#the covetous headsman
retrociema · 27 days
Святой - детектив, триллер Великобритания 1962 Часть 1 Роджер Мур, Дерек Фарр, Ширли Итон
Сериал «Святой» создан по произведениям Лесли Чартериса и рассказывает об авантюрных похождениях знаменитого детектива, грабителя и соблазнителя женщин Саймона Темплера. Это гроза преступного мира, современный Робин Гуд, роль которого исполнил Роджер Мур. Образ Святого потом серьёзно повлияет на его образ одного из самых долгоиграющих агентов 007 во всей франшизе о Джеймсе Бонде.
#триллер #детектив #боевик #криминал #киноклассика #шпионы
Производство: Tempean Films for ATV (B/W) Bamore for ATV (colour) Великобритания Режиссёр: Майкл Труман, Джон Джиллинг, Джон Эйнсуорт, Джереми Саммерс и др. В ролях: Роджер Мур, Дерек Фарр, Ширли Итон, Александр Нокс, Дорис Нолан, Дэвид Коссофф, Питер Дайнли, Рикардо Монтез, Дэвид Бауэр, Джордж Пастель, Поль Стассино, Клэй Джонс, Джекки Коллинз, Лоретта Парри, Наталья Бенеш, Анита Шарп-Болстер, Доринда Стивенс, Кэрол Симпсон, Ирен Прадор, Жозефина Браун, Анита Вест, Кэрол Грей и др.
Перевод:  (многоголосый закадровый) NikiStudio
Список серий в данном релизе: 1. The Talented Husband / Талантливый муж 2. The Latin Touch / Немного латыни 3. The Careful Terrorist / Осторожный террорист 4. The Covetous Headsman / Ненасытный палач 5. The Loaded Tourist / Турист-контрабандист 6. The Pearls of Peace / Жемчуг мира
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Saint: The Covetous Headsman (1.4, ITC, 1962)
"Inspector Quercy, how nice to see you."
"Ah, Monsieur Templar, how very nice to see you - provided you have come to France only as a tourist."
"Now what does that mean?"
"That means that there are servants of the Republic, of whom I am one, whose job is to concern themselves with crime. We do not allow private individuals to take over the duties of the police."
#the saint#the covetous headsman#leslie charteris#itc#John Roddick#Michael Truman#roger moore#barbara shelley#eugene deckers#george pastell#esmond knight#carole gray#robert cawdron#josephine brown#michael spear#andre boulay#natalie benesh#barbara roscoe#peter brace#1962#ah what a cast! personal fave George Pastell (made up to be playing older than his actual age)‚ good old Esmond Knight and of course the#ever lovely Barbara Shelley; Simon meets Babs on the plane to Paris where she's meeting her long lost brother. she pulls out a picture to#show him and it's of stuntman and background player Peter Brace‚ so immediately this bodes not well. indeed Brace doesn't actually get any#real screen time that isn't below a sheet on a marble slab. to find the villain Simon must piece together a mystery dating back to ww2; in#the process we learn he fought with the resistance (making ST at the very least in his late 30s here‚ a little older than Moore himself).#the wartime hangover was a fairly common trope in early ITC stuff (see also eps of Interpol Calling and Ghost Squad) and tho it became less#used it still popped up in later shows like Strange Report and The Zoo Gang. Simon seems to be at peace with allowing the execution of a#wartime collaborator‚ fitting in with that darker energy i mentioned last time which is more in the spirit of the books (and which im#fairly certain gets watered down over time). Simon begins the ep being awful about a complaining lady on his plane but later he's much more#charming to an elderly landlady (deliberately shown to be at odds with the way the police talk to her). no location work in Gay Paris tho
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aviss · 4 years
If you still want prompts: The Fool!
Hi @sabakunoai​ I’m so sorry it took me this long to fill this prompt! It seems I managed to write myself into a block during nano and every time I started to write I just got nowhere, but thankfully a week of not writing and just reading has done the trick! Hope you like it. I have lifted some of the dialogue straight from the book, an alternate take on the White Tower scene
The Fool: madness, cliffs, gambling, innocence, recklessness
"Close the door and come here."
She did as he bid her. "The white cloak…"
"No longer mine and good riddance to it," Jaime said, relishing the shock on her face. He had changed his Lord Commander armour and cloak for the red and gold of the Lannister, and a weight he hadn't expected lifted from his shoulders when he'd shed it. No more council to attend, no more expectations, no more tedium. Let the people call him an oathbreaker for it, they had been doing it for almost twenty years, why should he care now. "It was the white cloak that soiled me, remember? Now I can regain what I once had."
He had thought of nothing else since the moment he had returned to King's Landing with the big, honourable wench in tow. He couldn't help it, he saw something of himself, of the boy who had wanted to be Arthur Dayne, in her. She had saved his life, then she had cared for him and finally brought him back to King's Landing the way she had sworn to do, even if there was nobody to uphold her oath to anymore. She was honourable to a fault, and it had made him believe in it for the first time in too many years.
"Jaime," she began, approaching him hesitatingly, her eyes fixed on his crimson armour. "Why? I thought you had been made Lord Commander?"
