#they've both had mild breakdowns
fromkenari · 2 years
WIP Wednesday: Ed/Stede
"So you've made love before?"
With a roll of his eyes and a snort, Ed bent a bit closer to Stede. "No!" He was only able to hold that defiant response for a moment. Eventually, Ed sighed in defeat, pressed his head against his arm, and grimaced. "I mean, yes... I thought I did. Once. Twice even." Ed had started nodding with his admissions as he thought back on situations, but he suddenly stopped moving as he pulled a disgusted expression and raised his head enough to hide his face in his hair. "Three times, actually..."
The emotion was suddenly there, but Ed refused to acknowledge the devastation in his chest or his tightening throat. Instead, he blew roughly against his hair to keep the strands from sticking to his face, particularly his tear-pricked eyes.
Stede was moving beneath Ed as Ed closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. A soft hand found Ed's cheek, but Ed didn't lean into the touch until a careful thumb touched his lower eyelid, and he felt what must have been an escaped hot tear that had cooled before Stede squashed it away.
"Darling," Stede softly gasped with concern as Ed pushed his face into Stede's touch. "Oh, darling, I didn't realize..."
Ed took that breathless moment to release the couch and hide against Stede's warm neck. Then, twisting and shifting, Ed got both legs on the settee with his left leg kicked out across Stede so his knee didn't get stiff. He laid his head on Stede's chest and reached out with his nimble fingers to snatch Stede's hand to keep held to his cheek.
"We never talked," Ed eventually offered as an explanation. "None of them. Ever. Not like this. So I just assumed they felt the same way. I didn't know it wasn't like -- well -- like we are."
"Reciprocated?" Stede suggested.
Ed quickly nodded and took a sentimental breath. He didn't mean to ruin the afternoon, but he also never expected Stede to say the words he'd sorely needed in times passed. With a great sniff, Ed silently refused to move away from Stede for the time being. Laying there with a pout on his face had him feeling pitiful.
"So, do you still want to make love?"
With a jerk of his head, Ed squinted and then began pushing himself up to see Stede's face. Ed's confused frown met Stede's hopeful smile.
"You just saw me crying."
"Crying over other men."
"Well, I didn't know that for certain, but yes."
"Men who aren't you."
"Darling, I hope you have a point--"
Ed pulled up entirely to sit on Stede's thigh. "After all that, you're still horny?"
"Oh! Yes."
"For me."
"I don't believe anyone else is here."
Ed dove back down onto Stede as he grabbed Stede by the nape of the neck and the back of the head. Getting three open-mouthed kisses from a grinning Stede, Ed pulled them up on the couch and ran their foreheads together in a snuggle.
"I fucking love you," Ed confessed, his eyes still rimmed with redness.
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missizzy · 7 months
Perc'ahlia Week Day One Fic
(Mild adult content in this one)
For the first moment as Percy wakes, encased in the familiar sheets he again instinctively knows as his home once more, he's a little confused as to why he feels the warmth of another person against him. That's something that happens on the road, when they press together for warmth and safety, or sometimes in inns, when they've shared beds to save money, although they don't really have to do that anymore.
Then he becomes aware of his own nudity, and that of his companion. His female companion; that's definitely a pair of generous breasts pressed into his back. A moment after that, he hears heavy shuffling on the floor, and the quiet grunts of Trinket, too, waking up.
It all comes rushing back to him, then. The walk to Vex's room, holding the drinks he'd sweated over choosing, telling himself that evening would lead to wherever it led. Vex making clear exactly where it would lead when she answered the door. How she'd promptly brought him to her bed, relieved him of his clothes, and introduced him to passion and pleasure beyond anything he'd ever known before that night.
He opens his eyes, and turns his head back to look at her. Her face is pillowed against his shoulderblade; he can just see her still closed eyelids. Also the tangles in her hair, and the slight bruises on the top of her back, which he thinks might just be from him gripping her a little too hard at certain moments last night. They did wash off a little, but she still smells faintly of sex, as does he. She's beautiful, but of course she's always been.
He's been inside her. He's seen and heard her in the throes of bliss, learned what she feels like to touch; all those things he's tried to imagine so many times, he now knows. He's given himself up to her, been beneath her, her hands allowed onto every part of him. He's fallen apart for her, been made open and exposed before her, which still terrifies him a little.
He's also held her in his arms when she's unexpectedly broken down post-coitus. Nothing was wrong, she insisted to his distressed questions, and really, she lamented, she didn't know what had come over her. Maybe she was just feeling overwhelmed, same as him; it's not impossible he might have broken down a bit, if she hadn't first. It passed after a few minutes, and he distinctly remembers them smiling at each other when they at last settled down to sleep.
It's still very early, with only the first rays of the sun creeping over the bottom of the window. This was Vesper's room, and is one of the relatively few rooms of the castle Percy has few memories of, either positive or negative. Before last night, stepping into it might have hit him hard with memories of her instead. But, well, he doesn't think that's going to be the case anymore. It makes him feel a little guilty, but then again, this has to be Vex's room now, and remain so for as long as she wants it to.
