Solanki: I appreciate that I get calls from my parents and friends, as my current job isn’t in my hometown. They call me and talk to me so I don’t feel more alone.
11. Niquita LeValdo: I wake up to my child. He was born with a heart condition and needed surgery at two months old. The thought that he may not have been alive today gives me a new perspective and helps me appreciate every moment. Love your children, praise them, cherish them.
12. Lillivette Colón:‪ Keep my baby in my tummy one more day. Every day is victory.
‪13. Tezra Blake:‪ I appreciate every day I get to see and hear both my sons growing into awesome men, and that they aren’t ashamed to say I love you mom and check on me and ask how I am doing. Despite their age they still want my opinion on things.
‪14. Laurel Hausafus:‪ Have the memories of my sweetheart and husband in Heaven .
15. Cheryle Midgett: Spend another day with my ninety-four-year-old mom.
16. Anika Bruce:‪ Every day I get to hug my family. I love hugs, they’re life changing.
17. Nicole Werner-Sayre:‪ Stay at home to raise the tiny little human I created and help her grow up into a person I’ll be proud to add to the world.
18. Laurie Clemons: Give a hug and say I love you. We all need to hear it more.
19. Dawn Creason: I get to read and cuddle with the most precious little girl that I never thought I would have. I get to hear her giggle and I get to play with her.
20. Fiona James: Wake up happy and healthy with my wonderful family. Too many people don’t have that luxury.
Needs and Comforts
21. Elizabeth Sherriff: Have a roof over my head, fresh water, food, and a family around me.
22. Kathy Kellermann: Have a warm shower and a bed to climb into (especially in the middle of winter).
‪23. Jessica Grandelli‪: Eat food that nourishes and sustains my life. It is a privilege to live in a place with bountiful food.
24. Jacinta Harrington: Enjoy a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper.
25. Caroline Driver: Eat whatever I want and drink water straight out of the tap.
26. Marsha Frakes Waggoner: Walk outdoors in the grass with my dog and see trees.
27. Heather Demick: Drink in the world through my eyes.
28. Yvonne Hernandez: Have a place I call home.
29. Alice Louise Pocock: Listen with my ears, see with my eyes, and love with all my heart.
‪30. Xuandai Hoang‪: Sit in front of my candle and relax.
31. Enchari Rivadeneira: Dishes. It means I have food, a kitchen, a family to share with, and I did it. I made through another day, whatever happened. It’s a beautiful thing, dishes.
32. Chloe Cunningham Sarno: Finish all the housework all in the same day. Ah, clean house!!
33. Tammy Pillsbury: Lay my head down knowing I have a roof over my head, food to eat, a job that rewards me, a husband that loves me, friends and family whom I love, nature outside my door.
34. Michael Bell: Read. There is no aspect of life that I have derived more benefit and pleasure from, and I couldn’t imagine my life without it.
35. Danielle Yingling-Lowrey: Be with my babies, take care of my flowers, cook, drink coffee, be a friend, be a neighbor, be mama, be a daughter, be a wife, drive my car, take care of my house, giggle, laugh, read, smile at others…. so many things!
36. Nicola Wood: Wake up and just be me and appreciate how blessed I truly am!
37. Steve Kenney: Not feel the pain of starving, the pain of extreme thirst. Having a roof over my head, and AC. Having a few people who really care about me for me, not what I can do or give them. Not suffering from bad health. That’s it. Everything else is inconsequential.
38. Gena Pegg: I appreciate that every day I get another chance to do the right thing.
39. Bani San: I appreciate that every day I get to wake up in freedom and pursue whatever life I dream of.
40. Jayne Duncan Stites: I appreciate that every day I get to begin again anew!
41. Jim Zei: Have another opportunity to make things right—whatever right is.
42.Lechenda Crichton: Have one more chance to be better than I was yesterday.
