#these two things exist together in my mind and are not mutually exclusive XD
danny-chase · 3 years
Me: Dick is a great leader, who’s incredibly competent, driven, capable, an expert in multiple fields, has led his teams to victory, trudged through hell and defeated the demon himself, and-
Also me: Dick is a feral cat who falls asleep in random places in Titans Tower after staying awake for 69 hrs straight, and has somehow convinced the group he must lead despite that he’s been brainwashed so many times that he only has three braincells left and they’re all running in different directions. 
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep17 (part1)
Part 1 is romance in the air, while part 2 is the sinister foreshadowing!
Romantic Decision & its emotional effects on character’s behavior: Kyo & Arisa mirror each other a lot this ep with one difference but similar outcome.
The difference: Kyo is the one deciding to not confess to tohru & leaving her without telling her abt his love, while Arisa is the one left behind by Kureno & not told whether he loves her or not.
Both Kyo & Arisa realize they’re in love with their significant other & both decided to quit pursuing it. Both are miserable throughout the trip due to their decisions & their helplessness towards their situation.
Both react logically & realistically given the situations they’re in.
Both restless, sad, annoyed, grumpy & furious at themselves for still wanting romance & wishing for more.
Arisa tries to indulge in other ppl’s business, tease & fight to take her mind off kureno while kyo just wants to be left alone & not talked to at all.
The wrong confession & its outcome:
The nameless girl confessed to kyo ignoring the glaring signs of his rejection. The scene was shown in the middle of their talk, kyo states “I told you already /Idon’t love/don’t even know your name” yet, she still persists & grabs his arm demanding forced attention. It backfires horribly & kyo rejects her physically & verbally. Personally I don’t think kyo is wrong with how he handled the girl, I was thinking he could’ve been nicer until she grabbed his hand. Kyo’s “Why the hell are you dreaming of dating someone like me” is him rejecting himself. This line isn’t for the nameless girl. It’s for Tohru. kyo’s a horrible man in his book. While kyo has accepted tohru’s love, he didn’t allow himself to dream that the basis of her love is romantic. She’s a kind person who loves everybody. She just loves him as a friend. nothing more. it can’t be more.
The hidden depths of tohru’s emotions:
Tohru is so sensitive & perceptive of other ppl’s emotions but ignores & denies herself. Plus, she’s never been romantically in love with anyone, it’s always harder to notice one’s self. As the others gossip abt kyo being dragged for confession, tohru wants to follow up but is reluctant. Yuki’s “Don’t worry, he won’t accept” is epic! basically Yuki’s is frankly telling her I know You love him. I can see through you. be assured, he’ll be back to you. Tohru is exposed. Still, she can’t mask her worry. They’re all back & she can tell by everybody’s reaction that the confession didn’t go well. yet, she WANTS to hear it from kyo. She asks him “ what’s the fuss abt in the first place”. Tohru isn’t deaf nor stupid. She saw them running to spy on kyo, Yuki’s frank words & kyo’s annoyed face. Tohru can read the signs! YET, tohru wants KYO to reassure her nothing happened! That he isn’t swayed by other girls! It has to be KYO saying it. There’s this overwhelming hint of worry that she lost him & jealousy that he might’ve accepted another girl’s love. (It has to be HER. selfish love?!!!) Am I getting my wish for tohru?! or am i seeing too much into nothing?!!!!
Kyo’s “it’s none of your business” is objectively a correct response. He isn’t dating tohru, there’s nothing official love between them. He owes her no explanation as she doesn’t owe him anything.This response in particular hurts tohru cuz it’s true!! it’s not her business & he isn’t hers & that’s why it hurts!!. Just like him wishing her a boyfriend hurts cuz it means it’s not HIM. All these feelings boiling inside tohru faintly surfacing through her mask. Yuki steps in to smack kyo cuz he knows tohru has a right to ask kyo cuz she loves him & he wants kyo to see it. to accept it!
“it’s not the first time someone said this to me,but it made my heart ache” The writer brilliantly tells us that love is illogical. tohru is hurt cuz kyo said the words not cuz the words themselves are hurtful.
Writing excellent visual scenes that speaks volumes: #1 (the red leaves)
(a) Kyoru’s scene: This scene screams parallel between tohru & kyo’s emotions, actions & thoughts in this moment & how much there are equal/mutual exchange between them & compares it to previous moment in SE01. Moreover, it showcased tohru’s ability to read the situation. Kyo’s “it came on its own & left on its own” means that he won’t pursue anyone. “ I can’t be nice to everyone” scared her as it mean he can no longer be kind to her. All these are signs of goodbye. “will he let go of me someday in the same way?”  She senses it. She fears she’s like that the nameless girl to him. she’s nobody to him. He’s leaving her. Tohru’s instinct takes hold of her as she grabs him. Kana style. Two fingers faintly touching his sleeve. Two fingers is all she needs. Their leg movement match up as they slow down to stop. She lets go. he’s grabs her now. But kyo isn’t after a sleeve, he takes her hand in his. gently pulling her closer to him with a kind smile (I’m nice to you exclusively) his “hmm” is melting her “what’s wrong?” telling her my attention is for YOU. Kyo is enveloping her in his presence. We live the moment thro tohru’s feelings, music, slow motion, windy hair, blushes, wide eyes & open mouth. tohru is deeply in love. They hold hands longer as they talk. Kyo once again demonstrates how much he’s paying attention to tohru & guesses what souvenir she’ll buy. This reassures tohru that she’s different to him. “he can make me happy or unsettled by a simple remark, kyo’s strange” It’s love, girl!!! You’re in love~ cuz when you’re in love you’re extra sensitive & easily hurt by anything the significant other does/says.
