#the reason why they're so vibrant will become apparent
decamarks · 2 years
the thing people point out most often in my paintings is usually my use of color. it's definitely my favorite part of painting, so hearing this always makes me happy. but it's weird, because it's really hard to articulate exactly why i choose colors the way i do, aside from basic color theory principles. HOWEVER, i've recently come to the realization that i have one significant influence that i don't often register consciously: IMAGE COMPRESSION. the way colors are compressed is really similar to the way i choose all the colors i use. here's an example of what i mean:
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see on the left it's just a normal, white hallway. but when you start to reduce the number of colors through posterization, you see that there's BLUE! and RED and YELLOW! there's all these vibrant, glowy, low-contrast rings of color banding around the walls, comprising an overall 'white' image. they're like little halos of light. the photo obviously looks 'uglier' when you compress it like this, but i can't help but appreciate how unique it looks. it almost looks iridescent. you would never think to use color like this if you weren't a computer trying to crunch together the closest available colors.
there's a lot lost in a camera's translation of raw sensor data to pixels, but the distortion created can be equally beautiful if you look at it through the right lens. i remember zooming into heavily artifacted art when i was little and thinking "how do the artists know when to use white pixels or very slightly bluish-white pixels??" i ended up trying to replicate this a few times, assuming the reason my drawings didn't look as good was because i was using the wrong colored pixels. this initial misunderstanding definitely paved the way for my fixation on the subject, once i was old enough to know what a "jay-peg" is.
the different containers that data, particularly images and sound, are encapsulated in, always define them in some way. the idea of lossless quality—seeing/hearing something the way it was 'meant' to be perceived, free of distortion—is an ideal that i've learned to stop striving for. there's value in compacting things, and conveying them less than perfectly. this concept isn't anything new, of course. the warm fuzz of record players, the blurry imperfection of polaroid photos... these things are genuinely gorgeous, despite their 'ugliness'. it's almost strange to think that effects like these were compromises with the technology available rather than deliberate aesthetic choices.
dithering, reduced color palettes and artifacting are all obviously more modern forms of 'ugly', and thus less often reminisced about. but i really wonder if we'll see more appreciation of them in the future, and i kinda hope we do... i've been showing my appreciation for this somewhat abstractly, but it's undoubtedly still apparent as an influence in my art. i can't help but love it all, honestly.
there's something undoubtedly charming about images so compressed that it's obvious they've been passed around websites for a while, as well as slightly sped up, 128kbps versions of songs uploaded over a decade ago. yes, sometimes it hurts that you can't covey things with lossless clarity—there is always a distortion; a compromise made to compact raw data into something comprehensible by human eyes and ears. these little bits of 'ugliness' are unavoidable and inevitable, because they define the data itself. even your flawless FLAC files become distorted by the speakers that play them. perceptual perfection is always fun to strive for, of course... but sometimes learning to love the limitations of a medium is the best you can do for it.
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xoteajays · 8 months
I know that I never hit you hard enough for you to forget how to count now.. I know that for a fact. So you can't actually blame that on me.
So how is the show? What do you think of the show now? Tell me! I'm wanting to know. I have questions. So tell me what you think about it.
Exactly! That seemed out of character for the Mighty Warriors. And.. I know. That could've just been aesthetic for the music video. But if it's supposed to be an epilogue where Warriors do become Kuryu, then it confuses me that you would give them any weapons though. Like the old Kuryu, like Ryu, uses weapons. But none of the Warriors ever did.
And don't get me wrong. An attractive man in a suit is attractive... But they've never worn suits before with the exception of Ryu. Ryu's style was always more 'professional' compared to the style any Warriors do wear, and he always only ever wore black clothes. Nothing that was in a flashy vibrant style like everyone else in Warriors, mainly streetwear clothes rather than suits. With colors. The complete opposite to Ryu.
If Ryu's the new leader of Kuryu, I don't see him backing down from a fight with anyone.. Especially not from any 'street trash' like the Rude Boys. He'd rather die than not kill them if given the chance to. And so many characters like Nikaido are completely bitches who can't fight.
Strawberry Girls are stupid! If the girls do not know basic information about men, their personalities, their styles, or anything. Then this just so happens to be why they're single. Because they're so stupid to me.
The only way that Rocky could prevent Kizzy from cutting off his limb would be because women wouldn't want to be around a man, without his limbs. That's the only reason why they never cut off his hands too.