43. Sherelle Myers: Use my body and working limbs for whatever I choose!
44. Angela Charlwood-Derbyshire:‪ Practice making better choices.
45. Linda May Knowles: To learn from the mistakes I made the day before.
46. Wizz Tomo: I appreciate that every day I get to learn new things.
47. Ashley Glenn: To be alive and experience whatever the new day presents.
48. Amy Brock: Breathe and do normal activities of daily living. There was a time that I couldn’t do such a great job of either.
‪49. Herb Daum‪: I appreciate that every day I get to make the world a kinder place.
50. Melissa Milligan: Be here. Not everyone made it through the night. Be grateful you’re still here.
I appreciate that every day I get to…
How would you finish this sentence?
*This post was originally published in 2017. I decided to republish it again today for those who missed it because it’s fitting for the season!
About Lori Deschene
Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha and Recreate Your Life Story, an online course that helps you let go of the past and live a life you love. Her latest book, Tiny Buddha's Worry Journal, which includes 15 coloring pages, is now available. For daily wisdom, follow Tiny Buddha on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
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The post 50 People Share What They’re Grateful to Do Every Day appeared first on Tiny Buddha.
from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/50-people-share-theyre-grateful-every-day/
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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Happy Pride : D
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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Lazy icon for AF
🍄Team Wither Tezra🍄
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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🦋Dark Age Devotion🦋
Tez has LORE now, *vibrates* annnnnd a dead husband 🫠 Twitter thread below but TLDR Tezra was risen in the dark age, and was an absolute asshole till he met Monarch, an awoken hunter who kicked his ass. They fell in love and traveled together for a century or so but Monarch was killed in an ambush and Tezra went full villain before giving up. Trophy then raised him in the City Age (where he picks up as Young Wolf) and they both pretend he wasn’t raised before. They only people who know are Osiris and Crow, and probably more recently Saint and Zavala. Shaxx also? but more cause it’s like a “oh theres definitely have more to you than you are letting on” deal cause Tez hasn’t told him.
*Plus a helpful Tezra Guide:
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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I can’t believe I manifested this
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cinnchaii · 2 years
🌄New Dawn🌄
Tezra-14 & Trophy fic I whipped out real quick about his “second resurrection”. They talk, and start a new beginning.
Added a link but also just pasted it below🫡 got too lazy to make it pretty here, though. Also? I’m not a good writer, so if this makes no sense, sorry good luck!
His ghost is gone, he’s sent her off to find someone better, someone who’s not a monster like him. He enters a clearing with sparse foliage. He drops to his hands and knees. He’s weak and broken. His heart aches and his nerves and subsystems are firing off, warnings of an imminent shut-down. He won’t fight it anymore. He lays himself in the grass, and grips his woven necklace. He prays to the Traveler that will see Monarch again soon.
Tezra awakens with a jerk and a cough- Calamity scans him once, twice, then floats staring like he’s supposed to say something first.
There is silence before he decides to ask;
“Wh- why am I here?”
The ghost’s pupil narrows. “I’m done, I’m not letting you sulk in the dirt anymore!” Her shell expands, making her look like a puffed up cat.
She’s mad at me?
He sits up and surveys his surroundings, he remembers this and doesn’t. The clearing shows the passage of time evident with new growth.
“How long?”
Calamity spins her shell as if searching for an answer, as if she lost count.
“Centuries at least. I-it’s been so long for me Tez…”
His heart pangs, he remembers before his death, for him seconds, but for her? Centuries. He holds out his palm and after a second of hesitation she falls softly into his grip. He clutches her to his chest, the memory of his pain floods back, Monarch, the village, the warlord. A strained feedback emits from his vocal cords, “You should have left me dead Cal.”
There’s another pause before she responds, “I had to bring you back Tezra, there’s just so much going on and I can’t just leave y-“
Tezra cuts her off, “I don’t have anything for me here, stop”
Calamity flares her shell and flies into his face, “No, you stop! I get it Tez, I do. I get it hurts! What do you want?! A trophy? Boohoo, you are officially the saddest bastard around!” Her shell droops, resigned, “But do you really think this is what he would have wanted? For you to rust out here while there are people out there- innocent people- who need help? That you have the power to help!?”
