#the only roles I’m really confident about honestly are Katya and Sofia I flip flopped a lot for everyone else
ichayalovesyou · 1 year
Loving your Goncharov posts. Can’t wait for your Goncharov playlist. Who would you cast if making Goncharov today?
Oooh! That’s a toughy! I’ll do my best!
Goncharov: Oscar Isaac
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Period drama with protagonist with a moral corruption arc, a looming sense of doom, a really frayed but sexy fucked up relationship with his wife while also coming off as incredibly bisexual? Who else could you POSSIBLY want?!
Mario: James Frain
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He’s a conniving boot licker in Tron: Legacy as Jarvis, and a stone cold bitch as Sarek in the new Star Trek shows, Mario is somewhere in that ballpark so why not?!
Andrey: Michael Fassbender
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Fassbender is sooooo good at simultaneously being extremely emotionally raw and cold and calculating and I swear to gawd if that ain’t Andrey he’s soooooo, gawd, such a juicy role. Plus I think it would be sick to see Oscar and Michael chew on the scenery together and be well… Like That. As Goncharov and Andrey
Michailov: Adrien Brody
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I’ve said before that I’d love to see a Wes Anderson take in these film and Adrien Brody is in like all of Anderson’s movies and he’s always playing stuck up little hard asses like Katya’s brother so I think that works super well!
Katya: Elle Fanning
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MAN I love Elle Fanning I can’t tell you how much I need this. Between the Maleficent films and also THE GREAT (she’s already a Russian aristocrat I mean come ON) she could totally pull the ‘disillusioned old money trophy wife’ thing easy! I NEED her to be Katya I neeeeeeeed it!!
Sofia: Jesse James Keitel
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I mean… just LOOK at her??? Amazing, hardened chaotic and queer tough chick I mean please, Keitel can and has absolutely ROCKED that shit and would do it again, Captain Angel but make it 1970s mafia sapphic I mean that’s just CORRECT
Ice Pick Joe: Steve Buscemi
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I know he doesn’t do a lot of on camera stuff anymore but god this man is so good in Fargo and I love it when he plays baddies and I think he could really lean into Joe’s homicidal tendencies with that sly voice I associate with Randall from Monsters Inc who also spooked me as a kid.
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