And they make sure there is always duplicate keys around just in case the situation calls for it. Because that would be bad if you lost the key at all. So the senior Rascals always have a key for this whole situation.
I don't know how insane Kato might be. And we know that Sakyo and Ukyo might be insane in a violent way, to some extent, but never on a same level as Hyuga is. And if they know how insane Hyuga is.. Now I am actually imagining how the Daruma newbies find out that Hyuga's family was one of the original families in Kuryu. How'd they act then.
So I might've figured out the fucking recipes for the cocktails that are in Club Heaven! And we were both right too.. Seriously. That's not any joke either. The menu I sent you from the High&Low festivals, back in the time when people celebrated the franchise for coming out then.
It lists the flavor for the White Rascals as a calpico. So I've researched calpico... A milky type of drink that comes in five flavors - the original, lychee, white peach, strawberry and mango flavors. And even certain flavors like original, lychee and peach are white colored. Strawberry is pink colored. And mango is orange colored. So now, I'm imaging their signature drink would be with the calpico as the very main ingredient.
They would use every flavor. But original, lychee and white peach end up being the main flavors.. Because white colors for White Rascals.
And! Despite calpico not being an alcoholic drink, that is frequently in alcoholic drinks in Asian (especially Japan). But, of course, one of the liqueurs that mix it with is vodka. And if you do look up some of those drinks.. Those drinks look like the Rascals drinks in different glasses.
So apparently some of my bands updated their appearances for their new albums. Apparently I can't look at pretty Asian men respectfully... My staring is somewhere in between respectfully and disrespectfully.
You said fifth time? Definitely more than five characters for me.
The only exception to a mafioso who wasn't abused might have really been Vincenzo. Like.. I'm not saying his past wasn't said. But he never was abused by his father. That's all I will say about his character.
Like the Shelby family (from Peaky Blinders) came from very abusive families. Rocky counts.. If though Rocky isn't technically a mafioso in the traditional sense. He's a gang leader who had an abusive father so that led to his mother and sister committing suicide. And others too.
Obviously. I know. Criminals become criminals because of the past in their lives.. But still though. Have criminals come from normal pasts - in the same way criminals also come from abusive pasts too. Do both equally. Because having an unsuspecting antagonist is so interesting. But, then again, you just might not emphasize with any of them then.
it’s so long! it’s like watching a movie every episode. i’m still neither here or there on it, but i do like vincenzo himself as a character. also i thought the flick scene was cute, stealing that idea for my daydreaming.
it kinda sucks to slip the warriors into kuryu aesthetics because it was interesting to have ryu among the warriors because he was so un-warrior-ish. he’s like, a rich kid! he wears fancy clothes! ans uses weapons! he’s the literal black sheep in the warriors. so he stands out when with the warriors. but then they crammed the warriors all into the kuryu fashion and it’s. wrong.
put the warriors back in their colours! and their cool streetwear! ryu can be the one in his fancy high fashion clothes. it’s about the duality!
i think it’d embarrass ryu to be beaten by the rude boys. so it should absolutely happen. one of the rude boys deserves to knock him on his ass.
i’m imagining rocky just trying to convince one of the golden bomber/smg guys to give him the spare key and kizzy being there like ‘don’t you dare give him the key’ because she’s trying to get something from him while he’s trapped. on one hand, rocky’s his boss. on the other, kizzy will make his life hell for defying her. lose lose situation.
oh! calpico! i’ve had calpico before. i could see that being made into an alcoholic drink. looks there are a lot of ones online, ones with like gin, vodka or sake. idk what alcohols are popular in japan.
i think i’d prefer the strawberry flavour tbh, even tho it’s not white. i’m not a big fan of lychee, i don’t mind peach tho.
it’s definitely a favourite backstory for writing characters you need to feel some kind of empathy for. like time to make you feel bad for this character! flip a coin, is it going to be abuse or dead family?
gotta find some new material for sad backstories.
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sunblinds123 · 9 months
“Total Darkness- Dreamy Nights” With Edmonton’s Blackout Blinds
Can you imagine a world immersed in complete darkness? A place where the hustle and bustle of the outside world gently fades away as you drift into a sleep filled with dreams. 
Blackout Blinds Edmonton offers you just that–a mesmerizing experience that transforms your nights into "Dreamy" escapes. But what exactly makes these blackout blinds so special? How do they manage to create a haven of serenity in your sleeping space?
Well, indeed they are. In this blog, we'll talk about the top six reasons why blackout blinds should be your ultimate choice for your Edmonton home.
