#this got me into andre fucking gide
noragaming · 6 months
if you really want a bungou stray dogs fan work which gets you invested into the irl authors enough to make you read them (god knows i’ve been trying), you should check out cheese by alien_ships
it’s hilarious, it’s a no-powers au, but it’s got all these little easter eggs which are explained in the notes, and the author is very fun about it!
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maxellminidisc · 3 years
Dont reblog cause I hate white people's opinions lmao
What the fuck is "questionable" or "doubtful" about oscar wilde being a pedophile when you have literal diary entrees by him AND self proclaimed pedo Andre Gide about him liking underage boys?
What is questionable about Wildes antisemitism when literally every fucking thing he ever wrote including published, unpublished, and private letters contains his seething hatred of Jewish people?
The stupid shit white people put in that posts tags have me SEETHING you guys value the gayness of some dead fucking pedo over the fact that gay people, especially youth are consistently taught about him as being an unquestionable gay icon....
Like you want sources for that shit? Maybe read the fucking bullshit I had to read for class and you'll know or better yet literally go to Andre Gide's wikipedia and theres a DIRECT quote from his AUTOBIOGRAPHY about the vile shit he and Wilde got up to. Fuck you.
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