#the twewy map was so confusing honestly
goldensunset · 8 months
pov a huge twewy/ntwewy nerd visits shibuya part 2
ramen town baby!!! yeah i was not about to climb that whole hill even though it really wasn’t that steep. dogenzaka beloved
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you only visit this place once in the main game but there are so so many things i could say about it. man the neku-josh-sho week 2 dynamic was the wildest and funniest thing in the world
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spain hill (from above) (idk uhh what’s iconic about here?) (i didn’t trip on any haunted step that much i know)
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the vibes of this place… not accessible until so late in the game (in both games) but so good both times. like the story beats that happened here were always excellent. i always loved being at shibuya stream in ntwewy it was beyond surreal stepping out of the station and just actually being here irl
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le susukichi boss fight (and some more cool puzzles)
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shibuya hikarie! not much to say here but the food you find here in ntwewy looked so good man i need to actually eat more while here
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there are a few more actually oops! part 3 momentarily
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spicyraba-neku · 5 years
Hey, I just wanted to ask how ur first time playing through TWEWY was
☆An Experience.☆
I was so hyped up to play it that I bought it as soon as I got the Switch. Like, I honestly never expected it to be there my guy. I went into Data Blitz planning to buy Smash Bros and BOTW but then I saw the glorious gem of a game just. Sitting there.
IT WAS THE ONLY COPY. I had to get it. So I did (later resolving to buy BOTW but thats a story for my main blog lol)
See, I never actually had a DS or a 3DS. We only had an Xbox 360 lying around, and I was more of a PC/Mobile gamer back then. The reason I was interested in console games was because of Kingdom Hearts. Do you see where I got the TWEWY obsession from? Yup, Dream Drop Distance. I only saw the cast for a couple of minutes (mostly due to my impatient ass skipping a lot of dialogue) but I grew interested and researched. Not thoroughly, mind you, but enough to know that Neku and his motley crew were from a different game entirely. That got the ball rolling, but I put TWEWY at the back of my head until I saw it again once I was with my family buying the Switch. We were debating over buying a PS4 or a Switch, but I liked Smash Bros enough to agree that the Switch was a better choice. (I still want a PS4. For both KH and the FFVII remake.)
So anyways. Playthrough. I'll be honest, I got addicted. But the first time I booted it up I was so confused. I didn't know why I couldn't acess the menu or what the little phone icon was all about, or what the pic icon was for either. I loved the way TWEWY was illustrated and how the characters interacted with each other. I absolutely fell in love with the mechanics.
Gameplay-wise, well...I tried playing it on the TV. Which. Um. Put me off a little. I still wasn't used to the overall mechanics of the game and having to pay attention to different buttons with different gestures and where I had to move with one singular control was tricky with my shot to hell hand-eye coordination. So I switched to handheld mode. There, I had the time of my damn life. You had the option of making your gameplay spam-control or elegant dodging and decent timing, and honestly I loved that part about TWEWY. I adored the pin system (although I hate the press to activate ones....just no) but embarrassingly, I made no effort to Master every pin I came across and just used the stronger ones. I was more in it for the story, actually, but the combat system was super fun!
Story-wise, OH MAN. Fuck, I can't even begin to tell you how much I felt for Shiki when the first week was playing. I stan her so much. Neku was an asshole, but I felt he had an entire backstory and character progression following him so I waited. AND BOY WAS I REWARDED. Since then I've loved Neku as a character who had believable development and felt like a real human being -- albeit a little unreasonable.
The other mechanics of the game were also well thought out! Having clothes be a major part of the battling system is major GOLD. I know other RPG games have this too, with the whole armor and stuff, but it was the first time I've had a game that told me the clothes/armor was so intricately part of both the game and the world itself. And it wasn't presented right in your face, either. The presentation felt so natural to me and so ingrained into the story that I automatically accepted it as a universal law of TWEWY's universe. Plus, the food. The ONLY reason I had my bbys digest food was because of the fusion pin. They would have been fine on their own (well...no, not really) but having that extra percent boost once I started up the battle and having it as an ace up my sleeve whenever I needed to get out of a tight pinch? Absolutely exhilirating and relieving.
If there was one thing I hated about TWEWY (trust me, you'll understand what I mean), it was the Navigation system. The map. My god, was that a trainwreck. If you've seen the map (which at some point all of us must have) then you'll know, it is absolutely no help and it is, quite plainly, trash? I couldn't even tell where I was half the time because it all looked the same. Thank you ever so much, fluctuating brand trends.
Overall, I'd say my first playthrough with TWEWY was an absolute gem. Sure, there were some parts where I had to sit back and look up what the fuck exactly I had to do (because I'm a stupid dumbass), but I had lots and lots of fun! Sorry if I sound repetetive, but that's exactly what TWEWY, to me, is. Its a treasure cove rich with lore and mechanics, diverse characters (personality wise, need I mention Sho Minamimoto and Joshua) and over-all heartbreaking and compelling story.
I mean, obviously, it could have been better at some points, but again, I enjoy TWEWY for what it is.
And that concludes my essay about what I loved about TWEWY and my initial impressions after finishing the three weeks. I'm still not finished, by the way! I still haven't met Coco yet!
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