#that are part of NWO Agenda
secattention · 3 months
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collapsedsquid · 3 months
An influential shareholder activist, Ackman immediately thought about the growing interest in ethical, or ESG, investing. And that’s where the billionaire hedge fund titan — who has unseated several corporate CEOs in his career — saw an opening. In this case, he wasn’t an investor in any of the publicly traded companies that he knew were profiting from Pornhub’s content, which is often uploaded from users the same way individuals post videos on YouTube. But he was friendly with Mastercard’s then-CEO Ajay Banga, whom he had met through a mutual friend. Ackman texted Banga, providing a link to Kristof’s story with his tweet: “Amex, VISA and MasterCard should immediately withhold payments or withdraw until this is fixed. PayPal has already done so.” (Ackman was unaware that American Express already did not allow its card to be used on adult sites.) Banga quickly wrote back: “We’re on it.” Then things began to move. Within days, Mastercard announced it had “instructed the financial institutions that connect the site to our network to terminate acceptance” of Pornhub charges, saying it had found evidence of illegal activity and was continuing to investigate.
You see it's all part of the NWO DEI agenda
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creature-wizard · 10 months
Ironically, if The Matrix was made today, a bunch of the chuds who constantly reference it would probably decry it as part of the "woke agenda."
Wahhhhh all of the white guys are bad except for Mouse who is small and skinny and therefore obviously represents the NWO's plan to emasculate the western white man whine whine whine-
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oww666 · 6 months
because the nwo/wef/un tells him to
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pugzman3 · 2 years
Remember what Yuri Bezmenov said, it takes the "educating" (psyop/indoctrination) of three generations to bring down a country. This is just one of the battles. When they started these "predictions" it didn't matter that they would never happen. They were laying a foundation. They plant the seed, start the narrative, get one generation concerned enough to want change, and then most importantly, endure and suppress any backlash and protests. The next generation grows up with these predictions as normal talk, except the media has grown, and the story gets bigger, and still....suppress and endure the backlash: keep going with the agenda, grow it. By the time the third generation comes, theory is now fact, media and all involved ignore the fact none of it never came true (because that was never the purpose of it), still suppress, create division against those that speak against and vilify them in every way, and start providing the "solutions" that MUST be met in order to save us all. (You can see this same tactic used with school/mass shootings).
It's never about what they say it is, there is always a much more sinister purpose.
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Now....before you go off about brainwashed liberals and democrats, remember this....9/11, two decades of war, and the Patriot Act. That grew into a republican agenda quickly, and then a left vs right issue later. Why do I mention that? Because a part of me is starting to believe that the nwo will not be "brought" in by dems and liberals.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Breakthrough to Circular and Emission-Free Building - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/breakthrough-to-circular-and-emission-free-building-technology-org/
Breakthrough to Circular and Emission-Free Building - Technology Org
The building industry faces enormous challenges. By 2050, the built environment must not only be emission-free, but also circular.
Within the NWA programme titled ‘Transition to a circular and emission-free building industry’, UT is contributing to research to facilitate the transition required to meet these challenges. UT researcher Marc van den Berg (Faculty of Engineering Technology) and colleagues are focusing on the digital aspects of supporting material reuse and recycling processes as part of this research.
Building – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)
Renovation projects are complex challenges characterised by intensive decision-making and organisational activities. Such projects connect a variety of otherwise fragmented disciplines, including designers, builders and demolition companies.
Crucial for fostering more circular renovation practices with lower emissions is the availability of information on reusable materials and design strategies which factor in the preservation of existing value.
Collaborative, Digitised and Integral Processes to Achieve Circular and Emission-Free Renovation (PACER)
The PACER (Collaborative, Digitised and Integral Processes to Achieve Circular and Emission-Free Renovation) project, in which UT is represented, aims to provide collaborative, digitised, integral processes, tools, and legal and economic frameworks to achieve circular and emission-free renovation practices.
Dutch Research Agenda (NWA)
This programme of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) focuses on existing buildings and invites interdisciplinary consortia to investigate how buildings can be renovated in a circular and emission-free manner by studying a concrete case at the street or neighbourhood level. Societal and technical perspectives of circular and emission-free construction are jointly included.
