#the gayest part was that they kept talking about giving each other hard wood and stuff
floweryred · 4 months
Remember how in Empires season 2 Joel and Sausage had a son together and that wasn’t even the gayest part of that storyline.
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the-bee-graveyard · 3 years
The Fine Line: Chapter Four
Other Chapters
Summary: The glader’s trauma is finally discussed (I’ve been meaning to put it in here but this is the first chapter I could make it work) Minho goes rogue and takes matters into his own hands. We finally get somewhere with Newtmas? Sort of? (Not a lot of Brendresa this chapter I’m afraid) 
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added/deleted): @izzymultifan @madmathis18
Chapter Four: Lines Are Erasable If They’re Drawn In Pencil
Part One: Thomas’s POV
The Last City burned in slow motion.
That’s what it felt like to the people who were there. It was a beautiful thing, watching that city burn, it felt like the final destruction of evil. Thomas didn’t have time to take in his victory, not as he dragged Newt through the ruins.
His friends shallow breathing made Thomas’s heart stop every time he heard it pause, even just for a second. He could collapse himself from exhaustion, but if he collapsed they both lied and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let Newt die. He couldn’t let Newt die. 
Then Newt woke up, and Thomas wished he’d stayed unconscious for just a few minutes more. 
“Tommy, kill me,” Newt whispered at Thomas wrestled the knife from his hands. “Make amends. Do one right thing.” His voice dropped to a whisper, and Thomas could physically feel his heart breaking. “Please, Tommy, Please.” Newt relaxed a bit, giving Thomas just enough time to knock the knife out of his hands and send it flying, hitting the pavement again a few yards away.
Newt lunged for the knife, but Thomas pulled him into a tight embrace. Newt squirmed and punched at Thomas’s back, but Thomas kept a firm grip. He could feel his grip slipping though, and as Newt tried to pry him off again Thomas grabbed a large chuck of rock.
“I’m so sorry Newt,” Thomas said, tears flowing down his face like two rivers running beside each other. “I’m don’t want to do this. I don’t want to hurt you.” He hit the rock up against Newt’s head, hard enough to knock him out and he prayed light enough to do nothing else.
Newt sunk to the ground and Thomas sunk down next to him, shaking violently. 
“Thomas! Thomas!” A voice called. Thomas spun around to see Brenda running towards him, the serum in her hands. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Newt. “He’s not-?”
“He’s not dead,” Thomas assured her. “But give me the serum, he’s damn close.” Brenda stuck the needle into Newt’s arm. It was supposed to do something. But it didn’t.
“Newt,” Thomas whispered. “Newt please, please come back to me.” But nothing happened. Thomas pressed his hands to his friends chest, but there was no heartbeat. “I love you Newt, please.” 
Thomas’s eyes shot open. He almost fell out of his hammock as he climbed up and went over to the sleeping blonde next to him, pressing his hand to Newt’s chest making sure not to wake him. After watching Newt’s chest move up and down with breathing and feeling his heartbeat he went back to his own hammock and pulled something out of his pocket.
A necklace. The necklace.
The necklace Newt gave him back in the last city. Thomas blinked and the image of Newt begging him to take the necklace from him, Newt dying. Thomas quickly opened the necklace in hopes to get rid of the image, pulling out a piece of paper, a letter.
For a moment Thomas thought he shouldn’t read it. Newt wrote it when he was dying, maybe he only intended for Thomas to read it after he was gone. Thomas began to read the letter anyways, he was never known to say no to an impulse.
Part Two: Minho
So, none of their plans had worked so far. Minho really thought he had it with truth or dare, but of course Newt had to go and shut it down. Minho did see the look of disappointment on Thomas’s face had inspired him to continue on, and to go rogue.
Sonya was going to kill him for this. Thomas was going to kill him for this, if this didn’t work out. Maybe even if it did. Hopefully he’ll be too busy kissing his new boyfriend to assist Sonya in murder. Sonya didn’t need the help.
Minho skipped breakfast to break into the tech tent (where they kept all the technology). He could get something from Frypan later, he could not get what he needed later. It had to be now, while the tent was empty.
