#there are som DC universe elements in there like Selena Kyle and Diana as in Wonder Woman
sarahtulloch-blog · 7 years
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The woman in the painting sat patiently. She waited and drank her coffee, the best she's ever had in this city. Selena closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she brought the cup up to her. Her lipstick smudged, the woman could feel it, but she smiled to herself. She'd already feigned perfection for too long to deny herself this simple pleasure. The dinner had been a success. Her performance of being a prim and proper lady, yet fun and adventurous, New York lady had brought her company to her knees.  With just her words and a few glances from up beneath her lashes, held just a bit too long between friends, she was able to secure a building in a beautiful area of Brooklyn. She thanked her mother for her greatest inheritance, her Latin heritage.
Due to countless trips through central and South America, Selina had been able to converse with investors in their native tongues, as well as that of the Colonizer. Throwing in a bit of indigenous language and slang words from the streets of their home country, she the utmost trust of the some of the wealthiest and most connected human beings in New York. For the time being.
Selina took another long sip of her coffee, her ears perked as she heard the twinkling of bells that hung above the door on the other side of the café. Under hooded eyes, Selina winked to the waitress. In a swift fluid movement, she disappeared behind the counter. The waitress flicked her sleek bangs back into place, but not before the newcomer caught her eyes. A dazzling faded green shone despite the damage done to them. The new comer committed that color to memory. She would use that color for a new project. A new palette perhaps or maybe an eyeliner. She'd doubt a lip would sell but she'd still explore her options. Perhaps, she thought, she'd just end up painting her eyes, for hours. She could create a whole gallery playing with the ideas, intentions, and stories that danced behind those eyes. Eyes that spoke volumes now that she was finally silent for once. The artist locked eyes with Selina, sharing a tiny laugh neither could quite stifle.
The artist sat in a flurry of cloth and lavender perfume.
“Don't use your tricks on me mi vida, I know you and your face.”
The artist smiled beneath her scarf. She unfastened the bit of cloth clipped near her ear and allowed the fabric to settle into her usual hijab. Her lips were painted a soft brown purple, a delicate neutral color to match the lilac petals that graced her long dress and overcoat. A stark contrast of colors to the one she was wearing the previous night.
“What do we have today, beloved?” She replied in a teasing tone.
The waitress brought out two more lattes, a delicious platter of quesadillas, and a Mediterranean style salad. After prayers, both woman dug into their meals, lipstick be damned.
The waitress fell back, listening intently as she bussed the table to their right.
“ We have a home.”
“Yesssssss” the waitress hissed. The two women smiled at the younger girl's antics
“And we have a storefront.“
“All in one?” The artist asked, letting a bit of her Syrian accent slip into her speech. “America is truly a wonderful place.”
The waitress Selena smiled, her toothy grin nearly reflective in the cafe’s low light as she took her bustling tray behind the counter.
“Diana!” her mother called.
Diana whipped her head around, peering over her shoulder. Her little feet carried her to the edge of the staircase. With her back to the wall, she carefully inspected the floor below her. Shadows had not yet appeared at bottom of the stairs, but she had little time to spare.
With a trained grace she sprinted back towards the painting. There nestled between countless others, was the painting of the woman in the automat. The dark hues of green and yellow catching in the early afternoon light is what first attracted her to the woman years ago.
“Diana? It’s time for your lessons.”
Diana waved her hands in front of the painting, “End scene!” she whispered.
The women in the painting looked at her and nodded.
Selena addressed the artist. “We’ll have to do this again.” she said standing up. The artist adjusted her coat and nodded. Selena reached out and shook the artist’s hand. A small slip of paper passed between them.
“There’s a quaint little coffee shop with a yellow awning two blocks from the L train and another two blocks from our new home. Three bedroom, the entire building, across from the bookstore.”
“Let's say seven?” the artist replied, tying the rope of the coat.”
“Hurry!” Diana pleaded. Her mother’s familiar footsteps were loudly being carried up as she ascend the stairs.
“Seven it is.” Selena sat down again as her friend waved her final goodbye and left the cafe, the door in a corner the painting could not portray. By the counter, again not visible, to Diana or anyone else in the house, sat a plate of coffee and quesadillas. The waitress locked the door behind the artist and slipped carefully back into her place behind the counter.
It was too late to slip away, not enough time to hide. So instead, Diana ran, her feet slapping loudly against the floor as she ran head first into her mother.
Surprised, yet all knowing, her mother caught Diana’s head in her hands before she could hurt her in any way.
Diana’s gaze rose to meet her mother’s, “Were you calling me?”
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