Of course, that all assumes they both are alive at the end of today. This terror that floods him, at the thought of dying today, is another feeling that's new to Percy. How ironic, that this is the day he wakes up wanting to live more than he has in a very long time.
He feels it when Vex sighs against him, and as she stirs, he shifts around to face her. He's not sure how she'll react after her breakdown last night, but she has a grin on-that small, mischievous smile, maybe slightly suggestive, actually. "Morning."
"Morning." Bit of a pity, that he can't make it sound as alluring as she can. "How are you doing?"
For a moment the cheer fades; she, too, must feel the knowledge of what this day holds. But then she says, "Right now? Very well, indeed. And we're not heading out until a little later, so we don't have to get up just yet, do we?"
"No, we don't," Percy says. On a different morning he might have still preferred to, because there were preparations both of them needed to make. But on this one, he instead leans in to kiss her as if they could stay in this bed forever.
It's a little stunning, how quickly the hunger rises back up. Before he knows it, Percy's once again on his back, Vex on top, and he's pulling her close as he can, almost overloaded just by the awareness of her mouth, her hair, her back, her breasts, her arms, her legs, all surrounding him, and already he wants to beg for more of all of it. He already had a morning erection, but now he's throbbing, wanting so badly to be in her again.
But Vex pulls herself up, and to his dismay, Percy sees regret on her face. "The thing is," she says, "I actually went to see Keyleth last night, before she and Vax went off to Zepyrah, since I know she has a spell that prevents pregnancy. I had her do it on me. But it only lasts for eight hours, so it's not in effect anymore."
The revelation can't help but send Percy's mind reeling. "You mean...you were planning...that early??" He did wonder last night, when she let him come inside her, but still.
"Percy," Vex chuckles, "do you really think you were the only one who looked at what we were doing today, and though maybe we'd better go and do certain things first? Besides, you'd certainly kept me waiting long enough." Her smirk makes him outright squirm against her, and she sighs, "You don't know how badly tempted I am just to risk it. And we certainly should do something with ourselves right now. Of course, I'd have to get out of bed to retrieve my strap-on, and I might even have to leave the room to find enough oil to use it..."
She trails off, then, and he can tell, despite the smirk staying in place, that she's gauging his reaction to this idea. Percy is, in fact, briefly wondering if they're going to recreate the entirety of his short sexual history with their early encounters. His first sexual experience wasn't unlike what happened last night, and the second involved him being buggered by another man. Which he did, in fact, enjoy, at least as much as he was capable of enjoying anything at the time.
And really, Vex buggering him is very much a thing he'd like to experience if they live through today. But right now, he wants to keep her here in the room and in the bed with him a little more, and also, there's another thing he wants to try, a very common act, from what he understands, but he's still never had opportunity for it.
Common it may be, but Percy still feels a little anxious as he says, "I might like that some time other time, but actually, do you think we might try oral sex? I've never done that, either giving or receiving, and I'd really like to try it. Either way. Or preferably both ways, but I'd be happy to do just one." He's losing the fight not to babble. That was bad enough last night, when at least Vex got good at cutting in him off in ways that did not offend him in the slightest.
Thankfully, she did so once again, this time by placing a finger on his lips, letting it lay there a moment before, very gently, she pushed it between them. Without him even telling it to, Percy's tongue came forward and lapped at it, and he thought he saw her eyes darken just from that.
"I am wondering if you're as good with your tongue are you are with your hands," she tells him. "Or at least as quick a study with it."
"I'll give it my best," he says, because of course he will. For Vex'ahlia, he's never been able to do anything less.
He actually ends up needing quite a bit more instruction than he did with anything they did the previous night. He already had the vague impression cunnilingus could be a complicated task. It can be made easier, to be sure, if the recipient is willing to voice their exact preferences, which then still requires their partner to listen very closely, despite the alluring distraction right in front of their face.
Vex, however, has no trouble telling a partner what she wants, and Percy knows well how to handle a task with care and diligence, making sure to put everything together exactly right. And oh, is the delight in his success sweet, maybe sweeter than it has ever been in his workshop, when he feels Vex shudder around his fingers with his mouth full of her, and knows this is one of the best things he can do, one of the best things he can have, and for the rest of his life, regardless of whether that consists of seventy more years, or only the rest of this day.
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
so, idk if we’re still on the topic of fusions here, but you got any headcanons for Tequila Sunrise? :0
hold on wait i talked about them on discord give me a sec,
here take these, 
Tequila Sunrise: (loud, pained groaning)
Pigsy: ....are you okay?
Tequila Sunrise: hango ver
Tang: yknow. maybe we shouldn't let you drink-
Tequila Sunrise: (literally breaks the orange juice glass he was holding)
Tequila Sunrise: Tang. if i don't have a refill right now im going to have a breakdown.
