#they're a perfect werewolf/vampire pair <3
purplesound · 8 months
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caitlynskitten · 7 months
Anyway, here I go again lol
Wednesday isn't soft, never was, and never dreamed herself to be so. Nobody could change that, many tried to and they all met either a swift end or were forced to change their identity, permanently. Wednesday is a razor-sharp edge and the rest of the world is just a whetstone that she is constantly sharpened against.
Well, at least she was. That knife's blade has slowly been dulled by a pair nobody could've imagined would be capable of such an impossible feat. A blonde, hyperenergetic werewolf and dark-haired, cocky-as-hell vampire. Ugh, there are undoubtedly some jealous perverts who would just love to take her place, Wednesday would happily rip them apart herself.
Somehow, some way, Enid and Yoko had managed to melt away those well-built walls around Wednesday's heart. Perhaps their personalities just mixed together into a recipe of acid, perfect for the task of exposing the kind girl inside, desperate for love and affection and desperate to show it to those she cares for. Either way, after giving herself to the two women, both body and heart, Wednesday wasn't quite the same anymore.
Typically, in public, nothing really appeared to change. At least, not to anyone who didn't know her well, her image of the terrifying Addams girl still well intact to the general school populous. But to her friends and family? Well, they could see the change, some of it. But only the wolf and vampire saw her, truly saw Wednesday. Whenever it was just the three of them, Wednesday held nothing back. She was touchy, needy, and even whiny when she was especially desperate for them, usually on harder days when the rest of the world got on her nerves.
Like today, for example. A group of werewolves thought it would be real funny to mess with her in small ways, all in build-up to some big show to humiliate the raven in front of the school. Thankfully, they never got the chance as Bianca, Nevermore's Queen B herself, caught wind of it and shut them down, hard. However, enough damage was done to Wednesday's social battery and she desperately needed her partners to bring her back to herself.
Returning to her dorm room, Wednesday sees the two waiting for her on her bed. Yoko and Enid quickly stand up just in time to catch the tiny seer in their shared embrace and less than a second later, they can feel their shirts dampen with tears as the body in their arms shakes subtly, tiny sobs wracking through her as the day's exhaustion catches up to her.
"Oh Wends, it's okay. They're not gonna bother you anymore, little raven. We've got you, Mommy and Daddy have you." Enid strokes Wednesday's hair softly, gently scratching her scalp the way she knows she loves. Meanwhile, Yoko guides them all slowly onto the bed and places Wednesday between her and Enid. Once they're all lying down, the vampire and wolf take their time to undress the raven and themselves, giving Wednesday the skin contact she desperately craves at the end of every day.
The rest of the afternoon and long into the night is spent like that, with Enid and Yoko holding Wednesday tight and whispering soft praises, telling her how much they love her and how proud they are of her until Wednesday finally slips softly into sleep.
End. <3
Oops, this was really long, didn't mean for that to happen... Anyway, I hope this is good fluff for my new favorite OT3. Also, I couldn't help myself, I had to slip in a little Mommy and Daddy in there, but it's not sexual in this context, just something to help Wednesday relax. Reminds her that she's safe, if Enid and Yoko ever refer to themselves that way, it means they're alone and Wednesday can let go.
Oh my god. Now this is the fluffiest fluff I’ve read of the three and I am LIVING for it 😭😭😭😭 Enid and Yoko comforting and reassuring their cute Raven after hard days is just *chefs kiss* Ugh it’s so cute it’s so adorable it’s so fluffy I love them together. I 1000% agree that these two are the reason Wednesday finally feels love and happiness and found two people she genuinely love and can be herself.
“We’ve got you, Mommy and Daddy’s got you” OH MY GOD MY FUCKING HEART
Sorry I just keep rereading that segment where the two of them comfort Wednesday and praise her for being such a good girl and a good girlfriend. And how much they love her. Ugh and the two of them sandwiching her as they all fall asleep together. Fuck I love these three they’re so cute.
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Can’t stop thinking about these two praising their beautiful short girlfriend🥺🥺🥺
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