#the more Finished stuff. (aka poster series?) and the other one is by engaging in Ideas (generally posts. or memes/incorrect quotes/etc.)
acertaincritic · 6 years
Various Donghua Reviews
I watched or tried to watch a whole bunch of donghua in the past few weeks, and since I see little discourse on this type of animation, I decided to compile them into a list with my short opinions attached. If you are toying with the idea of watching this or that Chinese animation, check out below for both recommendations and a couple of no-no series ^.^”
First things first, some notes. “Wuxia” is a popular genre in Chinese media, based off martial arts, and most often it strays into fantasy territory (from what I’ve seen, at least). It comes with a set of already established tropes and world building details. Think about Western fantasy - when you see elves in it, you don’t have to be told what they are. There are variations, but generally elves = pointed ears + beautiful + magical, and everybody knows that. Wuxia has similar things that do not get explained in every story, so it might feel overwhelming at first, though many translators do try to explain them in the notes. Just for the sake of those who want to know before starting watching, here’s what might make your life easier:
Cultivators - people a little like mages, except they have flying swords and generally are well-versed in martial arts. Usually their purpose is to battle evil supernatural beings. In some stories they are ageless (as in, they don’t grow old) and very hard to kill, in others it’s toned down. Above a certain level, they often train by remote meditation.
Golden Core/Core Formation - sth like the source of their power?... Not exactly, but they have to form it through training if they want to use advanced techniques. It’s situated somewhere between chest and belly, I suck at anatomy, don’t kill me.
Paper talismans  - rectangular pieces of paper that are amazingly easy to toss at your enemies. Used for casting spells, easy to understand just by watching. Also if they seem to be glued to sth, then they usually serve as a seal of some kind.
Various demons/spirits/other magical beings - gosh, there’s a ton. TBH I don’t even know if some aren’t completely made-up by the authors for the sake of their stories. Generally be ready that a new demon/beast/something can jump out from every corner, and the characters are going to know what it is, while you don’t. Resentful energy seems to often be tied to them, as in, it’s what often fuels them.
All right, without further ado, here’s what I’ve tried already. The list is more or less in the order of recommendation, aka from those I liked best to those that I didn’t like at all.
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Title: Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmanster of Demonic Cultivation
Throughline: The supposed villain of the cultivators’ world gets reincarnated into an adult’s body 13 years after his death. Things escalate from there.
My take: 
+ my entry point into donghua.
+ I was hesitant to watch because of the BL tag, but there really is no need to get scared by it. There’s plot proper, well-developed characters, both main and side, and overall this clearly is a fantasy series with a romance rather than a romance with fantasy setting.
+ beautiful art and great animation with only sparse moments when CGI looks kinda clanky.
+ wonderful music, too.
+ honestly though, I’ve been on a low when I came across it and was brought back to life. It’s been a long, long time since I fangirled over a series so much.
+ if you follow my blog you must’ve already seen about it.
+ Just give it a try, OK?
- some things in the beginning are not clearly explained and many names get tossed in at once; especially if you don’t know any Chinese, they might all sound the same. The characters also all have long black hair and bishe faces. I recommend first checking them online and memorizing at least the main casts, it really makes watching it much easier - focus on the bangs and clothes, and try to remember their names. Or you can always rewatch the beginning after you get better at recognizing who is who.
- the cut to flashbacks is confusing, as it happens at the very end of episode 2. Then episodes 3 to 14.5 take place in the past - another thing that’s not super clear and worth keeping in mind.
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Title: Di Wang Gong Lue / The Emperor’s Strategy
Throughline: The Emperor and his loyal noble ally take on many problems that befall the country.
My take:
+ This is the closest series to “Mo Dao Zu Shi” I found so far, though there aren’t that many specific similarities. Only the overall ‘feel’ is similar.
+ Also tagged BL, but TBH, if I didn’t know about it before watching, I still wouldn’t know it.
+ The relationship between the two main characters is like, funny and cute at the same time.
+ Politics and fantasy intertwined.
+ Also a lot of interesting side characters, though maybe they could’ve been given more screen time.
+ great character designs and music.
- animation. It looks like anime from around the year 2000, even though the series came out in 2018.
- some flashback stuff seems really cheesy. There’s not a lot of it, thankfully.
- the first three or four episodes aren’t very engaging. I got invested around episode 5, though as you see, the beginning isn’t so terrible that you can’t wade through it.
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Title: Mi Yu Xing Zhe / Uncharted Walker
Throughline: A group of people are put on a tropical island, forced to play an escape game under extreme circumstances.
My take:
+ an interesting set of characters with various backgrounds, most of them likable or at least understandable.
+ despite the setup, it’s not as bloody as many similar series. Characters can die, but they don’t die that often, which really builds tension and keeps you on the edge of the seat, because when there’s a close-to-death moment, you never know if it’s one when the character will really die or when they get rescued last-minute.