Tang: .....duly noted
Sandy: here's your drink
Tequila Sunrise: (takes drink gratefully and leaves room)
Sandy: do not tell them this but that was just normal tea. i've been giving them normal tea and orange juice from the beginning. they keep placebo effecting themselves into believing they're drunk. do not tell them this.
Tequila Sunrise faintly glows all the time because of the amount of power contained within him.
MK, impulsively: i wonder if we break our arm if the glow will get stronger
Macaque: kid that will h u r t
MK: yeah you're right-
Wukong: im immortal and invulnerable lets do it-
MK and Macaque: WUKONG NO-
and then, later,
Macaque: MK i can't believe you've done this
Wukong: (literally wailing and crying because he hasn't felt actual pain in years)
they didn't actually break their arm they just bruised it, but Wukong is so unused to pain that he’s just a really big baby about all of it.
like a little paper cut suddenly results in a panicked Tequila Sunrise literally tackling Pigsy asking if "this is it am i finally gonna die please i had so many immortality shit this cannOT be what takes me-".
Macaque and MK both know they're fine but Macaque went woozy at the sight of blood and it only served to make Wukong panic more. the whole paper cut situation ends with Tequila Sunrise curled up in kaiju form in a corner with a little hello kitty bandaid on his finger.
they'll lightly bump against a table and fucking spasm like they've been electrocuted because Wukong literally doesn't know what to do when experiencing mild pain. and then they'll turn around and Wukong will place his hand directly on a hot stove while MK and Macaque scream at him
Wukong: yknow. i have to wonder what being burned by non magical fire feels like
MK: Monkey King.
Macaque: Wukong.
MK and Macaque: dont you fucking dare
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chaos-event-horizon · 3 years
How about 1 & 9 for spicy asks~
Under the cut, and working off of both villain AND Hero Toshi. Because some of these I actually. Wrote about previously. And I might as well shoot my shot.
1: What was your first time with your f/o like?
I talked a little about it HERE and HERE, with our first kinda experience happening HERE, but to summarize... It was intense. And a very emotional moment for me. Or rather several moments, probably hours. He took gooood care of me. We'd been dancing around each other a few years and had been practically boyfriends since the beginning, with constant flirting and shit... But the first time we had sex was actually kinda mundane. We were just joking as usual, but I honestly... Just finally felt ready. I still didn't necessarily believe I was special or important, or think I was particularly loveable. But he commented on how I looked good in the shirt of his I'd borrowed, and we'd been drinking and watching a movie, and I... I looked him in the eye. And I just.
"Wanna see how I look when you take it off of me?"
And he just. Gave me a Look. The kind of heated look someone gives you when they've practiced mentally undressing you a dozen times but this time they're being METICULOUS about it. And he was like.
"If that offer was serious, then yes, kitten."
And you can't exactly dance around a sentence like that.
And of course my hormones and everything were just HAYWIRE at that point. And I had like a mini-emotional breakdown but he was so patient and it felt GREAT and quite frankly I've never had a better lover than Toshinori regardless of AUs or canons. I've never trusted anyone with my body more than I've trusted him. Because I know that even with all that posturing and the violence and intimidation and domineering attitude... He'll always be soft with me. And his attitude during important moments like when he's Showing A Trauma Victim That It's Okay To Feel Positively About Sex really proves how amazing he is as a person.
It's a semi-non-canon telling of our first time together. I wrote it a VERY long time ago so it isn't great, but... It exists.
9: Any kinks and/or fetishes?
Prefacing this by saying that all of this is consensual!
No matter what canon we're in, Toshinori is incredibly into dirty-talking. Everything from nicknames, to mild "threats" (AKA telling me he'll stop if I don't start begging to his satisfaction), to very explicit words of encouragement. He's a very dominant personality in the bedroom, and he loves watching me get flustered just from things he says. "You like that, don't you, my sweet little pet? You enjoy being a slut for me. Say it out loud." He'll just SAY THINGS and expect me to be okay? Unbelievable.
Another big one? Different forms of bondage, or just making sure I can't move and have to take whatever he gives me. He's especially find of holding my arms down so I can touch him or block him while he's concentrating on working me. Or holding ALL of me down while he overstimulates me or eats me out. No one tell him that someone can just BUY handcuffs or something because that man will literally lock me into the bed and then just grin at me and mess with me for hours. It's very hot but also very unfair and very rude. Because! I can't just to it back! He's too goddamn big for my me! You can't immobilize ALL MIGHT! Unfair.
Also? VOYEURISM. In case you couldn't tell he loves WATCHING. Like a goddamn hawk.
Also-Also SOMNOPHILIA. Man loves fucking with me (literally) in my sleep. Very hot. Big turn-on. Wonderful way to wake up. Would recommend.
Hope that was spicy enough!!!
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