What Blackout Blinds? Discover the Magic.
Have you ever wished for a night of peaceful sleep without the annoyance of bright streetlights and the early sun? Edmonton's blackout blinds offer just that. Meticulously crafted, these blinds are made to completely shut out external light. And there's more–they act as insulators too. 
Rest peacefully through the night as these wonders maintain room temperature and reduce noise, ensuring uninterrupted sleep by protecting you from external disturbances.
Why Choose Blackout Blinds? The Advantages of Nighttime Illumination.
1. Embrace Total Darkness:
Say goodbye to annoying streetlight glares and intrusive sunlight. With blackout blinds in Edmonton, your bedroom becomes a haven of complete darkness, giving you full control over the amount of light that enters your space.
2. Boost Your Comfort:
Imagine sinking into your luxurious bedding in a room that's wonderfully cool in the summer and delightfully cozy in the winter. Blackout blinds are like temperature wizards–they insulate your space, making sure you enjoy unparalleled comfort while you sleep.
3. Calmness Amplified, Noise Reduced:
The vibrant energy of Edmonton can sometimes seep into your sanctuary. Enter blackout blinds–they work like a protective shield against outside noise, wrapping you in a peaceful atmosphere that's just perfect for a tranquil night's sleep.
4. Safeguard Your Privacy:
When the night falls, the value of privacy becomes even more apparent. This is where blackout blinds come into play as your protectors. You can create a barrier by having, this keeps your personal space private, preventing any prying eyes from intruding. With these blinds, you can unwind and release any worries about your privacy.
With this extra level of security, you can relax and relieve your stress, confident that your privacy stays completely safeguarded and untouched.
5. Energy Efficiency at its Finest:
Blackout blinds aren't just about your comfort; they're also champions of energy efficiency. By keeping temperatures stable, they lighten the load on your HVAC system, which is short for "Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning"–the heart of every home's comfort. 
In Canada, the majority of houses rely on forced-air HVAC setups. These systems work by spreading either warm or cool air from a central heating or cooling unit throughout the entire house via a network of air ducts.
Which means less energy consumption, lower utility bills, and a nod to environmental friendliness.
6. Sturdy and Reliable:
Curious about how well these blackout blinds last? Well, we can give you a rough estimate instead of a fixed timeline. Typically, blackout blinds can keep doing well for up to 5 to 15 years. Why the difference, you ask, for?
Quality makes a Difference: If the material is strong and of good quality, your blinds are more likely to go the distance.
Taking Care Pays Off: Regular upkeep and proper care can go a long way in making sure your blackout blinds stick around.
Fitting the Purpose: If you're thinking of windows in places like kitchens or bathrooms, using waterproof blackout blinds can stretch their lifespan. 
7. Last But Not Least, Blackout Blinds Come in Diverse Styles and Colours:
When it comes to blackout blinds, you have a world of choices in terms of styles, colours, and designs. The key factor is using thick fabric, and luckily, the market In Edmonton offers an array of gorgeous options. 
Whether you're inclined towards shades, shutters, vertical or horizontal designs, or even rollers, there's something for everyone. Roman and roller blinds are particularly well-suited for blocking out light effectively and minimizing noise intrusion. 
We stand by Our Values...
Every single blind at Sun Blinds Inc, we create, is a testament to our thoughtful creativity and meticulous craftsmanship. Our customer service is something we're proud of–feel free to reach out to us when you're ready to elevate your space with our blackout blinds. 
The article was originally posted on: “Total Darkness- Dreamy Nights” With Edmonton’s Blackout Blinds
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ariparri · 4 years
The Camping Trip
Written by cursedautumn on Instagram. We did another story for art trade and she wrote out another scenario I had in my drafts for a couple of months now. As mentioned in the Flowers Fic, English is not Autumn's first language so she apologizes if there are any mistakes.
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Veruca stepped out onto the summer sunlit porch of a small house in a Scottish forest, closed her eyes, and stretched. It was summer, the wet, green, cool Scottish summer of 1993. Under a sky as blue as Wedgwood porcelain, the emerald plain was spread out with a delicate lavender pattern, and in the distance, there could be seen the Balmoral castle, where their group went on a tour a few days before. In the air hovered a sleepy morning haze, still pale sunlight slid through the trees, the fields and the wooden house, and Veruca, despite the fact that she was dressed in her pajamas, and early in the morning in Scotland wasn't always warm, so it was a little chilly, with pleasure has substituted her face under the breeze and, looking out over the yard, still turned to the door and slipped into the cramped hallway and from there into the kitchen.
