#theyre so chummy and it makes me so happy
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Vincent Price, Victor Mature, and Peter Lorre
The Big Circus (1959)
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pawbeanies 1 month
mm thinking about punishing your highness. it's a regular day of us going through our routines when we happen to come across a new knight. the knight obviously wants to make a good impression on your highness, so theyre all friendly and let their hands linger for a second too long. something about it rubs me the wrong way, so i glare at them. you notice my growing irritation and decide that you wanna torture me a bit, so you play it up with the knight, getting all chummy right in my face. then, through gritted teeth holding back a growl, i remind you that we're running behind schedule and pull you along so we can go on about our day. during one of your meetings, i take some time when to do a bit of cleaning in your chambers, setting something up for you for later. when I'm helping you get ready for bed, as always, i draw the curtains surrounding your bed and you see when I've prepared for you. before you lies a pillow with a dildo attached to it and some soft rope. naturally, you ask me what it's about and what's going on. i make a comment about the new knight from before and how you acted, but you play cheeky, asking what I'm talking about. losing my patience, i push you to your bed and tie your arms behind your back, leaving your front exposed. when you realize that you cant cute your way out of this, i growl and bark commands until youre riding the pillow. but itd be too easy if i just made you go until you cum. so, i decide that for every time i tried to warn you during the conversation with the new knight that you ignored is another time for you to be edged. you can whine and cry and call me mean all you want, but im not stopping until i think youve learned your lesson. after a few edges, i decide that i could show maybe a hint of mercy. if you admit that you were trying to make me jealous, that this, my possessiveness, is what you wanted, then I'll let you cum. it doesnt take long to make you crack, with how desperate you are already. when i hear what i want, i pull you off the toy, push your face into the bed, and fuck you until you make a mess, my teeth in your neck and marking you as mine. afterwards, i release you, clean you up, and get you in the bath, continuing on our nightly routine as if nothing happened. once you're all clean and in pjs, we cuddle and eat the snacks that i also prepped. happy ending <3
- 馃尮
ughh.. ugh!!! brain melting brain melting biting you. you already know. but also reading this over a couple of times im extra ughhh youre so meannn... bully... so cruel... guh. thank you for giving mw something to think about but youuouo. uuu. hiding my face
maybee this was all part of my PLAN though... the idea of getting you riled up and possessive is very. very good. a loyal territorial type of dog...
but also wawa having it backfire so. much. is so good too... acting cheeky and cute and maybe teasing you about it (like ohh, does it bother you to have someone else's hands on me?) only to have it crumble away when you push me down.. whining when you tie my hands behind my back. huffing and saying you can't do this to your prince (!!!) but getting a little breathless being at your mercy again. ughh. you can probably see the moment my brain starts to turn to mush
aaa.. getting more flustered when you start ordering me aroundd. maybe being a little bratty at first like hmph!! why would i do such a.!! such a thing. but also squirming because being growled and barked at is. realy good. but also MEAN that you tied my arms first..?!?! like you get to watch me whine and struggle as i try to keep up with your commands?!?! so mean. maybe it's funny to watch me try and straddle a pillow while my arms are tied.. squirming helplessly on the bed but maybe i'm too proud to ask you for help even if. it is a little embarrassing
mmmeann. i wouldn't be able to last for long... sniffling whining after the first few rounds of edging only to end up begging and apologizing!! like yess i was just trying to rile you up and make you jealous (and it worked), i'm sorryyy (i'm only half sorry). finally melting melting and coming undone under you as you ruin me. ugh. ugh. mean but at least there's snuggles and snacks afterwards... im very grateful and very very veryyy clingy
but also hehe. walking around the next day with my neck covered in bruises... rope marks on my wrists. sticking to you a bit closer than usual so everyone (including the knight from the day before) knows exactly what happened the night beforee... happy ending !!!!
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kroganmama 7 years
OKAY HOLD THE FUCK UP!!! So you're telling me......after all of that......MAVIS AND ZEREF JUST ARE REINCARNATED AS FULL FLEDGED ADULTS WITH MEMORIES OF A FULL LIFE THEY DIDNT LIVE? I MEAN, REALLY? I know....i know mashima is allowed to do what he wants this was his story i understand but hiro, buddy pal chum friendo bro chummy pal dude my guy its the last chapter of the entire series and you spring that shit with no explanation?????? For real??? Don't get me wrong, I lOVE how the entire thing was meant to be a happy ending and tie everything together in a nice big bow. As consumers of media we really don't get that anymore. I'm grateful for what fairy tail HAS given me! But why does this feel like there's too much unexplained? The zervis note was like "excuse me what how." I loved what team natsu is going to do from that point on in theory, but....after dangling that sense of community in front of our faces only to rip it away with the 100 year quest? Without the context of what it isx that implies theyre not coming back at LEAST for many years! Thats a complete 180! Honestly, leaving it off at a new s-class trial would've been cool, he couldve picked any course of action for the protags honestly but he picked the one that completely derailed the point he was trying to make. Not to mention as a tried and true gruvia shipper, after that.....mildly disappointing scene several pages before, him leaving her behind to wait for him for who knows how long? DID HE LEARN NOTHING FROM THE AVATAR ARC? Yeah it sort of worked out and he sort of apologized for it, but he never really levelled with juvia. He just called her body his. After all those chapters, all those arcs, all these years we've been watching these characters grow and learn and fall and get up again, most of them arent given sufficient moments to reflect. The entire party scene is played out like a joke save for lucy who is the only one who was reflecting. I've loved fairy tail for so long. It has seen me through dark days and been a mutual love with friends who are no longer a part of my life. Maybe my standards were too high, who can say? But i went in blind to the final chapter, waiting for hiro to give me a satisfying farewell after he promised us all one. I had no expectations other than it tied it all together and the fate of the fairies was an open road of understandable possibilities. I dont know what to feel now that it's over. Im so proud of Lucy for how she tied the bow on this, but if this series is about doing things as a team, then hiro failed to cement that in how it felt like no one learned anything and lucy fucking carried the team again and did all the reflecting. It could say something about how the story was written, or maybe how emotionally intelligent and insightful lucy is. It makes some sense in a way that the series started with Lucy and it ends with her, but even she couldn't tie up all the loose ends. I wouldn't say im disappointed necessarily, but im immensely dissatisfied because ive held onto this series for so long and after all these characters that are close to my heart went through so much, it felt....to close to the start. There's a time skip, but i dont feel like anyone but lucy really grew up. Now that fairy tail is over, i kind of wish no one had seen the last chapter and we'd all live in suspense, but leave with one final fairy victory. I liked the bow that was tied for us, but for me personally the bow had too many frayed ends to not be distracting. I know perfect endings are hard if not next to impossible to write, but it felt like.....this didnt feel right. And now there's no more and I don't know what to do because this ending kind of dropped me in a gutter and there's really no way of thinking my way around it....
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