lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 2 months
Uwaa so cute!!! Thank you bones!!
Hello my dear!! I was curious and decided I was gonna expand my usual requests, do you think you could draw me with cg discord or cg Big Mac?
Either my regular regressor OC or my mlp version is fine!!
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 2 months
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Gently squeezing your face, hello honey!! (If your not okay with nicknames let me know!!)
Could I ask forrrr hm, either caregiver Stolas or caregiver Asmodeus ( >w<) with a baby regressor? Preferably padded but no force!! I hope you have a lovely day my dearest ~
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HIII, I absolutely adore nicknames :3 but of course! I just posted some cg Stolas so I can give you Cg!Ozzie!! (Apologies if this is nonsensical I wrote it at 6am with an hour and 40 minutes of sleep maximum)
Cg!Asmodeus & Baby!Regressor!Reader headcanons!
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šŸ©µOzzie is just the sweetest, weā€™ve seem how gentle he is with fizz so we know heā€™s an absolutely amazing cg :(
šŸ©µOzzie is a big guy, like heā€™s huge. Heā€™s gonna pick you up at every opportunity he can
šŸ©µDue to his height he likes to remind you just how little you are
ā€œAw look at youā€¦just a tiny baby arenā€™t you, hm? Nothing but an itty bitty baby. Look at how tiny you are compared to me!ā€
šŸ©µGood Gods above he will spoil you to the ends of hell and back
šŸ©µYou have more paciā€™s than you can count, he just sees them and gets them for you because he loves surprising you
šŸ©µSeeing how excited you get when when he says he has a surprise for you and his wide your eyes go.
šŸ©µNow if youā€™re a nonverbal baby you neednā€™t Fret. Ozzie is a master at deciphering your babbles
šŸ©µMaking grabby hands at something you want or someone whoā€™s attention you crave? Heā€™s on it, giving you whatever you want (if itā€™s appropriate that is) and dragging over whatever one of his assistants has caught your fancy today
šŸ©µOzzie has a whole room dedicated to your safe space, itā€™s one of the only places he feels itā€™s okay to leave you unsupervised
šŸ©µBeing the sin of lust of course his place isnā€™t exactlyā€¦child appropriate. But this room is full of nothing but toys, stuffies, baby books, blankets, the whole shebang
šŸ©µCourse he loves playing with you too, big fan of playing the damsel in distress for you to rescue
šŸ©µBut he also loves reading to you and doing your baby puzzles with you!
šŸ©µWatching your face light up with joy as you solve the jigsaw in front of you and signal for his attention by whiney or making general babble noises in his direction
šŸ©µIf youā€™re feeling bratty or generally stubborn he tends to talk through things before sending you to time out, making sure youā€™re calm and understand why youā€™re being put in that position.
šŸ©µNow Ozzie with a padded regressor is a whole different thing
šŸ©µThis was something he discussed with you while big, heā€™d noticed youā€™d started slipping further than usual (course he wasnā€™t mad about that at all) and that lead to accidents and tears
šŸ©µHe made 1000% sure that you were comfortable with this happening, with him changing you, with him seeing you like that in such a vulnerable state
šŸ©µAnd even after having you give him both verbal and written consent that it was okay he still asks you before he changes you. Just incase
ā€œAre you okay with me taking this off you sweetheart? I donā€™t want you getting a rash down there babyā€¦itā€™s okay if not. Iā€™m sure youā€™re smart enough to change yourselfā€
šŸ©µPlacing you on the changing table and distracting you the whole time by holding a stuffie above you or asking you about your favourite book or game
šŸ©µHe makes sure youā€™re keeping clean down there at all times, checking you every 30 minutes- an hour
šŸ©µYou have the comfiest pull ups or dips you could ever imagine, so pretty too!
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 2 months
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queen chrysalis as a caregiver ā‚ŠĖšāŠ¹ā™”
( request from anon )
calls you bugaboo
loves swaddling you up and wrapping you up
lots of cuddles and kisses
blows raspberries at you
bounces you on her knee
likes carrying you around
always reminds you to take care of yourself
its almost guaranteed she'll give in if you throw a tantrum
takes you to parks for playtime
prefers being called mama over mommy
not good at cooking but tries to make you snacks
always stays with you till you fall asleep
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 2 months
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pinkie pie as a caregiver ā‚ŠĖšāŠ¹ā™”
throws you the best birthday parties
writes lists of games to play together
plays music with you
likes to go on adventures together
schedules you playdates all the time
spoils and pampers you
doesn't know how to tell you no
super clingy and affectionate
lets you choose hairstyles for her
likes to be called mama
bounces you on her lap
cuddles you every night
always puts on a nightlight for you
blows bubbles at you in the bath
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 2 months
Caregiver Adam Moodboard !!
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Drinks juice boxes with you, usually while doing sassy poses and holding your hand. Tends to spend most of his time taking care of you, including during important meetings. He'd much rather coo at you and talk crap about the people there to you then pay attention.
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
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Iā€™m so sorry my dear :(( losing a friend is always a difficult situation, your not alone
I miss my friend. Itā€™s not fair itā€™s not fair itā€™s not fair itā€™s not fair I miss her so much. Itā€™s not fair! Why does everyone leave? What do I do rong i dont understand it.
I wanna go bac. Not fair. Not fair. Not fair. Didnā€™t get to say bye. I wan a hug. Keep crying hate being small an feelin like this. Not fair notfairnotfairnotfaitnotfair
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
Sir Pentious cg headcanons šŸ˜‹?
Course I can silly billy!! I adore this man so much
Cg!Sir Pentious Headcanons!!
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šŸThis man. Is a nervous wreck.