The first thing Veruca saw when she entered was a bare swarthy back, and then tousled chocolate hair and funny pajama pants with rabbits on them. The smell of melted cheese and coffee wafted through the small, uninviting kitchen, and there were three pairs of plates on the table covered with a white tablecloth, presumably for him, her, Carson and Tulip, and Autumn with Talbott. Diego was humming to himself and deftly manipulating cups and pans, and he didn't notice Veruca coming up behind him.
"Good morning," she purred. Diego turned around, his handsome face with dark, hot chocolate eyes lit up with a gentle smile. "Good morning," they hugged and kissed. "The others are still asleep. Would you like cheese toast, scrambled eggs, and coffee? We've got a long way to go home today, and we could use a good meal." "You're right, "Veruca agreed. Today they were going to return home from a two-week camping. "Should I wake the others up?"
"Uh-huh," Diego said. "I don't think they're awake yet..." Veruca left the kitchen and climbed the creaking wooden steps that made up the somewhat rickety staircase. The house they had rented while roaming the Scottish castles was quite old and a little out of keeping with the conditions and weather around them, but there was a strange sense of unity with nature, calm and peaceful — that's what this old building could not take away. Autumn had found the house, and at first Veruca had been surprised by her friend's choice: why would the granddaughter of a French count, the heiress of several pureblood families, and a half-aristocrat prefer a lonely old cabin to a posh cottage or hotel?
Autumn was always full of surprises, though. That's probably why she and Veruca understood each other so well and were so close friends... As she went up to the second floor and down the narrow corridor, Veruca couldn't help but remember how, just before the hike, she had come to Coby and told him that she was going to Scotland with her friends and her boyfriend. Coby, who was already wary of Diego, became concerned, and when Veruca made fun of him and told him that she was "already grown up and ready for things that couples in love usually do," he began to look like a madman in his nervousness and worrying. She had expected to just play on her brother's nerves a little, but now, leaving him there, restless and alone, she felt a gnawing sense of guilt. Well, it was a kind of revenge for the real paranoia of the eighties, a major period of her life that had been taken away because of him and R.
"Hey, you!" called Veruca, coming to the next room; Talbott and Autumn were sleeping in the left room, and Carson and Tulip were sleeping in the right. The door on the left immediately opened, and a girl with disheveled dark, almost black hair, beautiful pale skin, and thin hands appeared on the threshold. Autumn hill narrowed her sleepy, transparent eyes and murmured, “Good morning to you, too. What time is it?"
"Almost eight," Veruca told her friend. "Is Talbott up yet?"
"Yeah," Autumn nodded. She looked happy and rested, and it seemed that the reason lay not only in a good two-week hike, charging mental strength. "He's washing up."
Veruca knocked on the door to the right-hand room. A few seconds later, it also opened, and Carson appeared in the doorway, fully dressed in a shirt and shorts. "Oh, you're awake! Come down for breakfast right now!"
At Breakfast, everyone, barely able to fit at the table, chatted casually, pushed each other with their knees at the table and exchanged memories; Tulip rememberd some fun school story and almost made everyone choke. Veruca looked at her friends and thought about how well they had spent their time here — swimming in the forest lake, frying sausages by the fire, walking around Scottish castles and attending fairs and dances.
Here, in nature, Veruca was able to relax a little, forget that her parents had neglected her, that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban, that until recently she had been all alone — in general, about all the bad things that had happened to her over the past two years. Here, in the company of friends, where she was her own and familiar, it seemed to become easier to breathe, and the muscles of her face stopped straining, forever making her serious and sad. With Diego, Carson, Talbott, Autumn, and Tulip, she could be as much herself as she liked and not be shy about it.
"Thank you for breakfast," Veruca said to Diego after everyone had eaten their fill of cheese toast, scrambled eggs, and coffee, washed the dishes, and gone to their rooms to change, and kissed him. Diego immediately responded to the kiss and did not let go of her for a long time. "That's it, that's it," Veruca laughed as he tried to get his hands under her T-shirt. "So, get ready, Romeo! We have to apparate several times to drop everyone off before Coby."