"I had and then I was released from that yoke. How can a cripple protect a King?" It had been made clear to him there was nothing left for him in King's Landing; with no hand, he could not protect his King, sparring with Addam had proven that. Cersei was lost to him, if she had ever been his, repelled now by his maiming. His brother was in the Black Cells waiting for the headsman for killing the King. 
He had gone to Tywin as soon as his sister had left him and offered him what he had always wanted; Jaime out of the Kingsguard, taking command of the Lannister Army and later taking over as Lord of Casterly Rock. Tywin had wanted to make a betrothal immediately, Jaime had managed to negotiate for one year of freedom. One year to set the Riverlands to rights. One year to search for Lady Sansa with the wench. One year to find his honour again, and maybe his own wife if he didn't want his father to choose one for him. 
He looked at Brienne, looking uncomfortable in the blue dress, though it was a great improvement from the pink monstrosity Bolton had inflicted on her. "Did you mean what you said to Ser Loras? That I had honour?" she asked, a blotchy flush on her face making her even more homely.
"You do." She was the most stubbornly honourable person he had ever met, and she made him want to be as well. "And you have an oath to uphold, same as I do. Steelshakns is on his way to the North with Arya Stark."
"You gave it to him?" She cried, dismayed. "You promised--"
"No, I didn't." Jaime cut her off before she could start criticizing him. "My father never had her, he gave him a girl to say she is Arya Stark, there is nobody left to say she isn't. Her sister has fled the city, accused of Kingslaying. If she yet lives, she's far away from here and my brother is not talking." If he knew where she was, something Jaime doubted.
The wench frowned. "Why are you telling me this? You father's secrets?"
Because I trust you with them. "I pay my debts like a good little lion," he said instead. "I promised Lady Stark her daughters, one of them is still alive. We have a chance to find her."
"We?" she almost choked on the word.
Jaime didn't answer. "I have a gift for you." He reached under the Lord Commander's chair and brought it out. Brienne approached it cautiously as if fearful it would bite her. When she folded back the crimson cloth rubies shone alongside the gold, reflected in her astonishing eyes. She picked it up carefully, reverently, but Jaime wasn't looking at her hands but her eyes, where the wonder and covetousness were plain to see. She slid it from the scabbard, the wicked black blade with red ripples in it. The wench's mouth parted, a soft exhalation falling from her lips, her eyes as wide as he had ever seen.
"Valyrian steel," she breathed, Jaime looked down at her hands holding the sword with the utmost care. "I have never seen such colours."
"Nor I," Jaime looked back up at the wench's face. He was still bitter he would never use such a fine sword himself, was angry with his father for gifting it to him now he was useless. "Take it, a sword so fine is lost on a cripple like me."
"All the best swords have names, it would please me if you called this one Oathkeeper."
"Oathkeeper," she repeated, then slid the sword back into the scabbard.
"It does come with a price, though," he said. 
Brienne's expression closed off then, her shoulders tensing, brow furrowed in a scowl. "I told you, I will never serve…"
"...such foul creatures as us. Yes, I recall," Jaime snapped, weary. Why did she always have to misinterpret everything he said? He wondered at the cleverness of his plan now, if they were incapable of one conversation while he was giving her a present, they would certainly murder each other one year on the road together. This was madness. And yet, he was going to go through with it. "That's not what I'm asking you to do. The price is my company, it's a steep one, I know. Do you have it in you to pay it, wench?" She snapped her mouth shut and blinked slowly. Like this, she appeared even more bovine and slow. "Have I rendered you speechless?"
"Why?" She finally asked, the same question he had been asking himself since the moment he left his father's rooms in the Tower of the Hand, a smugly confused Tywin inside who had been handed the thing Jaime had been denying him for years, and for such a paltry price.  "I thought your place was here protecting your--your King?" She didn't say your son, but he heard her tongue tripping over it.
"He is protected by enough two-handed knights, he doesn't need me here. Sansa Stark is my last chance for honour, I also swore an oath to Lady Stark and I'm not upholding it stuck in King's Landing." There was much more to it, but the wench didn't need to know about his fights with his sister and the death knell of their relationship. You great golden fool, of course he lies to you, same as I do. She didn't need to know how useless he was now without his hand, but he was sure she would help him regain some of the skill he once had, though all was far from his reach. She didn't know he was about to commit treason again and get his brother out of his cell. "I tire to argue with you, take the sword and meet me in the stables at dawn on the morrow, or go after Sansa on your own, it's all the same to me."
"Take the bloody sword and go, before I change my mind. I have much to do before we're due to depart."
She nodded and went to the door. "I'm sorry I doubted you, Ser Jaime." 
She left before Jaime had a chance to answer and he sat down with the White Book. He had not lied, he did have much to do, he needed to fill his page in the book before passing the mantle to whoever his father deemed appropriate, and then he had to get his brother out of the black cell before meeting with the wench.