Minho dug through two crates before he found what he was looking for: a small handheld voice recorder. He stuffed it in his pocket quickly and begun heading for the exit when a raven haired blue eyed girl appeared in his way.
“Minho? What are you doing in here?” Teresa asked.
“Better question is what you’re doing in here,” Minho replied quickly, trying to look for places he could run or find excuses he could use.
“Vince sent me to work in here, do inventory and stuff like that,” Teresa said.
“I won’t tell if you don’t tell,” Minho said quickly.
“Minho, I’m the one who’s supposed to be in here,” Teresa replied calmly. Minho gave her a charming smile which usually got him out of situations. Teresa sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine, go. But we’re not done with this conversation.” Minho thanked her and dashed off to find his favorite clueless idiots. 
Thomas found him first, almost ran into him really. “Minho,” Thomas gasped. “I’ve been looking all over the place for you.”
“That’s perfect, I’ve been looking for you too,” Minho said. “Now what's this about Tommy boy?” Minho expected to get the usual ‘only Newt can call me Tommy’ speech. Instead he got two pieces of paper shoved in his face.
“Read this,” Thomas said. “Would you consider this a love letter?” Minho took the pages from Thomas and began to read as quickly as he could.
He finished, and the fact that Thomas had to question whether that was a love letter or not was concerning. ‘From the moment you ran into the maze I knew I’d follow you anywhere’ was the gayest shit Minho had ever and would ever read.
Minho had to try his hardest to restrain himself from squealing. Another idea came to him (the creativity was really flowing for him today).
“Dude, that’s totally a love letter,” Minho said. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” Thomas said, looking slightly confused.
“If you could respond to this letter, how would you?” Minho pressed the record button on the recorder in his pocket. 
“I’d tell him since the minute I came up in that box, since he first looked down at me and I looked up at him there was never anyone else for me. That I realized that I was in love with him when he looked at me after he made me a runner, knowing he put all his trust in me and I couldn’t fail him. And that night in the scorch, I believed what he said to me, and I kept going because of him. And how I would have caught the flare a hundred times instead of him. That I have and always will love him.”
Minho would’ve teared up if he wasn’t so giddy with excitement. There’s no way that could be seen as platonic bro stuff, right? (knock on wood). 
“Great thanks Tom, love you my dude,”Minho said before running off to seek on the other half of the boyfriends-who-weren’t-aware-they’re-boyfriends.
Part Three: Newt
Newt was immediately suspicious when he saw Minho running towards him with a stupid grin plastered on his face. Newt had been working in the gardens with Sonya and Harriet (they usually hunted but they were all stocked up on meat so there was no need today) when he saw his friend coming towards them. 
Newt had been talking to Sonya about different types of plants. She’d ask a question about what type of plant it was or something like that and he’d tell her. He found he liked having someone to teach quite a lot, he liked having a sister.
“What the fuck is this about?” Newt sighed as Minho arrived at his side.
“Yeah, what the,” Sonya paused mid-sentence.
“Fuck,” Harriet inserted.
“Is this about?” Sonya finished, glaring at Minho suspiciously.
“I just need to talk to Newt in private about super secret bro stuff,” Minho said. The siblings and Harriet all glared at Minho was disbelief. “I want to talk to him about Brenda and Teresa’s undeniable chemistry.” Sonya and Harriet shrugged and went back to work. Minho grabbed Newt’s arm and began to drag him towards the beach, Newt trying to twist out of Minho’s grip. Newt was strong, but Minho was stronger.
“What’s this really about,” Newt said as his shoes hit the sand. He really hated being on the beach with his shoes on. 
“Don’t talk, just listen, kay?” Minho said, pulling a voice recorder and hitting play before Newt could protest.
He recognized Thomas’s voice immediately. He quickly thought of Thomas pressing his hand to Newt’s chest this morning, Newt pretending to be asleep as his heart sped up.
“I’d tell him since the minute I came up in that box, since he first looked down at me and I looked up at him there was never anyone else for me. That I realized that I was in love with him when he looked at me after he made me a runner, knowing he put all his trust in me and I couldn’t fail him. And that night in the scorch, I believed what he said to me, and I kept going because of him. And how I would have caught the flare a hundred times instead of him. That I have and always will love him,” Thomas said.
