dismas-n-dismay · 28 days
Suki - Chimera Falin amv
I present before you: The Chimera Falin Edit.
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solradguy · 2 months
that one ky kiske’s ass post that got us rollback for strive is making the rounds again mr. radguy. it’s funny seeing qrts calling ky flat, have you seen the man’s 6H?
Gamers are so hentaibrained that they have forgotten the simple joys of a decently plump behind
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If it's good enough for Dizzy, it's good enough for us all
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prismatoxic · 3 months
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love wins
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kunikidanelson · 2 months
anybody else when picking a favorite character thinks "which one of these fuckers is the most breakable?"
like when i was watching bsd for the first time, and got to the cannibalism arc, i saw how easily they absolutely DESTROYED kunikida and i thought "this one, he's perfect."
really went "wow, he looks so abusable♥️" BUT ITS NOT EVEN THAT, its not like i want to beat him up or something (like the 99% of Dazai fans that want to beat Dazai up for some reason)I just want him to suffer and experience mental anguish that will break him as a person and make it so he never recovers. which is probably worse, and I'm starting to debate if I'm a sociopath. but like this isnt the first time i did this, i always do this with all media i get obsessed over.
idk i just make AUs over and over again giving him different types of trauma.
he's not too broken already so i can play with him a little, unlike atsushi where giving him more trauma would just be excessive. but he's not entirely well either like Kenji where making him suffer would make it feel sort of unauthentic.
perfect middle ground for suffering ♥️♥️♥️
(i just love the pit in my stomach i get when i make something that just hits super hard, its like my personal drug, and with this man I'm having so much fun)
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1punch · 16 days
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froody · 1 year
“What are we going to do about the orcas attacking boats issue? It’s something money can’t fix.” Personally I have an idea. And I know you lily-livered PETA types will not agree. It is controversial.
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the-butternut-tree · 10 months
i had to practically drag my friend to see mutant mayhem but they got so excited and started naming characters to me because i was never really into tmnt as a kid and they were
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impreccusmeowmeow · 9 months
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LOOOK TUMBLR PLEASE LOOK it’s my first ever PMV and it took me over 8 HOURS
Video video video video : https://youtu.be/vgy2hG8T95g?si=Irkt0a1hJD9QXncv
LOOOK LOOK LOOKK PLEESASSE it has my fluffy baby Berrypaw and this asshole Beechshade
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boygirlctommy · 9 months
i *know* ive said this a bunch of times, but What if Tomorrow Comes from Black Friday is SUCH a night before doomsday song
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scribesynnox · 1 year
There’s LORE and WORLD BUILDING in the newest AVA episode and ohhhhhh, I am taking SO many notes.
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oldkamelle · 1 year
i am Prepared to spam the emesis blue animation link
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cto10121 · 1 year
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Romeo: *threatens servant with dismemberment if he interferes, finds Paris, argues with Paris, kills Paris, sees Juliet and talks to her, sees Tybalt and asks for forgiveness, talks to Juliet some more, drinks potion, then dies, with a total of 32 lines from the moment he sees Juliet*
Clown OP: ‘iMMEDIateLY’!!!1!1!
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oodlenoodleroodle · 1 year
I forgot to eat lunch so I had to scrounge up something that'll tide me over til dinner but won't make me too full...
Had some chocolate spread on bread and some crisps.
Which works out nicely because dinner's gonna be tofu and parsnip (trying a new fancy recipe) and I forgot to include a starch with dinner.
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ellzilla · 1 year
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Silly morning doodle b4 I go work but um Friend asked why Ella and Elliot look so vastly different and I had to draw a visual example as to why
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
#cherry chats#we were together and were in the underground...... but at some point we got lost in the woods#in this dream the underground was like. soooooooooooo fucking big it was like a whole planet big down there#like there were oceans and stuff it was wild......#and we got lost and due to sans' head injury it wasnt safe to teleport long distances#so he had to try and get us back little by little. we were also so far from home#and id been playing zelda right beore my nap so i dreamt it was full of monsters but like different than underground monsters#like they really were just little animals who were mean and attacked us#we had to hide and try to avoid everything bc sans' hp was so low and i was so weak and cold#like he had to carry me the entire time#and ummm what else what else. oh right there were scary abandoned temples filled with traps and monsters.......#and some places messed with ur perception of reality like causing hallucinations to get you to reveal yourself and get killed#it was a little scary we were both almost dead and we couldnt stop to rest because we could be attacked anytime#but we got home ^__^ and everyone welcomed us it had been like almost a year#we had a great big feast except not really bc it was in the underground. but everyone ate more than usual#i remember them going 'theres enough for everyone! well‚ everyone can have a little‚ at least'#bc they were like Lol no ones gonna be eating a full meal we dont have that much but everyone can eat SOMETHING#it was a nice dream all in all. a little scary but well its horrortale u know how it is
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shyrosequartz · 2 years
I do think its interesting that SU took a rehabilitation route over incarceration / death / etc but I do understand why that falls a bit flat considering the way minor villains (such as the rubies!) are quickly disregarded and aren’t given the same chance as the story’s “true villains,” especially when the diamond’s crimes are um... A Lot in comparison </3 I really think it would’ve worked better to make the diamonds more... cartoonish in a sense if they planned to redeem them in addition to tending to the smaller villains first <3
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