#the first time revali wanted to see link cry was when he proposed to him after the war btw lol
amiharana · 1 year
fe3h revalink au. i don't actually have a full-fledged thought for this one but i'm imagining byleth!link and edelgard!revali, and the [FE3H SPOILERS] scene where you kill edelgard in the verdant wind route and the quotes "your path lies across my grave" and the "i wanted... to walk with you..."
revali, who won't back down for what he believes is right even though he didn't foresee how the war he started would destroy the country, and link, who wants to save him but knows that even if revali loves him, he won't back down from his beliefs. revali who begs link to kill him when link gets the edge on him during their final battle, because if link wants to fix this country then it will depend on him taking revali down.
"well, then? claim your victory," revali grunts, barely able to hold himself up with his bow. if link doesn't kill him now, the blood loss will kill revali first. "strike me down. you must!"
"i can't," link whispers, blue eyes wide and teary. it almost catches revali off-guard; he's never seen link break like this. link, who is always stony-faced and expressionless, whose eyes are now full of tears, the grip on his sword with the barest tremble. this isn't how he wanted to see link cry for the first time... "revali..."
"even now," revali says, gritting his teeth, "people across this land are killing each other. if you do not act now, this conflict..." he winces, the pain flaring all over his torso. link twitches, nearly jumping forward to reach for revali. "... will go on, forever."
he looks up at link. the little hylian is crying freely now, face morphed into a look of anguish. revali's gut tightens, in pain, in regret. he wishes it wouldn't have to end like this, but he refuses to back down now. it's too late for him anyway...
"your path... lies across my grave," revali barely manages. "it is time for you to find the courage to walk it."
"no, revali," link whispers, tears continuing to pour down his cheeks. "we can fix this together, just come with me, please—"
"if i must fall," revali cuts him off, breathing heavily and shutting his eyes, "then let it be by your hand." he forces himself to open his eyes again and look up at link. "please, link. this is the only way."
"i won't," link says, wiping furiously at his eyes. he staggers forward towards revali, his sword falling from his grip as he kneels before revali and cradles his face. "this can't be the only way, we can still save hyrule together, our paths can still be parallel, please, revali—"
but it's too late. revali supposes he still fell by link's sword; this final battle between him and link did a number on him, and there wouldn't have been any way he could survive it with the amount of injuries he has sustained, regardless. link was always an incredible fighter. he wraps an arm around link and pulls him close, inhaling the scent of his once-lover for the last time. link throws his arms around revali's neck, desperately holding him tight.
then, revali pulls away and presses his lips to link's forehead. "i wanted... to walk with you..." he whispers, exhaling finally and his grip loosening. with link in his arms as he takes his final breath, revali is finally at peace now.
link realizes a second too late that those were revali's last words, revali's last breath, revali's last embrace, and he screams. link howls and shouts and wails, holding revali's body, not caring that his armor is seeping with blood or that his body is heavy and sore. he begs, calling for mipha or zelda to heal, for anyone to help, for the goddesses not to take his revali from him.
link sobs, holding revali's body tightly rocking back and forth. he did this, he killed revali. and perhaps it was a necessary evil, for the good of hyrule and to end the war, but it's an evil link will never be able to live with, the blood of his lover forever staining and burning his hands with sin.
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Actual Headcanons
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Okay so
Who starts the conversation?
-Before the Calamity, Zelda. Link would make comments here and there but he wouldn’t talk unless asked something. After the Calamity, Link starts the conversation. Solely because he’s already adjusted to how everything is. He goes on and on about the new things and things he misses, his adventures while he was getting stronger so he can beat Ganon. Zelda listens to all his stories, having seen them all from afar while she was fighting Ganon, but loves hearing all the details.
Who wakes up first?
-For someone who fought Ganon for 100 years straight without a break, Zelda is always the first one up. Link’s sleep schedule was so out of whack before they defeated Ganon, and now that it’s reached some sort of stable schedule he sleeps until Zelda wakes him up. She usually goes to the Ancient Tech Lab to hang out with Purah at dawn, so she can catch up on all the progress they’ve made over the past 100 years. When she gets back around 10 ish she wakes Link up so they can had breakfast.
Who cooks?
-That’s the chef himself, Link. He loves cooking food almost as much as he loves eating it. He is teaching Zelda, who is fully aware that she lacks cooking skills because she never needed it. She’s getting better at it, sometimes she doesn’t burn the eggs. No matter what, the food they serve each other is also coupled with a kiss on the cheek.