Newt couldn’t stop the tears from spilling out of his eyes. Minho clearly didn’t expect this reaction, he quickly pulled his friend into a hug though.
“Is something wrong? I thought you’d be happy to hear that?” Minho said.
Newt was happy, he really was. He’d spent the past months pining hopelessly, praying Thomas would love him back even just a little bit. He remembered all the nights he’d woke up looking for Alby or Minho and Thomas was always there to hold him until he fell back to sleep, or if he didn’t think he could go back to sleep to stay up and talk with him. How one time on the move looking for Minho they almost kissed but Vince called them over before they could, how Newt had stayed up for days thinking about what could have happened that moment.
And now he was getting that opportunity again.
“Happy, so happy Min, just overwhelmed,” Newt said, wiping the tears on his sleeve. Minho grinned and hit him on the back lightly.
“Go get your lover boy then.”
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dreamsheartstory · 7 years
Anya/Luna/Raven - neighbors!au pt 1
sooo a few of you seem interested when I posted this aesthetic a little bit ago in the modern version of land sea sky... I have to say this may be the gayest thing I’ve ever written...
“Clarke.” Raven says their best friend’s name like a prayer and curse all at once as they stare at the deep blue sky of the summer afternoon above them. Their phone is warm pressed against their ear and the grass beneath their bare shoulders itches.
“That was the gayest text you’ve ever sent me Rae-bae,” Clarke laughs.
Raven can just make out the sound of Lexa in the background on the other end of the line chastising Clarke for not getting to the point and continue to tease Raven when they were clearly in distress over the situation. Lexa’s voice goes soft and Raven can’t quite understand the words that follow. “What does quiet and beautifully terrifying want you to tell me?”
“She wants me to come help you unpack- ow… Lex! - and have a barbeque to meet your new neighbors.”
Raven groans.
“She’s informed me that you have a bad case of gay,” Clarke giggles, “To which I informed her that you are typically the cure for such ailments - but also often the cause - it’s always a little touch and go with that. So if you could just go invite the bra-less queers over and we’ll round up the crew in like forty-five? I don’t think either of the Blakes have plans tonight since the whole sitch had been that we were giving you your space to settle in finally. But it’s been way too long and everyone wants to see you.”
“Clarke,” Raven breathes out. They aren’t ready for this, not the friends, that they’re fine with, even if it has been a few months, it’s the new neighbors. Raven is the last of the college crew to move to the big city. They’ve never been like this - Raven is the confident flirt, the one that gets any person they want. “I have to live here. I can’t-” They can’t start out hitting on their new neighbors the day they move in.
Besides, their two neighbors, correction, neighbor and the lady across the street, are more attractive than they know what to do with. Besides the two are far too into each other to be anything but trouble to Raven.
They’re supposed to be taking time for themselves. That was a big point of this move, finally heal after Finn cheated and broke up with them. Start the new job and say fuck off to what had happened. Hot neighbors had not been part of the plan.
Ridiculously hot neighbors.
There was the willowy one that was ninety-nine percent muscle that had spent much of her day bent over or underneath the Mustang in her driveway. Blonde hair pulled up in a mess of a bun, curly tendrils escaping, tanned skin sunkissed. She looked like a model not a mechanic.
Then there was the one from across the street who had practically skipped out of her house in a sundress and black Doc Marten’s with her hair in a wild mane around her head.
From Raven’s yard they had been able to discern that the little flower punk, who really wasn’t all that little, and probably taller than Raven, had not been wearing a bra. This was made evidently clear when Raven caught her leaning over the engine of the Mustang with the mechanic. A quick check told Raven that the mechanic hadn’t bothered with a bra either.
They’d stood there sorting and folding cardboard for the recycling a little longer than needed surreptitiously watching their new neighbors flirt. That’s about the time they had given in and texted Clarke and collapsed in the front yard.