-Kyo asking her to hang out with him alone throughout the afternoon is a callback to Onsen scene in SE01, ep11 where he gifts her his presence despite hating to go with yuki. The writer brilliantly mirrors their reaction but with growth!. Onsen ep, kyo’s so awkward & reluctant while tohru is shocked by his presence, tearful & grateful. She’s the one who first wanted him to go & he agrees later. Now, He’s the one who wants her to be with him & she agrees. while still shy, he said it easily, his body is chill & relaxed, he smiles for her openly while she is pleasantly assured that he wants to be with her, comfortably & happily being together. Moreover, in the Onsen they’re surrounded by others while here their relationship is in an advanced stage & they spend time together as an unofficial couple. The rain of red leaves fly around them symbolizing their mutual love for each other & the equal give & take in their relationship ever since of SE01. He means to her as much as she means to him. 10 out of 10!
(b)the yuki/machi scene: Since they’ll be in stage 1 of their relationship soon, it is represented by ONE red leaf. Yuki is the one giving the leaf to her since he needs to be the one starting the relationship. Yuki craves the ability to give as much as he takes. He lacks such dynamic with tohru as he was dependent on her for so long now. He’s moving away by himself & growing but he’s fervor indebted & can never repay her unconditional kindness.(as one can never repay a mother). So if machi is his romantic interest, he’ll have to give her support & advice just like kyo gives tohru. The support kyo gives tohru is unique to kyo & his ability to see thro her. It can’t be matched by yuki. Thus Yuki must find his own person whom he’ll give unmatched support & advice. We’ve already seen machi destroy the room in her intro ep, which screams trauma & yuki saw it first!  Off course, they both doesn’t know it now. but the writer tells us through symbols. Is this the first time yuki’s story involved Show-not-tell?!! The first time there was No too much inner talk to hijack the scene?!!!!! & explains every single thing abt him to us?! Did I just get my wish for yuki?!! YES!!! See, how powerful & artistic this scene is? That’s the scene/visuals speaking! 10 out 0f 10.
Writing excellent visual scenes that speaks volumes: #2 (the Zodiac Cat Comes First)
this scenes is simple in its presentation. tohru bought the zodiac souvenir but the set comes without a cat. (the cat is never part of the zodiac). Tohru MAKES the cat. simple? No. powerful! No one says it in the scene. but tohru crafting the cat carefully by her own hands, so eager to finish it that she doesn’t change her uniform tells us tohru places the cat first. She always does since she’s little. But now, it isn't her baby self feeling sorry for the poor kitty in mommy’s story. She’s a woman working hard & genuinely to express her feelings. screw the folk tales, for me, you are number 1. Kyo sees it. He gets it. She’s shy but wants him to see it. He’s overwhelmed “ idiot” is perfection!! that’s tohru for him, so incredibly precious & endearingly idiot! he’s been saying it in response to her weird remarks or when he’s overwhelmed by her endearing gestures. Kinda like a pre-dating endearing term. XD. so cute & sweet! yuki’s voice-over “ add color & it shines” is perfectly done. One small voice-over line that comes to close the scene, doesn’t say anything you don’t already know but sweetly wraps the scene. Even if it isn’t there, it won’t affect the scene. it’s the cherry on top. 10 out of 10 scene!
Side Notes:
The writer brilliantly used the school trip atmosphere & kyoto’s unique natural settings to ignite & guide the romantic direction of the characters.
Dear Director, how is kyoto crowded if only Class 2D & Kakure & Kimi from class 2A, two shop owners, a cat & 3 or 4 deer exist there? the city looks breathtakingly pretty but weirdly empty...
Arisa sees herself in nameless girl, thus, wanted kyo to treat the girl nicer initially cuz, just like her, Arisa wanted to date a man she doesn’t knows much abt & wants him to accept her. yet she gets furious at herself seeing how unlike her this development is. “I’m never gona be her”.
Yuki, Once again pushes kyo/tohru together after the beach arc. He tries not to step in between them but tries to urges them closer. reassuring tohru & hitting kyo. So like him. XD
Yuki & Kakure’s friendship moves fast & yuki’s showing it, not only to kakure but to tohru’s gang. good for yuki!
I hope kyo’s two dumb friends get their wish & become popular. At least in furuba’s land, XD.
Hana & food is the best OTP.
I kept thinking of the choir’s part of Hercules “i won’t say I’m in love” song in tohru’s scenes. XD Try 2keep it hideen, honey we can see thro ya~U keep on denyin who U R & how U’R feelin, face it like a grownup, When U gona own up that you got bad~
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