Transition of the construction sector
The aim of the thematic NWA programme titled ‘Transition to a circular and emission-free building industry’ is to achieve breakthroughs and develop action perspectives that contribute to the transition of the building industry, primarily in relation to renovation projects. The NWA programme is organised in association with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, NWO and the Taskforce for Applied Research SIA.
Within the NWA programme, two broad multidisciplinary consortia will spend the next five years carrying out research to advance the transition to circular and emission-free building, with significant involvement of professional experts in the sector. The total funding awarded under the programme is approximately €2,865,000.
Read also the press release accompanying Marc van den Berg’s PhD research titled: ‘UT provides tools for circular demolition and design of buildings (utwente.nl)’
Source: University of Twente
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secattention · 2 months
Farmer tells what happened when his Hogs were injected with the new mRNA Vaccine.
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ireton · 1 year
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Academic researcher speaking about adult/child relations
This is part of the NWO great reset. That is why the trans movement agenda is being pushed. They are trying to normalise relations between adult/child.  They are after our children. Please look after your child. 
Thank you❤️
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📌Documentaries (Part 1/6) – Awakening, Uncensored, Recommended - White Rabbit Index (Updated Dec 2022)
Share Our Channel: http://t.me/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit
1. The Real Anthony Fauci (by Robert F. Kennedy) (3-hrs) (2022)🔥
2. FLUVID-19 (Flu > Covid Deaths Psyop doc) (1-hr) (Hibbeler) (2022)🔥
3. Died Suddenly (Experimental Clot Shots Doc) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
4. Biden Inc. (Tucker’s Biden Crime Family Doc) (40-mins) (2022)🔥
5. NASA: Why do they Lie to Us? (20-mins of NASA Lies) (2020)🔥
6. The Rise & Fall of George Floyd & Black Lives Matter (Corruption Exposed) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
7. The Real Stranger Things (MK Ultra > Microchips Conspiracy Doc) (2021)🔥
8. Science For Hire (Corrupted, Politicized Science Doc) (2022)🔥
9. Who is Marina Abromovic? (Satan-worship Hollywood > Rothchild connections) (2022)🔥
10. State of Control (NWO Digital ID progress & risks doc) (2022)🔥
11. The Flat Earth Scientific Proof: The Convex Earth (1.5-hour) (+ Firmament Dome Earth Theory Hub) (2018)🔥
12. The Clinton Body Count Documentary: The Syndicate Serial Killers (2021)🔥
13. The End of Men (2022) (35-min Tucker Doc w/RFK)🔥
14. Safe & Effective: A 2nd Opinion (Experimental Covid Vaxx Injuries Doc) (2022)🔥
15. Fall of the Cabal (full Corruption of Society doc) (2022)🔥
16. JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick (US History of Corruption)🔥
17. Level 1: Level Earth (Globe Earth Hoax documentary) (2021)🔥
18. Level 2: The Next Level (What is Earth?) (Documentary) (2022)🔥
19. Trump 2024: The World After Trump (Epoch Times) (2022)🔥
20. Who is Stealing America? (2022) (2020 Election Fraud Doc) (Epoch Times)🔥
21. A Shot in the Dark (Experimental Covid Vaxx Doc) (Hibbeler) (2020)🔥
22. Cult of the Medics (Corrupt Healthcare Doc Series) (2022)🔥
23. Bill Gates Conspiracy Hub (2022)🔥
24. Doctor’s Orders (Corrupted Covid-Healthcare Doc) (2022)🔥
25. 911 False Flag: Predictive Programming (2-Ep) (Mr.Truthbomb) (2022)🔥
26. Globebusters: Taking it to the Next Level (Firmament Earth Doc) (2022)🔥
27. Vax Nation (Big Pharma Covid Vaxx doc) (2022)🔥
28. These Little Ones: 1-hr Child Trafficking Report, Proof, & Doc (2022) 🔥
29. The Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia (Khazar = Ukraine) (2022)🔥
30. Writing on the Wall (Digital ID Control 47-min doc) (2022)🔥
31. Freemasonry: What’s the Big Secret? (Freemason Doc)🔥
32. A Very Heavy Agenda (US Politics 911 > War in Uktraine Agenda Doc) (2022)🔥
33. The Bilderberg Documentary (Evolved Truth) (The WEF is the mouthpiece for Bilderberg Group)🔥
34. NWO Control (Money>Gov>Media>Pharma>Depop Doc)🔥
35. The Tartarian Meltdown (Lost History of Earth Tartaria doc)🔥
36. A Thousand Pieces (CIA & FBI Corruption doc) (2020)🔥
37. Unacceptable Views (Canadian Trucker Convoy doc) (2022)🔥
38. Anecdotals: A Doc of Stories of the Covid Vaxx Injured (2022)🔥
39. The Secret Life of Symbols: Jordan Maxwell (Gaia TV doc) (2022)🔥
40. World Upside Down (Biblical Creation of Earth doc) (2020)🔥
41. The Big Bang Lie & New Age Deception (Firmament vs Evolution Hoax) (2015)🔥
42. The Connection of all Things in the Universe🔥
43. The Unseen Realm (Biblical Explanation) (Dr. Heiser)🔥
44. 97% Owned (UK’s Fraudulent Banking System doc)🔥
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
The amount of discipline required not to fall back into addictions and habits is tremendous cause all the world does is have you numbing yourself down.. To be real. when you are highly sensitive, it's like an infection — have you ever been infected by someone's mindset? The real low frequency people that bring your vibe down no matter what.