"Oh," Diego drawled in mock displeasure, hugging her. "Alright. But I promise you, you won't get rid of me when we get home, my beautiful green-eyed Juliet." Veruca laughed and threw a pillow at him. Half an hour later, everyone came down to the porch: Carson and Tulip, both wearing identical white shirts with lettering on them: "I'm hers" and "I'm his" in blue shorts and caps, Autumn and Talbott in loose sweaters and light trousers, and Veruca and Diego — she in a dress with a leather belt, he in shorts and a T-shirt with a strange pattern. There wasn't a lot of luggage, so no one was worried about possible problems with apparating. Veruca took one last look at the lush and vibrant Scottish landscape, sighed, and asked, "Home?"
"Home!" Tulip answered loudly, and six people joined hands and disapparated with a pop sound, leaving only an empty house with keys under the rug, the smell of morning in the cramped kitchen, and the sense of human presence in the damp woods near Balmoral castle. Carson and Tulip were the first to drop off. They were saying good-bye to the others for a long time, then held hands and headed for their home. Looking at her happy friends, Veruca thought that the wedding was just around the corner. Then it was Autumn and Talbott's turn to say their goodbyes even longer, because they were planning to leave to Italy indefinitely due to the escalating situation in the country and it was not known how soon they would see each other.
After watching them go, Veruca and Diego finally apparated for the third time, finally to Coby's house. Her brother lived on a lonely Irish island, in a cozy modern cabin, simple and bright. When Veruca entered it, everything inside her immediately became warmer and calmer. She didn't come here very often, but now she and Diego had a little idea for a prank that they were going to put into practice. Veruca didn't expect to frighten her brother too much, but as she walked up the path to the cabin, holding Diego's hand, she chuckled nervously, knowing that Coby would not be indifferent to this "news.”
Diego remained on the narrow stone path that wound up to the house and was surrounded by low green bushes; Veruca went to the low wooden porch with a flowered rug and pulled the chain that hung from the canopy. Somewhere inside the house, a chime sounded like a trill, then there were slow footsteps, and a fewseconds later a dark-haired man appeared in the doorway with a cup in his hands. He was dressed in a shirt and jeans, and his face was pale and sleepy, as if he had just gotten up, though Veruca thought he probably had. Coby McQuaid stared at his sister for a few seconds, then smiled, "Oh, Veruca!"
"Coby!" Veruca dropped her duffel bag and took a step toward her brother. "As you can see, I'm back!"
"I definetely do!" Coby said exaggerated-loudly, as if she'd interrupted his peaceful awakening. "Come in, don't stand on the doorstep." They went into the wood-paneled living room through the hall. Here everything was the same as before: wooden furniture and walls, chequered sofas and the same chequered curtains, a cozy atmosphere and the smell of wood. She sat down on the cushioned sofa opposite Coby, who poured a cup of tea from a small teapot on a low table and handed it to her, "Here you go."
"Thank you," Veruca said, and looked at Coby. He was looking at her. There was a hint of concern in his eyes. "You know, I have so much to tell you!" Over the next thirty minutes, she hurriedly, almost excitedly, told everything she could remember: how Tulip had fallen into the lake, her feet tangled in the grass (she had a special ability to fall out of the blue, or, like that time, getting tangled in places where it was impossible), how Diego had hidden in the tent because a butterfly was flying outside, and yelled when it sat on him, and Veruca fell down the stairs, and Talbott almost burned his hair by the fire, so she told her brother about the whole trip.
Coby listened with genuine interest, but Veruca could see that he was waiting for her to mention something about "adult stuff." Finally, Veruca decided to do it. When she finished telling them how Tulip and Carson had tried to fry sausages and ended up burning them, she giggled, "You know what else happened?”
"What?" Coby asked too quickly. Veruca laid her hand on the back of the sofa, smiled, and said: "Diego made me a woman."
The room remained silent for several seconds. Then Coby dropped the empty cup and it hit the carpet with a thud. Then her brother screamed and threw himself on the floor and rolled around on it, and Veruca heard a muffled cry and mutter; she got up, put the cup down on the table, and craned her neck to see Coby sprawled on the floor, howling inarticulately, beating the carpet with his weak fists. He seemed to be cursing Diego and the whole world for what had fallen on his poor head; Veruca knew it wasn't real grief, just shock, so she didn't rush to reassure him. Coby slammed his fist down on the floorboards. She was both amused by the sight of her brother and somewhat disturbed by the shock that had overtaken him.
