#their artstyle reminds me of webtoons lol
dailycykesquill · 3 months
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lia-snow · 6 years
I really think my art isn't good at all and everytime I look at it, I get depressed and I just give up, I think "I should just stop and let people with talent do it." I want to give up because my drawing skills are really bad, I know I need to pratice but it looks horrible and I keep thinking I should just try something else. But I want to draw the things I like and be proud of myself too. What is your advice, Lia-sensei? (I love youu and I'm sorry if it's too depressing, I'm just very lost ;;)
Hey Anon~
First of all, I want you to know that every artist feels this way one moment or another, and that’s because there’s always someone we look up to, that we think will always be better than us no matter what. So I think it’s easier when you come to accept that you may never be technically speaking “the best” , but that it won’t stop you from keep drawing what you want.
Sounds plain, I know, and a lot of people have said this before, but I really think the best you can do is to focus on drawing what you really want, solely because you feel like it, because you have an idea you want to share or because you enjoy doing it without thinking about the consequences (that is, people’s reaction to it, notes, shares, etc.).It’s not about “letting people with talent do it”, it’s about sharing something only you can do. There’s a story only you can tell and contribute to the community, that is for sure. The thing is getting it out of your head.
What I could advice depends on the approach you want to have with drawing.
• If you aim to dedicate yourself to art in the future, you have to get used to the idea of spending your whole time in front of a white paper (or pc?). So you really need to have an immense passion about art in general, meaning you will work towards polishing your skills e v e r y   d a y.
- If you have doubts (because it’s valid) or you want do it for a hobby (like is my case), I do recommend  attending art classes anyway. Not a degree or anything like that, but maybe a short (and less expensive) course so you can study from basic concepts. It helps A LOT. It gives you lots of tools to work with, that may be available on the web too, but sometimes it’s easier when a teacher introduces you to them. At least in my case, a teacher figure is important.
- And/Or, like I’ve adviced before, look up for LOTS of tutorials. Search tutorials for everything you can think of: human figure, dynamic figure, coloring in SAI, coloring in Photoshop, Manga Studio, lazy coloring, detailed coloring, hair coloring, face expressions, etc. etc.. There’s a lot of options, just save the ones you like and think you can follow. Then just follow the tutorial a couple of times for different drawings, and you’ll start mixing everything up and create your own style and method of working. It will simply happen with time.
^ Either of those optiones will take time, of course. And if you’re like me, you’re not even going to notice an improvement but after years have passed haha orzBut don’t let that stop you from drawing! The point is having fun and sharing the ideas in your head (be it original material or fandom-related) :)
And let me remind you that the practices and sketches you make are for yourself and don’t have to be art pieces (you don’t even have to share them if you don’t want).
Just remember there are mangas and webtoons out there with horrible drawings(??). Oops xD Nah but I’m serious… it’s okay if they don’t have the best artstyle or techniques, the important is they gain attention because the concept is appealing. AND you can actually see the artists getting better with time~
[ At least for me, I don’t consider myself having great drawings, but when people like them, I assume it’s because the idea is funny, entertaining or ridiculous (my speciality lol) to the fandom, not because they’re art pieces xD ]
I know it’s not easy, but you gotta keep practicing.
You can do it Anon, I believe in you~~ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)✧
Sorry for the long reply, I probably didn’t say anything revealing or helpful at all lol I suck at giving advices…. but if you need more ideas, you can talk to me, okay? I’ll try to help! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
(Don’t worry about the message, I understand how you feel. And also, thank you! Ilu too Anon ❤ ❤)
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