Raven doesn’t move. They don’t see the point. Of course at some point they’ll introduce themselves and hope the conversation doesn’t get too awkward. There are a hundred reasons why it could. The sun is bright and they close their eyes, settling down in the grass, the itching having dulled to a background inevitability. They tug on their shorts and dig their fingers into the muscle of their right thigh. The brace is itchy and sweaty in the heat but they aren’t quite fussed enough to take it off. Clarke may have said forty-five to get everyone together, but that means that she had already started the group chat and Lexa had assigned people errands, and everyone was en route when she had called Raven.
Which meant Clarke and Lexa would be out the door as soon as they had gotten off the phone.
Raven hadn’t quite clocked the distance from their place to everyone else’s but they knew it wasn’t far - at most opposite sides of the same neighborhood. It would be a good walk on a decent day if they were feeling up to it.
The sound of a car engine idling and shutting off draws out a groan from them. Two car doors open and shut, and then a third slightly slower.
Raven stays there in the grass with their arm tossed across their face to blot out the sun.
“Gay,” Clarke nudges Raven with her foot.
“You or me?” Raven sighs heavily and pats Clarke’s calf.
“You’re lying in your front yard because your neighbors are pretty.” Clarke wiggles her toes under Raven’s side. “I think this time it’s you.”
“Says the one who had their great gay awakening by very publicly and loudly proclaiming you wished you could lose your virginity again because you wanted Lexa Woods to be the only person’s touch you had ever known.” Raven snorts at the memory. Clarke had been very drunk at that particular party. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Lexa had overheard that particular speech on her way out of the dorm.
Raven breathes out and sits up, leaning back on their hands to look up at their friend.
“I am never living that down am I?” Clarke shakes her head.
Lexa leans over and kisses Clarke on the cheek, “I don’t think she was quite that eloquent. I seem to remember her yelling, I want Lexa Woods on top of me… forever and ever, amen . while crossing herself.”
“Ah yes, the virginity wish came later as Clarke was throwing up. Quality party you missed out on, Lex.” Raven reaches up a hand and lets Lexa help them to their feet. They steadies themselves on Clarke’s shoulder. “Who all is coming?”
“You, later, hopefully,” Clarke juts her chin toward the neighbors in question half hidden by the Mustang.
Lexa smacks Clarke’s arm, “Octavia, Lincoln, Bellamy, maybe Bell’s new girl but she might not get off work early.”
“Did you invite the newbies yet or did you actually spend the last twenty minutes laying in your front yard?” Clarke grins.
Raven rolls their eyes and turns to head toward the house.
Clarke gasps behind them and Raven turns to see her with one hand pressed to her chest in mock shock and indignation. “I never. The formidable Raven Reyes is off their game.”
Raven takes a step toward Clarke. “Never,” they shakes their head, and poke Clarke in the ribs. Clarke squeaks and giggles in response. “If you remember I once talked you out of your pants. My game is epic.”
“It really isn’t that hard,” Lexa deadpans, though her attention is at the two women flirting over the Mustang.
Raven and Clarke follow her line of sight and look back to Lexa when all they see is two women flirting. Attractive, incredibly so, and quite the sight together, but nothing that would typically send Lexa to this level of distraction.
“Lex?” Clarke asks.
Lexa takes several confident strides across Raven’s lawn and then falters as she calls out, “Anya?!”
The blonde nearly smacks her head on the hood of the car as she straightens up. Lexa pauses waiting for confirmation. Clarke and Raven slowly catch up to Lexa. The dark haired girl takes a step closer to the blonde.
“Lexa Woods? What the hell are you doing back here?” A grin breaks out on the blonde’s face and she crosses the small yard that sits between the two driveways quickly. Lexa meets her somewhere in the middle. There’s an awkward pause of too many years having passed but they end up in a bone crushing hug anyway.
When Anya pulls back from the hug she punches Lexa in the shoulder playfully and Lexa returns the gesture. “What are you doing here, Anya?”
“I live here,” Anya gestures behind her.
“I see you kept the Fastback,” there’s a quaver in Lexa’s voice.
“Had to keep something of his,” Anya shrugs. “Still trying to get it to run.”