Who says ‘I love you’ first?
-Lover Boy Link at your service. We know Zelda loves Link and he knows it too (not that she really knows a bird outed her feelings). But Link says it to her when she’s talking about possible solutions for the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. After spending the last few months going around Hyrule, meeting new people, remembering his past life, and going through the trials set in front of him all he could think about was saving her. Link knew he should be doing it to save Hyrule and that was part of his motivation, but the main drive for him was to get Zelda back. He refell in love with her during his journies, so when she was being the geek she is, it slipped.
How does the other react?
-Zelda sorta just stops and stares at him, because she’s known she’s loved him since she shielded him from the Guardian. But to hear that he loves her? She wants to cry on the spot because she’s so happy. Zelda gets all flustered and Link just sorta repeats it because even he’s surprised he said it and she just throws herself on him. Kisses and giggle ensue, because these two teenagers that have seen more than enough tragedy for their lifetime are in love with each other and together.
How do other characters react to the couple?
-The entirety of Hateno thought they were already engaged when they became official. Whoops.
-Impa has this knowing grin when the two of them go visit her for the first time since the confession. She knew that Zelda was in love Link 100 years ago, she’s just surprised it took him this long to figure it out for himself.
-They don’t tell Kass or anything when they go to Rito Village, but he tells Link in private that he doesn’t need a song to see how in love they are with each other. Link gets embarrassed but smiles and thanks him. Teba also makes a “is that your girlfriend?” Comment bc he doesn’t know what the princess from 100 years ago looks like. When Link says yes, he’s a bit surprised but proud anyway.
-Riju, my favorite companion, is estactic. She’s read Urbosa’s Diary and knows for a fact that there was something between Link and Zelda even if they didn’t know it. She’s also a tad off put bc she has this school girl crush on Link but she brushes it off because she’s never seen Link so carefree and happy as he is with Zelda around.
-Sidon, my lovely Zora, is a little surprised to say the least. He never really considered that Link had feelings for Zelda, just sort of focused on the fact that Mipha loved him enough to want Link to be her husband. But he’s happy for them anyway, and says to Link that Mipha would be happy he found someone he loves.
-Yunobo just sorta goes “oh, they’re together? That’s great!” And goes on with his life. Meanwhile, Daruk’s spirit is facepalming bc he saw all the signs and didn’t put two and two together. He really thought that one conversation was about food. Typical Hylians.
-If I’m gunna mention Daruk’s spirit I have to mention all of them.
-Urbosa is highfiving Zelda’s Mom because she got her wish for Zelda. She’s been on this team since Link first requested to meet with her. Those two were bound to be together, especially after all they’ve been through.
-Revali could care less, honestly. But he’s forced to listen to all the spirits talk about them and forces out a “Well I guess the two of them deserve each other” which was meant to be an insult but no one took it that way. He can never win, guys.
-Mipha is actually really happy. She’s had this feeling that Link was never really ever going to be truly hers. She saw how he saw past her, always looking for something else and how when he looked at Zelda, that’s all he saw. It’s why she never gave him the armor. So when she sees Link accept his feelings and let someone in, she’s beyond happy because Link deserves it. Zelda, too.
-Rhoam is just sorta going “well no one else is fit to be the king of Hyrule, so I guess Link is okay” when the Queen and Urbosa roll their eyes. He knows how much Zelda liked Link because she would have him hang out with her in the castle all the time.
Who proposes?
-Zelda is the first one to mention marriage. Since they’re in the process of rebuilding the castle and Hyrule Town, she will be the Queen once it’s completed. She’s already got royal stuff planned and all these projects started, but she brings up the point that if they get married, the ceremony would have to this whole thing since Hyrule has been without a royal family for a century. She’s sitting at the desk staring at pieces of parchment, when Link comes up behind her and places a hand on her back. Link then causally holds out a ring and tells her that they could get married tomorrow just for them.
- They go to Kapson in Terry Town the next day, with Purah, Impa, and Paya as their audience. They have this small ceremony with a dress Impa had saved from when the late Queen got married. Link had to go to Bolson of all people to get a tux of sorts, which ends up being a fancier version of the Royal Guards outfit bc Bolson is extra, even more so when he’s getting an outfit for the new King of Hyrule. He also joins the audience, but much more of a background character who throws flower petals at them.