Energetic hygiene is so important.. people so worried about diseases. What about STDemons.. people carrying the energetic wounds and traumas of everyone they ever come across. And then you wonder why you feel so drained, confused and lost. Why you can't quit drinking or smoking or having those thoughts. Why you can't choose good for you, because you can't even hear the voice that wants good for you, it's drowning in every other dreadful limiting thought.
Learn to be in the world but not of it. You know there's always been more meant for you .. Or do you not want that? Has life zapped all of your ambition and motivation to strive for the best for you? Remember that child inside that dreamt of the impossible. Surround yourself with people that see more in themselves and push you to see more in you too. Life is so short, shit passes you so fast - it's not worth losing this lifetime too.
You were made in the image of the Divine One. an extension of the God-Self, wake up and realize you've been shaping your life the way it is now, all along. And you not taking back your power and creating Heaven on Earth in your little spheres of life.. is truly a lack of vision and ambition on your part.. Because if you knew how powerful you were. Each one of you would be the divine force that anchors in new paradigms that change the material world.
Imagine Nikola Tesla's true free energy vision, new education systems, changes in agriculture, actual work done to clear pollution and the oceans making earth habitable for generations to come, a balanced economy, housing for everyone, real organic food that nurtures health, wholistic medicine that caters to mind body and soul. Imagine no sickness, disease, war, hate, crime, no governments because we all inherently know that we are One.
Y'all get off your glass half empty shit. Stop looking at the brainwashing news. Don't follow their narrative and agenda. IMAGINE THE NEW WORLD. ALIGN WITH IT. Thoughts are everything. You don't have to be spiritual.. know that you're part of the Divine One, and align with the love of it all. If you can imagine it, it's already existing for you.
If you're imagining and catering thoughts for the apocalyptic timeline, and believe nothing happens after death. I PROMISE YOU THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL CREATE FOR YOURSELF. It's so simple yet we'd rather use our minds to continuously keep ourselves in our mind prison cells. Y'all it's freedom when you start questioning WTF THIS HAS ALL BEEN ABOUT.
There's 2 timelines being prepresented to your consciousness. Please beloveds, choose the highest most loving, timeline of Oneness.. rather than continue the illusion of separation and live out the E*T controlled NWO timeline.. crazy I know.
But shits gunna pop off for you once that shift begins happening for Earth and all the veils dissolve.. The truth of knowing it's all been a lie, has already made many start to question their whole lives. This is a shattering of it all. And here the rest of us have been acting as the front line workers waiting for the drop on ground zero. As above so below.
Turn to people in your community that know whatsup. This is what we all came here for, and as you start waking up more and more.. your purpose for being here becomes clearer.. you didn't come here for your 9-5, imagine guardians of the galaxy + earth's mightiest heroes - the Avengers, all of the universe coming together here for this moment to make galactic history.. The work has been millions of years in the making. The love of all of existence cheering us on, so supported that in future timelines we have already won. The alignment is happening NOW. And no one can stop you from waking up.. because the drama of the dream is ending, it's already ended. as you remember that you are vessels of the Divine One.
