#the only other person that ford could talk tp about the Operator is now gone
more Ford thoughts from my Marble Hornets au
he and Fiddleford became friends after Alex left Backupsmore College. They shared a dorm together and Ford didn't feel alone anymore, and he enjoyed having a roommate so the Operator was less inclined to go after him.
but one night, Ford wakes up and sees the Operator standing in his room, right in the corner. He screams and Fiddleford wakes up and turns on the light.
the Operator is gone.
Ford's in the midst of a full-blown panic attack. He can hardly speak.
Once he was coherent enough, Fiddleford asked him what happened. Ford tells Fidds all about the Operator and how he keeps seeing him.
Fiddleford writes it off as Ford not getting enough sleep.
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