-The ceremony for the kingdom doesn’t happen for another three years. They’re 23 by this time, the kingdom almost fully restored. With the castle finally back in order and Hyrule Town buzzing with merchants and residents, they decide to announce the news that they’re engaged. Yes, they’ve been married for three years at this point, but this is for the public more than them. Only close friends from the different races know, as well as most of Hateno Village (But they thought they were married a month after Zelda arrived). It’s this whole shebang with a new dress and classy tux. Impa walks Zelda down the aisle, telling her how happy her parents would be if they were here.
Do either of them want kids? One more than the other?
-Link is a SUCKER for kids. He loves them. He would have 50 kids of his own if he could. He doesn’t have many memories of his actual family, so it’s sort of a coping thing for him. Zelda wants children, but is more concerned that being in a different realm for 100 years would affect her ability to become pregnant. She’s also terrified that she’ll have a girl and have to name her Zelda per the family tradition (she doesn’t want any of her children to bear the responsibilities she did).
Do they have kids?
-Yes, they have two little girls. Neither are named Zelda. Instead they name them after story characters their parents used to read to them. (Tetra and Lana for me, but ya’ll can pick what you want)
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pml1225-blog · 6 years
Link is not really the most interesting character. No RPG protagonist is, because their sole purpose is to serve as an insert for the player. As such, some of the side characters have much more compelling stories and become much more memorable. Let’s take a look at two of them in Breath of the Wild.
Breath of the Wild’s story is a backstory of events that happened in the past, and it focuses on Zelda’s struggles to unlock her power to seal Ganon away. She is fiercely devoted to unlocking her inherited power, but when her training doesn’t pay off, she understandably gets frustrated. In the off-time from her training, she works on deciphering and engineering the Guardians, ancient mechanical spider-bots that she hopes to use in the fight against Ganon’s forces.
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“At the current rate, we’ll soon know all we need to know about the Guardians and the Divine Beasts!”
“He always says, ‘Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!’ I’ve spent every day of my life dedicated to praying!”
Her father adamantly disapproves of this, insisting that she focuses on her training. This leaves Zelda feeling helpless and not in control, and when she goes to the final holy spring to pray, only to be met by silence once again, Ganon suddenly attacks. Zelda can’t do anything but stand by as she watches Link and the rest of her friends go fight the war she knows she can’t finish. When Calamity Ganon hijacks the Guardians and Divine Beasts with his ~evil essence~, killing the other champions and turning the army that she had worked so hard on against her, the defeat is complete and she breaks down. Throughout this ordeal, Link is by her side, but being the silent protagonist that he is, can only offer a meager lap for her to cry on in the rain. It is only when Link collapses from his injuries and exhaustion and a Guardian is about to lay waste to them both that she jumps in front of him and cries out, and unlocks her power, saving their lives. Power unlocked, but still thoroughly defeated, she arranges for Link and his sword to be safely stowed away for 100 years, and goes off to Hyrule castle to hold off Ganon as best she can until Link reawakens.
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well, that was easy.
Zelda’s story throughout the games has always been somewhat of a disappointing one, because the games, despite their titles, center around Link. In past games, Zelda always plays a secondary role in Link’s quest, and her involvement and agency in the story ranges from just being asleep for the entirety of Zelda II to Ocarina of Time, where she semi-orchestrates the entire plot from behind the scenes, setting up things so Link can save the day. When Zelda plays an active role in the stories, it is almost always as an alter ego – either as Sheik in Ocarina of Time or as Tetra the pirate in Wind Waker. The Zelda/Tetra distinction is especially interesting and particularly glaring because Tetra is a badass and a primary mover of the plot for the first half of the story, but is unaware of her heritage as Princess Zelda. When she is informed of her ancestry, she goes full princess mode and is relegated to being asleep in a dungeon and firing arrows at Link for him to reflect at Ganon. In the next game (Phantom Hourglass), she readopts her Tetra personality, but her story is very much that of a damsel in distress, which came as a disappointment to fans yearning for more.