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debra2007-blog · 2 months
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THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 14 - NWO DEPOPULATION AGENDA https://rumble.com/v1rh1v8-the-sequel-to-the-fall-of-the-cabal-part-14-nwo-depopulation-agenda.html
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gusty-wind · 10 months
Both Klaus Schwab and General Flynn have warned of a black swan event(s). Schwab has suggested this in reference to another virus outbreak. Flynn has hinted that there may be a black swan event(s) that prevents the 2024 election from happening.
A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.
The cabal is already gearing up for the next pandemic and mask mandates have already been reinstated in certain places across the country. They already have their Hollywood assets pushing for the return of masks with creepy Jamie Lee Curtis leading the charge. Make no mistake, they will try to lock down the country and the world again, mixed in with other false flags, to disrupt the election and push their NWO agenda. I believe this is part of at least one of their black swan events, and I’m confident they will fail.
Meanwhile, President Trump posted today on Truth Social that American Patriots will be able to show in court for the first time in three years that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen and insists we cannot let it happen again. Also, Flynn posted a week ago that the Justices of the US Supreme Court must step in before things get out of control and that politics should be fought with fair elections. Will they or the military intervene?
What’s clear is that both the black and white hats have their black swan events that they’re ready to unroll. We all should expect the unexpected. Something has to give, and as rocky as it probably will get --- I would not bet against the patriots. Keep the faith, stay vigilant, do not comply and remember God wins!
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Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?
The extent of Israeli spying directed against the United States is a huge story that is only rarely addressed in the mainstream media.
The Jewish state regularly tops the list for ostensibly friendly countries that aggressively conduct espionage against the U.S. and Jewish American Jonathan Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for spying for Israel, is now regarded as the most damaging spy in the history of the United States.
Last week I wrote about how Israeli spies operating more-or-less freely in the U.S. are rarely interfered with, much less arrested and prosecuted, because there is an unwillingness on the part of upper echelons of government to do so. I cited the case of Arnon Milchan, a billionaire Hollywood movie producer who had a secret life that included stealing restricted technology in the United States to enable development of Israel’s nuclear weapons program, something that was very much against U.S. interests. Milchan was involved in a number of other thefts as well as arms sales on behalf of the Jewish state, so much so that his work as a movie producer was actually reported to be less lucrative than his work as a spy and black-market arms merchant, for which he operated on a commission basis.
That Milchan has never been arrested by the United States government or even questioned about his illegal activity, which was well known to the authorities, is just one more manifestation of the effectiveness of Jewish power in Washington, but a far more compelling case involving possible espionage with major political manifestations has just re-surfaced.
I am referring to Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire Wall Street “financier” who has been arrested and charged with operating a “vast” network of underage girls for sex, operating out of his mansions in New York City and Florida as well as his private island in the Caribbean, referred to by visitors as “Orgy Island.” Among other high-value associates, it is claimed that Epstein was particularly close to Bill Clinton, who flew dozens of times on Epstein’s private 727.