Coby muttered, "How so?.. how?.. You're still a little girl!" Veruca decided not to mention that she was nineteen. Coby continued to howl and roll listlessly on the floor. Apparently, he wasn't going to stop, because his torment didn't get any quieter or even a little calmer. The girl slipped past her brother, who was lying on his face, went out into the hall and found herself on the street, hearing a surprised, muffled cry behind her. Veruca ran quickly down the steps, feeling a rush of laughter, and ran down the paved path toward Diego. Coby's screams subsided a little, and then he suddenly yelled sharply, “VERUCA CARLYN MCQUAID, COME BACK HERE NOW!".
"High five!" Veruca laughed, running up to Diego, who was waiting for her where she had left him some time ago. He dutifully gave her a five and looked cautiously towards the hut from which came Coby's cry. "What a reaction!"
"Let's go quickly," Diego laughed, "before your brother decides to cut off our heads."
"Yeah, the main thing is to write him a letter later and explain that this is just a joke," Veruca chuckled and looked around. They joined hands and disapparated with a bang just as a distraught Coby McQuaid threw open the doors of his cabin and ran out; he ran down the winding path, but found neither his sister nor her boyfriend, and cursing, turned and trudged back, feeling as if someone had hit him very hard on the head. And his "little" sister, returning to her home, immediately went to her cabinet, hastily took out parchmentand ink, sat down at the table and began to write a letter, simultaneously remembering the white face of her brother and how he rolled on the floor, learning about her growing up, and laughing heartily.
"Dear Coby,
I hope you're not too nervous...".
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princeescaluswords · 4 years
Another premise that's popular but makes no sense (and ties in usually with Stiles being pushed out of the pack) is the Alpha Pack taking such great interest in him for... whatever reason, they're his salvation and recognize his worth. Even tho it's canon they were fixated on Scott but Scott is demonized for ~betraying~ Stiles to go reluctantly with them. And this also disproves yet again that Scott "never" makes the hard or difficult choices
After the end of Season 2, Teen Wolf had established itself as a property and one with a particularly vibrant and enthusiastic fandom.   Consequently,  a subset of the fandom became very interested in charting the future course of the show in ways that had little basis in what they had seen so far.
Even though the show in Seasons 1 & 2 had made it clear that while everyone was important, this was going to be Scott’s story -- other characters would have plot lines as well, but those plot lines would revolve around Scott -- this group began to ship Sterek very, very hard, even though a casual observer could tell it was never going to happen in the show, mostly because a homosexual relationship between an adult and a minor, especially when that adult was the victim of sexual abuse when he was a minor and the other person was an adult authority figure would have to become the most important thing on the show, immediately.   
And unfortunately, it was heavily influenced by the United States television culture of racism and sexism, implying that the most important story lines had to be centered on white male characters, so, of course, the next seasons were going to be about Derek or Stiles or – as a last gasp – about Jackson.  
Thus they began to explore why the Alpha Pack would be interested in Stiles.  The production did give them one positive and real scene – the mountain ash scene in Raving (2x08), but, for some reason, the production made the decision to focus Stiles’ story lines on his emotional quirks, not possible magic powers.  I honestly think that was a bad decision, though parts of the fandom love the ‘only human’ aspect of Stiles.
When they heard of the Alpha Pack, they knew it was coming for Derek, they immediately began to imagine ways it could come for Stiles as well.  Most of the time, they tried to write it as if Stiles was the obvious tactical choice.  And above all, they tried to make it clear – Scott who?
For example, the most popular Alpha-Pack story written before 3A premiered (more than 20,000 kudos) has Stiles injured and a target of the alphas because they know he’s important to Derek.  So far, so harmless.  What’s less harmless is that the Alpha Pack is defeated by Derek, Isaac, and Jackson (white boys ahoy!) while Scott – as they’ve always wanted him to be – is relegated to a body guard for Stiles.  (There’s also plenty of Stiles making fun of Scott.  Stiles and Derek call Scott an idiot at least six times, turn a single joke about Scott and Allison into an obsession, and generally make him a putz.)  Derek defeats the entire alpha pack by making them all to submit.    
Remember that fanfiction, supposedly, gives these writers what they didn’t get in canon.  And apparently, what they want is to render the lead of the show not only unimportant but incompetent (after all, every single time Isaac and Scott fought, Scott kicked his ass.  Derek couldn’t get Scott to submit, but he could make the alpha pack do it?)  
Season 03A must have been very frustrating for them, given it settled without a single doubt, who the show would focus on (at least until 6A).  
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themaormer-blog · 12 years
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[[ A quickly-sketched concept for one of the groups in Pyandonea - a mixture of thievery and brutal assassinating. ]] 
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