šŸHe most likely started of babysitting you but decided he would like to be your cg cause he loved you oh so much
šŸThe egg boiz are very curious about you, following you round 24/7 and asking thousands of questions
šŸCourse he shooā€™s them away with an annoyed hiss
šŸThey come back not even 2 seconds later
šŸAt first Pentious is very nervous about being your caregiver, heā€™s worried that heā€™s not doing anything right and is constantly paranoid
šŸHe calms down when you come to him because you had a nightmare. Stood in your pyjamas, paci in your mouth and plushie, my god he melted
šŸPlease lord someone request smth abt this I need to write a little one shot thing abt that
šŸAnyway, he makes most of your gear! With him being an inventor he makes you a lot of toys!
šŸThe first thing he made you was a rattle, he was slightly embarrassed to give it to you. Not because heā€™s embarrassed of you! No quite the opposite actually, he was just so worried you wouldnā€™t like it
šŸI like to think he knows how to sew, he seems the type, so he made you a little play mat!
šŸItā€™s one of those ones with all the textures on and little things to pull at, it makes noises and such
šŸHeā€™s very proud of his work
šŸLoves a good tea party, he gets on so well with your stuffies
šŸPuts his pinkie out when he sips at your imaginary tea to make you giggle
šŸHeā€™s so good at playtime as well, like lucifer he will do anything you need of him
šŸHe is very dramatic so heā€™s amazing at play time
šŸHe doesnā€™t use many nicknames for you, he doesnā€™t know many
šŸCourse he uses the traditional ones, little one, baby, prince/princess, sweetheart, darling
šŸYouā€™re attached to his hip 24/7, heā€™s ver protective of you, hissing at anyone who tries to be mean
šŸIf heā€™s not around the eggs are taking care of you, and doing a terrible job
šŸThey still arenā€™t sure how youā€¦function so they sort of just sit and play with your toys with you
šŸWhen it comes to bedtime you take priority with Pen, he doesnā€™t care that heā€™s cold blooded and needs the warmth if youā€™re too hot his heater is off
šŸCause he sleeps in a circle bed and all snuggled up itā€™s perfect for him to cradle and cuddle you
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
May you please write some headcanons for what Hazbin Lucifer would be like with a baby regressor? I know one thing for sure is that he's amazing with baby talk. šŸ˜Š
YEAHHH, I loaf this man sm.
Cg!Lucifer & Baby!Regressor!Reader
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šŸŽLuci and a baby regressor is such a good combo, heā€™s so good at keeping you entertained
šŸŽHeā€™s a big fan of rattles, loves giving you them
šŸŽPlus that means he knows where you are 24/7 cause he can always hear the rattling
šŸŽAs anon mentioned he is the MASTER of baby talk.
šŸŽYouā€™re babbling away to him with completely nonsensical words and heā€™s nodding away, playing on
šŸŽBig reactions, gasping and laughing as you babble a story to him
šŸŽHeā€™s also pretty good at figuring out what you want, whining and babbling and he can figure it out
šŸŽItā€™s like a sixth sense with him
šŸŽSpoon feeds you
šŸŽAnd yes he does indeed do the airplane thing with great enthusiasm
šŸŽClapping when you do actually eat the food and praising you the whole time
šŸŽIf youā€™re regressing young enough to need bottles heā€™s on it, holding you in his lap while he feeds you
šŸŽMaking sure the milk is just the right temperature where itā€™s not too hot so youā€™ll burn yourself but itā€™s not too cold either
šŸŽOnce again if youā€™re regressing young and need padding heā€™s a-okay with that too!
šŸŽMakes sure youā€™ve got the comfiest dips he can find in all of hell
šŸŽCanā€™t have his baby being uncomfortable can he?
šŸŽYou have a lot of duck themed onesies
šŸŽHe has oh so many sets of footy pyjamas for you, some have little mittens while others donā€™t
šŸŽHis favourite is a blue set covered in little bubbles
šŸŽHe is such a smiley cg, always happy to see you small
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
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i cant be the only one whos like , ultimate dream is to just go full baby right ? just wake up one day in a crib under cozy blankets , my bottle right beside me . watching cartoons in my caregivers arms while i fall back asleep peacefully , meal times in my highchair of apple sauce and yogurt , trying and failing to say my first words , having tummy time and watching baby einsteins ... getting placed in my bouncer because im fussy . the dream and i wish to live it
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
Can I request headcanons of Cg Gang Orca, please?
Itā€™s funny you say that!! I have old cg head cannons for him on my old account!
Here you are my dearest!
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
Padded little Stolas with one of those star mobile thingys?
i honestly really want one of those things, it would be so peaceful
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
Reef stimboard :3
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I love reef :3
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
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guys he is so baby coded
baby fizzieeeee!!
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
Hi friend!!! Could I get a lalaloopsy board of Tippy Tumblina for a baby regressor at around 1-2 years old :3 thank you kindly!!
ā—ž ą¾€ą½²ā—Ÿ Ķœ ׁ Tippy Tumblina Baby Ė™ ā—ž ą¾€ą½²ā—Ÿ Ķœ
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I take requests in my inbox
DNI: Basic DNI Criteria, NSFW, Anti AgeRe/PetRe, Weirdos & Meanies
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 3 months
hello! <3 :3
HIIII!! Eek!
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 4 months
Squealing!! This is precious!!
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Hello my dear friend!! I made a sinner/demon design for my sona!! Do you think you could draw her as a baby regressor with Ozzie OR maybe even Ellie? Thank you!!
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lotties-babie-rambling Ā· 4 months
I didnā€™t realize you started doing helluva boss stuff I squealed!! Could you draw me with cg Ozzie and Mammon? If thatā€™s okay!!
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they can't share
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