Tezra sits stunned, in all their years together he’s never heard Calamity yell, that and…
She’s right.
Monarch saved him and together they devoted their strength and light to helping people. His heart aches, a fresh wound of loss. But Calamity is right, he wouldn’t have wanted this- wouldn’t have wanted Tezra to give up while there was someone out there who needed help. To do that would contradict everything they stood for together.
What feels like years of silence pass in the span of a minute. Clarity.
He reaches for her, draws her close and presses her to his forehead, “you’re right”
She sputters, “w-wait, what?”
“You. are. right. He wouldn’t have wanted this, and I need to do… something”
She floats up and her shell dances, spinning around her. “Okay, okay, repeat that first part again?”
“You are-“ his eyes narrow, “no, wait I know what you’re doin-“
“No no this is great! Please continue- hey hey you know, this is great! This is growth! I thought you were gonna be more stubborn than a bull and I’d have to beat it into you!”
Tezra swats at her softly, but the ghost dodges as giggles erupt from her.
“We should go, it’s been a long time, there’s a city now, the Last City. Lightbearers and civilians built it! It’s HUGE!” She spreads her shell to emphasize, “In the city, the lightbearers are organized! They made the Vanguard, Guardians who work together to help people! They have a lot of familiar faces! Like Lord Shaxx and-“ Tezra’s focus breaks from her words and more to her actions, she’s spinning and bobbing through the air excitedly, all the while he notes scuffs and dents on her shell that definitely weren’t there before.
“And then! This crazy cool warlock made light duplicat- you aren’t listening.” Her pupil narrows as she straightens her gaze at him. Tezra’s hands fly up in mock surrender, “I was! And then I was watching… a little more than anything else.” he sighs and softly runs a finger across a particularly deep dent.
She laughs nervously and her look softens, “oh- this is all nothing, Tez! Honest, it’s- it’s just been a while and accidents are bound to happen!” She’s turns away shyly and floats off.
Tezra huffs and begins to stand, his joints creak and the stiffness pulls at his paramuscles. He groans from the pressure, but stretches out his limbs. Tezra turns to look at his surroundings; trees and overgrowth are scattered around him and in the distance looms a giant wall. He removes his cloak and folds it, laying in to rest in the dirt. He grips the pair of rings on the necklace above his heart as Calamity busies herself with scans of the nearby flora.
She brings over two small flowers, a simple but hardy plant, yellow dandelions. He takes one and places it above his cloak and she follows.
“You think I can pull it off?” The yellow?”
She snorts in response and bumps against his shoulder, “if you get a paint job, then I get a new shell!”
“Of course, and during our trip, you can tell me how you scuffed this one so bad.”
He tugs at a point and she scoffs with false offense.
“These were all accidents! I told you before!”
“Yeah, here’s a trophy, most accident prone ghost.”
“Oh real nice Tez, SO original!”
He studies her, trophy. Trophy…
She tilts curiously, “Trophy?”
“Yeah I- it’s just been so long, and this is a… fresh start?”
She only contemplates for a fraction of a second before nodding, “Yeah- Yeah I like that, that sounds good.” She spins all the way around before spinning only her shell, a wave.
“Well, My name is Trophy, I’m your ghost! And you are gonna be a great Guardian!”
Tezra chuckles and gives a playful bow, “Well Miss Trophy, it’s a honor to meet you, my name is Tezra-14.”
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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Sites down for maintenance so I guess this is a great time to show off my characters 🍄
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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☀️✨🌌Catharsis 🌌✨☀️
Mmm Tezra Screenshots I forgot I nabbed during my Catharsis run
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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Bird to dinosaur phase pipeline : )
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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Ah yeah
He is on my mind Always
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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46 notes · View notes
cinnchaii · 2 years
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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CatBoy Tezra for my own personal enjoyment
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cinnchaii · 2 years
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