By telling Zelda’s story in the past while letting the player finish Link’s story, Nintendo cleverly maneuvered around the problem of having Zelda, who is technically the title character, always being the secondary character. Her story is quite compelling and relatable, seeing how her attempts to balance the burden of unlocking her power with her knack and interest in research and essentially the Hyrulian version of engineering. The way she, as psychoanalyzed by one of the Champions, views Link’s steadfast dedication to his set path as a constant reminder of her own failure paints a convincingly conflicted character, stuck between a rock and a hard place. However, Nintendo fails to bring her story to a fully satisfying conclusion. In the end, her efforts to tame the Guardians are useless and actually lead to her defeat, and she unlocks her power not through her own dedication to her training, but rather her desire to protect Link. This girl climbed three (3) mountains for that shit! Eventually, when she can’t hold Ganon back any further, she calls out to Link to help, and that’s when the game begins. In the final post-game cutscene, Zelda expresses her desire to explore all of Hyrule and continue learning about their ancestors while helping the people, so she does get to do what she wants, but it is still a happy ending that is given to her by Link and the player. In a game where the primary gameplay philosophy is “you can literally do whatever you want”, Zelda’s story where she can’t escape her destiny and the wishes of her father and ancestors leaves a bitter irony. However, her character that is portrayed still shines through the miserable lot in life she was given, as her scenes show her as a real character with real motivations that players will want to root for. Just not a primary character.
That’s not to say that Nintendo is incapable of telling non-Link stories in the context of the Legend of Zelda. The stories of the characters Link meets throughout his journey are often quite compelling and imbued with feeling, and even through the brief interactions the player has, they really contribute to the overall vibe of the games. Breath of the Wild ups the ante by introducing 4 other secondary characters – the Champions. Of the four, Mipha’s character stood out to me, especially since her reception among the fanbase seemed to be extremely divided. Most of her critics claim that “her only character trait is liking Link”, and while, admittedly, much of her character arc revolves around her love for Link, it is told in a way that provides agency and weight to her decisions. Mipha is a childhood friend of Link’s, and as adults/teenagers, she often tends to his wounds with her healing powers. When their respective duties as Champions require them to travel separately and pair Link with Zelda, she is understandably jealous, but keeps it to herself in order to not jeopardize their group’s mission. Instead of being passive, however, she still expresses her wishes to spend more time with Link when their mission is fulfilled, and vows to stick by his side and protect him with all of her power. She also harbors no ill will towards Zelda, instead offering her advice on how to unlock her power by describing how she thinks of someone she cares about (Link) when healing (which somehow ends up being the key to unlocking Zelda’s power even though she’s not the one with a crush on Link ugh).
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“We just don’t seem to know much about what we’ll be up against. But know this: that no matter how difficult this battle may get, if you - if anyone ever tries to do you harm, the I will heal you. No matter when, or how bad the wound, I hope you know that I will always protect you. Once this whole thing is over, maybe things can go back to how they used to be when we were young. You know...perhaps we could spend some time together.”
Though she falls to Ganon along with the remaining champions, the extent of her feelings towards Link is revealed during the game. The Zora, her race of fish-people, initially distrust Link because they believe that he took Mipha away from them and failed to protect her from Ganon. After her father reveals the truth that Mipha loved Link and desired to protect him along with the rest of Hyrule, however, the elders turn to begrudgingly placing their faith in Link based on their trust of Mipha’s judgement. This is symbolized by the armor that Mipha crafted for Link, which in Zora culture is something similar to a proposal. The armor is instrumental to Link’s success, and when he frees Mipha’s soul from Ganon’s grasp, she expresses her gratitude and feelings and passes on her healing powers to Link so she can continue to look over him from the afterlife. In this way, Mipha’s story, though a trite one of impossible childhood love, is more satisfying than Zelda’s. Many of her actions are dependent on her love for Link, sure, but they are logical and are met with logical results. Her happy ending is a direct result of her own actions and character (other than the part where Link still has to free her soul from Ganon, but he has to do that for everyone). The player is reminded of this every time they don the armor she made for Link or get merked by some dumb shit and are revived by her power. The difference between Zelda’s and the Champions’ stories can be seen by how fans responded. When the DLC came out promising more backstory on the Champions, fans were excited and rumors even circulated that you would be able to play as Mipha and the others. Though the DLC eventually fell way short of these expectations, providing little more backstory than “Mipha is kind to everyone”, the prospect that people wanted to play as her indicates that people wanted to experience more of her character beyond her devotion towards Link, something which you can’t exactly say for Zelda. I hope that Nintendo will continue to tell compelling and satisfying stories that aren’t solely based on a male lead, but perhaps the traditional Legend of Zelda story isn’t fit for this. Maybe Metroid?
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