#the ballad of ned myers
clove-pinks · 2 months
I wonder if known James Fenimore Cooper fan Henry T.D. Le Vesconte read Ned Myers, or, a Life Before the Mast??
I (stupid) only just learned that this is the inspiration for Lee Murdock's banger song:
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clove-pinks · 2 years
I was tagged by @benjhawkins to share three albums I’ve been listening to lately. Thank you, friend!
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1) Lee Murdoch, Here We'll Stand. This is mostly about the Ballad of Ned Myers for me. Heavily pro-USA, War of 1812-themed album, but has a good song about Oliver Hazard Perry.
2) The Beach Boys, Surf's Up. I am never not on a Beach Boys/Brian Wilson kick, at least low-key. For those unfamiliar with the Beach Boys, this is not an album about girls and cars. The title song is a wild collaboration with Van Dyke Parks, and I will always, always vibe to Til I Die.
3) Allysen Callery, The Song the Songbird Sings. Described as "ghost folk" by the artist, wistful haunting Rhode Island coast music, inspired by British Isles folk. It's Not the Ocean (spotify link) is on repeat in my head. O Deathless and Divine is another wonderful song from this album, that has a youtube video.
Tagging @joachimnapoleon, @elyksina, @theiceandbones, @signalseven, @areyougonnabe and @rhavewellyarnbag but only if you want to do it!
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