He picked up the quill and started to painstakingly write in the book, his left-handed penmanship worse than that of a boy of five. The irritation he felt with the wench's mistrustful attitude was slow to fade. He had been beaten trying to keep her honour unbesmirched, had jumped in front of a bear for her, and taken her into custody to save her from Loras. And yet, she still doubted his intentions. 
He wondered what had possessed him to believe this was a good idea.
If they didn't kill each other, the next year was going to be interesting.
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mykclassic · 4 years
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mykclassic just watched a show his official rating : The Saint 1x04 "The Covetous Headsman"
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coolmoviemanmike · 5 years
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I just watched The Saint 1x04 "The Covetous Headsman"
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waseschaposts · 5 years
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The Saint 1x04 "The Covetous Headsman"
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Adventure with the Saint Episode 34 – The Covetous Headsman
Adventure with the Saint Episode 34 – The Covetous Headsman The Saint is back. This episode is dedicated in memory of Phil May, Rip and thanks for all 1) The Pretty Things – Big City (S/t, 1965) 2) Calibro 35 – Uh Ah Brrr (Any... from in Your Eyes ezine | Adventure with the Saint Episode 34 – The Covetous Headsman https://ift.tt/2BCdRZR via recensione / post
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retrociema · 11 months
Святой - детектив, триллер Великобритания 1962 HD Часть 1 Роджер Мур, Дерек Фарр, Ширли Итон
Сериал «Святой» создан по произведениям Лесли Чартериса и рассказывает об авантюрных похождениях знаменитого детектива, грабителя и соблазнителя женщин Саймона Темплера. Это гроза преступного мира, современный Робин Гуд, роль которого исполнил Роджер Мур. Образ Святого потом серьёзно повлияет на его образ одного из самых долгоиграющих агентов 007 во всей франшизе о Джеймсе Бонде.
#триллер #детектив #боевик #криминал #киноклассика #шпионы
Производство: Tempean Films for ATV (B/W) Bamore for ATV (colour) Великобритания Режиссёр: Майкл Труман, Джон Джиллинг, Джон Эйнсуорт, Джереми Саммерс и др. В ролях: Роджер Мур, Дерек Фарр, Ширли Итон, Александр Нокс, Дорис Нолан, Дэвид Коссофф, Питер Дайнли, Рикардо Монтез, Дэвид Бауэр, Джордж Пастель, Поль Стассино, Клэй Джонс, Джекки Коллинз, Лоретта Парри, Наталья Бенеш, Анита Шарп-Болстер, Доринда Стивенс, Кэрол Симпсон, Ирен Прадор, Жозефина Браун, Анита Вест, Кэрол Грей и др.
Перевод: Любительский (многоголосый закадровый) NikiStudio
Список серий в данном релизе: 1. The Talented Husband / Талантливый муж 2. The Latin Touch / Немного латыни 3. The Careful Terrorist / Осторожный террорист 4. The Covetous Headsman / Ненасытный палач 5. The Loaded Tourist / Турист-контрабандист 6. The Pearls of Peace / Жемчуг мира
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retrociema · 1 year
Святой  -  детектив, триллер Великобритания 1962  HD Часть 1 Роджер Мур, Дерек Фарр, Ширли Итон
Сериал «Святой» создан по произведениям Лесли Чартериса и рассказывает об авантюрных похождениях знаменитого детектива, грабителя и соблазнителя женщин Саймона Темплера. Это гроза преступного мира, современный Робин Гуд, роль которого исполнил Роджер Мур. Образ Святого потом серьёзно повлияет на его образ одного из самых долгоиграющих агентов 007 во всей франшизе о Джеймсе Бонде.
#триллер #детектив #боевик #криминал #киноклассика #ntktcthbfk
Производство: Tempean Films for ATV (B/W) Bamore for ATV (colour) Великобритания Режиссёр: Майкл Труман, Джон Джиллинг, Джон Эйнсуорт, Джереми Саммерс и др.
В ролях: Роджер Мур, Дерек Фарр, Ширли Итон, Александр Нокс, Дорис Нолан, Дэвид Коссофф, Питер Дайнли, Рикардо Монтез, Дэвид Бауэр, Джордж Пастель, Поль Стассино, Клэй Джонс, Джекки Коллинз, Лоретта Парри, Наталья Бенеш, Анита Шарп-Болстер, Доринда Стивенс, Кэрол Симпсон, Ирен Прадор, Жозефина Браун, Анита Вест, Кэрол Грей и др.
Перевод: Любительский (многоголосый закадровый) NikiStudio
Список серий в данном релизе:
1. The Talented Husband / Талантливый муж 2. The Latin Touch / Немного латыни 3. The Careful Terrorist / Осторожный террорист 4. The Covetous Headsman / Ненасытный палач 5. The Loaded Tourist / Турист-контрабандист 6. The Pearls of Peace / Жемчуг мира
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mykclassic · 4 years
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mykclassic is watching The Saint 1x04 "The Covetous Headsman" Rating to come soon!
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waseschaposts · 5 years
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je viens de voir, Acabo de ver esta película The Saint 1x04 "The Covetous Headsman"
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waseschaposts · 5 years
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je regarde, Miro esta película The Saint 1x04 "The Covetous Headsman"
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