#theyre literally perfext
ryssbelle · 2 months
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Characters belong to @heroesspirit
Audio is from a calebcity vine
To me it fit engineer perfectly XD
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professorllayton · 8 months
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they're literally my forever pookies until the end of time.
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abdlgossipblog · 5 months
can i say sometjing ablut BabyBunsBoutique?
1 - ive followed them from the veru start, even before she made a shop. given that insigjt, i have seen her personally talj about makng her oown pacis for well over 2 years before her shop even opened. she was already discussing th long process of makung her very own pacis at that point sk she had done this rwsearch evem before talking about it on her personal.
2 - bubblcub dosnt make completely their own pacis, its a regular paci bqse with craft foam to make ears and stuff on top. Whereas, BBB makes their completely own pacis allowing her to make any mold she wants, custom colors, etc! theres honestly no equal way yo reallycompare thm. BBB releasd first & did all the reasearch & biying of really expensive food grade resin so it wouldnt hurt hwr customers. she specifically asked that peopl 1- dont copy her designs & 2- dont be stupid and hurt peiple by trying to cut cornwrs or make their own pacis with unsafe resin thatcan causr so many issues especiallu being so near your mouth, shes always carwd abot safety fist.
3 - the only reason BBB called out bubbecub is becaus they were the first two directly copy her designs & being a huge acct bubnlecub got a lot of attwntion and blew up over this supposdly “new“ idea. it was jst really shitty overall to see BBB jyst starting up wiyh yhe besy pacis and most variety ive seen of ajyone and bubblcub swooped in to take advanage of a small shops succss and ideas. everyonr else thats copied she jyst puy a general warniny that shes working on a patent fo the idea so be careful if you copy hr direst designs. BBB is not into drama if you pay attwntion & habe followrd sinc th beginning like me!
4 - BBB also dos insane paint work wkth her desings, bubblecub xciuld never top that either givn the insane artist bun is. Bubblecub sticks to th same old sam old basic one-size rhinestones and people still hype them so hard, lilke what happenef to helping small businesses? what happened to simply givint credit? also from being a clse friwnd i happen to know whats goung to be released soon & new items tht are coming! you bey your ass BBB is going to skyrocket with this stufr, i dont know how she didnt from the very start with beint able to make LITERALLY any color and any shqpe.
5 - im on thw owners cf list & BBBs cf list, she works on thesse for weeks if not months to even years to perfext them befor doing a release, so while bubblcub can cmplain all thy want that “they thogh of it firzt“, BBB would be able anf willing to show anyone the proof of hr workimt on this long before bubblecb, and sh doesnt ever bring it to hwr story where its considered drama. whereas bubbecub would never even gv you the time of day to search for a simple time stamp bc theyre so big they dont gaf about rippiny other people ofd !!!!!!!!
• Hope this offera some insight and backstory becquse its clear bubnlecub is gwtting away wit cheap knockofrs just from how yoh guys talk about it :((( also sorry about spellin/grammar, english is not my first language and im very tired and typing fats. •
Lol I was about to say something about the spelling until I read that last bit too 😂
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broodygaming · 4 years
*the farm struggle* is watching YouTube homesteaders pour their dirty water buckets just on the ground anywhere. I walk like twenty feet at least away from where any of my animals live, because I live in western Washington and EVERY DAY is a battle against the wet. Once I spilled my water container that I’d just filled for the chickens and I legit cried hahaha. I threw the empty and shouted “the LAST thing I need is MorE FucKinG WAteR iN my RUN”
Legitimately jealous of ppl who can just. Pour water places. I need to scoop mud Out hahaha. Mind blowing.
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