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#Pedophiles #Mossad #Espionage #Blackmail # NWO #NWO #Nuevo Orden Mundial # Agenda 2030
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Best Awakening Documentaries:  Uncensored, Recommended - White Rabbit Index (Part 1/1–Created APR 2023)
1. Beyond The Great Reset (24-min animated showing Great Reset Vision) (2023) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/42588)🔥 2. Satanic Hollywood’s Open Secret (1.5-hour) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/41648)🔥 3. Out of Shadows (2020) (Documentary on Creepy, MK Ultra Hollywood) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/35008)🔥 4. JFK to 911:  Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick (US History of Corruption) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/28625)🔥 5. Monopoly:  Who Owns The World? (Guess Who all the Money Leads To) (2021) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/21823)🔥 6. Jesuit & Freemason Infiltration of the World (3-hr) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/40949)🔥 7. American Moon (A compelling, full 3.5-hr doc debunking Moon Landings) (2017) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/21607)🔥 8. NASA: Why do they Lie to Us?  (20-mins of NASA Lies) (2020) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/22454)🔥 9. Masonic Riddles in Stone (Freemasonry in US Architecture) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/40672)🔥 10. HAARP Weather Manipulation Report causing extreme Weather (2-mins) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/24194)🔥 11. George Soros’ Formula for Killing America (16-mins) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/27163)🔥 12. The Flat Earth Scientific Proof: The Convex Earth (1.5-hour) (+ Firmament Dome Earth Theory Hub) (2018) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/20011)🔥 13. Dark Agendas:  How To Brainwash & Control The Masses (1-min) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/43710)🔥 14. mRNA now being injected into Food (5-min report) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/42725)🔥 15. 911 False Flag: Predictive Programming (2-Ep) (Mr.Truthbomb) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/28231)🔥 16. Died Suddenly (Experimental Covid Clot Shots Doc) (1-hr) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/30507)🔥 17. Plandemic: InDoctorNation (2020) (Covid-Corruption Exposed Doc) (75-min) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/22781)🔥 18. Fall of the Cabal (Corruption of Society doc) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/29131)🔥 19. 11 Corporations Own 90% of Companies (1.5-min) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/24152)🔥 20. Pentagon spent $540 Million on Fake Terrorist Videos (1-min Report) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/2580)🔥 21. Pedos Who want to Convert Your Children (2-mins) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/23210)🔥 22. Free Energy:  Stanley Meyer’s Water Powered Buggy (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/42685)🔥 23. These Little Ones: 1-hr Child Trafficking Report, Proof, & Doc (2022)  (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/23870)🔥 24. Unmasked 2030 (2-hr doc, banking system to covid-vaxxes, Audio-only works great (2021) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/21006)🔥 25. Government/CIA TV brainwashing Proof. MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird. Creep-central (6-mins) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQyMHYgNTa4)🔥 26. Elite Human Trafficking (by Mouthy Buddha) (All Volumes 1-6) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/24425)🔥 27. They Live: The Truth About MK-ULTRA & MK-NAOMI to Present Day Covid (1.5-hr doc) (2021) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/12001)🔥 28. US Government Contracting Slaves: The Empire of the 3 City States (Strawman Prez) (1-hr 15min) (2020) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/13879)🔥 29. The Secret Empire (Corruption of Power Documentary) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/272)🔥 30. Science For Hire (Corrupted, Politicized Science Doc) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/28755)🔥 31. State of Control (NWO Digital ID progress & risks doc) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/30867)🔥 32. Safe & Effective: A 2nd Opinion (Experimental Covid Vaxx Injuries Doc) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/27344)🔥 33. Uninformed Consent: Covid Plandemic Corruption Exposed (Full 2-hr Doc) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/25019)🔥 34. Terrain: The Film Parts 1&2 (Covid-fakery Debates & Corruption exposed) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/14407)🔥 35. The 1%: Why You Must Hate Donald Trump (7-mins) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/24504)🔥 36. 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza (Brand New 2020 Election Fraud Doc) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/18983)🔥 37. Trump @ War (full doc, plus Hub for Trump & J6 docs) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/22555)🔥 38. The Lost History of Earth (New) (fills-in missing gaps in Earth’s History, Pyramids, Architect, etc.) (5-hr) (2021) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/16222)🔥 39. NASA: Going Nowhere Since 1958 (1-hr doc) (2019) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/23738)🔥 40. Century of Enslavement:  The Fraudulent History of the Federal Reserve (1.5-hr Corbett Report)  (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/21011)🔥 41. The Real Anthony Fauci (by Robert F. Kennedy) (3-hrs) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/28460)🔥 42. The Plan: WHO Agenda for 10 years of Plandemics (30-min doc) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/18683)🔥 43. FLUVID-19 (Hijacked Flu Data > Covid Deaths Psyop doc) (1-hr) (Hibbeler) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/30822)🔥 44. Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiment - Positive Energy & Negative Energy are real-Practice it. (6-mins) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/17568)🔥 45. The Truth About January 6th “Insurrection” & Trump Doc Hub (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/20257)🔥 46. What is the World Economic Forum (WEF)? (26-min Investigative Report) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/26742)🔥 47. The Big Reset: World Economic Forum (2-hr Doc on The Great Reset) (2022) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/27015)🔥 48. New World Order:  Communism by the Back Door (5.5-hr Doc) (2014) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/22278)🔥 49. Who is Stealing America? (2022) (2020 Election Fraud Doc) (Epoch Times) (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/31672)🔥 50.