Lexa gives her a small smile and nods. She reaches out for Clarke who is there almost before she starts to reach for her. “This is Clarke Griffin, my girlfriend.”
Raven half hides behind Clarke, the normal bravado and confidence they feel is muddled even moreso now by the proximity and Lexa’s history with their new neighbor. They half expect Anya to reach for the lady in the sundress and say much the same. Instead Anya extends her hand to exchange pleasantries.
Lexa reaches behind Clarke to nudge Raven’s shoulder. “And this one is Raven Reyes, your new neighbor. They’re wicked good with cars if you ever decide to let someone else touch the beauty.”
Anya pauses and glances at Raven. Clarke goes still, holding her breath, and Lexa sets her hand back on Raven’s shoulder. Raven knows they’re both waiting to see if Anya or Luna will say anything about their identity.
Anya lets out a rough bark of a laugh and shakes her head, “I’ll figure out how to get Gustus’ baby running again, just you wait.”
Raven breaks out into a grin that they hope reads as genuine and holds out their hand, “You and Lexa must go way back, we’ve known her since college.”
Anya dips her head and raises an eyebrow, “That’s about the last time we really talked.”
Raven lets the moment hang and turns their attention to the one radiant smile and extends their hand. The brunette in the sundress and Doc Marten’s wraps her fingers around Raven’s hand. A smirk pulls at the corner of her mouth and she brushes her thumb across the back of it.
“Luna,” she says with a soft purr. “I live across the street.”
Raven swallows thickly, “Raven.”
Anya rolls her eyes and extends her hand. Raven squeezes Luna’s hand and lets go before quickly reaching out to Anya. Her grip is completely different, firm to the point that Raven squeezes back until they’re certain the two of them are in a competition to see who will give in first. Raven finds themselves grinning when Anya finally lets go.
Clarke coughs and Raven knows she’s covering a laugh. “So we’re having a barbeque to christen Raven’s new place, a few of our friends are stopping by, would you like to join. Maybe regale us with stories about Lexa in her pre-college years?”
Anya’s laugh is full and throaty and Raven finds themselves hoping for the first time that both their new neighbors say yes.
“I think I may have a few choice memories of Lexa before she grew into this calm and collected lady she seems to have become,” Anya winks at Clarke and Raven.
Clarke snorts.
Raven melts.
“I’m going to need a drink…” Lexa turns and starts to lead the group toward Raven’s duplex.
Luna takes a skip and catches up to walk next to Raven, “I’m in. Though, you just moved in, yeah?”
Raven nods and hums a response.
“Do you actually have anything in for a barbeque, or drinking?” Luna raises an eyebrow.
They’re all in through the front door, picking their way around boxes back to the kitchen and the backyard.
“Food is covered,” Clarke explains. “I’ve got Octavia on that, she’ll be here with the boys in a few. Raven should have some hard liquor somewhere, we might want mixers though.”
“If memory serves, little Lexa doesn’t need any,” Anya teases. “Someone used to drink all the boys in her class under the table.”
“Oh god,” Lexa mutters. “Good thing they’ve got an excellent stash…” she mutters to herself as she starts to poke around boxes. “Somewhere,”
Luna nods and then a smile spreads across her lips as she gently collides with Raven, leaning her arm against Raven’s shoulder. “So, do you happen to remember where you hid this excellent stash?”
Raven turns to Luna and breathes in through their nose. Luna is warm and soft against them and smells like sea salt air and morning dew. Raven’s only thought is that she’s definitely not wearing a bra, of that she’s certain. So check one off for queer intuition. “There’s a box somewhere…” Raven gestures around their kitchen.
“Right then,” Anya declares. “I don’t suppose you mind if we help you unpack?” Her biceps flex as she picks up a box and Raven finds themselves nodding, appreciating the fact that Anya is wearing a tank top, momentarily forgetting the quest for alcohol.
“By all means,” they squeak out. “Who am I to say no to such a beautiful contingent of willing bodies.”
That earns them a laugh and a smile from all four women standing in her kitchen. Raven warms to the idea of settling in here, feeling like they belong again, that life is coming together instead of falling apart.
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