+ there is a very strong “game” feeling to this, where characters generally have to figure out how to use their resources to overcome various obstacles.
+ some psychological stuff here and there.
+ very good animation and designs.
-/+ there are borderline supernatural elements, though generally playing pretend at scientific. I personally don’t mind it, but some people might be put off or disappointed.
- it turns much more creepy in the last 3 or so episodes, to the point that it becomes more of a horror than a survival and mystery story. Even worse, the horror stuff comes in a setup that’s pretty realistic, so I have flashback ‘till this day (I don’t like horrors, and being realistic makes it much worse). TBH if I knew, I’d probably resign from watching, because as much as I enjoyed everything up until that part, the creeps aren’t worth it... However, perhaps you like horrors better than I do.
- a HUGE cliffhanger at the end. But like, HUUUUUGE HUGE.
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Title: Shuangsheng Lingtan /  Twin Spirit Detectives
Throughline: Twin brothers take on cases of supposed supernatural phenomena, bent on proving that they are not real - only that one of them appears to be a ghost himself...
My take:
+ interesting setup.
+ detective stuff - I have a soft spot for mysteries.
+ likable main characters and a few well-developed side characters, too.
+ animation is overall quite good.
+ has a solid arc, though with an open ending and kinda a cliffhanger about a side character at the end.
-/+ bordering on the supernatural territory again.
- horror elements, but thankfully, this time they aren’t that realistic.
- some things in the first few episodes feel rushed or not properly developed (apparently the issue is with the donghua adaptation, and the original manhua had a slower beginning).
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Title: Quan Zhi Gao Shou /  The King’s Avatar
Throughline: The top player of “Glory” is forced to give up his account and retire for a year. What will he do now?
My take:
+ a decent setup, though it gets old quickly.
+ a large cast of interesting character with various strengths and weaknesses and strongly-defined personalities.
+ great art style and characters’ design.
+ great animation during fights.
- the main character. Just. I’ve rarely encountered such a Gary Stue, I really wish I could see him lose for real. Like, I’m OK with him beating noobs, that’s realistic, but he doesn’t stop even after other pros come into play.
- the plot seems generally directionless so far, and gets tiring easily.
- originally I was supposed to binge-watch it with friends as a series none of us knew beforehand, but we gave up after 6 episodes and I switched it to MDZS instead. I finished it alone later, and mostly for the sake of the side characters and animation.
- it is generally watchable, but like, far from best.
This point marks the end of series I watched whole. The following are series I dropped after 5-6 episodes (which I consider a fair amount).
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Title: Ling Qi / Spritpact
Throughline: A guy dies and is given an ultimatum - to pass away or become a spirit companion of a demon-battling, Korean priest.
My take:
+ setup and world building. This seems just like the kind of fantasy that fits my taste.
+ ...character design is not terrible, I guess?
+ apparently the animation gets better in season 2.
+ the demon-battling priest seems like a character archetype I might like.
+/- TBH this series wasn’t tragic, I may still go back to it one day, if I really feel like it. The idea has potential and the plot probably gets better later, I just wasn’t able to prevail until then.
- animation in the first season is kinda meh. Could be worse, but it still doesn’t please. Don’t let the marvelous poster above deceive you!
- the main character. He’s so whiny, I was unable to stand him. He’s the main reason I dropped this, and I honestly have no idea if he gets any better later.
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Title: Quanzhi Fashi / Full-Time Magister
Throughline: Three months after a guy gets transported into a magic-filled alternative reality, he struggles to get into magic school to become the best mage and get a lot of money for his family.
My take:
+ setup/world building again hit a soft spot in my fantasy-loving heart.
+ ...I’ve seen some fragments from season 2, apparently animation is good there.
- I hated the MC of QZGS, but he at least had half a reason to be so unrealistically OP. This guy here... he’s a new low... Basically “How to Write a Gary Stu?” example. Like. C’mon. You can have an OP cool protagonist without making them a GS.
- despite the potentially interesting premise, this is as simplistic as it could be. The MC is ridiculed, but he turns out to be super powerful with talent for not just one, but two most rare elemental magics. He gets bullied - then he shows off how much better he is than the bully during magic exams, stunning everybody. One of the Big Bad Rich Guys tries to recruit him - he flat-out refuses in a infuriatingly arrogant manner. Etc. etc.
- Characters are as deep as a puddle during drought.
- Look, there’s a set of tropes that are generally laughed at in this type of premise, like the MC having an OP secret power, getting put down by everybody to an unrealistic degree etc. Here they are played painfully straight, and there’s nothing more to the story. Absolutely nothing, not a single interesting character or plot thread. I kept watching for so long hoping that something would turn up, but it didn’t.
- animation in season 1 is pretty bad.
That would be all for my donghua experience so far. I had many ups, though I guess some salt pits were unavoidable +_+
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