Telegram (https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/42588) Follow The White Rabbit ™ 🐇 ⚫️🔺Agenda 2030:  Beyond The Reset   ▪️ 24-min Animated Short  ▪️ Future after The Great Reset‼️ ✔️ External Link to Share:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/SHMxRIOseEZo/
✅ Also, find our beefy Awakening Documentary List here:   https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/44250
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polyphoniclandscapes · 9 months
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Artistic Research Project  by ArtEZ professorship Theory in the Arts  in cooperation with Zone2source 
Landscaping A growing number of scientists, scholars and artists agree that we have entered the Anthropocene, a geological era in which humankind has become a major force in shaping the Earth. In this context the concept of landscape acquires a new urgency, as well as a new meaning: Where landscape historically has often been thought of as a picturesque vista or a passive backdrop for human protagonists, contemporary artists and theorists conceptualize landscape not so much as a noun but as a verb. The latter expresses a continuous flux of becoming in which both human and more-than-human agencies are entangled in a polyphony of 'world making', i.e. landscaping. 
Listening as research The artistic research project Polyphonic Landscapes inquires the question how sound and the act of listening can contribute to a more active understanding of landscapes. In other words: How can our sense of hearing foster a more embodied, inclusive, relational, and reciprocal connectivity to our environment, the latter being ecologically understood as a process, in which various life forms, materials, energy flows and temporalities are involved? 
The underlying goal of the project is to gain more insight into the processes as of how artistic research(ers) produce new entrances to specific layers of knowledge that are not or hardly touchable by regular academic practices. In tandem with this, the ways in which the researching artists will give shape to their investigations and how they substantiate the public character of research, are an important point of focus.
Polyphonic Landscapes operates at three levels: 
Sonic research into the urgent problem of the relation between nature and culture
Research into the agency of both theory and practices in artistic research
Research into the ecology of the senses and the multisensorial
Researchers and location In Polyphonic Landscapes these questions will be enquired into by four internationally acclaimed sound artists: Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (IN, NL), Yolande Harris (UK, US), Teemu Lehmusruusu (FI) and Lia Mazzari (IT, UK). Their one year long artistic research will display all along their process of creating new sound art works that facilitate embodied and situated ways of knowing and experiencing landscape. To foster a fruitful cross-pollination between artistic practice and critical theory, researchers of the ArtEZ Professorship Theory in the Arts (led by Peter Sonderen, project leader Joep Christenhusz) and Zone2Source director Alice Smits will act as a theoretical sounding board, besides other experts.
In close collaboration with the Amsterdam based platform for art, nature, and technology Zone2Source, the research activities are to take place in and around the fifty-year-old Amstelpark, a hybrid environment in which the urban and the natural are closely intertwined. The participants will explore the sonic environment of the location by self defined research questions. The progression of their investigations will be shared during three public research seminars (see agenda). As a conclusion of the project, the connected sound art works will be exhibited by Zone2Source between mid-September and mid-November 2023.
National Research Agenda (NWA) Polyphonic Landscapes is part of the Art Route NWA-project Bit by bit, or not at all within the scheme ‘Small Projects’ which is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). In this project several cluster questions will be addresses that were posed by the National Research Agenda. For instance: ‘What is quality of life?’ and ‘What does art mean to people?’. 
Polyphonic Landscapes seeks to find new perspectives on these questions by means of artistic research that concentrates on inquiring the relationship nature and culture, and the place of the human and non-human in particular. It endorses the NWA Art Route’s view that, in the face of global climate breakdown, art can be an alternative way of knowledge production, that sidesteps dichotomies between subject and object, knowing and experiencing, human and nonhuman, in the face of climate breakdown. 
Initiative, coordination: Professorship Theory in the Arts, ArtEZ University of the Arts Dr. Peter Sonderen, responsible professor Joep Christenhusz, MA, project leader Zone2Source Alice Smits, artistic director
Artistic Researchers: Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (IN, NL) Yolande Harris (UK, US) Teemu Lehmusruusu (FI) Lia Mazzari (IT, UK) Project partners: Zone2Source Educational partners: Honours Lab, ArtEZ University of the Arts
Contact Joep Christenhusz (Jo.Christenhusz (at) ArtEZ.nl)
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