#this aaaannnddd steven universe i think? the combo of the art style and the
audio-drama · 3 years
how did adventure time make the most depressing fucking plot i’ve ever seen?? I Remember You never fails to make me sob like a baby. and that christmas episode where finn and jake steal ice king’s tapes and in the end they find the one where it’s just simon. i watched I Remember You for the first time when i was too young to process emotions that strong so now it’s the nostalgia + simon+marceline father/daughter relationship and how that was just completely lost and she was just a kid! he loved her so much! how do i cope with this. what am i supposed to do with this. i want them so much to elaborate for like 100 episodes on just marceline and simon but also that would fuck me up so bad. 
the line ‘that must be so confusing for a little girl’ shows so much compassion and empathy and then to see the stark contrast of that and ice king’s stupid face saying stupid shit makes me Break Down. it just hurts so much! it hurts and like how do u expect little me to cope with that? i DIDN’T i repressed it is what i fuckin did. jesus christ
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