#the sagas of Sasuke the exasperated malewife continue
redmelawashere · 2 years
SNS prompts week 3
Week 1 summaries are here! 
Week 2 summaries here :)
Full fics can be read here on my AO3 😊 (and def need to be heavily edited after I finally finish these lmfao)
Can you tell I stopped caring about doing them in order?
15 - Halloween
Just as she was about to grab the handle, she paused, willing herself to just open the door.
"I believe in you!"
(Naruto and Sasuke watch IT.)
16 - Anbu AU
"In which case your welcome, but I've got it handled from here."
It would be the first, but not the last time he'd encounter the blonde from Uzushio.
(In another life, Uzushio was spared by the Blood Mist.)
17 - Fantasy AU
“Do you believe me now?” he whispered.
Sasuke nodded slowly, staring at him earnestly for the first time.
“Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you.”
Naruto smiled full of teeth.
(The Skyrim!AU absolutely no one asked for. Also no cisswap for this one just good ol' SNS yaoi.)
18 - Idiots in Love
"Both names?" Sakura raised an eyebrow. "I thought only you were changing your name to Uchiha?"
For the first time since their wedding Naruto looked away shyly, smile stretching her cheeks with a cute rosy blush as she fiddled with the slender gold ring hugging her finger in a way that was so unlike the boisterous and crass Naruto that now, for the first time, Sakura really did feel like she was intruding.
(Naruto and Sasuke are finally married. Sakura needs a moment to adjust.)
19 - Modern AU
“We were talking about how Naruto pushes Sasuke’s buttons on purpose without fear of retaliation. Like, how does she do it?” Moegi cheerfully replied.
“Because she’s crazy,” Ino replied with a beat, pulling out a salad from the fridge. “And she gets off on the adrenaline rush.”
(Office!AU where Naruto and Sasuke are a frequent topic of office gossip, Moegi and Ino are astrology girls, and Konohamaru is just trying his best.)
20 - Naruto Opening (Diver)
It wasn't the first time she dreamed of drowning. It wasn't the first time she dreamed of Sasuke killing her.
(Where Naruto realizes it's okay to not be okay. Pt.III of the "Sun and Moon" and "Early Mornings" prompts.)
21 - Blush
Naruto tries to pull a "good boy" on Sasuke. It turns into a complete and utter disaster.
(Naruto is obsessed with making Sasuke blush. Her plans don't go as expected.)
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